A Week in Brighton


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I don't know at which point I had taken my cock out, but I suddenly realized I was stroking myself as I watched that amazing scene. I knew I must appear a pervert, spying through a window, and jerking off while filming two beautiful women having sex. But I didn't care what I looked like or whether anyone saw me. I couldn't tear my eyes away from what was happening.

When Lauren pulled her face away and sat back on her heels, Lisa remained like a statue for long seconds. Then she turned her body to face the kneeling woman. She was gasping for breath, leaning back, supported by her outstretched arms with her chest thrust out. She looked down at a smiling Lauren. She was flushed and had a dreamy look on her face. I had never seen Lisa look so beautiful and sexy as she did just then. It seemed to take an effort for her to stand, and she visibly wobbled as she pushed herself away from the table. Lauren stood too, and they embraced and kissed as though they had just discovered sex.

Again hooking her finger into the ring on the collar, a fully clothed Lauren led a virtually naked Lisa from the room. She automatically clasped her hands behind her back, and stumbled on with her panties around her knees.

I watched them disappear through the door as my orgasm burst upon me. I slumped with my forehead against the wall as my hand slowed. I suddenly felt so very sad and tired. I slid down the wall into a sitting position and pushed my face into my arms. I sat unmoving for some minutes and the truth of my situation finally sank into my brain. This was not a game, not a fantasy that would disappear in the morning. My wife had actually left me, left me to be with another woman, a woman that she now wanted more than she wanted me. I again pictured them together and Lisa's face as she looked at Lauren, and I knew then that I had lost her.

I gathered myself together, brushed my clothes down and made my way to the front of the house. I considered confronting them, but I felt too drained. And what could I say that wouldn't make the situation worse? I knew I had to get Lisa alone, talk to her and find out if we had anything left at all. I squeezed past Lauren's Mercedes in the drive and thought about running my key along the paintwork, but I knew it would be a childish and petty gesture. And after all I didn't really hate or even dislike Lauren. Hadn't I wanted to bed her myself? No, to my mind Lisa was the one at fault. So instead I did something even more childish and pathetic: in an attempt to spoil their fun I banged hard and loud on the door and like a frightened and wounded animal I scuttled away to the safety of the street.


"I'll have to pull my knickers up," Lisa declared. They had reached the stairs and she still had her panties around her knees. As she reached for the offending garment Lauren slapped her hands away.

"Leave them, you're still being punished, you know."

Lisa smiled at the words "I like being punished," she teased.

"Oh, don't worry, my slut, you'll be punished alright." Lauren pulled Lisa to her, nipped her lover's bottom lip between her teeth, and gripped her nipple. "Put your hands on your head," she commanded, and pushed Lisa ahead of her. "Go on, I want to watch your arse move"

Lisa struggled up the stair one step at a time, encouraged by playful slaps to her exposed bottom, both women giggling at her efforts.

Reaching the bedroom she turned with her hands still clasped to her head and faced Lauren. One gentle push sent her sprawling onto the bed and she watched the younger woman move toward her. Lauren crawled onto the bed, pulling her smart gray skirt up to her hips to allow her thighs to part enough to straddle Lisa's legs. Looking at the image before her, Lisa saw the gray stockings and white thighs framing the lace covered pussy. She groaned, longing to feel the damp flesh against her lips.

"Love me?" she said, holding her arms out toward Lauren.

"Till you beg me to stop," was the reply.

Lauren leaned forward to meet Lisa's mouth; they held each other and kissed deeply. New lovers, holding so tight, as if afraid to let go. Suddenly there came a loud rapping on the door. Both women tensed and Lisa clung to her lover. "Who is it?" she asked.

Lauren climbed from the bed. Pulling the curtains aside she peered through the window. There was no sign of anybody and she shook her head and shrugged.

"Bloody kids playing a game, I expect." she said and moved back to the bed.

She released the button and zipper on her skirt and allowed the garment to drop to the floor around her ankles, her jacket followed suit and she bent down to retrieve the woolen belt from the loops.

"Hold out your hands," she commanded.

