A Summer on the Road Pt. 07


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Jane turned and gave Paul a quick kiss and then said to the other couple, "Yeah, when he works for me I'm going to be very demanding about his performance." She winked at the couple.

Peter laughed and said, "I'm sure his 'performance' will be just fine if its you he has to measure up to."

The two couples continued with their lively banter for some time. Peter and Remi decided to cool off in the stream leaving Paul and Jane alone in the pool. As much as Jane liked the chatter with the European's she could feel Paul's arousal as she floated off and on to his lap. Now having him alone she straddled him and smiled at the other couple as they carefully picked their way over the rocks down toward the stream.

Jane grinned as she watched the tall fit German move, his cock swaying and showing some arousal.

"Mmmm .. nice parts," Jane whispered to Paul, nodding towards Peter. Paul was enjoying his own view.

"Well now that you mention it Remi looks pretty good too. Very full breasts and wide womanly hips."

Jane grabbed him by his hair and growled, pouting hard at him, "So you like her big tits do you? Lost interest in my little girl boobs eh? Just too small when there's a real woman to keep you interested."

"Whoa, whoa, I love your breasts! Your ass is any man's dream come true. I'm just saying our friend is in pretty good shape. Those two must be pushing fifty or probably over. Besides, you were the one who brought up his cock, sort of."

"I hope my butt looks half as good as hers when I'm fifty," Jane huffed. "Do you think you'll want to fuck me when I'm fifty?" She looked intently at him, waiting for an answer. Slowly she began sliding back and forth with her hips, her sex pushing against his.

Paul let out a big chuckle, "Is that a rhetorical question? You'll have to try to hunt me down in thirty years to find out. And we could get in big trouble with our partners if we researched the answer."

"Why will I have to find you? What if I don't let you escape me? Just think, you're own brat for life!"

"Ha! I'll be a faint memory around October when you're surrounded by guys from school."

"Ha! to you too. Do you think you can shake the brat that easily. I may not want this to go," she said looking hard into his eyes as she reached down and grabbed his cock. She rubbed it back over her folds and then held it at her opening, pushing her hips down. She groaned loudly and thrust her head back closing her eyes. Paul just watched her wide eyed, taken aback by her wantonness.

He huffed as she pushed down until his cock was fully buried inside her. Jane attacked his mouth nipping and licking his lips and thrusting her tongue deep inside, consumed by her lust. Pulling back and holding her head he shook his in wonder. This beautiful young woman was on top of him, caressing his cock with her silky warm vagina and all around them was the magical rain forest, the sound of the distant surf mixed with the rush of the nearby stream. In a moment of clarity he felt the perfection of his life at that very split second in time.

He wanted to remember this moment forever. The thought of this woman remaining in his life beyond the summer had never really entered his mind. He knew it was a fantasy but one that excited him beyond description. He then kissed her as passionately as he could, her movements growing more frantic as she ground down on his body. He grabbed her ass and arched into her thrusts which put her in a frenzy of movement. With a howl she threw back her head as she came bringing him along with her. As they gasped for breath they heard an amused chuckle as Peter called out, "Is it safe to rejoin you in the pool?" Both Paul and Jane burst out laughing as the older couple walked up and slid into the hot spring.

Remi had a monster smile on her face as she declared in a moment of epic understatement "You two seem to be overcoming any work related issues quite well. We firmly approve of good employee relations"

Jane was still straddling Paul, her arms wrapped around his head. She had buried her face in his shoulder out of embarrassment. Paul's cock was slowly softening and sliding out of her. "Yes, well, no disciplinary action required today. I won't have to spank her." Jane gave a little squeak at that and sheepishly looked at the smiling older couple.

When they recovered to a point they bid goodbye to their new friends, donned their wet suits and headed out in the kayaks, paddling back to the outfitter's base.


The following morning Paul and Jane started towards Vancouver via the Fraser River canyon. The trailer was empty as they made good time heading towards the port city. They would drop the trailer at a Robertson leased facility near the docks and would pick up a flatbed and a container. They were scheduled to make three drops at the customer's warehouses on the Prairies before returning to the Toronto area. Jane was driving through the narrow twisty section along the deep canyon. She was enjoying the challenge. Paul was starting to relax, still a bit in awe over her growing competence on the big rig.

He also marvelled at how cute she looked in her Robertson Trucking ball cap, her hair in a ponytail. She was wearing a tight t-shirt with a Band's name on the front that he had never heard of. Jesse Cook, another shared favourite, was playing on the stereo. He gazed over her legs fully exposed by her shorts. She glanced at him looking at her thighs.

"I know, I know. No shorts at work. I'll change into jeans before we arrive at the Port."

"Wasn't what I was thinking of but, yes, you should change when we switch drivers."

"So what were you thinking of then Boss?" Jane smirked at him, a lascivious smile on her face.

"Just how muscular those thighs feel."

She threw her head back and laughed. "Just when did you notice how muscular my thighs are?"

