A New Way of Seeing Things Pt. 03 Ch. 22


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Gwen sat up, his now limp member sliding from her to nestle between her lips as she continued to straddle him. "Punishing you? For what?"

"You know, making you to go get ice, tying you up and leaving you...I was kinda calling the shots. I know you don't like people telling you what to do."

"I liked you telling me what to do last night—and this morning," she insisted. "I'm just not used to it. I have to admit it was a little outside my comfort zone, but that's part of why it was so exciting, I think."

Tim laughed. "Well, that's why I thought breakfast and after was your way of getting back at me."

"It wasn't that exactly, it was just that I wanted to be sure that I could, I guess, still be in control if I need to."

"That's why I was a little nervous about asking you to do that stuff—I knew you said you would if I wanted you to, but I didn't know if you really meant it, or were just trying to be nice..."

"I did mean it. I think a man who's confident—and brave-enough to tell me what do is very attractive. It's very sexy." Gwen lewdly slid her hips back and forth over him.

Tim arched an eyebrow and lightly slapped her asscheek. "Oh, yeah? So, I guess in that case, go get me a beer, woman."

Gwen crossed her arms defiantly and laughed. "I didn't say all the time. Ask nicely and maybe we can go get it together."


"Your brother wanted me to warn you that your father caught wind of the fact that you guys are thinking about forming a partnership."

Gwen smiled over at Natalie carefully guiding Tigger up the rutted section of trail. "I know. He called me as soon as he found out. He still doesn't quite understand why we're doing it, but he promised that Adam would be available to give us whatever help we need. How's he coming on the paperwork?"

"Good, standard stuff so far, from what I understand. He's waiting on the financials and worth appraisal."

"So are we. I think we're both a little worried the business isn't worth as much as we think it is."

"Adam doesn't seem to think that will be a problem."

We'll see."

Gwen had eagerly awaited Natalie's arrival that morning; she had spent far too little time with her lately, something her sister-in-law keenly felt as well. They had plenty to catch up on, things phone calls just didn't seem to do as good a job at.

Gwen smiled at the topless rider by her side. "Speaking of Adam, when you had your, uhh, model of him made, did they call you after to see if you wanted any alterations?"

Natalie smiled back. "You mean my dildo. Sure did. I think they do that after so whoever you're having recreated doesn't hear that you might like him a little bit bigger, or wider, or both. Don't want 'em to think their perfect cock could be a little more perfect."

"I suppose that makes sense, but won't they notice anyways once you get it?"

"Maybe, maybe not...maybe they just prefer to think they really do look like that."

So, did you, uhh, enhance Adam?"

"I really wanted to put a turtleneck on him, you know, a foreskin, just to see what he'd say, but I just asked for him to be a little chubbier since I like 'em that way. I don't think he even noticed; he probably thought he was just having a really good day when they took his measurements...so I'm guessing you got a call, too. Did you get Tim supersized?"

Gwen laughed. "No...I think it's perfect just the way it is."

"Awww, that's so sweet! How'd he react to the whole measuring thing? Little Tim didn't get shy or anything like that?"

"No, he was really good about it, probably better than I would have been." The Slut laughed and questioned her honesty.

"So you guys stayed in Atlanta overnight, right? What else did you do while you were there?"

"Oh, nothing much...a little shopping, dinner, decided to expand the business, back to the hotel. We did almost miss check out time Sunday morning, though," Gwen added with a mischievous smile.

Natalie giggled. "I'm sure it wasn't because you overslept."

"No..." Gwen hesitated, deciding the time was right to try and resolve one of her nagging concerns about her behavior over the weekend. "Can I ask you something? I know you told me once that you let Liz tie you up sometimes just because she likes to do that kind of thing...if you wanted to be tied up, that wouldn't be weird enough to get worried about, right?"

Her sister-in-law smiled. "Alright, out with it, who got tied up, who did the tying and what were the circumstances? I want details, woman!"

"We did a little shopping at Cho's after Tim's measurements. He wanted to get some cuffs, you know, the kind that go around your wrists and ankles, and, well... I let him use them on me that morning before we came home. That's why we were late checking out."

"I knew it! I knew it! And you liked it?"

Gwen could not look her companion in the eye. "I guess I did, yes. That's weird, right?"

Natalie laughed. "No, not weird. A lot of people like it. There's a reason Cho sells that stuff—people buy it and use it. I'm not surprised you like it, probably more than you're letting on. I think it runs in your family. Your brother likes me to tie him up from time to time, too, although it almost killed him to ask me to do it the first time. You Currans have a pathological need for control, so you probably think it's very kinky to have to do things you're not supposed to be dong and have it be someone else's fault for a while." On the other hand, Natalie thought with a grin, your mother would make a superb dominatrix. Who knows, might already be. An image of the whip-wielding leather-teddy clad Curran matriarch came to mind before she returned her attention to Gwen. "So, nope, not weird, completely kinky, and completely normal. The nurse in me has to warn you about any rough stuff that might go with it, though—don't let him get carried away. Saw a couple of people come into the ER with some rather embarrassing injuries back in the day..."