Lisa felt her tummy flutter as she obeyed. Lauren knelt on the bed and wrapped the belt around her wrists and knotted it in place. She reached forward pulling the bound hands above Lisa's head and secured them to the top bar of the oaken headboard. The tether was far from escape-proof, and could be just a part of a lovers' game, but both realized it was something more than that. Lisa wouldn't try to free herself, it was a symbol of possession, and she now belonged to Lauren.

Sitting on Lisa's hips with her knees astride her, Lauren stroked her fingertips over and around the exposed breasts. She gently held each nipple between thumb and forefinger.

"Who do you belong to?" she asked.

"You," Lisa breathed. Lauren squeezed the right nipple, bringing a gasp from Lisa.

"Address me correctly, Mistress sounds a little pretentious, I think ma'am should do,"

"Yes, ma'am," Lisa corrected herself, but then the left nipple was crushed.

"I changed my mind. You can address me as 'Miss'," Lauren teased. "What are you?" she continued.

Lisa wasn't sure how to respond, so she told the simple truth. "I'm a slut, Miss, your slut. Please, Miss, may I lick your cunt?"

Lauren pulled up on the nipples, and Lisa strained to lift her body in an attempt to relieve the pain.

"You don't ask or demand anything; you just do as I say."

"Oh God! Yes, Miss," Lisa gasped. Lauren held the nipples stretched upwards. Lisa watched her face, biting her bottom lip, determined to withstand the pain. Slowly Lauren's expression turned to a smile. She released the nipples and bent over to kiss the pain away; she kissed and licked her way down Lisa's body, and reaching her pubis she stopped.

"Please, Miss?" Lisa whispered. Lauren rolled herself to one side and quickly stripped off her knickers. She turned to face Lisa's feet and swung her leg over to straddle her lover's face. Lisa extended her tongue to meet the lowering pussy. Lauren bent down forward and Lisa tensed when Laurens mouth fastened onto her sex. As her tongue made contact with the hot wet flesh she felt faint with desire, and she knew, at least for that moment, that this was where she belonged.


I checked out of the hotel early the following morning. After breakfast I phoned Lisa and was surprised when she answered immediately. I spoke abruptly "We need to talk."

"Yes, err... can I call you later? I'm..." She was playing for time, time that I wasn't prepared to give.

"There's a small park about a half mile from you, be there in an hour," I interrupted.

"How... how do you know where I am?"

I felt smug when I answered. "Oh, I know, Lisa, I know everything, everything you've been doing. Meet me in an hour." I hung up before she had the chance to say anything further.


"That was John," Lisa explained. She stood by the bed whilst Lauren, wearing just panties, sat at the dressing table brushing her hair.

"I guessed that," Lauren replied looking at their reflection in the mirror.

"He wants to see me, I really should go,"

"You still love him; you want to go back to him?"

Lisa wasn't sure whether it was a question or a statement "of course I love him, he's my husband," she said.

"That's not what I asked," Lauren said.

Lisa didn't know how to respond and stayed silent. Lauren placed her hairbrush on the dresser and stood. "Maybe I can help you decide?" she said as she crossed the room. She moved close and licked Lisa's neck and around her ear, teeth lightly nipping her lobe.

"No, Lauren, don't! This is hard enough as it is," Lisa weakly tried to push the girl away.

"All's fair in love and war," Lauren whispered, as she pushed her tongue between Lisa's lips.

"No it's not! It's not fair on any of us. Please?" even though she tried to resist Lisa could feel her pulse quicken

Lauren stopped her kiss and pulled away "you need to make a decision, Lisa, this isn't a game. You have to decide what you want," she returned to the dressing table and continued to brush her hair

"Lauren, please?" Lisa said, she hated to see her lover upset. But she was right: she had treated this whole thing as a game, and hearing the hurt and anger in John's voice had finally made her realize how she was destroying her marriage. Did she really want to throw away ten happy years and the man she loved for something that could be a passing fancy? Was she prepared to lose everything she had, all that she knew, to risk becoming just another member of Laurens growing harem? The answer seemed so obvious, but she looked at Lauren, beautiful Lauren, the slim body and long legs, the small breasts, the beautiful bottom and delicious pussy. She thought about the feel of her, the taste of her, and the thrill when they touched. And she wondered if she could resist her, and whether she wanted to resist.

