A Proper Scottish Wife Ch. 09


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"You're just afraid that it will take time away from you," he teased.

"Of course. I'm worried that two Cameron men just won't be enough for me," she teased back. "Don't hurt her. That's all I'm saying."

"Aye, I'll be careful. You needn't worry your pretty little head about it. I promise."

"Thank you."


That night, Stuart and Ailene were lying in bed, after a perfectly lovely bout of sex. Ailene entwined herself around him and one hand fiddled with the hairs on his chest.

"I'm glad you're going to bring food to the McTavish place and make sure he's not starving the servants," Ailene said. "Isobel was quite worried that he wouldn't feed anyone that wasn't leaving with him."

"Aye, we'll make sure they have enough food to last, and Thorburn said that he'd hunt the bastard down and stick his sword through his gullet if McTavish took any of the food with him."

"Make sure McTavish knows that."

"He'll know. I'll make sure of that because if Thorburn didn't, I would," Stuart assured her.

"Didn't Isobel look nice tonight?" Ailene asked.

"She did. Frang seemed very interested in the poor lady."

"I warned him to be careful around her. She's got no confidence now. She's been bullied and browbeaten and it wouldn't take much to completely destroy her."

"Frang knows that. It's why he saved her in the first place."

"You know his reputation though, how he's chased everything in skirts? I'm worried that she won't be able to resist and end up worse than she is now. She's been abandoned and sold by her family, abused and mistreated by her husband. If he used her and left her, she'll be damaged beyond repair."

"That's his reputation," Stuart said, "but he's not been that way since he's returned from France. I haven't seen him going after any of the local maids; he's left the servants alone, even the forward ones who wouldn't mind spending time in a Lord's bed. He's still gambling, but he's more tame than I've seen him in awhile."

"Do you think he's looking to settle down?" Ailene inquired.

"Could be. By rights, he'll own the McTavish place, although I know he intends to combine the property with ours. He could take over the house and settle down should the right lass come along. Don't know if it will be Isobel, though. She seems a bit timid for Frang. He likes them with more fire, I think. I'd be surprise if the passion hasn't been beaten out of her."

"She may surprise us, husband. I think the fire's been banked, but I don't believe it's fully snuffed out."

Stuart grabbed her bare ass, massaging and caressing the naked flesh, saying, "As much fire as you, dear one?"

"That would be a lot of fire, Stuart."

"Aye, enough to burn the house down, I'm thinking," kissing her. "It looks like the little laddie has decided to make another appearance," he said, placing her hand on his cock.

"It's a good thing I know what to do with the rapscallion when he makes an appearance, my lord."

"What would that be, my lady?"

"Why, eat it of course," Ailene said, lowering her mouth over his cock.

"Now why didn't I think of that," he moaned. "Oh, Lord, you do that so well. That's it. A little faster now. Aaah, it's exquisite. Don't stop."

Ailene continued until he filled her throat with his cum. When he was finished, she scooted higher in the bed, kissing his neck and shoulder.

"I love you, Stuart."

"Life has no meaning to me without you, my love," he replied, pulling her closer.


Stuart was up at dawn the next morning, dressing for the road.

"You can sleep a little later, Ailene."

"No. I want to see you off. I promised to start working with Isobel on some things for her rapier training, footwork and the like, since Frang won't be here to start her lessons. Plus, I can give you some herbs and things to bring with you. If they're malnourished, you may need some."

"I suppose it wouldn't hurt."

They went down to the kitchen, ate a quick breakfast and packed a lunch for everyone for the journey. In addition to the three brothers, they were taking six other men-at-arms, two spare horses tied to the wagon and Ailene prepared a bundle of herbs. Tormentil, for any diarrhea or other stomach issues; blacberry, for any signs of scurvy; wild garlic, to be added to the food when cooked; wild marjoram for cooking or a soothing tea; and some meadowsweet for minor headaches. Ailene asked them to check if anyone with medical skills were available and to ask if there were any other things they might need. Stuart agreed to ask.

"If anyone has serious medical needs, you may need to bring them back for care," Ailene said.

"We'll make sure all is well. Truly we will," Stuart said. "Don't worry so much."

Isobel said, "Thank you so much for checking on them. There are many good folk among them and they deserve better from their Laird."

