A Peeping Mom Ch. 02


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I tilted my head and watched as multiple thick streams left, the first three holding the same power and amount as his first, only after the fifth did he start to slow, but he still was able to squirt out another three. As his cock sputtered out the very last of his cream William fell back on the sofa, his chest rising and falling rapidly, "H-Holy f-fuck...that was amazing, thanks mom," He nearly coughed out before finally letting go of his shaft,

"You really are very pent up, aren't you honey?" I softly replied as I let my eyes look down at the thick ropes of cum that were laid out on our table, a small pool of it at the top where William consistently hit. "You made quite a mess,"

"Sorry, I just...god, I couldn't stop, it feels so good when you watch me do it," William weakly explained, "I'll," He continued with a small gulp, "I'll clean it up in just a second, my head still spinning,"

I flicked my eyes from the sea of cum and my exhausted boy multiple times before letting out a full smile, "That's okay, sweetie, I can get it. Why don't you go to your room and relax,"

"Really? You don't mind?" William asked in some surprise as I got up and walked over to the kitchen, grabbing a roll of paper towels from the counter, "I can do it, seriously,"

"It's fine, Will, honest. It's only going to take me a second, and I'm sure that took a lot out of you." I simply replied as I tore off a piece and walked over, slowly scooping up my son semen like it was simple water spill. After a moment I crumpled up the very wet paper towel in my hand, causing some of his sweet juice to smear against my palm, "See, all done,"

"Thanks..." William blankly replied, his cock twitching slightly, apparently cleaning up after him was one of his turn-ons...it instantly was already one of mine too. "So, um, you're okay with still doing this now?"

"I'll admit, it does make me a little uncomfortable still, but I accept that I've put you in an unfortunate situation so if we need to do this until you find another way to express your sexuality, then I'm willing to do that for you," I explained. Acting as if I was merely doing a motherly thing instead of getting drunk off the sight of my son blowing his fat loads in front of me.

"Okay, thanks," He sighed as he reached down and pulled his shorts back up, "And if I need to do this again..."

"Just come find me, it's not like I need to do anything besides watch, right?" I replied with a short laugh. William returned it before walking towards me and giving me another long hug, "You're welcome, baby," I instantly said,

"Yeah, thank you, really mom, this is awesome." He reiterated, almost as if those phrases were the only ones he knew anymore. Then just like that he pulled away and ran off up to his room while I walked over to the trash and tossed the densely cum covered paper towel away. I washed off my hands of his cum before shaking my head and tossing off any lasting lewd thoughts.

An hour later I was making us some late dinner and William came down to eat like normal. I was honestly feeling a little relieved that he wasn't showing up naked or something, and during the meal, he didn't act out in the slightest. William held a normal conversation, asked me about my day before letting me know what he did, it was a sweet and straightforward conversation. After we finished eating William informed me he was going to take a shower, which he liked to do to get out of clean up, and just like always, I let him go without a fuss.

Another hour passed by while I cleaned up dinner then took a shower of my own, only during the very end of my routine I heard a soft knock on the bathroom door, "Mom, you are done showering?" William's muffled voice asked.

I reached over to our bathroom door from the sink and quickly unlocked it, opening it up for him, "Yes, something wrong, sweetie?" I asked while I continued to brush my teeth,

William stepped past me, squeezing into our small bathroom and moving to the other side of me, "Yeah, everything's fine...sorry to ask but I kinda wanted to, you know?" He hinted while motioning down to his crotch.

I gave a quick glance down and almost smirked when I noticed the firm tent in his pajama pants, "Sure, just go ahead, I'll keep finishing up while you do it,"

"Seriously, right now? You don't mind?" William grinned while dropping his pants in an instant, his stiff cock springing free and slapping up against his stomach. I let out a small muffled laugh as I continued to brush; meanwhile, William was taking a seat on top of the toilet and already stroking himself,

"No, honey," I replied before spitting out the toothpaste from my mouth and letting the sink run. I leaned over and took a quick sip, rinsing out my mouth quickly, spitting for a second time, "As I said earlier, if you need to see me to...finish, then I can help you with that anytime." I said feigning innocence, in all honesty, I loved that I agreed to this. It felt like the perfect way to continue doing this without letting it go too far, I got to watch my son stroke his cock, he got to have me watch, but we weren't technically crossing into incest...perfect.

