Adrift in Space


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Oh well. He heard the sound of an Earthly Christmas jingle and overlapped conversations in Sylvan as he neared the open doors to the restaurant in the Sylvan district where Queen Anna had told Carole about her plan and where he'd met Anna Squared at the Changeling birthday party. Like that party, the tables would've mostly been cleared for a buffet setup and lots of open space.

Live slugs for everyone!

"Wristlet," everybody named their device to address it, he'd found his choice was actually unique, "only translate direct statements to me."

It chirped in his ear. He slid through the door into the cacophony.

He greeted a number of Sylvans and was introduced to spouses or family members visiting. Most said at least 'hello' in English and a couple were almost as good as Anna Squared, beyond their Queen's command of his language. Anna Squared had relented on one aspect and togas were every color available and not the regulation white with colored trim.

He smiled and shook hands and looked for either Anna. Then he heard a clear laugh and smiled then excused himself to a wink from the male Sylvan he'd been speaking with. Apparently he recognized the laugh as well and everyone on the ship knew about 'the couple.'

Peter worked his way to a rear corner and heard distinct voices and laughs. The changelings. He saw the back of Anna's head through a quick part in the crowd and a quick move showed her back. Her toga was white but the deep purple trim's color extended into the ultraviolet. Changeling eyes were similar to human's in acuity. Anna's genetic adjustments allowed them to pass a cursory examination but they kept the Sylvan ability to see ultraviolet and her vision was sharper than most human eyes.

He saw Anna and the changeling gang, Kim, Angie, Frida and Margaret, with a number of Sylvan females, older than them but younger than Queen Anna. None were familiar. Angie and Margaret saw him and smiled but hadn't yet said anything when he stepped to Anna's side and slipped his hand under the toga that exposed all but the topmost inch of her long legs and slid his fingers into the cleft of her ass before he worked them to the tip of her slit and felt the slightest moisture as she shifted to stand with her legs slightly wider. She turned and slid her left arm around his back and turned and they kissed. She opened her mouth and flicked her tongue and licked his lips before he opened his mouth and their tongues quickly met before she pulled back.

"Sorry I'm late," he said as he looked quickly around the circle then at Anna, "got tied up at work."

She shimmied her ass and he slid a finger slightly into her opening.

"I told him not to be late," she said to laughs and coughs around the circle before she backed and turned which forced his finger even deeper and a dark haired Sylvan female on Anna's other side stepped slightly forward to face the couple. She caught Peter's eyes with hers, which were quite brown. There was something about her face that was unusual, he guessed she wasn't yet fifty, a bit younger than Queen Anna and a common age given the survivors of the original crew that had left their home planet as fresh university graduates.

"Peter," Anna looked at him then at the Sylvan who'd stepped to face them, "I'd like to introduce my mother. Peter, mom. He's the one who's been raping me almost nightly for the last year. And he's finger-fucking me right now."

Her tone was as light as she could make it as Peter's mouth dropped open as human and Sylvan laughs rang around the small circle. She stepped away quickly and his right hand fell free as Anna's mother stepped forward and grabbed that right hand and pulled it to her mouth. She locked her eyes onto his as she made a show to sniff his fingers then shocked him as she pulled them into her mouth and sucked. Her toga was white like her daughter's but had dark orange trim that meshed with her skin tone that was a shade darker than the other Sylvans and definitely darker than any of the changelings. Most of the togas around the circle covered at least a third if not a bit over half of the wearer's thighs, but not this one. Like her daughter's it didn't extend far beneath the swell of her shapely ass.

"Yess," she said, "that ish my daughter's aroma."

Then she dropped the hand and threw her arms around his shoulders and pulled him tight. She was a few inches shorter than her daughter and shorter than the other Sylvan females around the circle. She put her face against his shoulder and inhaled deeply and slowly and her abdomen found his cock that had woken up with his finger's work but had slightly deflated before it was pressed against the alien's body. He put his arms around her and tried not to press too tightly against her lower back as her pressure encouraged his cock to full attention as she rubbed it between them. She held her breath for a moment then pulled her head back to look up at him.

"I am Vikrangia, but you can call me Vicki, Paetor, I think you have taken good care of my little girl. She hass told me everything. In great detail."