"Don't worry, lass. Things will get better, you'll see," Frang said.

They set out on the road, one wagon, nine men and eleven horses; one pulling the wagon, eight mounts and two spares. The wagon was loaded with bags of oats and wheat, smoked meats, potatoes, turnips, cabbages and onions. They planned to leave a horse with someone responsible so that they could ride over to request any additional aid or report any theft of the food by McTavish or the retainers he was keeping. There was extra oats and hay for that horse although they were hoping it could primarily feed on the spring grass.

"I always hate to see him go," Ailene said to Isobel and Muiríol. "The roads seem so dangerous anymore, and with all the problems with Blackthorne, I worry."

"It's a small group, but doughty, Lady Cameron," Muiríol replied. "They train hard and they're all good fighting men. I think it would take a whole regiment of English to beat them."

"Speaking of training, Isobel. Why don't you put on that pair of pants we mended and altered, a light shirt and some flat shoes. You may not be able to start training under Frang today, but I can show you some things easily. Frang gave me some balls filled with seeds to squeeze to strengthen the hands and arms. We'll get you some of those as well."

"Right away, Lady Cameron."

"Ailene, remember. Let's not undo the gains of yesterday. We're going to be friends if we aren't already and I want you calling me Ailene. I'll meet you on the training grounds."

"I'll remember. I'll be there shortly."

She left and Ailene turned to Muiríol and said, "Let's go over todays menu, and let me know what supplies need to be purchased our next market day."

"Aye, Lady Cameron. I was thinking that since none of the Lords will be here for lunch, that we just keep it simple and go with bread, meat and cheese like they carried for their lunch. We could start a nice stew for supper as we don't know for sure what time they'll return, but we can keep it hot so they'll have something filling when they return. I'll make a list of food items we're getting low on."

"Thank you. That seems an excellent idea. Something with beef in it, or lamb. I'm sure they'll be hungry when they return."

"Aye, Lady Cameron. I'll get to it then."

Ailene wandered out to the training grounds where Bjarkë was drilling lots of the lads who hadn't gone. Training was a constant. Thorburn had come from a military background as mercenary and raider and knew the value of well trained soldiers if battle became necessary. He was not one to throw untrained boys out as cannon fodder to protect a cadre of well drilled soldiers. Everyone would be able to fight at the highest levels if attacked. It didn't take long for Isobel to join her.

"It feels funny wearing pants. I'm not used to something rubbing against my legs all the time," she said.

"I was the same way at first," Ailene assured her, "but the advantages of pants over dresses will become clear once you start training in earnest. First, I'm going to show you the way we stand. Frang assures me that stance, balance and footwork can overcome a lot of deficiencies in skill. I want you to stand like this; your right foot forward and your left foot back, but turned at right angles, you see."

Ailene showed her the stance and moved Isobel's legs and feet around until she had it right.

"It doesn't seem natural," Isobel said. "It feels like the feet are all wrong."

"Aye, but you can move quickly without tripping over your own feet, change directions easily, go backwards almost as fast as you can move forward and still maintain balance." Ailene nudged Isobel to show her she wouldn't fall easily no matter which direction she was pushed. "Watch me move forward and back. Look how quickly I can move."

Ailene moved forward several paces, then backward as quickly, always maintaining her feet and balance, almost a hop/shuffling of her feet, but very fast. Her legs were bent slightly, her front foot never went behind the back foot and Isobel was surprised at how quick she moved.

"Let me see that again. Can you go a little slower so I can follow how you're moving your feet?" Isobel asked.

"Of course."

Ailene did it again, slower, but gradually speeding up. She went forward, her right arm extended, back, her arm closer in, changed directions several times, also altering her line of attack and retreat.

"The secret is lowering yourself slightly, moving your balance point lower. Keeping your feet about the same distance apart when you're not moving, a little more than a shoulders width apart. When you move, never get one leg too far advanced from the other so it's too wide, nor get them so close together you lose that base. I try to never get my feet more than two shoulder widths apart and never less than one. All movements should come in that in between range."

Isobel tried it, stumbled a few times, but gradually picked up the pace.

"It's kind of like dancing, isn't it?" Isobel said.

Ailene considered. "Some of it," she said. "In dancing, you can cross your feet, but you have a partner who helps support you and they're not trying to run you through. Keep going."

