All Comments on 'A Promise Made, A Vow Broken - Traci's Story'

by Topspot101

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Avalon101Avalon101about 1 year ago

A great story based on Hooked1977's original. I enjoyed it from Traci's side.

TajfaTajfaabout 1 year ago

I gave you 4 stars but I feel the story just lacks something. Would any real person behave in the way either of them behaved?

Time is a great healer and if he lived with her for another 5 years I think he would have mellowed . Especially if she was apologetic and doing everything she could to make it up to him. That doesn't make what she did right. Then, nothing happened to the predator. Still well written and worth a 4.

InfosaugerInfosaugerabout 1 year ago

@Tajfa: I agree with you that time is a great healer. But I think the only way without divorce after 5 years would have been if there was a major punishment against asshole and even Lou.

The last three sentences saved this story somehow. I wish asshole received a letter after his divorce asking him why he didn't reclaim his wife after she cuckolded him like he expected his vitims to do?

waltdeewaltdeeabout 1 year ago

Well written. You stayed true to the original and presented a believable narrative for Traci’s thoughts. Good job.

ju8streadingju8streadingabout 1 year ago

i like the last part

serves him right

Mac_LapuMac_Lapuabout 1 year ago

Very good addendum to Hooked's story.

I've enjoyed it.

Thank you Topspot101.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Good but in both the original and this version, Jackson just disappears. I understand that he is the rich guy as creep who likes to humiliate the husband as much as he enjoys screwing the wife, but he has purchased several million dollars in artwork with her as the only gallery employee with whom he would deal. It seems strange that he is never even mentioned after the fateful weekend until 6 years later when he refers her to a divorce attorney. Would he so quickly have stopped hitting on Traci and would she have been tempted to repeat her infidelity if only to make sure she kept such a profitable client? It would maybe make Traci a bit more sympathetic (though not very much) if she fought off the temptation or urge to continue her cheating with the asshole. This just seemed to be a very rushed ending on the last page and did not really add much to the original. It's not bad and the writing is good, it just leaves me with still very little understanding of Traci beyond she thought she could get away with her "fling" and she regretted being divorced. 4****

francemanfrancemanabout 1 year ago

Very good part with maximum respect and continuation with the original.

Besides the fact of the infidelity programmed by this bullshit Alpha, because of the joy of humiliating him voluntarily, the major event for me, the point of no return is the threat against him and the children.

Fuck, threatening the kids.

It couldn't end any other way.

The only regret is not having a confrontation with the big alpha male after he became a cuckold.

littleone35littleone35about 1 year ago

She threw it all away for what, such a waste

OOAAOOAAabout 1 year ago

Good story!!!! 5 stars!

numbnutz49numbnutz49about 1 year ago

Good story and I agree it was close to the original. That's a tribute to the original author but was really the 'weakness' of this story in that it really didn't add much to the original. This site's top 'loving wives' authors who dabble in sequels or alternative versions take chances of a new twist or a true 'finish to the damn story'. I'll still look forward to your future submissions.

The Style GuyThe Style Guyabout 1 year ago

A welcome and admirable addition to one of my top 10 LW stories. 10* for the original and 5* for this tale.

goodshoes2goodshoes2about 1 year ago

Why rehash another authors story? She was a POS then and is still the same now. Pick another topic for your next story. In the meantime, don't give up your day job.

miket0422miket0422about 1 year ago

Obviously she wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer to do what she did while supposedly loving Bobby with all her heart.

But, this version of events portrays her as even dumber than that.

Her question to herself asking if Jackson really wants to have sex with her? Considering what had already transpired between them and the fact that she had already been warned that Jackson had a thing for married women and forcing them to cuckold their husbands... And she was seriously "surprised" that he wanted to have sex with her?

Then, the first time she stated that Bobby hadn't objected to what she did at the lake house. I understand people can delude themselves into a lot of things but, for her to think that Bobby's actions and words constituted not objecting

.. again, she was portrayed as too stupid to live.