Her English was excellent, she smiled as she rubbed against his erection and he heard a soft sub-vocal challenge. Then he understood about her face. Cheekbones. They were Anna's. Subtly different from the other Sylvan mothers, as was her dark brown hair.

"Mom, you promised," Anna smiled and put her hand on Vicki's shoulder, "at least wait until my corpse is cold, okay?"

That elicited another round of laughs before Vicki stood on tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek then rotated to stand on his left and Anna snuggled close. Each had one arm around his waist with his left arm around Vicki's shoulders and his right around the taller Anna's waist. He felt his erection against the cloth of his toga but was scared to look down but eyes around the circle weren't so shy.

Angie interrupted the laughter when she led some soft sub-vocal challenges around the circle.

"Peter, this is my mother, you can call her Alice," she nodded at the Sylvan female to her right, her hair on that very common for Sylvans red-to-blonde spectrum.

As the other changelings followed suit Peter couldn't recall having ever blushed before but he was pretty sure his cheeks were as red as the trim of his toga. In the middle of the introductions he felt Sylvan skin as Vicki's hand slipped under the cloth and pressed his ass cheek and fingers slid into the cleft in something of imitation to what he'd done to Anna a few moments before. Then he felt Anna's hand grab the intruding wrist and pull. It resisted and tried to continue its journey. He fought to stand still as the jostling continued and tried to keep a straight face as the fabric of his toga rubbed against the pulsating head of his cock.

The introductions had just finished and the battle raged behind him when Queen Anna chose that moment to seemingly appear from nowhere alongside the changeling family pack. Her primary advisor Ralph stood to her right and on his right a Sylvan female Peter had never met had her arm through his.

"I see Paetor is quite happy having met Vikrangia," the Queen used her native language but the earbud left the proper names as she'd pronounced them after her eyes had scanned up his body as his organ twitched at the gaze, "I hope everyone is having a good time."

A round of quick assents.

"Anna," she resumed as she looked at the tall changeling, "let your mother have her moment, eh?"

Anna growled quickly in her throat but her hand released Vicki's and Peter jumped slightly. The Queen looked to her right quickly and Ralph spoke as Anna had, in their native language.

"This is my spouse, Catanie," the female alongside him wagged her head quickly, "these are the changelings and their mothers. And Paetor, of course, the best human we've met."

"Not shaying much, that," the green eye ringed in red skin winked at him as the crowd laughed, whether all of the mothers spoke English was unknown but they'd all have the same tech as he did.

Introductions were made. Catanie was a geologist and lived with their twin children born not long after the expedition's arrival in orbit. They planned to leave the next day to have Christmas with the youngsters and Ralph would stay a few weeks there.

"Our children so love Earth's dinosaurs," she told Peter as she kept her eyes away from his crotch but her gaze was warm, "we didn't have such an extensive age."

"That's what I...," he felt a finger intrude at that moment and a sub-vocal sound from Vicki so soft he was pretty sure only he'd heard it, "what I've read. I liked them when I was a kid. Still like them!"

Another round of laughs and the Queen's trio wandered off to greet others.

"C'mon, Peter, I'm thirsty," Anna said as she stepped quickly sideways and pulled him away from her mother and the finger popped free, "we'll bring you some wine, mom, wait here!"

She pulled Peter and they quickly walked toward the buffet tables. They traded quick greetings in passing and just as Peter finally felt his cock flag Anna stopped him. Her right hand brushed his prick on the outside of his toga as she turned and kissed him hard. He responded immediately.

They heard a sudden and sharp sound. Two sounds. No, one sound in stereo. They turned their heads forward but stayed close.

They saw two young Sylvan females in tight togas. Both were similar in age to the Changelings and had gone the two Annas and Vicki one better by angling their togas to undergird and expose their right breasts. Neither chest was as large as Queen Anna's, much less his current companion's, but they were nicely shaped and Peter had a momentary thought that it was unfair how human they were.

"Convergent evolution, same job, fit for purpose," Queen Anna had simply said and shrugged.

