Aeriella and The Spell of Binding


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"Very funny," the elf finally realised what they were talking about.

"You had asked us for information," Issaria replied, "and we delivered it. Now you have to pay us. With sex."

"I believe I just did."

"That was just the interest," said Issyria.

"You are unbearable smartasses."

"You behave as if that was your first deal with demons," Issaria smiled, then stuck out her tongue.

"We'll talk about the payment later. There was enough interest that I should get some more time, right?"

"Of course," the twins replied together.

The short conversation reminded the sorceress of another thing - her larger lips. Because of them she had to open her mouth wider and talk slower in order to sound intelligible. That way of talking required her to concentrate on her speech which no doubt made her look and sound dumb. "Oh well," the elf though, that was just another obstacle to overcome.

Aeriella got up, her joints felt a bit stiff and her orifices were sore, but other than that she was fine. She still needed to finish the mission though. The enlarged breasts changed the balance of her upper body and the swollen vaginal lips reminded of themselves with each step. The sorceress first needed to tie up and gag Nedyrae, in case she woke up. Unfortunately there were no actual ropes in the cavern, the drow had relied on conjured bonds. Aeriella did not have any other spell of binding, so she had to use the men's clothes to immobilise her captive. The men were still terrified and were not trying to escape. The elf did not want to force them to go out naked, so she took just their shirts and left them the trousers.

After tying up the drow Aeriella retrieved her Ring of Shapeshifting. She put it back on her finger, but did not use its magic. The artefact was potent and could change the user's body within rather broad boundaries, but it could not act against someone else's spells. The elf would have to wait until her body returned to normal in due time. The sorceress also took off the rest of Nedyrae's jewellery. She did not know their power and did not want to be surprised when the drow later woke up. Now that the environment was safe she could send back the succubi. She might not have been the one to have summoned them, but Nedyrae was unconscious and Aeriella was a more proficient demonologist.

"I'll see you at the court in a few days," she told them before sending them back to their realm.

Next step was dressing up. Her skin was sticky with a mixture of bodily fluids, but there was no time nor place to take a bath. Comfort and hygiene would have to wait. Putting the catsuit back on was not easy. Not only did the sticky skin not help, Aeriella also needed to fit her new curves inside of it. The item was flexible, but the elf simply was not used to having such large (and sensitive) breasts. At one point she simply began to laugh, she remembered how amused she had been when Nedyrae was struggling to strip her and she imagined that she must have looked quite ridiculous at that moment. Still chuckling, the sorceress looked at the four men, her laughter did not make them feel any more confident.

"You'll be home soon," she told them, hoping they would believe her despite her absurd state.

Eventually Aeriella was dressed, just in catsuit and boots. She had skipped the panties, because her enlarged vaginal lips were too big and sensitive to use another layer of clothing. Even the tight fabric of her suit kept rubbing them in an awfully distracting manner; it was not necessarily unpleasant, but the elf could not afford to be constantly horny. There was no way for her to hide the obscene cameltoe either. Together with the huge breasts and lips it made her look like some insane sorceress' fucktoy; which was exactly what she had been for the last two hours. On the other hand, if she had picked a different outfit for her quest, she would have avoided her current fate. But one could not foresee everything, and the catsuit was incredibly practical, convenient and, last but not least, fun.

Aeriella finally released the two men who were still bound and handed them their trousers.

"Dress up, we're leaving," she tried to say it in a no-nonsense voice, but her new lips prevented that. It turned out odd, but at least intelligible. For the following sentence she knew better, "I'll need you to carry the drow to the nearest village. Don't worry, she can no longer hurt you."

They nervously nodded their heads, as they were hurriedly putting on their clothes; their shoes lay nearby as well.


Walking turned out to be... inconvenient as well. The swollen vaginal lips under the tight catsuit required the elf to keep her legs slightly apart and take shorter steps. She sighted, hoping that the spell would fade away soon. One man was enough to catty the petite drow; she was naked and remained unconscious. Aeriella made sure to gather all of Nedyrae's belongings, she would need to check them later at the court.