As long as we're baring it all, why don't you ask her if running naked down a hotel hallway is weird, the Lady asked, or letting another woman use your husband for hand job practice. Gwen ignored her, instead making sure she understood the meaning of "rough stuff", remembering the incredible variety of paddles, whips and clamps she had seen at Sensual Sensations. 'No, no rough stuff! He just tied me up and then, well he left for a while. I was so scared someone might come in while he was gone!"

Her riding partner smiled knowingly. "I'll bet you were...imagine someone seeing you naked and you couldn't do a thing about it...you'd just have to let them look, or worse..."

Gwen shifted in her saddle uncomfortably. Natalie knew quite a bit about her darkest fantasies. "You and Adam don't, uhh, no rough stuff, right? I'm just now getting used to the idea my little brother has sex; I can't bear the thought of him getting tortured."

"Oh God, no!" she laughed. "I just tie him up and tease him until he begs. I love to hear big tough lawyer guy promise me anything if I'll just finish him off. I do have a leather bustier and thigh-high black boots though, make me look like a badass! I might have to borrow one of your riding crops for next time, just to make him worry a little. I promise I won't actually use it on him. So how long did Tim leave you tied up?"

"I think he was gone about an hour, and then another forty five minutes after that, I guess."

"He let you off easy! I finished Adam off after three and a half hours our last vacation. I wasn't even there for the first two hours. I just left the room and let him imagine what I was up to without him. I came back and made up some very detailed and explicit stories about where I had been for the next hour and a half. I think he was ready to believe anything I told him."

"What kind of stories?"

"Oh, you know...things I know make him really horny."

"Oh...do you really think my family is like that? You know, controlling?"

"Don't you? Admit it, there isn't a Curran out there that doesn't want to be calling the shots when they're in public. In private though? We know there's at least two of ya that like having to be someone's plaything for a while. It wouldn't surprise me at all if John and Barbara have some things hidden away for special play dates, things that neither one of 'em would ever admit to."

Gwen wanted to argue, but couldn't. She was forced to admit the "calling the shots" remark certainly applied to her parents as well as John. He had stayed on the West coast after law school and joined a firm out there rather than join the family's because he hadn't wanted to work for his own father. A mental image of her very serious, respectable older brother, really a younger version of her father, tied to a bed while her equally respectable leather-clad sister-in-law hovered over him came to mind and was quickly dismissed.

"So what did he do between the time he came back and when he finally let you go?"

"You know..." she demurred. "Some touching, he massaged me with some baby oil...Cho gave me something while we were there, he used that on me. That kind of thing."

"Oh, really? What kind of thing?" Natalie purred.

"Well...you remember Neal? The male model at the party? She, uhh, gave me a reproduction of—him."

"I know who Neal is," Natalie said with a laugh. "You're a lucky girl! So, is it accurate?"

"I guess, from what I remember."

"Oh, I think you remember just fine. Sorry Gwen, but we all noticed how you kept checking him out. I figured it was because you hadn't seen many up close and personal. I have to admit, up close it IS quite a specimen."

"You ALL noticed? Oh my God, I'm so embarrassed! I didn't think I was looking at him like that."

"You were and don't be, no harm in admiring works of art. Don't tell her I told you, but Liz was trying to get Gita to ask you if you wanted to touch it just to see your reaction."

"I probably would have crawled under the table and died!"

"Yeah, maybe, but you can be full of surprises...does Tim know the story behind your not-so-little gift?"

"Cho left a hint on the card, and I didn't want to lie to him, so..."

"And he was alright with it, knowing it's from a guy you know?"

"I think he was. I mean, he used it on me...I think he liked seeing it—you know, in me."

Natalie smiled. "Of course he did."

"What do you mean by that?"

"Nothing, nothing, sorry...hey, is it alright if we stop at the picnic meadow for a while? I've got some time before work and it's just such a beautiful spot on a day like this."

The horses were tethered in the shade, Natalie shucking off her boots and jeans while Gwen laid out the small blanket she had tied behind her saddle, joining her sister-in-law on it once her own clothes had been shed. They lay together, eyes occasionally opening to look into the cloud-flecked sky before closing again to enjoy the quiet of the field and surrounding forest.

"How's your friend Cricket doing?"