"Can't tell. It would be inappropriate in the workplace to discuss the circumstances."

"Wasn't when my legs were wrapped around your hips last night in the hotel was it?" Jane asked, squirming in her seat at the memory.

"Hmm ... last night in the hotel? Could you refresh my memory."

"Ha! I'm that forgettable, am I? How about when you had me on my knees, pulling my hands back behind me and ramming your cock into me."

"Jane, Jane! Such talk from my professional partner and an innocent young woman at that. This lapse in protocol may require punishment."

"And then you flipped me over and wrapped my legs around your waist as you fucked me senseless."

"Okay, that does it. Pull over at the turn out at the bottom of this hill."

"Boss, I'm sorry for the bad language. Am I really in trouble?" she asked in a pouty voice, arousal coursing through her. Her face flushed as she pulled into the turnout

"Stop the truck and into the sleeper." Paul turned the air conditioning up high, to drown out the noise that was coming. He swatted Jane's rear as she scrambled into the back.


"You haven't felt 'ouch' yet. Shorts off." She squealed as she popped the button and slid the zipper down and he pulled them off. He leaned against the back of the compartment and flipped her easily over his lap.

"Now repeat after me, 'Jane was using inappropriate language in the workplace," he said sternly.

"Yes boss, 'Jane was using bad language in Paul's truck'."

"And what should happen now because of that?" Paul prompted, slowly and gently rubbing his hands over her pantie clad rear. The arousal and humour in his voice unmistakable.

"Paul should punish me for my foul language."

"Yes baby, you're right." With that he pulled her panties down and smacked both cheeks with his hand.

And then he smacked her five times on each cheek.

"Ow, ouch! I'm sorry Sir. I will try to be a good driver, really hard."

Paul looked down at her flaming cheeks, wondering if he had spanked her too hard. This was play and he really didn't want to hurt her but the sight of her small tight ass had inflamed him and he had almost lost control.

"Okay baby, I know you will try harder." He lifted his knees up bringing her ass near his face. He blew softly over the pink cheeks. Gazing over Jane's small perfect rear he bent down and slowly licked his way over the flesh. His hand drifted to her thighs. He spread them and with two fingers gently massaged her labia. Jane's eyes were closed and her face was screwed up in concentration as his tongue ran over her cheeks. She was emitting small huffs and gasps.

Paul moved her off his lap and had her rest on her knees, her face on the mattress. He slid his jeans and shorts off and cautiously widened her knees. He knew he had been overly firm in her play spanking and didn't want to cause any more discomfort to the young woman. He rubbed his cock into her labia. Paul was relieved to feel how wet she was. Their playful dominance/submissiveness had clearly aroused the teenager as much as it had him. Still, he slowly slid his penis into her sex and gently began rocking back and forth until he felt his balls nestled up to her labia. Paul stopped here and savoured the feel of being inside this beautiful girl. Simply being on the road with this woman was pleasure enough but to have her as a willing partner in love making was divine.

Paul continued to run his hands softly and soothingly over her ass, feeling the heat he had aroused by his hand. Jane sensed his softness had to do with the punishment, playful as it was. She wanted more from him. "Paul, please, I'm okay, really, you can fuck me harder. I am so horny I could scream."

Paul threw his head back and laughed. He then grabbed her shoulders and brought her back up while he began to thrust harder. Jane was naked from the waist down but still had her t-shirt on. He pulled it up and grabbed her breasts with one hand and reached around with the other to massage her tummy and then into her slit. He held her close and began to thrust harder. Despite all the sex he had had with Jane Robertson, his boss's daughter, he still felt like he was living in a surreal dream when making love to this girl. But the pleasure and exquisiteness was real and in a moment of fear, he didn't know how he could live with out it.


Jane licked at her ice cream cone and smiled over at Paul. "How's yours? Wild Berry Delight is my new favourite flavour!"

"Glad you like it. I prefer the classics; maple walnut for an older guy."

"Your such an old man! Will it be vanilla when you hit thirty?"

"Hmm. Probably."

Jane munched the last of her cone and held up her hand. "Paul, I have sticky ice cream all over my fingers. What can I do?" she smiled wickedly at him.

He took her hand in his and licked her fingers slowly one by one, holding her gaze all the while. Her eyes flamed at this gesture.

They continued walking along the Stanley Park seawall. Later tonight they would pull out of Vancouver for the return trip home, but for now they had the afternoon to enjoy the beautiful oceanfront.

Walking side by side Jane moved over and put her hand in Paul's back pocket. She smiled up at him. Jane loved the feel of the tight muscles of his ass and the way his back broadened into wide shoulders on his tall strongly built frame. When making love her hands roamed over his muscles. She was awed by the power he had but also by the gentleness with which he caressed her. She felt so safe and loved in his hands.

Paul was pensive though as they strolled. His desire and need for her was driving him, threatening to overwhelm him. He was having trouble catching up emotionally. In just a few weeks he had gone from being a single dad with no relationship to something with a young woman that he didn't fully believe was happening.