The elf and the four men managed to return to the village before it got completely dark. Fortunately one of them knew these lands well and led them along the quickest path. The villagers were glad to hear that their problem had been solved, but were also shocked to see the sorceress. The way her enlarged lips forced her to speak did not improve the situation, it only enhanced her 'new image'. They listened to her commands nevertheless which was enough for Aeriella. Nedyrae regained consciousness and, as one could imagine, was angry. Despite her predicament and the presence of the elf the villagers feared her. But there was no other choice, she would need to spend the night together with Aeriella in the village head's house. This time the drow was tied up properly using ropes. The sorceress requested a bath, which was not exactly a practice common among peasants, but it was fulfilled swiftly. The elf felt an enormous relief when she could finally wash off the filth of the recents events. She needed to take care of Nedyrae as well. The drow could live without a bath, but needed to be fed. Her ties had to be firm enough, so that she would not escape, but also not too tight, so they would not stop the blood circulation. It seemed that the return trip would not be easy. Having taken care of everything Aeriella stripped naked and fell asleep.

In the morning the elf had to feed Nedyrae once again. After breakfast she borrowed a donkey from the villagers, so that she would have means of transport for her captive. Soon Aeriella learnt that riding a horse with her vaginal lips being enlarged felt different as well. The feeling was awfully distracting and, she was ashamed to admit it to herself, also arousing. But it was uncomfortable as well and she had to repress the urge to stop and tighten Nedyrae's bonds, so that the drow would feel less comfortable too.

At the nearest inn Aeriella found relief. No, her body did not return to normal proportions. It turned out that soon after the sorceress' departure from the court Laerinia and her entourage had returned. Laerinia let her knights rest, then sent two of them to ride after Aeriella. On their way they met Rossignol who told them about the elf's whereabouts. The knights could now take care of the prisoner and the sorceress could have some mental rest while travelling back home. With some parts of her body altered she could not avoid attracting even more attention and could not help being horny. She used the night at the first inn to rest some more; no sex, even though she felt tempted. But was already making plans for the next inn. There were two young men, brothers, who had assisted her during a bath when she had previously stayed there; they might be willing to do that again...

Being seen in her current state by the inn's guests somewhat hurt the sorceress' pride. It was true that it had always been her goal to be in the centre of attention and her choice of outfit exhibited her tendencies for exhibitionism, but Aeriella maintained a specific image and her current look was its caricature. The gigantic breasts were obscene, especially with the large nipples remaining erect the whole time and being clearly visible through the thin fabric. The vaginal lips were simply vulgar and the regular lips made her sound dumb. From the public relations point of view it might have been better, if the elf was bruised and battered; at least then she would not be constantly aroused. The sorceress had a feeling that despite her high social status everyone looked at her like on a sexual object and expected to receive some sexual services from her. Although the latter might have been just her own projection. Aeriella needed to be careful and not enhance her appearance with improper behaviour, at least in public.

When the sorceress laid down in her bed she fell asleep and had a dream.


She was back downstairs in the main hall, the place was full of people, most of them men.

"Could I have your attention, please?" the elf said loudly and slowly. It seemed that she managed to speak perfectly with her new lips; even that simple request sounded incredibly erotic.

The room instantly went silent and all gazes focused on Aeriella. Everyone wanted to know what their Lady had to announce... and to admire her altered body. The sorceress could sense how they were all stripping her with their eyes, and she loved it. She could already feel her pussy getting moist with excitement, her nipples were erect and larger than ever, her vaginal lips were swollen and felt like they wanted to bite into the fabric of the suit.

"I had learnt a new spell and I intend to cast it," the elf continued to speak.

She then proceeded to explain how the Spell of Binding worked and what she expected them to do; her voice was lustful and erotic. She enjoyed the mixture of shock and desire on the guests' faces; none were shocked enough to back out though.

