A Tale for the Middle Ages Pt. 06


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Fall slipped into early winter. Warm late fall weather persisted into December but a cold front was threatening the first winter snowfall.

Rob and Joanne were unwinding in front of a fire in his living room. They both enjoyed the natural wood fireplace in his Annex home, a luxury in the city. They were planning their mid December trip to the British Virgin Islands, where they would take out a charter mono hull for a week.

"Any chance our young friend could join us?" Joanne asked wistfully, her head resting on Rob's shoulder.

He pulled his head off the couch and looked at her, "Don't know. I think she's buried in the end of term work. I haven't seen her in almost two weeks. Last I heard they were starting to do clinical rounds in the evening. She was doing hers at Sick Kids. Seems early in their training to be exposed to patients"

"Haven't seen much of her either. We haven't gone running for over ten days." Joanne said quietly looking into the fire.

"Missing the running or the after run?" Rob asked teasingly.

"Yeah ... that too," Joanne replied. After a minute or so she added, "In fact, I miss just about everything about her. You know I don't have many female friends. My line of work just doesn't seem to bring many my way. They're all over in corporate law. They don't enjoy visiting clients in prisons. Can't wear heels there"

"Poor babies," Rob added sarcastically.

"Now that you have... umm ... you know, been with woman, well Shannon specifically, do you find yourself looking at other women, like you know, like you might want to do the same thing with them."

It was Joanne's turn to snap her head up and stare at Rob. "Do you mean, look at girls the way guys do, imagining them naked between the sheets and fucking them," she said, somewhat harshly.

"Easy, easy! Just wondering if you've developed a new found appreciation for women's bodies?"

"Sorry for jumping on you. Okay, I have looked at attractive women since Shannon and yes, I can see what guys are looking at, what they see, but its really just cerebral. I don't feel anything, not even a twinge."

"But for you, Shannon is different, right?" he prodded.

"Are you kidding me! You know what she does to me - to us really. I can't get enough of her. I tried staying away but I can't. I just want to be naked with her, wrap my arms and legs around her and kiss and lick every part of her body Its crazy, I know."

"Believe me I get it. And its just as crazy for me, a fifty year old to feel the same way.

"Lets face it," he continued, lets accept that at some level we both love her.

"Yeah. I don't fight it anymore. C'mon, lets go upstairs. I think we're both missing her."



Joanne sat straddling Rob's thighs, his cock nestled under her. She slowly moved back and forth teasingly. Rob was letting out soft groans in time with her rocking motion on his cock. His face was buried in her breasts, his tongue running all over them, his teeth lightly nipping at her nipples. Joanne loved the way he played with her breasts.

A phone buzzed on the night table.

"Mine," she gasped as Rob bit harder on a nipple.

"No phone!"

"Okay," she replied huffing.

Another buzz.

Joanne reached over to grab the mobile. "Turning it off!" she exclaimed.

Looking at it first, she groaned, stopped moving her hips and pointed the handheld at Rob.

He leaned back on the pillow. "Huh! Speaking of our little oversexed friend," he groaned.

"Wants to know if we are together. How close she is to the truth. Umm, what should I do."

"Not like her to text late in the evening unless something has come up. I think we are taking a break anyway now so check in with her."

"Okay." Joanne punched in a reply. A half minute later Shannon responded. Joanne looked at it and then at Rob, "Somethings not going well. She seems distraught. She wants to talk to us if we're not busy."

Joanne looked at him questioningly with raised eyebrows. "Not really busy, just making love to the woman of my dreams," he sighed. "And the other woman of my dreams wants to talk. Ask her over if you're okay."

Joanne had given him a look when he made the comment and then punched in an answer. The reply was back in seconds. "She's coming right over. I told her to let herself in and come upstairs."

"Should we get dressed?" Rob asked.

"Nope. I'll get our dressing gowns though. She has expressed curiosity about us in bed. Lets give her a visual for her imagination." With that she stepped out of bed and walked naked over to pick up their fluffy his and hers bath robes.

"You know she fantasizes about the three of us together."

"Un huh. I tell her that I'm too old for that," Joanne said, just a bit wistfully. "Frankly, I've never read the script for a threesome so I wouldn't know what to do."


Shannon had bounded up the stairs and tore into Rob's room, then stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Rob and Joanne in their fluffy robes sitting at the head of the bed, sipping wine.