The worked on her footwork for about two hours. Isobel believed that she was going half the speed of Ailene before they finished.

"My legs are screaming at me," Isobel said. "How can you go so long?"

"You become used to it. My legs were very sore when I started, but I barely feel it now. I suppose it's like anything you do repetitively. Your arms will hurt when you first start using a rapier. You're not used to holding something in that position for so long, but even that doesn't hurt anymore. The only thing I still feel are the bruises I get when I'm not fast enough and my opponent's sword hits me. That happens less and less the better I get. We've got a liniment cream in the armory that you can put on your legs that will help the soreness."

"Please, let's put it on."

Ailene led Isobel into the armory again and locked the door.

"The one disadvantage to pants, is you have to take them off to get to your legs, as opposed to just pulling up your skirts. Take off your pants and I'll get the liniment," Ailene instructed.

Isobel removed her pants and stood waiting for Ailene to find the cream on one of the shelves and return. Ailene took off her own pants and on herself, showed Isobel how to rub the cream into her legs, running from her calves, up her thighs, almost to her sex. She handed the crock to Isobel and watched as she did the same.

"The stuff doesn't smell as bad as it used to. I made Frang add wild marjoram oil and bog myrtle to it to sweeten the scent, but you still may want to wash it off each day. You'll find you need it less and less as your training continues, although it's good for bruises, too."

They both donned their pants again and went out to the courtyard where Muiríol was waiting for them. She had another servant girl, Màiri, with one of the men holding the girl's arm as if to keep her from running away.

"I'm sorry to inform you, Lady Cameron,"Muiríol said, "that Màiri was found stealing some of the silver. We caught her with a couple pieces in the pocket of her apron and when we searched her room, found additional pieces under her mattress."

"Lady Cameron, I'm sorry. Don't beat me. Don't put me out. I'm sorry but my brother was sick and he had no medicine and we were getting low on food as well from the cost of the medicine he had taken. It won't happen again, that I promise."

"What good are your promises, girl?" Muiríol said. "Why should anyone believe a thievin' chit who steals from her employers?"

"I know. I did wrong. I admit it, but I didn't know what else to do."

"How long have you worked here, Màiri?" Ailene asked.

"About two months, Lady," She answered.

"And you never thought to ask any of the Lords or myself for help?"

"No, ma'am. I'm paid a fair wage. I never expected more for an illness in the family."

"I myself keep a stock of herbs for a variety of ailments, and we take care of our own. You should have approached one of us for help."

"I knew about the herbs, ma'am, but the doctor said that herbs can't help my brother. He needs real medicine, and it's breakin' my family. I'm sorry, it won't happen again."

"What's the usual punishment for thievery, Muiríol?"

"Fifty swats with the paddle or the lash in the Strappin' Room, my Lady," Muiríol replied.

"Please don't beat me, Lady Cameron. I couldn't take it. I know I couldn't," Màiri cried.

Ailene remembered clearly her own introduction to the Strapping Room. Being tied down to the table, the pain of the paddle on her bottom, the sex with Stuart's brothers and Stuart afterward as her body was shared between them. She imagined Màiri on the table and Thorburn whacking the poor girl's body, Frang and Stuart watching, observing her naked body. What would happen then. Would they take Màiri's body as they took hers? She pictured Màiri strapped tight to the table while Stuart fucked her, and Thorburn took her mouth with his giant cock and would Frang have her ass as he'd had hers? She shuddered. It was too horrible to contemplate, Stuart using Màiri instead of her, his wife.

"Who administers the punishment?" Ailene asked Muiríol.

"One of the Lords, Lady Cameron. We haven't had a Lady until yourself for many years."

No, she was not going to subject Màiri to what she went through. It was better now, of course. She accepted that the brothers would share her, and on the whole, they were kind and respectful, but Màiri might still be a maiden and to have to go through that was unthinkable.

"No. I want her gone. I will not abide a thief in the house. I want her put out. She can seek employment elsewhere if anyone else will have her."

"Please ma'am, no, please don't put me out," Màiri cried. "Beat me instead. My family will starve without my wages. I don't mind. I deserve the beating. I should never have stolen from you. Please ma'am, be merciful."

"I am being merciful, girl. You've no idea what will happen to you in the Strapping Room. Far, far better that you be put out. I want her out today, before my husband returns."