As I looked back to William I got an adorable sight, his body was leaned forward, and he was trying to inspect my bottom while I was bent over the sink. I nibbled at the bottom of my lip, this was the first time I noticed real ogling from him, perhaps he had done it before, but he wasn't being bashful any longer. I cleared my throat to get his attention back which he gave only long enough to say, "Sorry, but your butt looks...I mean, in your shorts it's just kinda there," He babbled while his eyes traced my rear end. I got the gist pretty quickly when I slept, I always wore either shorts or just panties, and that left little to the imagination when it came to my lower half.

"Is looking helping you?" I dumbly asked, acting as if I didn't know what men liked, of course, my son wanted to look at my ass...I wanted him to. As soon as William nodded, I stood up and turned towards him, letting my ass fully face him. "There, honey, take a good look and finish off so we can go to bed," Instantly William was pumping himself like a bat out of hell, his whole body seemed to jump up with each pull while his eyes stayed glued to my backside. "Again, be easy, baby, don't hurt yourself," I calmly said for the second time, wanting him to last a little long so I could savor the moment.

"R-Right..." William mumbled back while slowing his strokes once again, "I just didn't want to...want to waste your time," He absently said while standing up and inching towards me, his steady pumping continuing,

"No touching," I reminded him, halting William in place, "But don't worry, I want you to feel satisfied by the end, so you don't have to rush on my account," I felt the need to add on. It was a difficult thing to fight with your inner slut, but I needed to make sure both sides of my mind were being expressed here. William needed to know that I wanted to be his jerk off material while also staying his mother, I know, it's a crazy thing to try and do, but I needed to try. "Here, why don't you sit back down so you don't do anything you shouldn't," I continued causing my son to slowly back away and fall back onto the toilet.

He let out a little smile as I moved towards him and planted myself in front of him before spinning back around, so my ass was nearly eye level, "Yeah, that's perfect," William groaned as my ass was displayed for him like a film in a movie theater. "Could you bend over though?" He sweetly asked me,

"Of course, honey," I agreed while bending right over, jutting my ass even closer to his face. I heard another little grunt causing my eyes to shut; I was grinning like a schoolgirl with the football captain, the sound of my son's fist tapping against his full balls sending little shots of pleasure through my body. I desperately wanted to push my shorts and panties right down, let him take a look at where he came from, let him inspect both my holes before allowing him to blow his load right over my supple cheeks, but I just couldn't. I didn't really know it, but I was already falling into a mind over matter situation, and this was only the second session of this new deal.

"God, yes mom," William groaned, I quickly opened my eyes and marveled at the sight before me. In this position, I found myself with a perfect view of William's cock between the opening of my legs. I could see his left leg starting to shake while his hand stroked faster than ever, then he let out a short yell and exploded. I almost wanted to yell out with him as his first shot flew out and landed right on my ass. He instantly aimed his cock back towards the side, letting it spray cum all over our wall.

I slowly stood back up and turned around, watching his eyes squeeze shut while he worked out the last bits of his load. He was letting out soft grunts with each hard pump and, though I missed the exact amount, it looked as though he worked out a good five streams. Then with a long groan, he let go of his cock and sat back, taking in a few needed breaths, "All done?" I softly asked,

William nodded before licking his lips, "Yeah, god damn, mom, I love looking at your ass. We can do that again, right? As long as it's just looking and nothing else?"

"Um...maybe, we'll see about that," I reluctantly replied, not wanting just to give him free reign to use my body as his personal porno mag, though the thought did sound a little...interesting, if not fun. I slowly turned back around, "However, you need to clean that off of me," I said while showing William the thick glob of cum he shot on my left ass cheek,

"Oh shit!" He exclaimed as he rapidly tore off a piece of toilet paper and wiped the fluid off me, "I'm so fucking sorry, I know I wasn't supposed to do that! It was an accident, I swear to god!"

"It's okay; it's okay, William," I softly assured him, "Our bathroom's small and I was rather close, if anything, this is my fault,"

"O-Oh...oh thank god, I was thinking I really screwed up. But don't worry, I'll be sure to keep myself under control from now on, never aiming towards you," He warmly replied like the considerate boy I raised him to be,

"I'd really appreciate that, sweetie." I agreed as I stood back up and turned to face him. William pulled his pants back up before tossing the used tissue into the wastebasket, "Now, off you go," I ushered him out with a flick of my hand,

"But the wall..." William mumbled while thumbing over the cum streaks that continued to leak down,

"Don't worry; I can get it," I easily offered, readily accepting the idea of cleaning up another one of my baby boys loads. Maybe I'm being foolish or blind to my own actions, but I wasn't exactly sticking to my guns on our original compromise. I was only supposed to watch him, not let him look at me, cum on me, albeit an accident, and clean up after him.

