A Perfect World


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All the while, her digits moved wetly up and down, tracing the furrow of my sex, forcing my hips to follow their cadence. Cindy whispered encouragements and endearments in my ear, sending ripples of lust through my body.

Despite the slow buildup, I wasn't prepared when she plunged her fingers between my inner folds. "Oh God!" I cried out.

"Better brace yourself, darling, 'cause I'm just getting started." Cindy taunted.

Her fingers moved on me so sweetly, opened me, delved inside me, then curled, extracting my juices. She moistened the hood of my clit with it, circling around. Watching, listening to me, sensing from my sighs and moans just which touches drove me wild.

Putting a finger on either side of my clit sheath, Cindy began to massage up and down, as if it was a penis and she was jacking me off. God, it felt so good. I cried out as she used her fingertips to coax my clit from beneath its hood.

With the finesse of a virtuoso, Cindy caressed the underside of my engorged bud, spread my nectar across it and stroked it relentlessly between her forefinger and thumb. Tension mounted in me and my muscles flexed. My back arched higher, my hips lifted off the bed, leaving me balanced on just my feet and shoulder blades.

Her fingers left my clit to penetrate me again.

Pumping in and out of me steadily, Cindy bent her head to cover my nipple with her warm, wet mouth. She suckled with a rhythm that matched her fingers. My loins thrust back at her, impaling myself on her hand.

I heard my voice begging her to fuck me harder.

She obliged.

The sweetness of my friend's mouth on my tit and her fingers in my womanhood were unbelievable. I had never felt anything quite like this. Sure, I've had men suck my tits, but they had only done it as a means to an end. But Cindy... God, it was as if she was adoring my breast... bathing it, licking it like a delicious drop of cream, nipping it playfully, drawing it deep into her mouth.

I opened my eyes to see her lips wrapped around my nipple and further down her hand driving in and out of me.

"Jesus, Cin... that's sooo good! so... so... " I trailed off, losing the words in a haze of ecstasy.

She looked up from her handiwork and smiled, "I know, sweetie, I know. You didn't think I was the only one who was gonna scream, did you?"

Her mouth descended on my nipple once more. Supporting my curving back with her left arm, she gripped the soft flesh of my ass in her hand.

Her right hand must have been a blur.

In and out.

Thrilling me.

In and out.

Fucking me.

In and out.

Long smooth strokes.

Liquid sounds echoed from the bedroom walls.


I could feel my juices flow and I knew that they were streaming over her fingers.


My hips pumping furiously.


My nipples hardened and crinkled to tight nubs. The tingling spread. My heart raced, sending the blood pounding through my veins.

"Fuck me, Cin," I managed to gasp.

"You going to cum for me?"

"Yes . . ." I wanted it now. Needed it.


"YES!" I was so close.

Cindy's eyes met my mine, the intensity of her gaze fanning the flame within me.

"Say it!"

"I'm gonna cum!" my voice was a plaintive wail, laced with desperation and exhilaration.

The walls of my cunt grabbed hold of her each time she thrust into me.

"That's it, sweetie, just let go for me." Her voice was husky with lust. I could see the veins in her neck.

I threw my head back and screamed her name. I'd never felt anything like it in my life. Crashing waves of the most intense pleasure ripped through my body. Muscles clenched and released. My pussy walls contracted around her fingers, flooding them with my cream. Bright bursts of color exploded behind my tightly closed eyelids. My nerve endings were a complex jumble of competing pleasurable signals.

But, eventually the violence of it ebbed, until I was only jolted by an occasional aftershock. Cindy lowered my hips to the bed and eased her dripping fingers from my sex.

Crawling between my outstretched legs, she looked up at me mischievously and asked, "How's my honey-pie?" "My dear," I replied when I could catch my breath, "I can say, with conviction, that I have been well and truly fucked."

"Glad to hear it." she giggled. "But, I hope you don't think I'm done with you yet."

"Oh no!no!no!no!no! Sweetie, I am done. I give. I surrender. Whatever you want to call it. No more or you're gonna kill me."

Cindy hooked her arms under my thighs and pulled my hips closer to her face. Between playful kisses on my still seeping labia, she answered, "Oh, I think that's a gross exaggeration. There's plenty more juice in you yet. Besides, if you surrender, then you're mine to do with as I will, right?"

