Affection from Next Door


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Neidi stared at the woman's chest once more, trying not to be too obvious and mentally recalled how her nipples had strained the fabric of her other top when they first met that afternoon. Then, she had been more exposed; her long slender legs clearly visible and the curves of her body highlighted. She wondered why the other woman had chosen to dress so conservatively, she was certain that she had sensed some sort of sexual vibrations from Richelle earlier when she arrived over but then maybe she was mistaken, she concluded; after all the other woman had been partially nude at the time.

Then again it would not be the first instance that she had mistaken innocent gesturing for advances and found herself in an embarrassing situation. This time was going to be different though; if Richelle was indeed gay and had any interest in her sexually then she would have to initiate and pursue her because she had humiliated herself enough in the past. Right now she could not bear the thought of alienating the woman by making advances only to get rejected.

"So how old are you?" The question brought her mind back to focus.

"I just turned 27." She replied rather abruptly. "And you?"

"I'll be twenty nine in April," Richelle replied "less than four months." She added turning to look at a calendar near by. As she brought the glass to her lips it slipped and the amber coloured liquid splashed across her chest. Almost reflexively she gripped the hem of her shirt and whipped it over her head in one swift movement; she was instantly disrobed. Holding unto a dry part of the blouse she dabbed it across her moist cleavage before muttering, a soft excuse and hastily exiting the room. She chuckled softly as she approached her bedroom wondering if the woman was now salivating at the sight of her magnificent cleavage crammed tightly into a lacy demi cup brassiere.

Neidi struggled momentarily to compose herself; the sight of those well-tanned full orbs had her slightly flustered for a minute. As she imagined herself suckling on them enthusiastically, Richelle reappeared once more so she decided to excuse herself.

"I just wanted to than you for being so understanding. I realize that the noise and music might be slightly disturbing but I had not anticipated on it becoming so loud. It was supposed to be just a simple get together with some fellow workers for my friend Mariah's birthday. But you know, excess alcohol often leads to raucous behaviour. I hope you enjoy the burgers and stuff, just a friendly gesture." She smiled affectionately. "I guess we'll see again, neighbour." Neidi stood up to make her exit.

"Sure. Have an enjoyable evening." Richelle smiled as she escorted the red head to the door.

Richelle stood at the entrance surveying the woman's seductive stride as she disappeared into the darkness. She could not help but feel slightly despaired, her plan had obviously backfired; she had sensed absolutely no reaction from her sexy neighbour after disrobing and was disappointed. However, just because the other woman was not gay did not mean that the thought of her naked could not inspire several intense fantasies. Who would know anyway, that she was getting excited at the thought of fucking her cute, younger neighbour? It was all just harmless, healthy fun. If the woman could help her release all the sexual tension stored up in her body then she might as well be saving her life. She sat quietly finishing off her dinner, all compliments of Neidi; she loved the way the name rolled off her tongue. I want to fuck you so bad, Neidi Rowland she thought to herself as she chewed slowly, a sly smile creeping across her lips.


Neidi walked the short distance between the two properties, to re-enter her home; where her friends were enjoying themselves. She got to the backyard and most of them had already started to organize in preparation of making their exit. She saw the last few stragglers safely off as time wore on and then made her way upstairs.

She made it to her bedroom and proceeded to strip naked, her pussy was by now throbbing sharply in excitement and she knew better than to deny it, its pleasure. For the past few minutes she had struggled to clear her mind of one single retaining thought. The sight of Richelle's delectable breasts packed together tightly in that sexy bra. They were full and round with long fat pink nipples that stuck out prominently and the redhead imagined working them over with her mouth and hands; squeezing and massaging the breasts while biting and sucking on the marvellous teats.

Neidi lay down on the bed and did to hers what she only imagined doing to the other woman; she pinched and pulled on the rapidly hardening nipples, twisting and rolling them between her fingertips. She teased her body virtually to the brink of near need, arousing every single nerve ending. After a few minutes one hand started to move quickly across her abdomen and pelvic straight towards her vagina, delving almost instantly between her legs.