When Aeriella finished talking she stepped onto a table and took off her clothes, this time she managed to slip off her catsuit smoothly and made a small spectacle of it. The naked elf then laid down on the table and cast the spell on herself; she excluded her mouth from the effect. As soon as she became immobilised the first two men approached her, they were her knights. These were the only men in the inn, apart from the innkeeper, whom she actually knew. The rest were all strangers and she had surrendered her body to them. Before the knights started to fuck their Mistress Aeriella noticed someone else - Nedyrae. The drow was there too! She was dressed in her spidery gown and, unlike the elf, was free to move. Nedyrae was casting spells on the men and Aeriella knew what was their effect - increasing the size of genitals and the volume of cumshots. Then the fucking began.

The knights spitroasted the sorceress in the position in which she was lying, one of them spread her long legs and used her pussy, the other hung her head to the back off the edge of the table and fucked her throat. They both had decent stamina, but that was merely a warmup. When the knights finished another two men approached the elf. These were complete strangers, but she knew they had been altered by Nedyrae; their penises were huge and testicles - even larger. The two man took Aeriella in the same position, the one using her mouth grabbed her head with both hands and fucked her liks a pussy; he left her barely enough space to breath. The spitroasting was rough, but it eventually finished; the man simply withdrew their cocks before climaxing and walked away. As soon as they stepped aside they were replaced by another pair of strangers. There two were more creative and changed her position.

Throughout the night the sorceress was fucked in all of the position which were used by Nedyrae in the cave and many others. The crowd was inventive and curious to test Aeriella's flexibility and the possibilities offered by the Spell of Binding. Cock after cock came to fuck her holes, she was given no time to rest. Neither of the men ejaculated, they all pulled out before having an orgasm and returned into the crowd of spectators. Aeriella had no opportunities to search for Nedyrae, but she was certain that the drow was present and enjoying the spectacle. The elf completely lost the sense of time, although she felt that a lot more than two hours had passed. She was sore and exhausted, but the men kept coming and she could only welcome them in her magical bondage. The sorceress climaxed numerous times and was never given any time to pause and rest.

By the time the last man left her it was already early morning and the first rays of sunlight were coming through the windows. The crowd had somewhat dispersed, but was not completely gone. It seemed that most of the men had just stepped back and left some space around the elf. She was lying on her back on the wooden floor and breathing heavily. Her entire skin was covered with a mixture of bodily fluids. Nedyrae approached Aeriella, her arms crossed over her thin chest and a grin on her face. Three men were standing behind her, each was holding a bucket.

"It's not over yet," the drow said, "I have something for you that I'm sure you'll love."

She gestured towards one of the men and he came forward. He lifted the bucket over the elf's body and began to pour its contents onto her, he began at her neck and moved towards her feet. The bucket was full of semen! Nedyrae must have been collecting it throughout the night and now was offering it to the sorceress wholesale. When the man emptied the bucket Aeriella's whole body was covered with thick cum.

"Get up onto your knees," the drow commanded.

Only then the elf realised she could move. She was exhausted, but had enough strength to fulfil that order. She did not feel compelled to do it, she simply wanted to. When Aeriella assumed the position Nedyrae gestured for the second man. She also told the elf:

"Close your eyes and open your mouth wide."

The next bucket was also filled with semen, the man poured it onto the sorceress' head. She swallowed some of it, but most flowed down onto her, already covered in cum, body. When the second man finished the drow ordered the third one:

"Put it down there," she gestured towards the other end of the room.

"Crawl to the bucket," she told the elf.

Aeriella again obeyed and began to crawl on all fours. She had to be careful not to slip on the floor, because her limbs were completely covered with semen. The crowd left her a path on which she could crawl. She could sense their eyes on her body, her subjects watching their Lady degrading herself so badly. How shameful! How arousing... When she reached the bucket Nedyrae gave her a large mug.

"Fill it up and drink," she said.