Nothing original in this story and honestly a very shallow portrayal of Traci.

MasterKoteMasterKoteabout 1 year ago

At least she wasn't trying to justify her cheating through out the story like most comparable POV stories from the cheater, only his reaction. But liked it overall.

KRD19254KRD19254about 1 year ago

Too much rehash and no originality... Boring.


For +5yrs she could not tell Bobby never made tender love, he was just duty fucking - slamming it home to get his nut?!? No cuddles?


Did she never enjoy her grandkids? Or was she just became an old cantankerous hag?


She reaped her due rewards, now she is moving to a death house.... No sympathy earned in this story.


2.9***, hooyah

FireFox59FireFox59about 1 year ago

OK follow-up story. My biggest problem with both stories is how Bobby dealt with the problem at the lake house. I know of no men that would have allowed their wife to just go off and fuck Jackson without a fight. I might get my ass kicked but there's going to be one hell of a fight before I let that happen. I know kicking Jackson's ass and stopping the wife from fucking him didn't follow the story line. Hopefully someone will do another follow-up with Jackson getting his ass kicked along with Lou or anyone else dumb enough to try and stop Bobby. These are the times I wish I had a little bit of writing talent but I sadly don't.

SkubabillSkubabillabout 1 year ago

I enjoyed it and gave it five stars. It was a bit repetitive, but I always enjoy sequels and alternates, so no complaints.

MigbirdMigbirdabout 1 year ago

May be her narrative but nothing new. Still all about the husband while she/her character remains poorly developed, one dimensional.

HikingThruHikingThruabout 1 year ago

I really like the original story. This add-on fills in the lengthy seduction (good), but also shows she was consistently warned with direct evidence that Jay was a serial predator (bad). And it shows she had ample time to vaguely sound out Bobby while she was considering it. So this does little to paint her in any better light.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsabout 1 year ago

Good story, although I always wonder in stories like this "What wife could be so gullible and feel so entitled that she would go to another man's bed in front of her husband?" Denial runs deep in this one.

BigfundrewBigfundrewabout 1 year ago

The oddest part to me was the radio silence from Jackson immediately after the lake house, until years later. Why would he know what's happening 5 years later? And how about Lou and his wife? You'd think the situation warranted some kind of conversation.

This was ok, but could have been filled in better.

laptopwriterlaptopwriterabout 1 year ago

When I saw the low score and read it was the other side of a story that I liked very much, I almost didn't read it. I'm glad I did. I thought the author did a good job.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This added nothing to the original story.

Bobby should have just left her at the lake house going directly to her parents house telling them what happened.

As for dancing with the exeife at their daughter’s wedding, Bobby should have refused telling Angelique if she continued to push it he was prepared to go through another divorce.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Delusional to the end. Time after time she misjudged what Bobby's responses to her machinations would be and yet still continued to believe that she knew best. What a sorry excuse for a human being.

It was a great read, though and very worthy of comparison with Hooked 1957's high standards. Five stars.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Got what was coming to her.

EdgeOfSundownEdgeOfSundownabout 1 year ago

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Can't feel sorry for the stupid bitch one iota. And the ex husband has the right attitude of "wouldn't piss on her if she was on fire".

kirei8kirei8about 1 year ago

Just a rehash about a simple cuck who got no revenge on the "alpha" and waited a pitiful 5 years for "revenge" on a slut. Then the wimp is "rewarded" by getting a wimpy partner for a second wife.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

"The stereo was playing the 1812 Overture and it was washing over me like a relaxing bath."