Gwen's eyes popped open in fear that perhaps Natalie had somehow found out the depths to which their relationship had descended. That's ridiculous, she quickly rationalized. Only three people know about that, and none of us would have said a word..."She's good. She's over here most weekends riding."

"I ran into Ali at the grocery store. She said Cricket was here more than her."

Gwen rose on one elbow and looked at the nude woman lying next to her. "Ali's not mad about that, is she? She knows she can come over whenever she wants—"

"Ali's fine with it," Natalie said with a laugh, not bothering to open her eyes. "She's glad that you have someone to ride with-she worries about you out here alone. If anything, she feels bad that her schedule makes it hard to come over more than she does."

"Tell her I'm fine," Gwen gently retorted as she lay back down. "I'm a big girl."

"So, I have to guess you two didn't just go to sleep after dinner Saturday night," Natalie deadpanned. "Am I right?"

"No," Gwen answered truthfully, thankful the discussion seemed to be moving on from Cricket. "I can't believe I'm telling you this, but Tim told me to get some ice down the hall, so I did."

It was Natalie's turn to get up on one elbow and look over, her heavy breasts spilling down across her chest. "I have to guess you're telling me this because there's more to the story than just ice?" she asked with a knowing grin.

"I had to do it without clothes," Gwen replied, turning her head and squinting from the glare of the midday sun.

"Ooohh, naked dares! I love those!" her sister-in-law gushed. "So much fun!"

"You've done that?"

"Not for ice, no, although now that you've done it I'm gonna have to try it just to keep up...naked pizza delivery is our thing."

"Naked pizza delivery?"

"Yeah, we order pizza, I answer the door in a towel and let it drop—accidentally, of course."

"Really? Is Adam there when you do this?"

"It's his idea half the time. He gets a kick out of seeing how the delivery guys react to another guy's naked wife. I don't even bother with the towel when I open the door for room service at the resort in the Caribbean we go to, but I don't think it's as big a deal for them since they've got the nude beach." Natalie's hand found Gwen's stomach and gently stroked. "Anybody see you when you were getting ice?"

"No, I don't think so. There was an older couple that got off the elevator and could have seen me if they knew where to look, but I don't think they did." She laughed. "Tim got a video, though. I told him he couldn't show it to anyone."

"Anyone?" The hand was moving further up and down her midsection, fingers grazing the bottom of her breasts and the top of her dark thatch. "Even me?"

"Why would you want to see that?"

"Because it sounds incredibly hot and you naked in a hotel hallway is something I never, ever thought I'd see when I first met you. You know you scared the hell out of me back then, right? Almost as much as your mother?"

"Me? Why?" Gwen was sure she knew the answer, but she had to ask for appearance's sake.

"Because you were so serious, so stern, and I thought you and your mother were going to join forces to get Adam to see me as a bad girl, which I kinda was and still am, and a bad idea, which I didn't think I was then or now, and by that point I had really fallen hopelessly in love with your brother. Things certainly have changed! Look at you now, naked and," Natalie bent to deliver a soft kiss while she slid a finger between Gwen's legs, "wet. So, can I see the video of the really hot chick doing a naked ice run?"

"You'd have to ask Tim," Gwen deflected, wanting those lips back, hoping for the finger to stay right where it was.

"I will." She was kissed again, kissing back, her free hand reaching for Natalie's body. She briefly missed the lips as they again left hers, consoled by the guess as to where she thought they were going as they traveled down her neck to tease a nipple. Natalie's finger was now boldly probing deep inside her, pulling moisture from her opening and spreading it across already-wet pussy lips before returning for more. Gwen was disappointed when her attempt to return the favor between Natalie's legs came up short as her sister-in-law sat up and got to her knees.

"You're getting a little untamed down here," she said with a smile, her fingers taking a quick detour to run through the tufts of Gwen's thatch before returning to her slit. "Want me to trim it up when we go back down?"

"I can't-Danilo—the photographer—asked me to let it grow out until the photo shoot so he can decide on my hairstyle thennnnnnn ohhh that feels good," Gwen gasped and moaned, a finger now deliberately circling her clit.

Natalie nodded. "Ahh, yes, the photo shoot. That's alright, I think I know the landmarks well enough by now to know where I'm going." She bent, gently kissing her carpeted mons, sliding down until her lips stopped at the top of her slit. A tongue flicked at Gwen's partially-hooded nub and she squeaked in welcome as Natalie's hand snaked down under her thigh to slide a finger in her opening. Her own hand found its way up her sister-in-law's thigh, to where her sex was presented; Gwen slid a finger up and down the abundant lips before pushing through them to fill Natalie's opening with one, then two fingers while a thumb rocked against her clit.