Her lighthearted pecks (which I must admit, did feel lovely) deepened.

Gliding her hand over my tummy and rib cage, she cupped and fondled my right breast. Cindy's palm covered my rapidly hardening nipple and began to stroke me.

I couldn't believe I was responding to her so soon after cumming. Usually, I was too sensitive and needed a while to come down before I began again. But, I could feel that wonderful tingle between my legs, the warm glow spreading through my body, and I knew she would have me again.

I gasped as Cindy continued to massage my sensitive orbs, her hand alternating between them. She pulled at my nipples, then just flicked her fingers over them, and then pinched them, but it was always gentle and definitely kindled a new fire in me. I could feel my sex weeping its appreciation.

As I lifted my head and looked down at her, Cindy made a show of extending her tongue. She then moved her face too close to my pussy for me to see anything of her features other than her eyes over the curve of my mons. I suddenly realized that this was the image that was a trigger in so many of my fantasies! How blessed I was to have reality actually outshine imagination!

I felt her fleetingly licking my hyper sensitive labia. She brought her mouth to my sex and formed her lips around me there, stamping it with her ownership. Her tongue wriggled into me, caressing my inner folds in an exquisite french kiss.

She slid her tongue into my center, probing me, plumbing the very core of my femininity.

After several minutes, Cindy halted her oral attentions and raised her head slightly to gaze up at me with pure lust in her eyes. I felt the fingers of one of her hands spread me open while a finger from her other hand found my clitoris. She began strumming the swollen bud at the same time she pushed a finger inside me. The wet sounds were so emphatic I must have been flowing extravagantly.

Pulling her finger from within me, a thread of shiny, clear liquid hung from it. Cindy held it up for inspection. It was covered in a lustrous glaze. I was fascinated. Looking straight into my eyes, she took it into her mouth and sucked.

She attended to her finger so thoroughly, that when she was done with it, I can't imagine there was an atom of me left on it.

No matter, because she brought it back to my sex to replenish the supply. When Cindy displayed the digit again, it was literally dripping with my nectar. I was eager to see her to taste it again. She paused for a long moment and then my eyes widened in surprise as she brought it to my lips instead.

"Try it. You taste wonderful..." she smiled.

When I finished with the sticky offering, she took my hands and pulled me up on my knees and steered me to face the bed's headboard.

I felt her breasts and belly and pubic hair press against me from behind as she raised my arms, placing my hands atop the headboard. Her sultry voice was at my ear, "There. Now be a good girl and hold onto that, hon. You're gonna need something to grab before I'm finished." The wantonness in her voice made me shiver.

She lay on her back and maneuvered herself so that her head was between my legs. Her hazel eyes looked up at me, glittering with hunger. The backs of her hands pressed against my inner thighs, easing them outward and lowering my pussy to her mouth. I braced myself for the inevitable contact, trying to hold her gaze. But, at the last second, Cindy winked at me, shifted her head, and placed her open mouth on the tender flesh of my inner thigh instead.

My eyes widened in surprise, then they closed tightly at her loving attentions to such a sensitive area. She switched to my other thigh, sucking, kissing and licking until I began to writhe over her face and bit my lower lip to keep from screaming her name. There was no point in that, though. I knew she would have her screams.

This woman was unbelievable! Only minutes before, I would have sworn that I was utterly spent. Certainly too exhausted to think about more lovemaking. And yet, in just those few minutes, Cindy had stirred me into another carnal haze... greedy, aching for more.

She brought her tongue back to my warm, wet furrow, licking and slurping up my nectar like a kitten with a saucer of milk.

My hips rocked with each stroke of her tongue. The occasional shudder shook my body, making my legs weak. She had a firm grip on my ass cheeks with both hands as she alternated long, hard strokes with fluttery lashes.

I was completely at the mercy of that magic tongue, hers to play with. Almost out of my mind with need, my pussy was throbbing, and I had never wanted anything as much as I wanted Cindy's mouth on me right now.

I was panting, moaning, whimpering and whispering her name over and over... a litany of joy. And every utterance was punctuated by a thrust of my cunt. Cindy latched her lips around my mound as if they were shaped for it, sucking in her cheeks and nearly creating a vacuum. I rewarded her with an almost animal scream of joy, and arched forward, my thighs involuntarily squeezing around her face.