"Thanks, mom, night," William stated before I could even think about changing my mind. I returned the goodbye before looking around and finding the towel I had just used to shower, seeing as I was going to wash it regardless, I used the damp cloth to wipe away the streams of cum from the wall.

After a few more minutes of cleaning up, and brushing my wet hair, I was ready to head off to sleep and finally put this day to rest. It was a long crazy one to be sure, but it felt...good. William and I may not be having a traditional mother-son relationship any longer, but I couldn't help but feel ours was becoming stronger! I mean, at least now my son was always going to want to spend time with me, and what mother could hate that?

The more I even thought about it; it really wasn't as big of a deal as I was making it out earlier in the day. Yes, I shouldn't exactly be looking at his penis, but who cares, it's not like anyone besides me, and my son will ever know what's happening. I tossed this thought around for minutes, expecting to pass out while still thinking about my new situation; however, I was thrown from my dozing off state by William's voice, "Mom! Mom, come here, please!"

In an instant, I was up and rushing to his room, "William, honey, is everything okay?" I quickly asked as I pushed into his bedroom, only to find him pumping his cock on his bed, "Oh, good, you're okay," I sighed back,

"Y-Yeah, I just really need to do it once more tonight, then I promise, I'll leave you alone," He groaned as he stared at me, his eyes nearly pleading for me to allow it.

Of course, I couldn't just tell him, no, being given a case of the blue balls was no way to get William to bed anyhow, "Sure, sweetie, it's okay. You're quite...turned on this evening, hmm?" I remarked was walking over and taking a seat at the edge of his bed while watching his stroking hand,

"Yeah, I...I just can't stop, this feels so fucking good now, way better than when it was only me," William grunted back, "I never finished this hard or much before you started watching me,"

"You really are much like your father was when he was your age," I noted aloud, "Actually, we sometimes did things like this." William looked up to my eyes and silently stared at me in some shock, "Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sure you don't want to hear about what your mother did with your father." I giggled while covering my mouth slightly,

"You did this with dad?" William blankly asked, "Did he like it when you watched him jerk off?" He continued, sounding a bit more interested,

"Well, it wasn't exactly just me watching him. It was sort of a game we played when we were young and constantly horny, like you are now," I smirked back,

"W-What was the game?" William gulped, his stroking slightly increasing in speed,

I thought about it for a minute, asking myself if I should tell my son such things but at this point, I couldn't find the real harm in it. "If we knew we'd both have the whole day free and we could spend it together, we'd play a heavy teasing game." I began to explain, "He'd jerk himself off and tease me with edging himself, but I wasn't allowed to touch him. If I touched him, then we didn't have sex that day. However, if I could make it the whole day, no matter how many times he taunted me, blew a load on or around me, then we'd fuck all night. It was one of my favorite things we did," I laughed before shaking my head, "It was quite ridiculous, don't you think?"

When I looked back over, William's jaw was dropped, and his eyes were wide. He hand was pumping away like he was witnessing something more erotic than ever before, "D-Dad's a fucking idiot for leaving you," He finally said after nearly two minutes of silence, "I'd never have done that,"

"I know you wouldn't have, Will, you're a caring, sweet young man," I tenderly agreed while petting his head, "You may share your father's libido, but you don't share his character. He didn't want a family, or a girlfriend now that I think about it, I think all he wanted to do was get off,"

"Jackass..." My son muttered back, some disgust hanging off the word,

I let out a small laugh through my nose and brought my hand away from his head, "Don't mind him, just focus on finishing up, we both need to get some sleep anyway, so the faster you're finished, the better."

William flashed me the sweetest smile and picked up his pace, "Okay, mom, and thanks again for this. I know it's weird right now, but I bet this will be normal before we know it,"

I couldn't help but laugh in response, William was trying his damndest to make sure I wasn't going to change my mind on our deal by morning, "Don't you worry, mommy will be here whenever you need her," I warmly said. I watched as my son shut his eyes and intently began to focus on ejaculating, his body was already starting to tighten up and even slightly tremble, I could tell he was close. "Just let it out one more time, baby," I encouraged in a soothing...or perhaps seductive voice, I couldn't tell if I was trying to help him or myself with that phrase.

