A Month in Italy

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Dream vacation shows how hot his wife really is.
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The sun was working its way high into the sky, illuminating another beautiful Tuscan morning and a fool on the hill. Sitting under the tree, sipping water and watching the windows down below, I couldn't help but wonder why I was wasting my time. Nothing was going to happen, you idiot, what were you thinking? Just get back on your bike and at least get some kind of bike ride done today!

That was one of the reasons we had come to stay in Lucca for a month was for me to enjoy riding and hiking through the Tuscan countryside. Yet here I was spying on my wife. I had never suspected my wife, Alexandra, of infidelity before; indeed, in our almost 25 years of marriage she had never shown much of an interest in sex. Not that I'm complaining. I've never been a highly sexed guy and didn't usually mind that we often went months between our bouts in bed (our two grown kids showed we had sex when we were younger, at least twice). I still considered myself lucky to have a woman like Alex to spend my life with. We enjoyed lots of similar interests, from reading to travel to wines, yet were also quite capable of letting one another have their own space. So this first long vacation with no kids was designed to allow for both shared time together and time alone.

This meant that we would enjoy not only exploring the walled city of Lucca together, but also take daytrips by train to such places as Pisa, Florence, Viareggio, and San Gimagnano. On days set aside for us, I planned on biking, hiking, and photographing out of the ways sights. My wife planned on spending her time visiting museums, cafes, and stores while working on expanding her fluency in Italian, (she was primarily raised by Italian grandparents who had originally come from Tuscany). She had not mentioned taking on a lover to help learn the language.

Fiddling with my Canon SLR digital camera as I set in the shade, I was becoming more and more certain that I was wasting my time. Alexandra was still inside our apartment just outside the old city, sitting in her robe on the balcony, enjoying the sun while she read. As I focused on her and snapped a couple of pictures, I reflected on what had been said yesterday evening. Sharing a nice burgundy, Alex looked at me in all seriousness and asked if I thought she was sexy. (Now, my wife is an attractive woman, a tall brunette with large though somewhat sagging breasts, an ample ass, still firm legs, and a pretty face with light green eyes and a friendly smile. But I don't put the word sexy with her. There is too much in reserve, a lack of spontaneity, and a too apparent desire to always do the right thing. Not exactly the woman you thought of when you wanted a wild time in the sack.) Well, I took too long to answer, because by the time I tried to assure her that she was indeed sexy, Alex just shook her head and changed the subject. Instead of going to the beach resort as we had planned, she asked if I would mind if she spent the day relaxing. Something about the way the conversation turned, and her distracted behavior the rest of the evening led me to sitting under this tree, spying on my unsuspecting wife to discover why she wanted the day to herself. Just a simple conversation led me to wasting a glorious morning like this one.

It was a little after 10 when a white Fiat pulled up in front of the apartment. I watched through the camera lens as Alex left the patio to walk back inside. Was there someone at the door, I wondered? I could only see our upstairs bedroom and outdoor patio from my vantage point, so I could not tell if she were answering the door or not. In fact, as I waited, I realized that even if she had a lover, if they stayed downstairs, they could do whatever they want and I would never see them. What a joke that would be if I spent the day attempting to take photos of my wife with her Italian lover and the whole thing take place outside of my vision!

Some ten minutes later, my wife came back into our bedroom, her robe completely open, showing her voluptuous nude body. She was followed closely by not one, but two young men, one of whom looked vaguely familiar. My god, I thought, as I snapped the first of many erotic photos I would take on this day, she has two lovers! And it quickly became clear that she was planning on taking care of both. My wife sat on the bed with her back to me, and took out the men's cocks. She spent the next five minutes alternating between the two, letting me see little more than her head bobbing up and down. Then the taller of the two men stepped to the side, stripped off all his clothes, stroked his thick dick while he watched my wife giving his friend head, then lay on his back on our bed.