Her mouth shifted and she found my hard clit, now unhooded and ripe for attack. Those questing lips closed over the throbbing nubbin and sucked. She purred while sucking, which sent vibrations through my pussy and swept me up in a storm of pleasure.

Tension was mounting in my body and my muscles were all taut. I whooped and bucked my hips, losing all sense of myself. The trembling in my legs took over my body and my orgasm detonated within me. I began to thrash but Cindy stayed with me, milking me of all I had to give. Her mouth was fastened on me, tongue still lashing my clit, fingers still holding tightly to my buttocks. I ground down on her, as if she couldn't get deep enough for me.

Then I felt her do two things at once: she burrowed her tongue deep inside my slit and she pushed a sloppy wet finger up my asshole.

It was like it started all over again. My pussy walls clutched her tongue. I was humping her now, with increasing urgency, and with each stroke Cindy was deeper into my crevice. Much the way a man would, she pumped in and out of me, fucking me with deliberate strokes.

I'm not sure how long it lasted, but that torrent of orgasms just seemed to flow on forever, taking me to a world of pure ecstasy.

Until I truly could take no more.

I realized I was still panting and moaning, so I made an effort to calm down. My hips continued to spasm from little whirls of pleasure whipping about inside me.

Now that I was quieter, I heard lapping and swallowing noises. My juices were flowing over her tongue and into her mouth. It was so erotic, my body shuddered with a liquid aftershock as if to offer her more. She accepted it all hungrily.

When, at last, she drew away with a sated look. The only evidence of her activities was the glistening wetness of her lips, which she slowly licked clean. "God, you are yummy! I could make a meal of you."

"Darling, I'm pretty sure you just did. But, you're welcome to feast on me, anytime."

My legs were trembling and my chest was heaving and brightly blushed. I collapsed on the bed beside her and looked at her through eyes half closed. There were tears in them, and I had never felt so connected to anyone in my life.

Cindy smiled and asked, "Savoring the afterglow?"

"Hhhmmmmm. You betcha."

"Well, while I've got you still feeling pretty good, I wanna see if I can extract a promise from you."

"Smart girl. Striking while the iron's hot. 'Cause right now, I'm pretty sure you could get me to agree to any damn thing you want."

"Good." Cindy moved closer and cupped my face in her hand. Gazing earnestly into my eyes, she continued, "Because... I... I want you to promise me we'll get to do this again... that this wasn't simply a one-time thing."

"Are you kidding?" Her expression suggested otherwise. "No, I guess you're not. But sweetie, I'm the one who should be asking that question. Apparently you haven't been paying attention, 'cause I thought I had made it abundantly clear that I am yours for the taking... whenever and however you want."

Cindy beamed in response, but then bit her lower lip as a look of contemplation settled on her lovely features. "I don't mean to break the mood, but what about James? What about Andy?"

"What about them? Wait, that sounds a lot more flippant than I intended. Look, hon, I don't know how you feel about Andy, but I still love James."

I was grateful she had brought this up. "I mean, James never asked for this damned thyroid condition, and I know I'm supposed to stick with him 'for better or worse'."

"But, there's no avoiding it. I've fallen in love with you." Cindy took my spent form in her arms and pressed her lips to mine in a long, delicious kiss. "And let's face it," I continued, "I don't think either of us is well designed for celibacy." That drew a giggle from both of us.

"I don't know where this will all lead," I went on, "but I do know that a year from now... fives years from now... or ten years from now... I will still want you as my friend... and... I hope and pray... my lover, too.


Eleven years later, as I write about this, the memory of that day still has power over me.

Eleven years come and gone, and Cindy is still my friend. Still my lover.

This is not simply a happily ever after, though. Life always throws some curve balls into the mix.

Nearly a year into our affair, I was ready to give up my marriage and probably a few friends so that Cindy and I might be wed. Not legally, of course. Our state still forbids gay marriage (Don't get me started).

But I did want to set up house with her; live together openly. She considered it, but in the end, she turned me down.

She had brought up the topic of divorce with her husband (she never mentioned me to him), but Andy pleaded for a chance to make things right; to be a better husband.

And, to his credit, he did seem to turn over a new leaf. It was the thought of Andy Jr. though, that tipped the scales for Cindy. She did not want to subject him to the trauma of a broken home if her spouse was willing to make an honest effort. I certainly can't blame her. Her empathy and loving spirit are just two of the many qualities that make her so dear to me.