The third bucket had the same content. The sorceress did not hesitate, she put the mug in and filled it with semen; she then lifted it and began to drink. The cum was thick and still warm, it tasted delicious to the elf and quenched her thirst. The crowd that was watching her every motion erupted with a loud cheer. The elf was burning with shame, but could not stop herself; did NOT WANT to stop. She drank slowly, she used the time to rest and stabilise her breath; a small but steady stream of semen was flowing down her throat. Eventually the mug was empty and the crowd cheered again. When it quieted down Nedyrae said:

"Drink another one."

Aeriella obeyed once again. When she finished she was covered in cum as well as filled with it. She did not feel disgusted in the least, she loved it as much as her spectators. The drow kept watching her with a wide grin.

"We'll do that everyday from now on," Nedyrae said aloud, so that everyone could hear.

The sorceress did not object, content with her fate.


In the morning the sorceress woke up with her pussy wet. She could feel that her cheeks were burning, both from arousal and the shame caused by the contents of her dream. She just had to finger herself to an orgasm before going downstairs. The process was made even easier "thanks" to her new vaginal lips. Her orgasm came quickly, it was loud and could no doubt be heard by the guests in the nearby rooms. It temporarily satiated her hunger, but she could feel that she would need a real penis soon; preferably in private though and not too many at once. Aeriella then had breakfast with the knights and again had to feed Nedyrae. Her cheeks were still red from the mixture of excitement and a little shame. Fortunately the drow was not causing any problems, although the sorceress kept imagining that her captive was smiling at her knowingly. The elf and the knights travelled together, but they did not talk much; Aeriella still found talking uncomfortable, mentally rather than physically. She was upset that her behaviour made her look unapproachable, but there was little she could do to fix it while they were travelling.

At the next inn the sorceress again asked for a bath, along with the same room service. The brothers were more than happy to oblige and she decided that on this night she would live up to her current temporary image; only in private though. Her own body demanded that and she did not want to strain her will too much and fight that particular urge, if there was a chance to satisfy it safely. Some might say that it meant that the drow had scored a minor victory, but Aeriella did not mind having such minor defeats and always preferred to see the victory in a broader picture.

This time the elf was not nearly as subtle as previously. When the late evening came and the two brothers prepared her bath she was standing facing them when she took off her catsuit. Their gazes immediately fixed on her gigantic breasts, their expressions suggested that they were not as critical of their new size as Aeriella.

"I want you to clean me again," the sorceress said, her voice slow and sultry, "my whole body this time."

She stepped into the tub, but the young men just stood there with their mouths open. The sorceress realised it was her fault. The boys were shy the first time and it took some effort to encourage them. Now she looked and acted more provocatively, and expected them to do even more than previously; no wonder they were shocked. Slow and steady approach was necessary. Although Aeriella was feeling impatient she was a sorceress after all, she needed to be able to control her own will.

"Come closer, boys," she said in a soft sweet voice, "wet your hands in the tub, then take the soap."

That worked; having received simpler, direct and most importantly not so bold instructions the young men moved. They squatted down in front of the elf to wet their palms. They suddenly became aware that their faces were right in front of her crotch and they had a perfect view of her enlarged vagilan lips. The boys swiftly put their hands into the tub, then reached for the soap. With their palms soapy they moved to Aeriella's sides, as if afraid of her vagina, and there... hesitated.

"Go on," she said, still in the same tone, "you did a wonderful job cleaning me the last time. I'm sure you can do it again. Start at my calves and proceed upwards."

Another direct command kept them moving. At first their touch was slightly uncertain, but soon they adopted their cleaning routine and began to act more decisively. Calves were easy, but thighs were a much different part of a woman's body. Aeriella could sense the boys' hesitation, but they managed to overcome it without an additional prompt. Their soapy palms roamed over the elf's strong thighs... and turned her on.

"Mhmm," shs issued a soft moan, "be very thorough."

That remark emboldened the young men to reach for her inner thighs as well. Just a moment later a finger poked her vaginal lips.

"Mhmmm!" this moan was louder. It served as yet another form of encouragement.