"Are you sure, Lady Cameron?" Muiríol asked. "The Lords usually prefer the punishment be done in house. They don't often release someone from their service."

"I'm sure. I won't have a thief in my house." And I won't have the poor girl beaten and raped by my husband and his brothers, she thought.

"You heard Lady Cameron," Muiríol told the guard. "Let her gather her things and put her out."

Màiri sobbed and carried on terribly as the guard escorted her to her room to get her belongings. Ailene thought she was doing the girl a favor by not subjecting her to the Strapping Room.

"You didn't say anything when I was deciding Màiri's fate. You've run a household and you've been beaten by your husband. Should I have beaten her or let her go?" Ailene asked Isobel.

"It's not my place to say, Ailene. I'm not in charge."

"But I am asking your opinion. You must have one? Your husband beat you. You know what it's like."

"McTavish would have beaten her or worse and let her go, both. Part of the reason that I put up with the beatings is that I had no place else to go. I had nowhere to run to. No one to protect me. To me, the beatings were preferable to an uncertain future. It would seem to me that Màiri is facing an uncertain future. You may think that you're doing her a kindness, but no one will hire her again; not a known thief. What happens to her now?"

"You don't know what it's like. I've been to the Strapping Room, for leaving the Keep without guardsman against the Laird's express orders. I received one hundred swats with a paddle. The punishment was bad enough, but what happened after; I can't even tell you."

"Yet you do not fear your husband; you even love your husband? You do not wish to flee back to your family? If I'd anywhere else to go, I would have gone. You do not. Why?"

"I deserved it. I deserved the punishment. I was nearly raped by two bandits when I left. People were searching for me everywhere; people who could have been hurt because they could not go out in large parties and do a thorough search. If I'd been taken by Blackthorne, there's no telling what might have happened. Stuart does not beat me willy-nilly. He's never laid a hand on me other than for that one time, and honestly, he had Thorburn administer the punishment because he did not feel he would be sufficiently harsh with me."

"You did not show me the Strapping Room while giving me a tour of the keep yesterday, at least not anything that I would recognize as such. Why not?" Isobel asked.

"My memories of it are too painful and I believed that with your history, you would not stay if you were to see it. That you might believe us to be the same kind of monsters that your husband is," explained Ailene.

"But on the whole, you do not believe they are monsters, do you?" Isobel questioned.

"No, I guess not."

"Show me the room now," Isobel said.

Ailene led her into the basement of the Keep and to the locked door. She withdrew her keys and opened the door, swinging it open for Isobel to see.

"It's too dark. Is there a light here?"

Ailene lit two of the lamps in the room and Isobel looked around. She saw the table, the straps to hold a person down, the pillory, the cabinet.

"I've seen worse looking dungeons," Isobel said. "McTavish had some things that would make your skin crawl. Some he used on me. And how were you punished?"

"I was secured to the table."

"And what did they use to punish you with? You mentioned a paddle. Can you show it to me?"

Ailene went to the cabinet and pulled out the leather paddle, handing it to Isobel.

"You received a hundred swats with this?" Isobel asked.


"Did it leave any bruises? Did the marks stay on you for more than a day?"

"No. It burned as it was done and for a few hours after, but the pain faded quickly and I had no marks the next morning."

"You can still see the marks from things that McTavish did to me a week ago. What made it so bad?" Isobel inquired.

"I was naked. Thorburn gave me the punishment; Frang and Stuart watched."

"So you were embarrassed to be so exposed to all of them?"

"Yes, but it was what came after that was worse," Ailene said.

"Worse than 100 swats with this paddle on your naked bottom while two others watched? And you can't tell me this?"

"No. I can't tell anyone."

"If you can't tell me, then it's hard to give you an opinion. Would Màiri be ashamed to be spanked on her bare bottom with witnesses? I'm sure she would. Given her other options, I'm not sure she wouldn't choose that over being sent from the Keep. Her options as a known thief are extremely limited. She may be forced into a life of prostitution if she can't find other service as a maid. That might have been what I was forced into if I left my husband. Granted, I felt like one anyway since he would use sex with me as a way to pay his gambling debts, but I felt that a life of prostitution would have been worse. Would that be worse than what happened to you?" Isobel asked.