"Hey babe, good to see you, what's up?" Rob took the lead.

Joanne reached down and patted the end of the bed. "Grab some room on the bed and talk to us."

"Oh Shit! I've interrupted your evening. I'm so sorry!"

"Hey, no problem. We were talking earlier how much we missed you. We're really happy you came over. Now tell us what's up."

Shannon sat herself down on the end of the bed, curling her legs up under her butt. She looked down at the bed and took several deep breaths and finally said softly, "I don't think I can do this job. I not cut out for medicine."

"Oh sweetie," Joanne said, reaching out for her hand. "What happened. Anatomy? Cadavers?"

"No, not that. I mentally prepped myself for that for months and we did some in pre-med."

Rob and Joanne waited quietly for Shannon. They glanced with quiet concern at each other.

She snuffled, taking deep breaths. Finally she spoke, almost in a whisper, "I believe I've told you we are doing clinical and I'm at Sick Kids. I was with the assistant head of Pediatrics with three other students doing an evening round. He was called away. A diagnostic lab report had come in for a five year old little girl. The report was not good. After explaining to the students the situation I just assumed our round would be over and he would deal with it. He looked directly at me and asked if I was the student who had expressed an interest in children's medicine as a career goal. I said that was true. He then dismissed the other students and asked me to follow him. Without saying anything else we went up one floor and walked into a semi private with two young children. He motioned and asked one set of parents if they could speak with him outside of the room. They looked scared but controlled. We went into a small nursing station office where he sat them down.

Shannon paused and took deep breaths and then she tried to speak again, "He .. He began telling them the diagnosis and what was coming for the child, and ..."

Shannon stopped. Tears began leaking down her face. She stared into the bed in front of her feet. "The pain I saw from these parents. I had never imagined what it could be like. I'll never forget the look on the fathers face," she sobbed. With that she crumpled into a ball on the bed and began crying, her body shaking with the sobs.

Rob motioned to Joanne, who then moved up behind the sobbing girl, placing a hand on her arm. She whispered into Shannon's ear, gently stroking her hair with her other hand. "I can't imagine what it must be like to hear that as a parent. And to deliver that news. Sweetie, I don't think there is any way to prepare for that"

Shannon opened her eyes and stared blankly into the room. Her sobbing slowed to a snuffle, tears falling down her cheeks. Joanne continues stroking her hair and arm, whispering quiet words into her ear. She said how brave doctors were to daily work with life and death situations.

Finally, after some time, Shannon was able to speak, "I never really gave the human side that much thought. I was wrapped up in the science and the biology.

"Maybe I should just stay away from children," she murmured. The image of the little girl flooded into her mind and she choked back tears, rolling her face into the bed.

Joanne sat up and held onto her shoulders, "Shannon, come up to the pillows and lie between us." With that she pulled the young woman up beside Rob, lying on her side facing him. Joanne nestled in behind her, carefully spooning her back.

Shannon closed her eyes, enjoying the comforting feel of the older woman wrapped around her body.

Her breathing slowed and the tears finally stopped.

"Baby," Joanne whispered, "you are so early in your training. You need to go much deeper into this before you make decisions. You don't have to decide on a specialty for years. You may have just experienced one of the hardest parts of the job. And you will survive it."

Shannon turned to look at her and then to Rob, who was lying on his side, his head perched on his hand. He reached over to smooth hair out of her face. He had never seen her so distraught. It was alarming.

She reached over and took Joanne's hand and brought it across her stomach, lacing their fingers together.

Thank you guys for being here with me. I'll pull myself together in a minute and let you get back to your evening. I feel like such a jerk for barging in like this."

Joanne took the lead,."Nonsense, you aren't going anywhere. You're staying with us tonight."

Rob joined in, "The doctor is going to drink a glass of wine and get comfortable. We're taking her keys away."

Shannon smiled weakly, "Is resistance futile?"

"Don t waste your time trying. Rob, go get Shannon one of your t-shirts she needs something to sleep in while I get another glass and the Pinot Noir.

Rob returned to the room just as Shannon came out of the bathroom holding a gray t shirt. She asked, "Should I go to the guest bedroom?"

Joanne ignored the question, just simply said, "Come here." She pulled the UBC sweatshirt Shannon was wearing over her head in one deft motion.