Ha, I've never found the 1812 Overture to be a "relaxing" piece, on the contrary , its invigorating, soul igniting, get up and march about music. Of course, the version I always listened to was punctuated with "live" cannon fire. When I was in college we had a guy who got a kick out of waking every one in the dorm hall by playing the music at peak volume early in the morning. I'm sure you're thinking the guy got his ass kicked, right? Well, considering her was a 6ft 6inch 300 pound plus power-lifter , nobody did anything but grumble loudly into their pillow.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I am tired of the wife's "I have been a good wife and I deserve this. It's only sex. It's only a one time thing". Have any of these writers actually heard a cheating slut say these words? Also, the laws quoted are false. Very rarely does wife end up with the kids, the house, and thr money. I'm a man. I know many more women destroyed by divorce than men.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Hurried ending, not enough payback to the asshole that initiated this.

TonyGWTonyGWabout 1 year ago

I really wanted to like this. The idea of Traci's side of the story really appealed to me. Anticipating a new perspective on one of Loving Wives top 10 stories had me diving straight in.

However, while very well written, nothing new emerged.

This turned into a rerun of Hooked1977's original with a Traci self pity party laid over the top. I'll give you an extra point for attempting to put some meat on the bones of Jay's character but it came off as one dimensional and a little trite.

Please keep at it, you are developing nicely and I look forward to your next works.

northstanderrhinonorthstanderrhinoabout 1 year ago

Quite liked it; but would have enjoyed some retribution on the low life lover boy!

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightabout 1 year ago

We all write the story where the jilted, saintly, husband lives very happily and the ex wife is miserable. That is a top fantasy in LW. Reality seldom matches this desire.

AccelarVesterAccelarVesterabout 1 year ago

Nicely Done!

I was hoping someone would remember her birthday. She has two childern after all..... :-(

SDN1955SDN1955about 1 year ago

Lou should have been sued out of existence. And Jackson needed to have his testicles mangled.

JusteenKJusteenKabout 1 year ago

Try as I might, I cannot find a reason for this story's existence. All it does is rubber stamp the emotions and opinions of the original story. There literally is not another perspective despite the title.

Sorry to to be critical as you can obviously write well, maybe find a subject more suited to your skills.

MattblackUKMattblackUKabout 1 year ago

Good look from Traci'a POV. But a nursing home at 67?

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcabout 1 year ago

I really want to score this higher, but there's really no new ground revealed in the wife's version than the original. If you're going to build off another's work, make sure to make it your own. I didn't see it this time - 3*

TnicollTnicollabout 1 year ago

I tend to disagree with several commenters here. I have to admit I wasn’t expecting much, but in fact this author did put in several new perspectives from the wife’s POV. Admittedly, I would have liked to see more, but they were there. I also liked the fact that the author kept true to Hooked’s classic original. All in all it wasn’t a bad read.

njlaurennjlaurenabout 1 year ago

I agree with others, I don't think this brings anything new to the story, no new insight. We learn of her pain, but there was nothing here. She never even tries a genuine reconciliation with him,she never acknowledges how much she screwed up, how her drive to 'do better' led her to hurt him; instead she used a sleazy lawyer and really screwed up.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Nice bend on the story line but not really enough different from the original or the other attempts, except for focusing on Traci's adultery. I'm still surprised that her husband didn't leave either when she went to Jackson's bedroom or, especially, hearing the morning sex. Just leave her there. Again, he should've gone to the bathroom (if he couldn't do this elsewhere) to turn on the recording function. But on the attempt & what's there based on her side of the story, it's a good overall story, warranting 4 stars. Bob

SexecutionerSexecutionerabout 1 year ago

As with many other stories of the same subject/outcome. I find it very difficult to believe the slut can be that dumb & narcissistic, and yet "remorseful" of her actions. It's fantasy thinking.

