A Partner's Guidance


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I peeked down at her, the effort to keep my body in check tensing every muscle I had. I was afraid that if I moved any more than that I'd lose myself. I was terrified of the possibility. She seemed like she knew it, too. She was concerned for me, her brow knitted in worry.

"You're fighting it, aren't you."

I could only whimper in response, her insight robbing me of any protests before I could even form them. She was doing this for me. I was making this hard, harder than it had to be. But...this sucked. It SUCKED. I didn't want...I just wished...

"Chris...I'm only going to ask you one more time. Are you ok with me doing this for you? With me guiding your change? I don't think we're going to get another shot at this."

I felt my lips quiver, afraid to answer, afraid of what it would mean. But I had to trust her. I didn't think I'd be able to stop myself at this point, anyway.

So I nodded, a single time.

"Then, Chris...I'm sorry, but I think we have to rip this bandage off. I can't stand seeing you like this. So..."

She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath, seemingly trying to prepare herself for whatever she intended to do. Then, without waiting another moment, she burst again into speech, the words pouring rapidly out of her, her voice forcing them to leave as quickly as she could get them to, as if their presence within her caused her pain.

"It's so weird, you having that wide hole between your legs, don't you think? Wouldn't you like it to change? Can't you feel it trying to? Don't you feel like it should be sealed over? Completely smooth? Ready to become what you'll need to be a new woman?"

And, her speech finished, she reached down between my legs, grabbing my pussy in her hand and pinching it closed between her fingers.

My body instantly seized against the back of the chair, my ears numb to anything but the words ringing within them.

So weird. Too wide. Needs to seal up, so it can change, so it can grow and fill and bloat with my juicy white-

My muscles were suddenly unresponsive, leaving me in danger of sliding off the seat where it not for Dani's body pinning me down, her fingers digging in to the skin of my crotch, refusing to let-

-the unnecessarily wide gap between my legs open ever again. I again swam in her words, letting the truth of them sink into and surround me as-

-I felt a horrible fire arise within me, the muscles and walls and SPACE of my vagina becoming apparent to my terrified mind, clenching as hard as they could within me, the lips of my labia pulsing against Dani's fingers, trying desperately to cling to their existence, to deny the-

-undeniable truth of my lover's words, foolishly certain they were to be destroyed, unable to accept that they weren't disappearing, that they were instead only being molded into something new, something wonderful.

"I know you can feel it, Chris, and I know it scares you", Chris kept talking, her grip on my labia only tightening, her fingers rubbing and kneading the skin between them, seemingly trying to force the flesh together through sheer pressure alone. It should hurt. I knew it should, the most sensitive part of my body being so viciously handled. But I could barely feel anything, the skin she held in her fist almost numb, the rest of my body numbing along with it, preventing me from doing anything to stop her as she continued to speak, her voice muffled yet crystal-clear to me as she spoke from her hunched position, my own voice refusing to stop her, as if even it refused to help me fight against what was coming.

"But it's happening", she continued. "You're not going to have a vagina anymore. It's gone, and neither of us can do anything about it."

I felt it throb between my legs, my clitty straining along with it, contracting in time. It, and only it, still had strength and will to deny what Dani was saying. To lash out against words that increasingly struck me as right, as desirable, what every part of me other than my cunt wanted for itself.

"That doesn't have to be a bad thing, though. It won't be, I promise you. You can remember what it was like to have it, remember the sensation of your pussy on and in your body, even as you let it go. Even as you let yourself become something just as beautiful, just as feminine and powerful, yet different. Better, even, if you let it be. I'm not letting it go until it's sealed over, either way. Until you've taken the first and biggest step towards your transformation. And I need you to allow it to happen, Chris. I know it'll feel good for you, that it'll feel right and wonderful as you stop fighting it, as you let your body prepare itself for your new you. I bet you're already feeling good, aren't you? Your muscles relaxing, the tightness within you fading, just sinking into the bliss of your new form, even as your pussy sinks into you, even as it seals and fills up deep inside. Leaving only what's truly important within you, smoldering as they wait to be reborn. I've felt it, and I know you're feeling it, too."