Both togas challenged Anna's for brevity, one was the deep purple ultraviolet that Queen Anna favored, the other a dark vibrant green that Peter's lenses showed also had ultraviolet trim. The patterns on the large amounts of exposed skin were more defined than usual and both had hair that had that common red tint, mixed with brown and blonde. He'd been around the aliens enough that he knew that males, or females, or whatever these two were after, would find this pair quite attractive.

Then again, so did he. And they'd issued clear challenges. Same as he'd heard from the Queen in so many videos. But for the stain and eye colors these two reminded him of that young and sexually rapacious creature. He had no memory of either, both must be part of the new arrivals on this satellite and their ages indicated they'd been conceived in that gap after the second Long Sleep but before arriving in the solar system. This meant space was their home and they'd never set foot on a planet unless, like the Queen, they'd gone down in secret. He'd tried to replicate the challenge sound in his quarters and had failed miserably, as with a number of sounds in their vocabulary. Reading from the ample libraries available on the computers had described the alien vocal anatomy and how it was used, it seemed to him the challenge was outside of human abilities.

'Holy shit, are they serious,' he almost said out loud. He shifted his own posture as Anna Squared pushed herself from her position snuggled against him to stand straight and tall alongside him, which gave her a few inches on her apparent rivals, even in their wedged heels, one of Carole's contributions. Queen Anna had absolutely refused her strident requests for stilettos, claimed issues with the rubbery flooring, but wedges and 'chunky heels' had been approved to expand the available footwear.

Anna's eyes stayed on her rivals but rapidly moved to pull his toga up to fully expose his hard flesh before she wrapped her fingers around it and stroked it slowly. He jumped then moaned. The one with blue eyes parted her barely-discerned lips slightly and slid the square tip of her tongue sideways between them. Then she issued a second and even more strident challenge. Her friend's brown eyes widened and darted to her left. Peter's brain was preoccupied with the massage Anna applied to his exposed cock but he felt this had started out as a joke but blue eyes had decided to escalate, to her friend's surprise.

"Shit," this time he failed to keep it silent but it was little more than a whisper.

Anna Squared had returned the verbal challenge this time, but deeper, throatier. It was... different... but the same. How?

Anna nudged the toga cloth to expose the bottom third of his slightly trimmed pubic hair and everything below that. She issued a second, guttural version of her response, a sound he remembered from Queen Anna's videos that she'd issued on occasion to warn a rival away from Ian. Usually she'd welcomed applicants to join in... He'd never worked up the courage to ask her what guided her decision making.

Two sets of alien eyes narrowed, an indication of surprise. And doubt. However this had started he assumed they had to know what Anna was and that her response indicated she'd taken them seriously and had them in a quandary. Surprise that she'd responded and made clear this was HER cock. Doubt because reputations might be at stake. Go. Away. Anna had size and he didn't know if these two knew her strength, but they were two, it was rare but he well knew Sylvan females could come to blows but he'd never heard of it happening on this or the other satellites.

He also knew he'd be expected to stay out of it. He would be taken by the winner.

The Sylvans both smiled slightly as his cock visibly throbbed, Anna's fingers enhanced the show for them. He heard a low but clear challenge from behind before Vicki stepped to his left side. She'd shifted her toga to expose a breast like them, well older but its firmness ensured his cock stayed at full hardness. He heard shuffled steps all around and the sudden silence indicated they had everyone's attention.

The brown-eyed one softened her posture, she didn't slouch but it was a de-escalation. The blue-eyed one stayed stiffly straight and he felt Anna tense beside him and speechless sounds formed in hers and her rival's throats and they locked eyes. Peter saw the brown eyes dart again to her left before she touched fingers to her friend's bare arm. After what seemed like an hour but couldn't have been more than two or three seconds the blue-eyed alien let out a short, closed-mouth cough and softened her stance but still seemed more determined than her friend. She'd... not quite surrendered but would retreat, Peter read the cough and her expression as 'later, bitch.'

Peter glanced, saw Anna's smile as she relaxed slightly as well. She shifted them slightly and the three of them formed a row to allow the two females to walk past them and she released his cock as it continued to quiver.

The brown-eyed female reached out and caressed his prick as she passed, she and Anna traded soft grunts before she moved on. The blue-eyed alien repeated the caress but she suddenly threw her left arm around Peter's neck and pulled his head forward so she could reach up and kiss him on the lips and push her tongue into his mouth. She stood on tiptoe and raised her left leg around his thigh and he discovered that like Anna she was bare under her toga as his cock contacted moisture around her vaginal lips.