Alex stopped sucking for a while so that she was able to remove her robe and mount the cock that was being presented to her. She faced toward the man's feet as she crouched over the hard dick below her, and then lowered herself slowly down on it, engulfing it completely. She bounced up and down on it for a while as the one below grabbed her ass before pulling the other cock back into her mouth, taking a dick in each end like a porn pro. I had a great view from the side as she sucked and fucked with an enthusiasm I had never seen. I had never seen her look so sexy, and when the man she was sucking came, she showed no hesitation in swallowing his cum. She had never done that with me, using oral play just briefly as a way to get me hard, yet now she was looking as sexy as only a woman can with cum on her lips.

As his friend sat on the edge of the bed, resting, the man being ridden pushed Alexandra off and had her lay on her back so he could mount her. Now she gave her full attention to this one man, wrapping her legs around him as if trying to pull him deeper inside. He fucked her with hard deep strokes for 8-10 minutes before cumming inside her.

Now the three of them lay side by side on our bed, my wife in the middle. They were talking, laughing, and teasing each other as they rested. In just a few minutes, the one who had cum in her mouth penetrated her from behind while she kissed and cuddled her second lover. This continued for several minutes, making it difficult to get any shots showing much of my wife's body, but eventually the man not fucking my wife got off the bed and sat in a chair to watch. This allowed me to see everything, as Alex lifted one leg to allow her lover better access, and me a much better view. He played with her full breasts as he fucked her, and it was clear that my wife was cumming more than once as she was able to easily play with her clit as he fucked her.

Having cum once already, this fucking lasted at least 20 minutes before he came for a second time. As soon as he withdrew, his partner was on the bed, positioning my wife on her knees so she could take him doggy-style. I had loved this position the few times we tried it, since her pendulous breasts swung wildly whenever I fucked her in this position. From my vantage point, I was not disappointed as her young lover vigorously drove into her, bumping hard against her ass and forcing her boobs to flail about as if they had a life of their own. My dick hardened as I watched Alex push back against him as if he wasn't giving her enough cock. Damn, she was sexy! From her face it looked like she was screaming for the entire 15-20 minutes he drilled her, but unfortunately I was too far away to enjoy the sounds.

After she had taken her fourth load in about an hour, Alex put on her robe and escorted her Italian studs, clad only in their boxers, out onto the outdoor patio. She went back downstairs and brought up some wine and some cheeses for snacks. Once they were all sitting and eating, my wife actually let her robe fall open, sitting virtually naked for any of our neighbors to see! This from a woman that never had put on a bikini and refused to go to a nude beach! What a slut!

Apparently the snacks and wine were just a reason to let her lovers recuperate, because in less than an hour, Alexandra pulled her two lovers back to bed. She placed the shorter man on the bed and climbed on top of him. While he was doing that, the second was putting some type of lotion on his cock as he approached my wife from the rear. My god, she was going to do a double penetration with these two strangers! As I watched in astonishment (and a raging hard-on) the second cock entered her ass slowly. It took a few minutes to achieve full penetration, but once accomplished, the two cocks went in and out like well-oiled pistons. Alex looked like she was in ecstasy as the 16 or so inches filled her over and over again. It looked as if she were born to fuck, and as I watched I wondered if she had been doing this all through our marriage. I doubted it, but I found myself thinking that I wouldn't mind if she had. All I could think of was that I wanted a shot at fucking this sexy woman! And this woman was my wife of over two decades!

After well over 20 minutes, the man in her ass came followed in a couple of minutes by the guy nailing her pussy. The three lovers lay together and rested again for maybe 15 minutes, but when I saw the men getting dressed to leave, I hustled over to my bike. I wanted to get home before my wife even thought of getting cleaned up, and since it was a ten minute ride to circle around back to where we were staying (and I had to avoid letting her lovers see me, in case they knew who I was) I was in a hurry. I had never looked forward to a ride more in my life!

I walked quietly upstairs to find Alexandra lying on our bed, fingering her cheating pussy. She screamed in surprise when she saw me, explaining, "What are you doing here?" I could have asked her the same question, but instead I said, "I've been thinking that you really are sexy, and that I wanted to come home early and prove it!" I walked over to the bed, stripping out of my biking togs to show off a burgeoning hard-on. She was obviously disconcerted, not only because of what she had just done, but also because I had so rarely come at her in such a macho way. There was little she could do, however, other than just lay there and let me mount her, letting my dick slid into her cunt that had just received four loads of cum while I was out "biking'.