And as she spoke, I could feel my body agreeing with her, the muscles I desperately tensed steadily, one by one, releasing their tension. Allowing it to flow out of me, replacing it with only warmth. Allowing myself to sink into the fabric beneath me, to feel nothing but the wonderful heat of my lover's body atop me, feel as a contented bliss welled up within me where she touched, where she sat upon me, where I could barely feel her hand grasping my crotch. I felt as a terrifying, glorious bubbliness welled up within my stomach, filling me, whisking away the discomfort and pain and twisting, stomach-churning anxiety and WRONGNESS I'd felt since discovering what was happening to me. I felt as, one by one, the flexing muscles of my vagina, the pulsing lips Dani held between her fingers, slowly faded from my awareness, no longer heeding my calls, instead replaced by a satisfied fullness, knots of discomfort within me loosening, her hands become like those of a masseuse, rubbing and guiding me as-

-I prepared myself to become better, as my little lover helped me become the woman I was meant to be, even as I let go of the woman I had been. I felt as my entire body seemed to lose its will to fight against the change that was to come for me, instead-

-moaning despite myself, Dani's fingers against my womanhood bringing me to something not quite like an orgasm, but not quite unlike it, either, the muscles of my body, of my back, of my limbs all stretching eagerly, celebrating their release from tension, the feeling of them limber and liberating. My mind was overcome by pleasant euphoria, unable to focus on the fear and anxiety I had felt moments ago despite my own suspicions of what was happening to me, what I was losing along with my stress. My body twisted to and fro beneath Dani, working to extend the sensation, basking in the release her hand had given me, even as I could barely feel it withdraw from me, the sensation more one of released pressure than of the sensitive, acute awareness I'd expect of the skin of my pussy.

All I felt with the same acuteness I remembered was the slight rush of air against my clitty as her hand passed by, sending an involuntary series of pulses across its length, the only muscles in my body still active busily pulling, and pushing, and wiggling my clitty stubbornly. Its length was pressed down annoyingly tightly as it pulled up unpleasantly, then fell back down, over and over, the consistency infuriating. I couldn't see it below Dani's bottom, but that didn't make me any less aware of it. It had been left out of the release I'd felt.

Dani hadn't finished changing me. I wasn't done. I hadn't cum yet. Not yet. Not really. I couldn't. I didn't have my balls yet. My penis hadn't finished growing in. All that had happened was-

"...It's done, Chris."

I watched, helpless, as Dani's back straightened, then twisted, her face turning to look at me. She looked...sad. But not a normal kind of sad. More...melancholy. Like she knew something had irrevocably changed for her, that her world was fundamentally different.

That our lives wouldn't be quite the same ever again.

"I'm going to show you, ok? And it's going to be hard. But you're strong, Chris. I know you'll be able to handle this. And once...once you've accepted it, that'll be it. The hardest part will be over. Everything after this will be happy, if you can only get past this first hurdle. Ok?"

I couldn't answer, my jaw hanging slack, my mind racing, denying the dull feeling I had between my legs, even with it blocked from my view. It couldn't be. It wasn't over. I was still a woman, I knew I was. I was still my girlfriend's little Chris, her female lover, still able to spend every night cuddling next to her as she ground her fingers against my vagina, making me shudder with happy pleasure. I could still feel the pounding of blood through my nether lips if I really focused, I was certain I'd be able to. I watched, my eyes widening, hoping against hope to see the soft rosy cleft enclosed by my thighs as she lifted her own, shifting off of me, sliding down my legs to stand again on the floor, leaving my lower half exposed. Letting me see...letting me look at...

My eyes became blurry as I felt tears welling up inside of me, building up and spilling across my face as I looked at myself. As I looked at the smooth olive skin between my legs, completely featureless and smooth, not even the slight hill of my mons remaining, the only thing of note a pulsing, vulgar, beautiful length of glistening pink flesh, now almost as tall as my hand was long, as thick around as my thumb. My vagina gone, leaving only an empty expanse of flesh. Like I was a doll. Like I wasn't truly human, anymore. Like I was left unfinished, the parts meant to be on proud display on my crotch yet to be created, yet to grow into the delicious, thick rod of lady-prick built to spurt out the contents of my juicy-

My world shattered into tears, and sobs, and the soft, comforting feeling of Dani's body, of her chest pressing against mine forcefully as she leapt into action, as she did her best to snake her arms around me, to hold me and reassure me as I wailed, utterly consumed by the loss of what I had been, and of what we had been. As I lamented the loss of a life I couldn't get back, a part of me that was taken, never to be returned.