She crossed to where Lauren sat and knelt on the floor beside her, laying her head on Laurens leg she kissed her thigh, "don't be angry," she said.

Lauren stroked Lisa's red hair, "I'm not angry. But I...we... John and I, we both need to know where we stand?

Lisa looked up into Laurens eyes, "why can't life be simple? Why do I have to choose? Why couldn't the three of us live together?" she asked hopefully, but knowing inside that she was clutching at straws.

Lauren smiled down at Lisa "you know as well as I do that it wouldn't work," she turned so that her legs were either side of the kneeling woman, "but as long as you're down there?" and she placed her hands on either side of Lisa's head and pulled her toward her panty covered pussy.


I got there early, not wanting to give her any reason for not meeting me. When she arrived, Lauren was with her. I expected as much, but I was relieved when she sat on a bench thirty yards away. Lisa approached and sat next to me, leaving four feet between us. I found this gesture particularly upsetting but said nothing. I continued to stay silent, hoping to draw her out. Eventually she spoke.

"I'm sorry John," she mumbled.

"Is that all you can say," I thought sarcastically, but instead I replied, "You already said that."

"I didn't mean for this to happen, it just..."

"I'm going home this morning, I want you to come with me," I interrupted her, she didn't respond and I thought, "There's my answer."

"I assume then, that you'll be staying here," I continued. She stared at her hands in her lap, and I saw that she had begun to cry. A part of me wanted to reach out and hold her, but another, new part, was enjoying seeing her hurt. I couldn't resist twisting the knife "I hope she treats you better than you treated me."

The floodgates opened, her shoulders heaved with her sobs and she tried in vain to wipe away the tears. I found a clean hankie in my pocket and passed it to her. I felt guilty for what I had said, but then I remembered that I was the victim here.

Lauren stood and approached; Lisa waved her away but was ignored. "Are you alright?" she asked, sitting on the other side of Lisa.

"Yes, I'm okay," Lisa said, sniffing. She moved a little closer to me to make room.

Laurens presence made it even more awkward for me, I felt I couldn't say the things that I wanted to. It was in desperation when I spoke "Is there any way, any chance...?" I spread my hands helplessly, not knowing how to ask without begging. I wouldn't beg.

"I won't share you," Lauren put in quickly.

"Oh God!" Lisa clasped her hands to her face "I'm sorry...I'm sorry. I've made such a fucking mess of everything."

I was sure that she was talking to Lauren and I felt defeated. I thought I was wasting my time, and I decided to leave, but Lauren was ahead of me. She just stood and walked away.

"Lauren!" Lisa called out, and in panic she jumped up and hurried after her.

She ran to catch her lover, and just as Lauren reached the gate to the park she turned, and they embraced. I stood and pushed my hands into my jeans pockets. I watched as they spoke for a few seconds, and when they kissed I knew I had lost.

"Be happy Lisa," I whispered, and I walked away. I didn't look back.


"Lauren! Lauren! Wait, please," Lisa called. She cursed the heels that Lauren had made her wear, and almost crashed into her when Lauren stopped and turned toward her.

"I'm sorry; I never meant to hurt you. Please don't hate me," Lisa gasped, and she could feel the tears brimming again.

"I could never hate you," Lauren replied. She used her thumb to wipe away a tear on Lisa's cheek and pulled her into her arms.

"I love you, but John is..." she never finished as Lauren pressed her lips to hers. They kissed long and passionately. And when they stopped Lisa was reluctant to let go.

Lauren eased her away "you should be with him, go to John." she looked at the tear-stained face, the sudden uncertainty, and she knew what she had to do "go back to your husband Lisa, you don't belong here," she forced a bit of steel into her voice "for Christ sake can't you see it was just a bit of fun, let's see who can seduce the straight girl," she wiggled her fingers in the annoying mock quotation marks.

Lisa stepped back "W...why...?"