Jane sensed his mood. She quietly asked, "Paul are you okay?"

Paul glanced down at her and sighed. Looking out over the water, his pace slowed. She didn't press him for an answer as they continued walking. Families with kids, a skateboarder and a few other couples were enjoying the walking path. He stopped and took her hand.

"Jane, what are we? What am I to you? Do you have any idea what you are doing to me?"

She looked at him intently and thought carefully before speaking, "Those are serious questions. Let me start by asking you one. Do we need a label for what we are doing? Isn't it enough that we are enjoying each other?"

"Jane I am enjoying the sex with you more than you could ever imagine. I didn't think I would ever feel like this again. If after you go back to school and I never see you again this summer is something I will never forget. But I don't think I'm wired to be content with just a physical relationship. I really like just being with you. Its not only about the sex."

Jane pulled him towards a bench facing the harbour. They sat down and looked over the water, neither speaking for some time. Jane squeezed his hand and looked up at him and asked, "What am I to you?" At that she threw her head back and laughed. "I mean beside being an annoying pain in the ass as times and I hope a good fuck at others."

Paul laughed and replied, "Yes among other things, you are certainly direct. I think you get that from your dad."

"What? Do you mean direct when I say things like how much I love the feel of your cock inside me!" she said laughing again.

"Jane Jane, we're in a family park," Paul exclaimed looking right and left, both amused and embarrassed by her forthrightness.

"Going to spank me again?"

"Ha! You're lucky we are in a public place. Speaking of, how is your butt?"

"Umm .. a bit tender but worth it."

"Really, how so?"

"You know why. I can't believe how horny I get being spanked even if it does hurt a bit. And then when you fuck me after, its ... well, its just WOW!"

"Yeah. Me too. Something else I don't fully understand either. You know its just play now. I would never do it again out of anger."

She squeezed his hand again and replied, "I know you would never hurt me. Its fun that we are exploring something new to both of us."

He laughed at that and she continued, "And we have the rest of the summer to learn about each other."

Paul sighed deeply and smiled at her. "Okay, I'm happy that we still have lots of time together."

Jane slowly slid her arms around Paul and put her cheek onto his chest. She breathed slowly. Paul tentatively wrapped his arms around her. Jane spoke softly. "Paul, you know this is new for me too. And you know that I can't get enough of your body, as shallow as that sounds. I know there is more to it beyond the lust, which is crazy intense for me, more pleasurable then I thought possible, but I do know there is more to it than the physical. But my experience is too limited to sort out what I feel. I would like more time to figure this out. And while I'm doing that, would you continue to make love to me whenever and how often you want?"

He pulled her in for a tight hug and said softly, "Okay, I can manage that."

"Good. And there are a couple of other things I want."

"Yes of course, my boss's overpriviledged daughter. What else?"

"Hey, don't get snarky!. It awakens the brat."

"Oops, sorry. Please go on."

"I want to show Beatrice and Zoe how to make my famous banana muffins. I promised them the last skype call."

"You are their favourite 'aunt' right now, you know that don't you?"

"They are totally adorable. I'm happy they like me. And secondly, Tara is hosting my twentieth birthday party and I would like you to come."

Paul nodded slowly. Having Jane in his world was one thing. Seeing her in a world of university students and teenagers was not something he had ever considered. That time seemed so long ago in his past and it reminded him of how different his life was from Jane's. Once again he realized how fleeting this relationship really was.

They got up and he held her hand as they made their way back to their truck to begin the trip home.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Stay tuned for more.

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Ravey19Ravey19almost 2 years ago

Good. Next instalment could be interesting.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Here is an idea

Maybe finish the bloody story before you start posting the chapters

Making readers wait months on end between is an insult.

Get your shit together ffs

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Can't wait for next chapter

Am looking by this one alot

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
next chapter please

Grand story do hope there will be a follow on chapter, chapters

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Love this story- more please

Nice story about real people

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Enjoyable story

Thanks for a "real" story. These circumstances are possible. Love love love your choices throughout this story.

Thank you so much.

General_OGeneral_Oover 6 years ago

Please continue great writing love it

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

So many things I want to see in the story. A happy ending, a lasting and loving romance that leads to marriage )?), and fuller description of Paul -- I still imagine some hair covering that muscular chest and abs, and last, a father's blessing on what Jane wants from Paul. It sounds as if Paul's daughters could easily be brought on board. Keep them loving each other. Keep writing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Five stars again, next chapter very soon please.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Looking for LOVE

2 things, no 3. 5 stars again. I was hoping at least 1 of them would say I Love You by now. Last, I'm enjoying this a lot and i hope you can find the time in your life to get the final chapters out soon. OK, number 4, I'm really hoping for a happy ending.

rightbankrightbankover 6 years ago
the social conundrum is back

They have been doing fine in their micro world of the Volvo cab. The 20th birthday party will be another set of issues.

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