James and I are no longer together. Eighteen months after the events of this story, I began to see a therapist. But the psychiatrist felt that most of my troubles stemmed from my marriage and so he wanted to see James and I as a couple, for counseling.

James would have none of it, however. He viewed therapy as an unwanted and unnecessary invasion of privacy. Whenever I would press him on the subject, he promised that he would do better and insisted we could handle our difficulties without outside interference.

This proved to be untrue.

Some of you readers might ask how my relationship with Cindy is any different than a mistress to a married man. I'm not sure I can argue against the comparison. I would only say this:

Cindy has never misled me. I fully understand our relationship and I have come to terms with its limitations. I am grateful for the time she gives me and the love and affection with which she fills it.

Some of you would, no doubt, point out that there are other, single men and women in the world. Some of you would also suggest that I was settling for less than I should.

On both counts, you would be wrong.

I will admit that it is less than ideal. But then, which of us lives in a perfect world?

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Blaze24Blaze2421 days ago

This would have gotten 5 stars should you have gotten a full and true HEA. Where you ended up having settled for a part time relationship; even if it wasn't entirely your own decision. Where Cindy has already dealt with Andy being a cheating husband long before these circumstances came about. Shouldn't impact her choices concerning both parties futures.

As you can tell by my rating. As well as my comments I Liked Itโ—

Rapier875Rapier875over 1 year ago

A 'perfect world' ?

If only it were...........


subtleperfumesubtleperfumeover 1 year agoAuthor

I'm loath to argue with a reader who is offering me praise, but thyroid disorders exist on a spectrum. Just look up Hashimoto's disease as an example. There is no real cure for this insidious ailment.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

A fantastic story. The thyroid issue was not the total cause of his/their problems. Adequate replacement therapy returns function to normal so he must have been an asshole to boot.

LrtikagraphLrtikagraphover 1 year ago

This is the best writer on Lit. No question.

spiegelmuisspiegelmuisabout 2 years ago

Thanks for sharing a part of journey, its beautifully written and I love it. I'm glad to hear you are still friends and lovers, like both of you wished. I hope in time, your relationship becomes more open, so that your husbands lover and also your children aren't oblivious about your love for each other. Take care!

MetalMilitia0721MetalMilitia0721over 2 years ago

Amazing story: Have read a few times now and love it ๐Ÿ˜

kaleonanikaleonaniover 2 years ago

Love is a powerful force and in it's rightful place nothing can break it or interrupt the energy that created it. I don't believe married women having affairs with women is committing adultery and it can't be charged with fornication because these concerns are integral between a man and woman. You have a wonderful story and it's amazing how your memory and details are so explicit. Thank you for sharing.

yarnspinnerryarnspinnerrover 2 years ago

Yet another great story ;->

AlexieeeeAlexieeeealmost 3 years ago

Im kinda sad that you two didn't end up together but i'll just make my own ending that contains you two being married to each other so i can let this story go. Its still a good story tho! Loved it <3

MigbirdMigbirdalmost 3 years ago

Second time reading, and just as captivating/poignant/beautifully erotic as the first. Wish you would continue to share your talent with us.

TheserialwaffleTheserialwaffleover 3 years ago

It is the second time I read this story and itโ€™s even better. I wonder if after all this time you are still apart. And you havenโ€™t continued this story so I guess you are. Some wouldnโ€™t have called it a perfect world but the story is perfect. Well written, some said that your knowledge of English is great and itโ€™s wonderful to dwell in the pleasure of reading it. There are some very good writers here in Lit. Not a few, more than a few and you are one of them. Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

Will she be with you when her son is grown?

undefinedlustundefinedlustover 5 years ago
Not fair to you

It's not fair for you to be compared to your own stories. But comparing this to Like a Secret? This is good... very good, but my soul did't hurt the same way. I think this was extremely good, but Secret was a masterpiece.

Randee1958Randee1958almost 7 years ago

This is my 2nd time reading this story. And way you too navigated your early encounter and were able to strengthen your bond is nothing less than a testament of pure unadulterated LOVE.

5๐ŸŒŸ's. and ๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน a dozen roses.

burrito54burrito54almost 7 years ago

Really enjoyed your story, wish I could read more . Enjoy your life and please write more

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