"Turn." She then undid Shannon's bra and slipped it off her shoulders. Rob looked on as his lover undressed the young girl.

"Take your jeans off." Shannon shimmied out of her pants and flipped her socks off. She was now naked except for her panties. Joanne held the t shirt up and Shannon slipped her head and arms through it and Joanne pulled the shirt on. Rob's t shirt fell to mid thigh.

With that Joanne took her hand and brought her back to the bed placing her between the two of them. She poured Shannon a glass of red and refilled hers and Rob's.

"Wow, this tastes really good. Thank you guys again for taking such good care of me. Kick me out into the guest room when you need to."

Joanne felt she needed to talk about the other aspects of the clinical experience, her fellow classmates and the academic side of medicine. Shannon opened up and seemed to relax. During the conversation Joanne's robe slowly fell open and her left breast and a part of her tummy became visible. Shannon stopped in mid sentence. She was feeling pleasantly drowsy now but looked intently at Joanne's body. She giggled, "Hey are you guys naked under those robes?"

"Yep," Rob confirmed. He was enjoying the two women.

"Okay then, Are you going to take them off for bed? Should I go then?"

Joanne responded, "Nope, you are sleeping with us tonight and I do mean s-l-e-e-p-i-n-g." Joanne spelled out the last part to emphasize the message.

Rob gave a little groan.

Shannon squirmed.

True to their words, after turning out the light, Rob and Joanne slipped out of their robes. Shannon was truly exhausted from the ordeal of the day. Joanne, now naked, spooned in behind Shannon and gently nuzzled into her neck and hair. In the darkness Shannon reached out and took Rob's hand and held it to her chest. She reached across and found his lips with hers. Her kisses were light pecks on his lips.

"I love you guys so much. You are so good to me," Shannon said softly in a dreamy voice. Her eyes closed and she drifted off Joanne joined her in sleep. Rob rolled onto his back as best he could with one hand held by Shannon between her breasts over her t-shirt. He could feel the soft breath of the young woman on his hand as she slept. Sleep was the farthest thing from his mind, his two lovers entwined with each other in his bed just inches away. He was embarrassed by his erection that refused to subside.

Hours later Shannon regained consciousness feeling warm breath on her neck. She could feel Joanne's arm around her and her naked breasts mashed into her back. Trying not to wake Joanne, Shannon turned over slowly until she was facing her. She moved her lips close enough to feel Joanne's slow breaths on her own lips. Softly she kissed the sleeping older woman, just lightly around her mouth. Shannon felt cocooned in love.

Rob, sensing the movement over in the darkness, saw Shannon facing Joanne. He also saw her arm reach out and stroke the shoulders of his woman. Rolling onto his side he placed a hand between Shannon's shoulder blades and slowly ran his fingers down her back to just above her bum. He then began a gentle massage of her lower back. Shannon sighed. Hearing her he stopped, not sure of the message.

"Mmm ... really nice, ... more please," Shannon murmured sleepily.

Rob resumed his massaging of her back.

Shannon continued her gentle kisses around Joanne's mouth. Soon she could feel Joanne's lips kissing back Slowly their kisses grew in passion. Shannon reached behind Joanne's head, wrapping her hand in her hair and pulling her face in for even deeper kisses.

Rob could sense the passion emanating from the women. Really not sure where this was all going he still felt the need to run his hands down to Shannon's bum and the back of her thighs. The response was a deep sigh and a breathy, "That feels so nice."

He moved closer and slipped a leg over Shannon's lower leg, nestling in between them. His cock was now touching her behind, causing him to groan at the feeling, even through her panties. He couldn't stop a slow rocking of his hips that caused a friction between his cock and her bum.

Joanne was half awake and in that wonderful state between sleep and wakefulness when thinking is stilled and the body is hyper sensitive to any and all stimulation. She had experienced this a few times with her lovers and the sex was beyond description. All she wanted now was to draw this young woman into her and feel the softness and heat of her skin. She wanted Shannon naked! Without any thought or warning she broke the kiss, sat up and started pulling at the t shirt. Shannon was only too happy to take it off. Rob, sensing Shannon ripping Shannon's t-shirt off, reached down and tugged at her panties. With no words spoken she helped him slide them off. The three lovers were now completely naked.