It was the greatest fuck of my life! Her cunt was so fucking hot! I don't normally cum very quick; it's more likely that I have difficulty getting hard or maintaining an erection. Not this time. My cock stayed hard as a bat as I enjoyed the sloppy, wet feel of her cunt. I kept telling her how great she felt, and my wife explained that she had been horny since arriving in Italy, and that she had been masturbating all morning. What a crock, but I wasn't complaining. I had never enjoyed sex so much. I told Alex we'd have to make sure she had plenty of time to play with herself the rest of our vacation, because this was the best fucking of our marriage. My wife actually responded by saying "Honey, I'll see what I can do about keeping this pussy (she actually said pussy!) nice and wet for you then!" What a sneaky little slut!

I wasn't planning on letting her keep her lovers a secret. After we took a nap, (she had plenty of reason to be exhausted), I told her about what I had seen. At first she tried to deny everything, then she tried to apologize, insisting it was the first time and that it would never happen again. When I finally convinced her that I wasn't upset, I just wanted the truth, Alex finally admitted that she had started the affair over a weak ago. The taller young man was named Pietro, and they had met just two days after we arrived. Since he worked nights (he had looked familiar because we had gone to the bar he worked at one night) they met during the day, and after a brief flirtation, they had become lovers. He made her feel sexy, something she had never felt before, and that she was willing to do things with him she had never done with another man. (She looked guiltily at me when she said this, but having already witnessed her lovemaking with him, this wasn't exactly news.) When he said a friend of his would love to do a threesome with them, at first she was shocked, and then intrigued. That was why she had changed our plans for the day; it was the friend's day off.

Of course, much of the time Alex was crying, saying how sorry she was, how she hadn't meant to hurt me, and that she would not see Pietro again. I was having difficulty convincing her that her cheating had been a turn-on for me, and might be a way to add some spice to our rather dull sex life. (She agreed that sex had never been a focus of our marriage, and that maybe that had been a mistake.). Finally after I made a supper of pasta, wine, and snap peas and even cleaned up afterwards (I explained that as "full" as her day was, she could probably use the rest) she started to understand that I meant what I said. In fact, late in the evening when we were making love for the second time that day (neither of us could remember the last time that happened), she was even able to joke that "Alan, if my making love with other men is going to make you more helpful around the house and get your cock hard as well, then I'll take a lover for every day of the week"! Definitely a sexy slut!

The next day we took our postponed trip to the beach resort of Viareggio. Most of the time we spent discussing our changing relationship. As a way to make things up to me, Alexandra wore a thin sundress with nothing underneath. On the train ride, she looked almost virginal, but at the quiet resort (it was early spring and the crowds weren't there yet) she unbuttoned enough to show a little leg as well as some very appealing cleavage. She even flashed her breasts completely when we somewhat alone, letting me have some great photos with our small digital camera. I tried to talk her into letting me fuck her on a secluded section of beach, but after teasing me about how she can't believe "you could even get it hard", she refused to put herself in such a compromising position. After much negotiation, she finally agreed to sit on my face in the dunes. That way she would be completely dressed so that if someone came along all she had to do was slide off to the side.

She actually did it too! I lay on my back on the sand while my wife straddled my head, and lowered herself down on me. I was in heaven as I licked Alex's moist pussy in public! She was obviously turned on as well because juices were flowing, and after cumming once she was actually encouraging me to take my dick out and play with it! But no sooner than I had it out and had gotten hard then I felt my wife slid off my face and saying 'cover up, quick!"

Another couple was walking down the beach and though they were too far away to have seen much, they had to have wondered what the hell we were doing. When they walked by, they both smiled and nodded. We smiled back and tried not to laugh, especially when the woman said in a heavy German accent as she passed, "Careful, the sand gets in everything"! When we made love again that night, (three times in just over 24 hours!) I teased my wife about how sandy she felt.