And as I cried out in happiness at what my lover had done for me, despite how hard it must have been for him. As I let my tears flow freely, let them stream down my cheeks only to be wiped away by Dani's loving hand, allowing them to bathe me, to mourn for the bittersweet loss of one life while baptizing me with potential anew. As I let my tears ebb, instead focusing on the warmth of the body again atop me, and on the organ ready to take its rightful place below him, prepared to grow out and harden and replace my flower with a different one, a new bloom just as beautiful and powerful as the last, my body ready to be pollinated by my lover's words and release its seed into the world, and into him.

"It's okay, Chris. It's ok to cry. To...to let it all come out of you."

Her voice seemed to break as she spoke, my sheer emotion affecting her too, empathy threatening to break the dam behind her own glistening blue eyes.

"But as you do, I want you to know this isn't the end. I want all your tears to take your sadness away too, Chris. I want them to replace it with hope, and happiness, and contentment. I want you to feel your body welling up with confidence in yourself, in the woman you still are, in the girl I still love. I want you to let yourself move on, and think about the good to come, the beauty to come, letting your past remain while still pushing forwards into your future. Letting yourself change into the woman of your dreams, letting me bring you where you need to be. And, ultimately...I want you to accept your new self. Your new sensations, and abilities, and...organs. I want you to let yourself enjoy it, Chris. Let yourself make love to me again. Let me help you cum with me as I show you that you haven't lost anything. That your vagina isn't gone. That you've only traded it in, altered it for something different, but just as amazing."

I hiccupped, the motion bouncing Dani's body on my own. She seemed a little smaller than before, if only just. My pussy wasn't the only thing that had changed. I felt the tears slowly stopping, leaving only trails on my cheeks, my sorrow slowly being whisked away with her words, a soft, gentle appreciation for the person sitting on me replacing it. As I felt my breath slow, becoming deeper, steadier, I let myself focus not on what had become of me, but on what had become of my lover. Her diminutive body doing its best to embrace mine, compressing the soft flesh of my tits, her form slightly dwarfed by mine. It was an abnormal sensation, being bigger than someone else, if only by a bit, watching as my boyfriend let himself cuddle me, calling out to me to pull through for us both, to be strong and stoic and hardened, in more ways than one, feeling as gravity pushed his rear against the sensitive nub of my soon-to-be penis, the cloth of his panties the only thing stopping me from-

"Do you still hear the voice, Chris? In your head?"

I nodded weakly, my energy gone, taken away along with my womanhood. It was there, all right. I was almost drowning in it, hanging off the eroding cliff of who I was with my fingertips, the churning waters of my traitorous mind's words angrily beating against the cliffside, threatening to send me tumbling down to drown in them, to lose myself in their waves.

"Well, you shouldn't be. Or at least, you shouldn't notice it, shouldn't fight it. That voice is just you, Chris. It's a part of who you are. It's your erotic, powerful, womanly sexiness begging you to let it free, to embrace it and make it yours, to indulge in your body and let it make you feel wonderful. It's not who you'll be all the time. It's just the lust you feel bubbling up within you, churning inside of you, begging you to bathe in it, to let it fill you with energy and exuberance and pure, undiluted passion. To let it help you play out your desires as we make love, before falling away, letting you live your life as normal. As the girl you always were, always will be. It's not an enemy, Chris. It's just you."

And suddenly, the cliff wasn't there anymore, nor was the vicious ocean below me. Instead, I stood on the lip of a diving board, the warm summer sun beating down on my naked flesh as I looked down at the calm, inviting pool mere feet below me, its waters sparkling in the light's rays. I hesitated to jump, though I wasn't sure why. I heard a giggle from behind me, turning my head to look at Dani's radiant body, clad in an adorable frilly blue-and-white two-piece swimsuit, lying flat against her body. Except on her crotch, where her penis pushed the fabric out, tenting it cutely. I felt my own twitch at that, her form turning me on despite myself. As it always did.