Joanne, acting on pure lust driven instinct, wrapped her legs and arms around the gasping honey blonde and kissed her passionately. Rob was between shocked and thrilled by Joanne's lust for Shannon. He came close to them and was mesmerized by the passion playing out between the two women in his bed. He couldn't believe Joanne was devouring this girl with him there.

Shannon was groaning and sighing between deep kisses with her female lover. "Guys, I need you so bad, please don't stop. I want both of you, now."

Joanne's eyes popped open with the realization that her other lover was beside them. She reached over and grabbed Rob's hand and placed it on Shannon's right breast. At the same time she moved down on Shannon's neck and then to her left breast. Joanne was always thrilled with any contact with the young breasts of her lover but tonight she was in heaven licking, sucking, nibbling and kissing Shannon's beautiful mounds

Rob continued to massage Shannon's breasts while nuzzling her neck. She shifted more onto her back moving Rob's leg out. She turned and pulled him in for a kiss while Joanne continued loving her left breast. Shannon wrapped her arm around Rob's head and moved him down to her other boob. She gasped in pleasure when both of her lovers were sucking and nibbling on her nipples.

Rob broke away for a moment and reached over to turn the low bedside lamp on. He wanted to see the women in his life, in bed, together. Joanne's eyes shot open as the cover of darkness was removed and their nakedness was revealed.

Shannon gasped, "Please, please don't stop. This feels so good."

Rob looked Joanne in the eyes as he slowly made his way back to Shannon's right breast, his tongue swirling around her areola and nipple. Joanne's eyes were wide as she moved them back and forth between Rob's eyes and Shannon's chest. With a sigh she moved back to Shannon's other breast and matched Rob's actions. Both older people sucked, licked and feasted on her chest. Rob suddenly reached over, grabbed Joanne by the hair and pulled her in for a kiss. Shannon watched in satisfaction as Rob kissed Joanne deeply. She raised her head up and they took turns kissing her. To Shannon, this was pure magic.

Shannon was gasping as she locked deeply onto Joanne's lips. She broke away and asked, "Rob, could you please be inside me while I kiss Joanne." She looked at him pleadingly, not knowing if she was going too far at this point. She had always wondered what it would be like to be penetrated by one lover while kissing the other. He hesitated.

Joanne looked at him fiercely, "Do it Rob, make love to our baby! Fill her with your cock while I kiss her."

"Oh JESUS," was all he could say. He had never heard Joanne talk this way.

He rolled between Shannon's legs and went onto his knees, lifting Shannon's narrow hips up and positioning his cock at her entrance. He reached down and opened her lips up and felt for her readiness.

Shannon gasped, "I'm ready, please, just put it in." Joanne was licking all around her breasts and watching Rob's cock at Shannon's entrance. She had never seen a man in real life plunge into another woman and she was mesmerized by the sight of Rob's cock at the tiny girl's entrance. She startled at the apparent mismatch in size. She knew though that Rob would be gentle.

With a groan of pleasure Rob slipped his cock partway into Shannon. She let out a loud hiss and "aaaahhhhhhh" as he slowly slid his manhood into the young girl.

Joanne exhaled and gasped at the sight of Rob's cock disappearing into Shannon. "Oh My God, that is so beautiful and hot," she exclaimed.

With that Shannon grabbed Joanne by the hair and pulled her into a lengthy and deep kiss. Rob moved in and out slowly, enjoying the sight of his lovers in a deep kiss. With his knees under Shannon's bum he could watch the women from above. He smoothed and patted the kissing women's hair as he rocked in and out of Shannon.

Rob loved the feel of Shannon's vagina. It was tighter than any woman he could remember. She was also the smallest of any women he had made love to and her pussy was a narrow delight. He just couldn't move too fast, not tonight.

He watched Joanne as she moved her kisses between Shannon's breasts and her lips. Her right hand was gently rubbing Shannon's tummy while Rob's cock moved slowly in and out.

Joanne was enthralled by the sight of a penis moving in and out of a woman. She placed her head on Shannon's chest and moved her fingers down to touch Rob's cock as it came out. She slid two fingers around it as it thrust in and out. The heat she felt coming from her lover's sex was incredible. She was transfixed.

Shannon's moans and gasps were growing in intensity. She reached her hand down to Joanne's hand that was touching Rob's cock. Wrapping her fingers around Joanne's she guided them to her clit and began a circular motion, guiding her fingers. Joanne quickly picked up on her new task.