"Don't you understand? I was never serious, I already have a partner remember?" she sighed "look, I'm going home to Amelia, you should go and find John, he needs you more than I do," she spun away and left Lisa standing alone, she walked twenty paces before she whispered "Good bye Lisa," After another ten paces her tears were running freely, but she refused to wipe them away.


A mile away and an hour later I sat on the seafront, staring vacantly at a small blue boat passing the pier. I knew I should get into my car and go home, but it was hard to leave, I felt as though I was leaving a part of myself there. When somebody sat beside me I looked out of the corner of my eye and tried to stay calm.

"How did you know I'd be here?" I asked.

"I didn't...I just hoped," Lisa said


"You proposed to me on this spot," she said.

"I meant, why are you here? What do you want?" I asked.


I was stunned into silence for a moment. My heart was hammering and I just stared ahead "I thought you wanted to stay here," I managed to say without my voice breaking.

"An hour ago I did," she said "but then I saw you sitting in the park. I knew then that I couldn't be without you."

"That's not the most reassuring thing you could say."

"I'm trying to be truthful," she said.

"What about Lauren?" I asked.

"It's over, it was a...I don't know, she was something I never expected,"

"Do you love her?"

"Oh God, Yes...Yes I do love her!" She said without hesitation.

I was still looking at the sea. She inched closer and I felt her fingers touch my arm. I daren't move because I knew my hands would be shaking.

"I won't lie to you; she'll always be a part of me. She made me feel...I don't know, it's hard to describe. I don't expect you to understand, I'm not sure I understand myself."

I thought back to yesterday: to what I'd seen in Laurens kitchen and Lisa's face as she looked at her, and I understood, I understood exactly.

"But I belong with you, you complete me. I love you. I don't think I can live without you," and I felt her grip my arm as she said this.

"What about...I mean...What about the future? Now that you've..." I couldn't think of the right words.

"Now that I've discovered that I'm bisexual?" she finished for me.

I nodded yes, "are you likely to do it again?"

"I don't know, I want to be open and honest with you, so yes, I think I'd like to, but only with your consent. Is that something you could live with?"

I thought in silence for awhile before answering, "You hurt me, Lisa; I thought I'd lost you, I don't ever want to feel that way again."

"I really never meant to hurt you; it was as though I couldn't control myself. I promise never to hurt you again. Can you forgive me...Please?"

As she relaxed her grip I noticed that her hands were shaking as well. I turned toward her; she looked so frail and frightened. I pretended to consider her question.

"On one condition: you never go with another woman without my knowledge or consent, and I have to know who she is?"

"That's two conditions," she said with a nervous giggle.

"And there'll probably be more conditions later," I told her.

Lisa leaned forward and kissed my cheek "Will you take me home please?" We stood and she linked her arm with mine, and with her head on my shoulder we strolled to the car.

As we neared the car an attractive woman walked toward us, she smiled at Lisa, Lisa smiled back and turned her head to watch her as she passed by "how would you feel about me having my nipples pierced?" she asked.

I was smiling and happy and my grin just grew wider.

The end.

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AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Loved the seduction from husbands view point! Please write more of stories like this!

Curious MaverickCurious Maverickalmost 2 years ago

Part 2 feels a bit weaker than the 1st. Ending was rushed and a curve ball, feels like the second act was unnecessary almost.

Secondly the bdsm felt a bit weak, or underwhelming vs the expectations I had of Lauren. As she had 2 other subs already and a large house, a playroom would have fit nicely.

Overall I liked it was it didn't have the payoff at the end I was hoping for.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

An amazing sad story. I list my wife to another man in my case. So I know how John felt. You captured the hurt perfectly. I don't usually read stories like this one. But I really enjoyed it. I think because it struck home with me.

PierremanvisPierremanvisabout 3 years ago

Not an interest I follow, nor really, understand. Well I understand a lot better now !! . But well written, erotic and we got to know the characters. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Great writing - lousy ending

The interactions between Lisa and Lauren were beautifully written. However, the further development of John's role was an unwelcome distraction and led to a sad but disappointing conclusion.