During the day, we had reached an agreement concerning how to deal with her affair. While we both wanted it to continue, I wanted to be there and watch the action! Alex was uncomfortable with that, saying she didn't feel comfortable with Pietro being aware of our decision, nor with making love in front of me. ("What if I'm screaming about how much bigger his cock is then yours, Alan" she queried? "Wouldn't that make you feel bad?" I assured her that I could deal with it, but she just shook her head and replied, "Well, we'll see.") She did agree to film their encounters from now on, telling Pietro she wanted a record of her "Italian affair". Alex told me she would not let me see the tapes until we were back at home, saying I should be plenty hot enough just knowing her pussy was getting plenty of "Italian sausage" whenever I wasn't around.

So our vacation continued. We still took our daytrips together, but she was able to get together with Pietro five times, and with both Pietro and his friend Remy once. (That was the film I most wanted to see. She told me later they took turns videotaping her as the one of them fucked her, and then set the camera up on the tripod to tape a double penetration scene. It should make the stills I have of them pale in comparison.)

Three of the meetings with Pietro happened at our apartment, and Alex said the camera stayed mounted on the tripod the entire time and caught them in more positions than "you and I have been in together in our entire marriage". Twice, she and Pietro went on daytrips together. On those trips, they took our digital camera and snapped shots of Alex 'being naughty' in a variety of places, from museums, to piazzas, to cafes. They even went to Viareggio together, and my wife agreed to fuck him on the beach, and she is sure at least a few people saw them. Christ, I wish there were some photos of that. Of course, we were making love almost every day for the first time in our marriage, even on days she wasn't getting together with her lover. All she had to do was show me a little skin, or mention how slippery her pussy was feeling, and I was ready for action. Our sex life was the best ever, and as my wife loved to remind me, I was still "in second place, Alan, in terms of the amount of cum you're pumping into me. Pietro still has a pretty good lead on you, honey." What could I do but keep trying my best?

As I reflected on the vacation on the flight home, including the early morning blowjob Alex had given me as a way to say goodbye to our Lucca apartment, I couldn't help but be amazed at how much my wife had changed. I looked over at Alexandra and said "I can't wait get home to see all those videos and photos you've been taking the last couple of weeks." My wife smiled, replying "You know, Alan, you may be see me live if you play your cards right!"

When I asked what she meant, she responded, "You know, I don't think this is just going to be a vacation we can forget. I feel like I'm going to want outside lovers when we're back at home as well." She waited to see if I disagreed, and when I stayed quiet, she continued. "I've been thinking about who we know that might make a good lover, and Darryl comes to mind."

"Darryl? Biker Darryl?" Darryl was the only single guy in the group I regularly bike with, and he happens to be the only black guy I bike with as well.

"Yeah, you don't mind if I fuck guys you know, do you?" I hadn't thought about it until then. "You've said how he can go all day, and I'd like to find out if that is true. I think it should be lots of fun, don't you?" I didn't want to disagree.

"Of course, my August is full already." I looked at my wife questioningly. "Oh, I guess I forgot to tell you. Pietro is going to be spending his vacation with us this year."

"What are you talking about? I thought he didn't know that I approved of this?"

"He doesn't yet. I told him that given time I could convince my husband that it would be in his best interest for me to take on a lover." She rubbed my crotch surreptitiously as she spoke. "Give me a couple of weeks, I told him, and I'll have my husband so hot for the idea he'll even spring for the plane ticket! Was I lying, darling?" I had to admit the idea of a live-in lover was exciting, though I was a bit nervous about how it would work to have another man living with us, servicing my wife in our own bed right in front of me.

"Now", Alexandra added mischievously as she stood up, "maybe I can find someone willing to join the 'mile-high club' with me." She gave me a kiss and walked down the aisle. I looked back over the seat, thinking, "Yeah, I'm married to some a sexy lady . . . and I sure as hell hope she's kidding!"