It was a shock. Not just a surprise but also... almost like when he'd touched a nine-volt battery to his tongue as a kid as what felt like an electric current ran from his mouth and through his cock. Anna's reaction was rapid and she released a hard hiss and put her hand on the intruder's shoulder but the blue-eyed vixen backed off and released him with her eyes wide. Peter read it as surprise more than anger or challenge, but not at Anna's threat. Had she also felt the shock? This was his most intimate contact with an unchanged Sylvan, he'd shaken hands and Queen Anna had often held his hand or arm and Vicki had just fingered his ass but this was well beyond any of that.

At their first meeting the Queen had mentioned 'mismatched chemistries.' He'd read up, indeed, directly trading fluids, mucous... semen... would be somewhere from uncomfortable to painful. On both parties. But there would be an element of personal sensitivity. But all of that had been experiments, he'd never found records of a human and an original Sylvan, not a changeling, actually... together. His tongue, lips and cock tingled.

But those thoughts fled as Anna stepped forward and the blue-eyed Sylvan reluctantly sidled further away before her friend grabbed her arm and pulled her until they both turned and walked into the crowd. Anna grabbed Peter in a hug and pushed her mouth hard onto his, he put his arms around her.

No shock. Well, there was. It was electric. Emotionally electric. The murmur that ran through the crowd he felt more than heard. When Anna finally released they received a round of laughs and applause from the changelings and their mothers and Vicki wrapped her daughter in a hug. Across the room he saw the Queen's mismatched eyes on his, her expression as best he could read it one of deep satisfaction. Then she made an obvious show of looking down his body, he followed.

'Shit,' he mouthed and he shook his toga to obscure the sight if not the obviousness of his erection. His boss, captor... friend... nodded with a smile before she shifted her toga to expose her large perfect right breast.

He heard a snort and glanced to his right as Vicki followed suit to expose her breast, smaller but perfect on her shorter frame. Another snort and her daughter locked eyes with her mother and exposed hers as well. Peter moaned lightly as the pack of changelings and their mothers all cheered at them.

Peter twined a hank of brown hair through his fingers and pressed on the back of Anna's head as she sucked the entire length of his stiff shaft into her mouth.

"Ah... ah...," was his eloquent counterpoint to Anna's slurping as her cheeks rippled the length of his flesh. She held her lips tightly as her head rose before she locked those lips just behind the head and held the bulge of it with her teeth and her tongue worked the tip and probed the opening at the tip. He tried to raise his crotch but she shifted her weight to deny him the leverage.

She lessened the pressure and swallowed him whole again before she pistoned rapidly and sucked hard on each stroke.

"Oh... fu... ah...," this time the spasm in his legs overcame her resistance and his pubic bone met her cheek and his cock loosed a stream of hot cream. His wordless moan was matched by her throat's contractions to suck down that and a series of progressively smaller spurts. His muscles finally relaxed and he dropped to the bed, his body soaked in sweat. He loosened his grip on her hair but kept his hand on her shoulder as her mouth rose off of his still stiff flesh, a string of saliva and cum connected them for almost a foot. She looked at him as he opened his eyes and she licked her lips quickly before she took a few slow, deep breaths.

The glowing ceiling was set to low, the ship's post-party midnight time at the moment matched to the sunless sky outside.

"That... was a hell of a load, I would've forced everyone into togas before if I'd known it turned you on that much! Just glad I didn't have to waste time beating the shit out of that trashy blue-eyed slut. But before I wouldn't have been able to swallow it all. Am I ready to graduate?"

"Not sure the togas or... well, everything and everyone there, I think—-"

The door chimed then they both heard through their earbuds 'door lock overridden.'

They looked at each other in confusion before Anna's mouth went to a frown. Peter reacted and slid quickly off of the bed and was a step into the living room when the door was pushed open in the dim light and Vicki stepped in, a small brown leather valise in her left hand. She had on a light blue cottony robe that was untied and reached only to mid thighs and she was otherwise naked and barefoot. She pushed the door closed behind her and dropped the bag and it landed with a soft, squishy sound.