Short stories are not novellas and too many authors seek to round off a plot line which only detracts from the enchantment of the story. Here, it has been curtailed to the point that it can no longer flow into a longer work. Shame. I gave it 4 stars for the writing.


verbicideverbicideover 7 years ago
Messy and a little tragic

It's a bit like real life love in that it's so confused. I honestly didn't get the feeling Lisa chose John at the end of the story though. I got the feeling Lauren chose for her, which is a bit sad because despite John's conditions, Lisa has solved nothing really. She still isn't committed to John completely, after all the final decision wasn't hers, which means regardless of any agreements, Lisa could find herself drawn away again. I don't have sympathy for Lauren or her little harem, because they've already allowed themselves the luxury of less than complete commitment. None of the central characters in the story displayed any real fidelity, but John's slip was the least egregious because he seemed to believe the whole thing was a lark. How could he have known his wife's commitment was so frangible? He's still guilty though, because his own lust for a fantasy gave Lisa the tacit permission to display her own lack of emotional fortitude.

Despite the condemnation of the character's actions, the story itself was well-crafted, so I gave it 4 stars. Because there wasn't a single likeable character in it (no one to actually root for), it couldn't get 5 stars.

graymangazergraymangazerover 7 years agoAuthor

Anony, I invite you to write to me, no infantile name calling, let me know why you think you need to slag anything that doesn't agree with your mind set?

graymangazergraymangazerover 7 years agoAuthor

I've gotta laugh anony, your comments are getting more and more moronic and indecipherable- oh I'm sorry you probably don't understand that word- I have to laugh because I can't help picturing a gibbering guy with foaming mouth, whose normally only allowed crayons.

For heaven's sake write a coherent review and be confident enough in yourself to put a name to it. Your childish insults impress no one.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
^That author is the world biggest faggot and cuckold/wimp!!!!

....His most erotic thing was a beating of his wife !!! Ha ha ha!!!! We life in a decadent society, where brain sick people, like that author can write such a crap without being accountable for!!! How idiotic!!!

PuggyWishbonePuggyWishbonealmost 8 years ago
This is not a "feel good" story.

Yes, at the end Lauren attempted feebly to act unselfishly (and shed tears as she walked away), but that redeems her behavior (behaviour? You Brits and your superfluous u's!) not at all.

Much was revealed to Lisa about her hidden desires during her Lauren interlude, but she learned all this at the cost of any chance at happiness. She was forced into a choice between her husband, to whom she had promised her loyalty and who she now knew could never satisfy her the way Lauren had ... and her newly unearthed passion for submission, humiliation and for Lauren. Whatever choice she makes, she loses something vital to her well-being.

And her husband, even though she ultimately returned to him, leaves Brighton with a different woman than he arrived with. John will always know that his wife loves another more than she loves him (though I hardly think he realizes how profoundly Lisa has changed); Lisa will forever long for Lauren's touch and domination. Can their marriage recover? Who knows? It seems doubtful. It will certainly never be as it was.

And why was she faced with this painful dilemma? Because Lauren (with no thought for anything but her own satisfaction) wanted a new toy.

Yes, Lauren did appear to have developed real feelings for Lisa by the end, but no, I can't feel any sympathy for Lauren's ultimate distress. I do hope she learned something. And, perhaps, feels a fractional part of the devastating heartbreak she unfeelingly set in motion.


Great story, graymangazer. It made me feel things and feel them strongly. It, therefore, qualifies as art.

ejsathomeejsathomeabout 8 years ago
I enjoyed it . . .

. . . found it very erotic. Pushed my buttons and rang my bells. Thanks very much.

graymangazergraymangazerover 8 years agoAuthor

Anonymous, thanks for your comments. I'm sorry you didn't like the story, but any feedback is welcome. I also feel you have some issues with women in general, perhaps the characters here are a little too close to home? But whatever, it's good to get a reaction. One question though: if you thought the first chapter was "a huge pile of shit," what drove you to read the rest of the story?

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Kill the bitch

Just kill both these bitches, they are nothing but female loser skanks anyway... To take her back just shows how pathetic you made the lead character... Cut all these sluts into pieces and use them for bait, worthless tramps...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

Shame about the ending. Disliked John from the start, guess it was the whole "threesome" fantasy.

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