"Jump already, you goof. It's not gonna bite", he said to me, nudging me forwards towards the lip of the board, urging me on, trying to stoke the tiny flame of confidence in me. And as I looked down, as I contemplated his invitation, I couldn't understand why I had waited, why I'd been afraid of the water below me. It looked soft. Blissful. Inviting. I bent my knees, preparing myself to launch off, feeling...feeling...

Good. Very good. Filled with lust, and power, and wellness. And love.

My vision sharpened slightly, focusing only on the...on the boyish figure pressing itself against my chest. On his form, or her form, it shouldn't matter. It DIDN'T matter. I focused on DANI'S form, his breath rising and falling in time with mine, as his warmth and affection seeped out of his body, infusing me with strength. With confidence. With desire to be one with him, so long as he wanted it. So long as Dani wanted me to treat her like the alluring, impossibly hot male I'd only imagined, like the horny little devil she could be whenever she chose. So long as I myself wanted to assume the role that would let me treat her like him. So long as I wanted to be the strong, and dominant, and oh so very SEXY me. And ONLY so long as we wanted to be them.

I wrapped my arms around his form, eliciting a start of surprise as I did. I lifted him up, raising Dani's face to my own.

And I pressed my lips to his, finally giving up, allowing my body to jump off and into the pool, the feeling of the sun-warmed waters flowing and swirling about me, cradling me in a reassuring stew of passion. I felt the ripples created within it as Dani joined me, plunging into my world of lightness and bubbliness and burgeoning happiness alongside me, embracing me tightly as we reassured each other of ourselves with our bodies, letting ourselves sink deeper into the pool's depths as we pawed at each other, explored the changing sensations we shared, and the not-yet-changed sensations we would soon share.

Dani pulled back, pushing his hands onto my no longer quite so modest breasts, a tentative smile appearing and widening as he looked at me. "Are you ok now, Chris? Are you ready to keep going? To-"

Yes. Yes, I think I was. Dani's words were inside me now; I didn't even have to hear him speak before I found myself agreeing with him. Allowing his vision for my body to take me, his methods for my mind to guide me. It was far too late to turn back, anyway. And, truth be told, I really only felt the need for one thing right now. His words were helping more than he could know. The worst part was done. I didn't need to think about it anymore. I looked down, mesmerized by the shallow gulf between our bodies, a dark abyss narrowing down past the perky mounds of my new tits, past the gently heaving erected nipples on my lover's uniform chest, down still deeper towards the barely-visible twitching nub of clothed flesh pressed tightly against my crotch.

I shot a hand into the cleft between our bodies, suddenly possessed by a flaming desire, interrupting Dani's continued speech as I cupped my hand onto his crotch, feeling the back of my hand rub against the insensitive featureless flesh of my groin.

How long was I going to have to wait until I got to feel MINE between my legs? He must be getting lonely down there.

"When am I going to get one of these, huh? Seems a little unfair now, me not having anything and all. You'll have to share."

And with that, I pressed my hand into the fabric of his panties, giving the adorable penis I knew was hidden within a squeeze.

"Nnnngg", was Dani's only reply, his body tensing against mine as I stroked and fondled the smooth, soft stick of flesh I had unintentionally brought into our lives, as I felt and caressed the organ whose storied existence had signaled the start of this whole affair. As I felt it slowly harden, imagining how it must feel for him, how strange it must be to experience the blood flowing into it, feel as it expanded on his body, gently pressing into my palm, lightly thrumming with lusty energy as it did. How nice it must be for him to feel it pump, pressing out the liquid lubrication I could suddenly feel against my hand, allowing itself to become nothing but an object of pleasure, preparing itself to be stroked, and fondled, and loved.

Imagining how I'd soon get to feel the same, once my own penis grew in. Once the only sensations I could still feel within me, the twin burning, throbbing, needy orbs of fire inside my belly fell down to their rightful place, pushing out of my body and making me complete, working to convert all the limited, delicately womanly cells within that I had been born with into the abundant, virile womanly cream I would soon be reborn with.