VeracityHeterodyneVeracityHeterodyneabout 1 year ago

I enjoyed the story, but "We made an application to have the divorce papers rejected, and an enforced period of reconciliation of three years. ". No court can do that. You can get forced counseling, but you cannot get forced reconciliation and you cannot get forced cohabitation.

ribnitinribnitinabout 1 year ago

This story does not add anything significant to the original

ImNotanAnonImNotanAnonabout 1 year ago

Just an FYI, no divorce court in the US can legally force a period or reconciliation, force a spouse to live in the marital home or hold them in contempt for leaving the home. Try and brush up on your legal information before adding it to the story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I'm not a big fan of this kind of retread story. Even when the original writer does it, covering the same story from a different PoV is just redundant and boring since you already know what happens. I'd rather read an altered ending version or even one where you stole the story line but used your own characters and actions. I want something new to enjoy. If I want to rehash the original story, I'll just go back and read it again.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Liked it 4 stars, I started to hate the wife all over again, Old story with a new take, nicely done.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Does NOT deserve a rating of >2! Ron and Jackson cuckolded him with not real payback (until more than 15 years later when Jackson gets caught with his "dick" in the "cookie jar."

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Well written. A good view from the other perspective.

VeracityHeterodyneVeracityHeterodyneabout 1 year ago

Something I always wondered. They are in Jay's private mansion. After his wife goes off to have a night of sex, why didn't Bobby set it on fire?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

All the divorce writing was bullshit, e.g. being forced to live as man and wife on pain of contempt? All of that garbage was an unforced error that seriously marred an otherwise solid effort.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I personally know a guy whose wife went off the rails after they had a couple of kids as a younger married couple. She began to feel the call of the wild and started partying with friends while her husband took up the mantle of a responsible adult. They ended up separated but not divorced, She ended up pregnant by some player. She ended up in the house with their kids and her new baby. He ended up living at the In-Laws who sided with him. She finally quit (maybe?) her wild oat sowing, she did bring in a crop after all, and he moved back in the house with his kids. He loves his kids. I spoke to him about things once when the baby was about one year old. He planned to stick around until all of the kids were out of school, his are about done and the youngest will have a few years after. He sounded like he was going to bolt at that point. I hope he does. He did the right thing by marrying the $/_+ after she got pregnant in the first place. I always felt she got pregnant on purpose to trap him into marrying her. Then she pulled that stupid crap on him and probably tried to upgrade with the guy that got her pregnant. He likely saw through her ploy and bolted like a buck during hunting season when hearing the sound of a doe peeing on a pregnancy test stick!

I have known a number of couples that broke up due to infidelity, about ten come to mind without to much effort. In those couples only a couple were because he, cheated on her. The majority were the wife cheating on her husband.

LenardSpencerLenardSpencerabout 1 year ago

There was nothing "new" added to the story. I thought that Bobby had been drugged and had been unable to go to Jacksons room to drag his cheating slut wife away. Perhaps I mixed that up with another story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Hard to believe that the wife would believe her “lovers” bull about the husband being a beta. Had she learned nothing about him in her years of marriage? I know, I know, it is just a story. Just saying!

Cracker270Cracker270about 1 year ago

Skillfully done follow up. I would have enjoyed seeing Jackson get some just deserts

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Stupid story about a shallow dumb bitch. Not worth reading

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I thought the author did a very good job adding to the story and being fairly true to the original characters. This

version provided a lot of the background story that was missing in the original. I would have left Traci there that

night to give her an unequivocal message.

sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 1 year ago

I'm going to read this, but if it's the same story, only from her POV, I don't see what there is to gain.


What's with the "P's?" Are they paragraph indicators?


"I thought he was getting a kick out of it." - How does he figure that? Bobby was mad as Hell over it.


"Was she just jealous that Kenny didn't love her as deeply[?]" - LOL, love her so deeply that he'd let her fuck around, LOLOL.


"Like most married men, he gets off on the humiliation of his wife with a stronger man." - That is such total bullshit, and BTW, a cuckold isn't a man who likes his woman to fuck others, it's ANY man whose woman fucks another man, even if he kills them both. The word he's looking for is wittol.


"Bobby showed at Christmas how being a cuckold will appeal to him" - Again, he showed exactly the opposite.


If anything, her POV makes her look worse! She is repeatedly warned that she's on the wrong path, instead listens to Jackson, who has a not so ulterior motive, to get into he pants.