"M-Mom..." William growled out before tightly gripping his shaft. I quickly raised my brow, Will was holding so tight that it must have hurt! Then with a slow exhale he loosened his grip and I...I felt my whole cunt quiver. A thick, fat glob of my son's cum poured out his tip and rolled right down his head. My lips parted and I instinctively licked them as this stream of spunk seemed endless, a perfect white river running over his cock and hand, pooling right on his mound.

I cleared my throat and lifted one leg up, crossing them in an attempt to remain civil and proper in the face of one of the hottest sights I had ever seen. The amount of control William showed during his orgasm was almost as sexy as the amount of cum my baby boy was able to produce. After a good solid minute of soft grunts, William sighed in relief, "All done, honey?"

"Y-Yeah, that was...god, thanks mom, I'm gonna sleep great now," William lazily replied while he continued to take some heavy breaths,

"Well, a good night's rest is important," I lightly joked causing him to chuckle back weakly. Once more, we both went silent, this time, however, I couldn't take my eyes off William's messy cock. He needed to be cleaned up, and...well, I had already been doing that all evening. William's head turned as I reached over and pulled out a few tissues from his box, "Here, let mommy clean you up so you can sleep."

I knew using the word mommy would get to William almost as much as me actually cleaning the cum from his cock. As I reached down and carefully cleaned up his hand, William's breathing picked back up, and he lifted his head, observing. After a minute of gathering what spilled over his hand, I began to dab and wiped off my son's cock from his seed. I heard a cute gasp, followed by a low moan as I did this.

It took a few minutes to get done, but afterward, there wasn't a single drop of William's spunk left on his body. I looked up at my shocked son and leaned over planting a soft kiss on his forehead, "Sleep tight, baby," I warmly told him before getting up. I wasn't blind to the fact by cleaning up his cock, I was pushing things, but I couldn't be bothered enough to care, I wanted to do it, and I knew William wanted it too. And as long as I didn't go any farther than that, everything would continue to be okay...right?

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

DUDE...this chapter with the mother's POV was even hotter than ch. 1....I know it's been awhile...but PLEASE continue!!!...AWESOME

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great story, please continue it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Please continue this story. It is extremely hot and arousing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great story. When will we get chapter 3?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I've read this numerous times. It is so erotic. When will we get chapter 3?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

You gotta give us more of William and Carrie!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

i remeber when my mom touched end of my cock one time wow,never will forget it

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Insightful story

After going through the gamut of emotions, many moms enjoy having son jerk off for her. Quite a few like to tease son with cleavage, upskirts and "accidental" flashes. It is a thrill to get son aroused and know he masturbates for mom.

jackson2346jackson2346almost 6 years ago
Very Hot!

Great story, really gets me going as I always wanted my Mom to watch me or catch me, but alas it never happened. Please keep the story going, thanks for writing it.

shagalotshagalotalmost 6 years ago
Very Good

I am enjoying this story so much thank you for your effort , as for the readers who tell you to proof read /spell check etc they always seem to be anonymous quite a revealing thing if you ask me ,as there work cannot be checked and pawed over ,but somehow feel qualified to critique every one else's work , my advice to you John Locke 4 is carry on your writing in your own way ,to those who do not like it they have the option to not read your stories ,but i for one will read your stories ,i will also add you as a favorite author , all the best to you and please hurry with the next chapters .

mikeronmikeronalmost 6 years ago
Jacking off in front of mom.

I loved your story, it brought back fond memories of my hot mom watching me jacking off. I was JUST a teen and so horny all the time. It took me awhile to talk her into taking off her clothes while I jacked off. It was so fucking exciting cumming all over her body.

grayge37grayge37almost 6 years ago
Three stars only.

For more enjoyable reading, please use a spell check routine and/or a proofreader in the future. Too many errors are very distracting.

Your story is too good to not improve using this suggestion.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
More please

The next time they're together in another room, mom should see how long he'll last when she jerks him off! And after he leaves she could use her tongue as a clean-up device. And then the next time she jerks him off, she should let him cum directly into her mouth! How ever she does it, mom needs to Stop Wasting His Cum! It NEEDS to be in her body! SOON!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Hot story.

I like how this story us progressing. Very hot! You do a good job with the expressing the mothers weakness

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

I wish some writers didn't have an aversion to the word "Of." If you want to write with good grammar it should be "A couple of weeks" not "A couple weeks." I realise it is an Americanism but writing is international other wise it starts to look like the author is uneducated or lazy. I'm sure many will laugh at this but I hate lazy writing or "Text speak" trying to pass as proper written English.

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