Her fingers plunged inside her vulva, feeling the slick juices gathered there; the product of her provocative stimulating actions. She pistoned two fingers furiously in and out of her wet cunt, hearing the squishing sounds as her moisture accumulated in vast amounts. Then the woman ran her thumb slowly across the head of her swollen clit and moaned loudly; a long guttural moan that developed in the pit of her stomach and erupted out of her mouth. She could feel her climax slowly approaching and increased the pace of her finger movements. The ensuing orgasm was explosive and threatened to tear her sensitive pussy apart. Her vocal feral grunts filled the room as she writhed around in total abandon, surrendering completely to the few minutes of absolute pleasure. She lay there briefly panting breathlessly, before bringing her fingers to her mouth diligently licking off the female essence still coating her lithe digits.

What Neidi needed right now was a quick cold shower so she languidly got to her feet, made her way over to the bathroom and then entered the shower stall. The spray of water was exhilarating and reenergizing so that by the time she had dried off and put on her short nightshirt she was feeling refreshed and relaxed. She tossed and turned on the bed briefly before finally drifting off to a restless sleep.

The redhead was awoken with a sudden start at the sound of her doorbell buzzing before the brass knocker fell hard against the wooden door, its echo reverberating loudly in the quiet stillness of the night. She grabbed a robe and hurriedly made her way downstairs to confront her late night visitor. She cautiously unclasped the deadbolt and unlocked the door before opening it to discover Richelle standing on the stoop. She was wearing the tight muscle tank top and blue jeans shorts; she had adorned earlier in the afternoon when she relaxing by the pool. Her two hands were clutched tightly in front of her and she twitched, noticeably anxious. Neidi was astonished and found herself, unable to muster up the simplest of greetings.

"Are you attracted to me?" Richelle demanded as the other woman looked at her eyes opened wide in a dumbfounded state. "I must know." She pleaded. "I can't enjoy a good night's rest until I find out for certain."

Neidi simply stepped up to her, gripped her hands in hers and pulled her inside before closing the door. Silently she wrapped her arms around the taller woman's neck and began kissing her zealously. Richelle's response came almost instantly; she slid her tongue between Neidi's parted teeth, brushing it against her palate seductively. The red head could feel the spark in her loins erupt into steadily increasing flames once more.

The two women made their way over to the large couch, their lips still locked in an amorous embrace. Neidi lay supine on the comfortable cushions pulling the big-busted woman down on top of her. She gripped the edge of her tight fitting shirt and brought it over her head before reaching around to the back of her to unclasp her bra and remove it completely. The two large cantaloupe-like orbs shook freely from their restraints and Neidi slid downwards beneath the other woman, until her mouth was level with the already hardening nipples. She sucked one into her mouth all the while squeezing them together, enjoying the texture of the soft flesh.

Richelle broke free, standing up to finish undressing and encouraged Neidi to do the same. Soon they were both naked and reassuming their previous positions on the chair. She was determined to thoroughly please her younger counterpart by granting her oral pleasure and slipped between Neidi's splayed legs and began to playfully tease her cunt already gleaming with her moisture. Gently she spread the labia lips apart wide and stared at the nurse's pink centre.

Her open mouth covered the red head's pussy and she flicked her tongue over the velvety flesh, savouring the initial taste of her newest conquest before sliding her tongue inside her; shoving it deep and relishing every inch of the woman's sweet flesh as the muscular pink organ probed around, her tight canal. She was moving her tongue in and out of the moisture filled cunt enjoying it's smooth texture and tangy taste. She carefully used her thumbs to pull upwards on the skin at the tip of Neidi's pussy allowing the pink head of her clit to peep out from its fleshy sheath. The dark haired vixen spent a long time slowly licking and sucking the woman's pussy, paying particular attention to the hard nubbin.

She explored the tight opening with her fingers and slid first one, then two up inside. Curling them up Richelle shoved the pair upwards until she felt the backside of Neidi's pubic bone and found the small swollen bulb of tissue there; her g-spot. As she sucked and licked the nurse's swollen clit and nibbled on her rough outer labial lips, she stroked inside the woman's tight cunt wanting her to come, so that she could get more of her lovely fluids.