"you can tell the kids he caused the divorce, turning them against him" - She can TELL the kids that,it doesn't mean that they'll believe her.


"I supposed if Bobby was determined to stop it, he would not have let me go" - That makes no sense. Going to the lake house doesn't mean that he's not determined to stop it. Fuck, he doesn't even know yet that there's something to stop.


"realised Bobby had no idea what I was planning." - As I said.


"the condo he had bought for a couple near the beach." - The original said that he got them a "sweet deal," not that he bought it for them.


"The sex that night wasn't great." - That's not what she said to Bobby, maybe she should have!


"Bobby would be humiliated. God, it was fantastic" - Is she saying that it was fantastic that Bobby was humiliated?


"I could not bear the thought of Bobby being with another woman." - Why? Won't it make your marriage stronger when you "reclaim" your man?


"If only I had never agreed to go to the lake house." - Going to the lake house wasn't the problem, it's what she did there. She COULD have blown Jackson off, and fucked Bobby all night.


"I could hear Lou's wife crying." - Why the fuck is Lou's wife crying?


"I had talked it through with Bobby, and that he had not objected." - Of course he objected, but she said, "It's not a negotiation."


She thinks Bobby would give up? Yeah, we've seen how well she knows him!


"work on a strategy to get Bobby to forgive me" - It's not the counselor's job to "save" the marriage.


I guess there was enough new so that it wasn't a total rehash, but still not needed. A generous r*.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Really didn't add anything to the story

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

If you're selfish enough to treat anyone the way the wife treated the husband, being left alone is getting off too easy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Both stories were well worth reading and this was an excellent parallel to the original. I agree with others that Bobby should have been more expressive of his disapproval of his wife having sex with Jackson; dammed be the consequences from the security thug. In her own words she was little more than a hooker who got a 10 percent take on the art work her John bought.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

A sad story. Well written but sad.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Traci wanted the "good life". She gave up her husband and family after he told her what would happen, if she fucked that rich whoremaster. Her friend even told her what would happen, but she played whore anyway. She then lost her good life as she knew it. She actually didn't get enough and the whoremaster should have suffered severely, or worse...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

An OK retelling with a different viewpoint but not really compelling. Had I not read this story I wouldn't have missed anything. You write well however, so you get 4 stars in recognition of that. You should write your own ideas instead of being straight jacketed by a pre-existing storyline. You are quite talented enough as a writer to do so, Thank you for your contribution.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

For those who mention the lack of payback for the asshole, this is the same story as the original, but from the wife's perspective.

Jackson deserved any payback he got, for sure, but it wasn't part of the original, so unless Topspot101 decided to rewrite 'history', then unfortunately Jackson gets off scott free.

Regardless, there's no point moaning about it here.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

The writing is good, but by definition there’s little here that’s original. It was easy to read, but I kept hearing reverberations of Hooked57’s story. It’s certainly a challenge to write a story that feels original in LW.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

all right...

PowersworderPowersworderabout 1 year ago

Completely disagree Harddaysknight.

I don't know why this idea started on loving wives, that women are always happy after a divorce, and the men become lonely, drunken recluses.

If the man is a loser, maybe.


In my experience, with every divorced couple I know, the husband ultimately did much better than the wife.

I know 6 divorced couples from my parents (boomer) generation. In every instance:

1) the woman initiated the divorce after cheating.

2) the husband ended up much better off financially.

3) the husband married/dated a woman much younger than him.

4) the wife didn't stay with the AP

5) the wife stayed single or married down.

6) the wife regretted the affair + divorce.


From my own circle of friends, only one couple have got divorced (mid 40s).

1) she was "unhappy" and divorced him. (Female midlife crisis).

2) she rode the cock carousel, then married down

3) the novelty of the new life wore off and now she's unhappy.

4) ex-husband is a doctor and lost a lot financially in the divorce

5) he's nearly recovered already. Plus he comes from family money.