Gwen's hips rocked back and forth, trying to help guide her sister-in-law to the most sensitive spots. And then suddenly the tongue was gone, the pussy surrounding her fingers also withdrawn, and Natalie reversed herself to straddle Gwen's leg. "Is this what you need?" she asked breathlessly, a smile on her face, her mons pressed solidly against the woman below her. "Because I know I do." Gwen reached for the ass straddling her thigh, her hips beginning to circle in response, creating even more blessed pressure against her clitoris. "Oh God, that feels so good," Natalie groaned and bent to capture a nipple between her lips. Gwen offered it gladly, her nipple and areola hungrily kissed, licked and nibbled.

Natalie abruptly broke contact with Gwen's breast, throwing her head back and squeezing her eyes shut. "Oh-oh-oh-oh yes, oh yes," she chanted, her climax building steam. Oh, so good, so gooodddd—" her arms locked at the elbows, fighting to keep her upper body from falling heavily on the woman below her while her lower half gave up the fight and sagged against the thigh between hers. The waves finally passed and she allowed herself to gently sink down on to Gwen, conscious of the sex beneath her still grinding into her hip, fighting to bring about her own orgasm. "Here," she said softly, rolling to her side, encouraging Gwen to roll on top of her. "Turn around and bring yourself up here where I can get at you."

Gwen got off the panting woman and turned, lying on her side with a leg bent at the knee to prop herself open.

"No, get on top of me," Natalie offered, gently pulling at her upturned hip as if helping her to understand.

"I don't want to crush you," Gwen replied unconvincingly, her body anxious to regain the contact that had broken. The orgasm that was even now stalking the edges of her senses made debate difficult.

"I think we've proven that's not gonna happen," Natalie replied with a laugh. "You're light as a feather as opposed to some others that have assumed the position. C'mon, bring it up here. I want to kiss your beautiful pussy." Gwen brought a knee over the blonde's head, her pussy inches from the woman's face, crouching lightly over the big, beautiful breasts that had fallen a bit to each side. "Closer honey," Natalie coached, one hand on the front of her sister-in-law's thigh to compel her further back while the other hand pressed lightly on her back to settle on the body below. There was contact, glorious contact, and her body ground against the rediscovered pressure. "Mmm, that's better," came the muffled voice between legs as a tongue drew a line from her clit down, splitting her lips. Gwen sagged against the tongue, a part of her worried about her weight on the person below her, just as she always worried when in this position even as her climax built from the delightful contact. She crouched heavily on knees and shins, her upper body dead weight against Natalie's midsection, her head nestled between the vee of two raised thighs.

In the end it was the feel of her clit against Natalie's chin that triggered the climax's storm of sensations, a tongue delicately probing her folds and the entrance to her opening. She took the gentle insistent pressure from Natalie's hands pulling her down that she was not smothering—or drowning!-the poor woman between her legs, the soft tickle of her breath on tingling lips confirming she was breathing easily as Gwen lay heavily on her body recovering. Natalie was in no hurry to make her move, allowing her to choose when to roll off to the side. They lay together, head to foot, looking up the sky, resting, recovering. Natalie made her shift with three minutes to spare.

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lowkeyonelowkeyoneabout 6 years ago

Your story telling is superb. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Best Stories on Literotica

Thank you so much for your writing style, pacing, and character development...all three are fantastic! Keep up the great work! I found these stories about six weeks ago and have savored reading them over these last weeks. I love what you are doing, and say, with much enthusiasm: keep it up!!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

The way you grow the people and story line is just right, so looking forward to the next chapter thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Worth the wait!

Worth the wait as always!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Ongoing pleasure treasures

Always Incredible delicious details in your highly arousing style which keep us anxiously awaiting your next presentation!! Your cast off characters are stimulating in their various encounters, thanks again for your highly creative exciting pleasure treasures...Gwen, Natalie, Cricket shoe shopping, to the beach the mall!! Visual Heaven!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
always waiting for the next chapter

Your saga of Gwen's growth has been a monthly draw to the site. The latest chapter continues the heat and intelligence Thank you.

WoodsLord_3540WoodsLord_3540over 6 years ago
Never failing to please

Needless to say, you are maintaining a high standard, not just for the imaginative description of the fucking and sucking, but also the story line of everyone's life.

And now that Gwen has "accepted" bondage, how about a little exhibition back on the island, with an audience? Really thrill the Slut and make the Lady speechless.

Or, bring along Cricket; that would thrill Tim, to watch the two women in his life in the sun.

Thank you.

HoltarenHoltarenover 6 years ago
Fantastic, as always.

Brilliant. Please keep up your outstanding work.

HarleyusaoneHarleyusaoneover 6 years ago


Did not mean to post anonymously

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago


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