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26thNC26thNCover 3 years ago
Oh Bal

Cuckolding is alive in you says KingDick. The problem is that it oozes out in LW, and it stinks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

IT’S NOT TRUE AT ALL that a woman who has “too much in reserve,a lack of spontaneity and a too apparent desire to always do the right thing” can’t be called “sexy”!This is SIMPLY RUBBISH!IF SHE IS ATTRACTIVE AND LOOKS WELL,SHE IS SEXY!EVERYONE KNOWS VERY WELL that the word “sexy” IT’S USUALLY LINKED WITH THE PHYSICAL APPEARANCES and MUCH LESS WITH THE BEHAVIOUR OF A PERSON(a woman in this case)!And why on Earth wouldn’t a woman who always wants to do the right thing be sexy?!What a BIG NONSENSE!A woman like that CAN PERFECTLY WELL BE SEXY AND GREAT IN BED,exactly because SHE ALWAYS WANTS TO DO THE RIGHT THING!ALWAYS means ALL THE TIME,so THAT APPLIES FOR WHEN SHE HAS SEX,TOO!Then,a woman who is not spontaneous CAN BE VERY SEXY AS WELL!She could be A GREAT LOVER,even if she lacks spontaneity!STOP WRITING SUCH HUGE RUBBISH and WAISTING OUR TIME with it!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

You are not 'straight' change your profile to GAY SISSY BOY WITH NO PRICK. Just fucking DIE already. There is no point to your continued exsistance.

KingRichard923KingRichard923over 13 years ago
No you don't

You not only like these fantasies, you share, they are alive in you. Have you ever mentioned them to your wife? Don't give up on her. She's worthy of all you can bring to her in love, as so many people are. Enjoy!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Good to Hear About Women Who Let Loose

Vacation is a time for fun, and if giving a couple of new cocks a workout with her hot pussy is her idea of fun, then she should go for it. Apparently her husband likes to see her tits bounce even if it isnkt done by his own fucking. Good for both of them.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
No Men in This Story..........

.......just some studs. Hubby has a low self esteem as partially evidenced by his admission that he and his wife rarely had sex. Of course, he didn't arouse her and he obviously didn't feel that he was a sexual being - no kidding.

Watching her, I would have hoped that, after a few hours of hurt, (remorse and sadness of - oh - say 2 hours) that he would have packed his bags and when she finally stopped him at the door for an explanation, he could just tell her - your new life is yours - apparently here, mine is back home and I need to hurry and get there! BUT - Nope, he's a wimp!!!

Okay, it's just a story, well written but you had her become one hell of a sexual vixen - slut?-maybe because she was married. Now, if she finally realizes she is getting something she always wanted and just now found out how it was and how she was attracted to guys and then tells him she wants to separate, divorce and just be friends, then go for it. Staying married, YUP, she's a whore and a slut and she knows hubby will keep her and abusing him (even willingly) makes her a cheap bitch with no class.

Wow, still a good story - Thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
Liked it!

We're headed to Lucca in the spring for a week or so. Maybe my wife can get fucked by a couple of Italian stallions as well. She would like that, and I'd like to watch, with her tits swaying back and forth like in the story! Ummm

calibeachgirlcalibeachgirlover 13 years ago
Not Again!!!

Another bitch and a ho! and an asshole for a husband...

Read "The Principal of the thing" to see what a real man does with his bitch ho of a wife.


AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

if they think this is a solution to save their marriage, they're sadly mistaken. This marriage hasn't a hope in hell of surviving, especially now that she's become a slut.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
1 star.

Does the plane crash on the way over a volcano? And they all die? Kill'em all and let Satan sort them out.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago

Can't really stand women who will do things for other men that she will not do for her husband, and do it first with him. Men that let these wives get away with shold never be allowed to breed and dilute the gene pool

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
1 star


BobNbobbiBobNbobbiover 13 years ago
You are never too old . . .

. . . to take a vacation together. Marriages, like batteries, need charging. Good fun read.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
yeah yeah

any dubmber and you have the IQ of a vegetable.

AnonymousAnonymousover 13 years ago
voyuer category?

thin plot and bland story for LW, mediocre stroke story but in wrong category

BigJohn601BigJohn601over 13 years ago
Ditch the Bitch!!!!

He may not have much of a sex drive, but that doesn't mean he should bend over and hand her his balls.

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