6) he's just remarried a polish nurse who is 15 years younger.

7) they've just had their first baby

8) he's much happier now than he was before the divorce.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

ok, i guess...

neilnblowme2neilnblowme2about 1 year ago

boo fucking hoo bitch

you won t get sympathy from me

i love a story where cheaters don t -prosper .... too many of these cuck wimp unrespected stories these days

she was a prostitute and never really thought about that

lots of excuses from the cheaters hand book

die a slow agonizing death you bitch you deserve it

5* hundreds of hard ons and a couple of orgasms

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Excellent. I always like to see the other side point of view

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

A bit unrealistic. Why would Jackson fuck her and then just disappear, for 6 years, then suddenly pop back up again? Didn't he continue to support the gallery? Wasn't he at least curious how Bobby was handling his cuckolding?


And the whore already threatened to go get some dick elsewhere if Bobby didn't satisfy her. You would expect her thrilling fling with Jackson would ignite an appetite for more, with Jackson and other men. And the whole time the clueless slut really thought her marriage was OK? What a shallow tepid distant marriage that must have been, if she couldn't pickup on the hatred resentment and contempt Bobby held for her.


I appreciate the effort, but I don't think you added anything of substance, and nothing new.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

@JusteenKabout 5 hours ago

Try as I might, I cannot find a reason for this story's existence.,

Try as i might I cannot find a reason for a crossdresser to exist, or a female that thinks she is a male, or vise versa, or anything other than male or female!

tralan69ertralan69erabout 1 year ago


The oddest part to me was the radio silence from Jackson immediately after the lake house, until years later. Why would he know what's happening 5 years later?

Lou called him, as stated in the story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

@AngelRiderabout 17 hours ago


Should have finished the comment with "just like me"

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

So so

Agree same old stupid cliches

Another slut

Kept extending boundaries for $

Making her whore not slut

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

3 stars, went up to 4 stars for the ending, would of been 5 if something happened to the other guilty parties.

silentsoundsilentsoundabout 1 year ago

The original had a couple of pretty fatal flaws that this did not rectify.

I appreciate your work though and this wasn't too bad

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Essentially, this sequel turns the wife into a whore who was willing to cuckold her husband in return for commission money from artwork sales. Although neither ever materialized, she anticipated the money would buy an outdoor kitchen and a trip to Maui. The original story deserved more. Hooked1957 should have withheld his consent for this poorly conceived submission to be published.

jflindersjflindersabout 1 year ago

I don't see anything worthwhile added to the original. There's no reason why she suddenly went stupid or was zapped by the Martian slut ray, no insight about why she adopted the strange belief that her husband would be ok with it, just some bad legal advice that didn't make any sense.

francemanfrancemanabout 1 year ago

It's amazing that almost all the reviews say that this story doesn't add anything to the original.

But I think that's the point.

It's a literary exercise to write the same story from a different character's point of view.

And of course it remains the same story.

Regguy69Regguy69about 1 year ago

An interesting attempt to explain the wife's insanity. The self-absorbed bitch assumed she could humiliate him and he'd crawl back to her like some wimpy sub. His decision to stay "for the kids" was hotly debated when the H57 tale was posted. As a father, I can understand that thinking. As a once-divorced father, I think the decision was a mistake. The courts don't punish anyone for cheating, but they are pretty good about granting equal access to both parents. TS1, you should try some more original works.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Sorry, not really an improvement from the original or really anything different. I thought well written thank s for writing. 3⭐️⭐️⭐️

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

The writing for this story was very passible.

I agree with most commenters that not much was added from the original.

2 things that stuck out for me in the story were that the wife had absolutely no understanding of her husband after 17 plus years of being together and the other is who in their right mind would accept only 1% commission for selling millions of dollars of art work for the gallery. I don't know what an appropriate commission would be for a salesman at an art gallery, but I know it would be a hell of a lot more than 1%.