Neidi was almost frantic with desire; she would not be able to take much more. She began to gasp and moan loudly as she bucked her hips madly at the other woman's mouth, in a lewd display of wanton sexual lust. Before long she was coming; Neidi could feel the crest of the waves washing over her lithe body as she wiggled around on the chair. Her moisture flowed freely out from between her labia and Richelle continued to suck gently as the sweet juices filled her mouth. When she finally pulled her head away Richelle laid her palm flat on the other woman's sex and rubbed it gently trying to help soothe the excitement that had built up there, then she bent forward to kiss Neidi who seemed very appreciative of what she had just done and equally excited about returning the favour.

Suddenly Neidi began to feel herself slipping, she was sliding off the chair. Then a loud thud echoed in her ears and a sharp pain coursed through her elbow. Stunned she rubbed her eyes and looked around recognising the familiar chest of drawers standing beside her bed. She had rolled off halfway, her head slowly approaching the floor. She gradually came to the realization that she had been dreaming; Richelle had never visited her. This had all been a delusion put on by her subconscious mind; she ran a hand slowly through her dishevelled hair trying to regain her composure.

There were so may disturbing thoughts and unanswered questions. What was it about Richelle that drew her so strongly? They had spoken for the first time that afternoon but this was not the first occasion that she'd found herself in a vivid fantasy featuring the other woman. Ever since she'd first laid eyes on the woman, sitting on her front porch the afternoon she moved into the neighbourhood; Neidi had felt a strong attraction to the raven-haired beauty, which only seemed to increase. She found her uncontrollable desire for the other woman rather disturbing but nothing she'd tried so far seemed to be able to quell her unnatural desires. She removed her underwear, grasped the extra pillow beside her and clamped her legs tightly around it. Her hips stroked firmly against the semi-hard cushion, as if trying to rock her aching cunt back to sleep. The pressure applied to her pussy was enough for the moment and before long she had achieved another orgasm before drifting off soundly to sleep. She still harboured though, a deep-sated desire to seduce her neighbour Richelle but was unsure how to achieve such a seemingly arduous task.


Part Two


Richelle took the opportunity of their first encounter to show even more friendliness towards the other woman. She made it a point of duty to smile or just wave at the redhead as she drove off to work each morning and was elated when the woman happily returned her affable gestures. She had been thinking up ways to establish a friendship with Neidi but most of the ploys she had devised so far were not as subtle as she'd like so she decided to work on developing them some more.

For the next few days Neidi tried her best to concentrate on everything beside the attractive woman living next door and found herself only mildly successful. The attraction seemed to be slowly diminishing and she tried hard to convince herself that those early morning smiles were just friendly neighbourly gestures and not anything sexual. Ever so often though, there were those fleeting thoughts of those beautiful breasts restrained by that black bra, the night of the party, but it disappeared from her mind just as quickly as it appeared. She knew better than to get hung up on a woman who had absolutely no interest in her. The right person was still out there and if she just took her time searching she was bound to find her.

Neidi was busying herself trying to make the yard as beautiful as possible. She had bought several saplings of her favourite flowers and was planting them among her Aunt's partly successfully kept garden. Anything to keep her occupied she surmised and so far she revelled happily in the fact that she could restrain her feelings. Saturday as usual she was trying to remove out those nasty weeds that kept appearing despite the fact that she sprayed them with pesticides, when she heard a soft tapping noise and turned around and looked up to discover Richelle leaning over the wooden picket fence that separated the two properties, smiling at her shyly.

"Hey there, what are you up to?" She queried as Neidi dropped her miniature pitchfork, removed her gloves and stood up.

"Just trying my hand at landscaping." She grinned sheepishly as the woman's eyes perused the unfinished garden.

"I don't mean to disturb, just wanted to invite you over for lunch tomorrow. That is if you can make it." She added hastily.

"Sure I'd love too," Neidi beamed brightly. "What time?"

"Well," Richelle thought pensively for a minute. "I'll be going to church in the morning, and most likely I'll be starting to cook upon my return so I'd say about 12:30 or 1:00 for certain."

"So I'll see you at one o'clock tomorrow, then." Neidi nodded affirmatively.

"Sure, bye. Good luck with your gardening." She placed her hand over Neidi's own, which had been resting besides hers on the top of the fence and let it linger momentarily, before turning around and moving away.

Neidi watched her enter the house and then returned to her work. Goosebumps had formed on the area Richelle had touched and as she recalled the incidental dream, a chill shot up her spine. She recommenced her gardening in nervous anticipation of what might take place tomorrow.


The next day Neidi had just woken up, when she heard Richelle's car moving out of her driveway as she made her way to church. Her heart raced as she watched the car drive down the road and disappear out of sight. She knew the inevitable would be soon approaching. She tidied up around the house her eyes darting to watch the clock every now and then and shuddered whenever she heard the chiming of the bell signalling the arrival of each hour.

It had been sometime now since she had seen Richelle returning from 9 o'clock church service and entered her house. Most likely at this very moment she was engaged in the preparation of lunch for the two of them. At 12:30 she abandoned her cleaning and went upstairs to prepare for her departure next door. In the shower she took special care washing herself, trying hard to eliminate the odour of sweat that permeated from her body. She did it carefully and slowly so as not to arouse her easily excited cunt. She needed above all to remain calm and rid herself of those erotic thoughts of her neighbour that still plagued her endlessly.

Neidi wanted to dress attractive but not overtly flirtatious. She had already come to the conclusion that if her neighbour was not interested in her that way, she still wanted to pursue a platonic relationship with her if that was possible. She let her straight long reddish-brown hair drape casually around her shoulders instead of the tight bun she usually frequented. She had chosen to wear a tight fitting, white spaghetti strap dress with blue flowers. It was short, ending just above her knees to reveal her long slender legs and athletically trim body. The frame of her body visibly highlighted, from her perky b-cup breast to her 28-inch waist and curvy hips. A pair of wedge-heeled slippers with thin straps that laced around her ankle accentuated her toes and calves and she wore simple silver jewellery that complimented her soft blue-grey eyes.

At five minutes to one o'clock she was crossing the lawn and strolling the short distance that separated the two houses. She walked up the concrete pathway and rung the doorbell clutching a bottle of her favourite merlot tightly around its neck.

"Welcome." Richelle smiled elated upon opening the door and Neidi was beaming as well as she offered her the bottle.

Neidi perused the Richelle's dressing briefly; she too had dressed more than casual. She wore a red cotton peasant blouse with a bell sleeve and ruffled neckline and a short flared black skirt that twirled on every step. Her thick, curly black hair hung loosely across her back and her brown eyes sparkled happily. She had on a pair of black platform slippers that made her even taller.

"Thanks," Richelle smiled once more before ushering her inside.

Neidi had been there briefly that Saturday night but everything looked strange to her, the house appeared to be even more beautifully decorated than she remembered. There were the pictures of houses that the other woman had designed and several scenic paintings of nature and the environment adding distinct warmth to the living room area. Richelle offered her a seat before disappearing to place the drink in the refrigerator.

"I've set up everything up on the patio," she said as she returned. "Right this way." She instructed and Neidi willingly followed.

Neidi looked at her house across the fence as she stepped out into the partly covered back terrace; her safe haven. Surprisingly she longed to be there now, her heart beating rapidly as she took a seat at the magnificently decorated table and scrutinized the excellently prepared dishes. Richelle had obviously gone all out to prepare this buffet style meal.

"Do you want to lead us in prayer?" Richelle asked.

But after an apprehensive look formed on the woman's face she quickly volunteered herself. "It's okay I'll do it."

Richelle reached across the table and took the woman's hands in hers, she spoke softly and Neidi tried as hard as she could to concentrate on the words coming out of the other woman's mouth and not the feelings evoked by her touch.

The pair ate silently at first the warm air whistling by around them; they both appeared afraid to raise a topic of conversation. It was Richelle who spoke first asking Neidi what she thought of the neighbourhood.