LickideesplitLickideesplitabout 1 year ago

When someone has two kids (not twins) then one is the elder (or older, but NOT oldest nor eldest!) The other is the younger. If there are three kids (say order is boy first, then girl, then boy) then elder and youngest come into play. However, if only talking about the two boys, the eldest CHILD is the Elder boy and the other male is the younger! Of course, English also has ‘cute’ terms, including ‘caboose’ for the last borne.

‘The Bridge’, in this genre, is more dramatic (and faster) but both the Original ‘A Promise…’ and this ‘Traci’ voice, are more poignant. The failure of Sweetie to pay ANY attention to good advice, and the weakness of the advice (coulda/shoulda cited examples) reduced this offering to 4*. Still very good.

Dlh143Dlh143about 1 year ago

Too weak on what happened to Traci. She and Jackson didn't deserve any mercy or any relationship with her children or grandchildren. Furthermore, Angelique should have been kicked to the street for encouraging any kind of friendship with Traci. 1 star.

VeracityHeterodyneVeracityHeterodyneabout 1 year ago

Forced reconciliation? Think about it. You take an angry man and force him to live with a woman who is the source of his anger. It is a recipe for domestic abuse. "Your honor, when I punched her in the nose, I was having a nightmare. I was sleepwalking when I strangled her. My therapists says it is from the stress of forced reconciliation and cohabitation."

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Second reading of Tracis's side of the story and it still kept me wondering how many time she could screw up her life before she pulled her ego inflated head out of her posterior.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Eh, I'm never really impressed with stories like this when the viewpoint changes, be they by the original author or by somebody else. While I admit this one was written better than most, it didn't really add much, Jay still got off, and Steph could have avoided the entire thing by making just one phone call to Bobby before the shit hit the fan.

mattenwmattenwabout 1 year ago

What I don't understand about this story, why does the cheater get the platform to tell her story? But that's our society. People are not interested in what happens to the injured, but in what the injurers do. I don't give a fuck why cheaters cheat! They are characterless people and deserve nothing but contempt!

WetheNorthWetheNorthabout 1 year ago

A poor imitation of the original

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Well, I enjoyed listening to Traci's side of the story as a different approach to a disagreeable end. I kind of liked that she was alone at the end but sad at the same time. She paid for her one night stand many times over. She married and divorced twice when she knew she was getting a second-rate guy. She never got to Maui but knew that her ex and Angelique did go. She still stayed in touch with her kids and Angelique so that was some minor good thing. She fought as long as she could be still came out lost and alone. Yeah, Jay did not get burned as much as he should have. Still, it was a good chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Did not add anything except more excuses. The author didnt let us know why she lied, just implied it was either greed or entitlement. Never explained her choices, there was no insight that had a woman make such bad choices, hell I think the original story did a better job then the mess you presented.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Interesting point-of-view and alternate look at the context of a story, thanks for writing.

I like how the wife almost had her eyes wide open as she entered the danger zone, had the chance to have her eyes wide open...

I do disagree with the wife as to when she started cheating, (thoughts at top of page 2) but, she was deluding herself, with the help of her ardent pursuer, Jackson.

Well done

Boyd PercyBoyd Percyabout 1 year ago

Maui is nice but not worth destroying your life!


amanapamanapabout 1 year ago

Now I want to hear home Jackson got

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I liked it and thought it was well told. It was good to see all of her thoughts and feelings about what she did. And by him waiting until the youngest child finished high school, his responsibility ended, and he was free to serve her with the papers. It's a "no fault" state, so why would she want to stay married to him, if he doesn't want to be married to her? She threw away the marriage, and was warned that Bobby wouldn't stand for it, nor would the marriage be the same as it was before. But, she fell for Jay's BS, and fucked up. All because she thought she could get something on the side and not lose what she had.

Thanks for sharing it with us, as I thought it was well written, and showed it from the wife's/ex-wife's side of things. I gave it 5 stars.

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