Affection from Next Door


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"It's okay. Kind of quiet but I feel happier here, more free. No more being cramped in a small apartment, I can have flowers and plants that will actually grow not the plastic kind. The only thing I really miss are the friends that I had to leave behind in the city but the staff at the hospital are great; they are trying hard to help me get accustomed with this style of living but I've been preoccupied with cleaning up the yard and gardening I really have not gotten a chance to actually tour the neighbour discover where places of interest are located. I know that there's supposed to be a park and gym but I do not know where they are located."

"Well that's not a problem," responded Richelle. "We can take a walk later and I'll show you everywhere."

"Okay, thanks." Neidi said meekly "I hope it not too much of a bother."

"Nonsense." She emphasised by shaking her head, "I would love to. Your Uncle and Aunt did their best to make me feel welcome when I first moved in. It would be and honour to repay the favour to you." She smiled warmly and their conversation turned to discussing the Wilson's and their eccentricity.

"So how long have you been living here?" Queried Neidi. "Did you design this house, being an architect and all?"

"Well I started designing this house when I was still at University - My dream home. From my first day on the job I started to save towards this project; my life's goal. My parents had acquired this piece of property years ago in the hopes of moving out of the city after they retired but never did. They handed the deed over to me on my twenty-first birthday and encouraged me to build; so I wouldn't have to raise a family amongst the craziness that is the city. It took me over four years to attain half of the cost of building the house, because I had so many specifications that had to be done according to the plan, without any exception and then I was able to obtain a loan for the rest. My parents have always been generous with money owing to the fact that I am their only child, so I that was the main reason I was lucky to come to own my home at twenty-seven years. It's a unique design and for me a remarkable accomplishment." She explained proudly.

Neidi could hear the pride in the other woman's voice as she spoke she was definitely a confident person but not pompous or obnoxious.

"But you're twenty seven as well, so that maybe something that we have in common. Huh." She smiled and Neidi blushed timidly.

The next subject of discussion was family but nothing really about their individual personal lives. They both seemed reluctant to enter that avenue during their conversation.

Lunch had disappeared quickly as both women seemed to possess ravenous appetites and Neidi looked on quietly as Richelle cleared away the table as her offer to assist had been immediately rejected.

"No thanks. You're the guest you don't have to do anything it's my duty to take care of everything." There was something about the way she had said it that had sent a small shiver coursing up Neidi's spine.

A few minutes later Richelle reappeared. "Ready to discover the community now?" She asked energetically.

The two women walked almost in stride as they exited the house and made their way to the narrow sidewalk. They walked together enjoying the warm wind blowing across their skin.

"This," Richelle pointed out to a blue painted house, with lots of colourful flowers in the front garden, "is the neighbourhood watch headquarters and it is chaired by Mr. and Mrs. Jeffries. The husband is a retired military general- He's a little paranoid but generally friendly." She paused. "It would be in your best interest to just visit one day and have a cup of coffee or something. They'll like you. Mrs. Jeffries and your Aunt were very good friends, spent a lot of time together knitting with a few of the older, retired women."

They continued their trek with Richelle pointing out various homes and debriefing her about their occupants. She pointed out the houses belonging to people whom she knew, a few of which had been designed by Architects employed with the firm, where she worked. They arrived at a small park near the junction of the street fitted with swings, slides and other amusement for children. Several adults were there, chatting in groups, reading or sitting on the wooden benches keeping a watchful eye on their kids playing nearby. Richelle did not seem to know any of them but as they walked by some of the people looked their way and smiled politely before moving on. The next forty-five minutes was spent exploring the community and pointing out places of interest including the supermarket, gym and church as Neidi had queried about their location. They had made a complete circular tour and as such ended up approaching their houses from the opposite direction from which they had departed.

"Bye," Neidi said as they approached the front of her house "and thanks for the lunch it was delicious. I would invite you over for a meal but you probably would not enjoy getting food poisoning or upset stomach." She blushed.

"I take that to mean that you can't cook," Richelle stared at her incredulously.

"Correct." She replied bluntly. "I've spent so much money, taking lots of courses but usually quit when it gets too advanced, since I find that I can't cope as well once they start moving on towards more complicated recipes. Maybe one day I keep telling myself but hopefully I'll just meet someone with culinary aptitude."

"Well I could teach you." Richelle interjected, "and it would not cost much."

"Really," she stared at her wide-eyed "I would not want to inconvenience you in any way."

"I'd love to help you out. All you have to do is select the dish you are interested in learning to cook, buy the ingredients, just inform me a day or two in advance and you can come over after work. It's simple. I've helped several of my friends to develop their cooking skills."

"Well that a very nice offer." Neidi smiled appreciatively.

"If you like you can think about it and then call me, over the fence or the telephone, I'm listed."

"Sure thanks." Neidi could not resist the temptation to fling her arms over the other woman's shoulders and so she did just that.

Richelle stood stunned, feeling the warmth of the woman's trim body against hers as they hugged for a brief few seconds that seemed like hours. Regaining her composure Neidi quickly pulled away trying to hide an embarrassed smile and waved the other woman off before entering her house.


Richelle heart thundered in her ears as she made her way home. The yearning she felt for the redhead had been forcefully subdued throughout the entire afternoon, but that parting hug had reawakened every ounce of desire. Inside the house she curled up on the sofa and forced herself to get rid of those erotic thoughts that were steadily turning into an obsessive craving. She took several long, deep breaths and then went off to dry the dishes and cooking utensils they had utilised earlier.

"A drink." She thought to herself that would surely calm her nerves.

She walked over to the refrigerator retrieved the bottle of wine she'd received earlier and trudged over to the master bathroom. She undressed, then settled comfortably in the bathtub and tried to remember when she had previously coveted someone with that sort of intensity.

"Never." The answer stood out vividly in her mind. "Well why now," She thought "and why this stranger whom she barely knew anything about."

The woman had all the characteristics she looked for in a lover but she obviously was not interested in her on that level, or surely she might have made some indication even if it was a subtle one. She drank heartily as she lathered herself and sought to preoccupy her mind with thoughts of her current projects. She left the tub only after she had finished off the entire bottle and then went to bed; her mind drifting off once more to that hug, before she finally fell asleep.

The next morning things seemed better; Neidi stopped her on her way to work to inform her that she would indeed take her up on her offer. They settled for Wednesday afternoons as the nurse worked only in the mornings on that particular day of the week and Richelle confirmed it in her diary. Neidi had already chosen a recipe; one of the dishes Richelle had prepared the day before.

Richelle was happy with the arrangements, and the idea of possibly becoming close acquaintances with the red head kept her loins appeased; after all friends could become lovers.

Neidi was equally excited, the notion of spending one night every week with Richelle would definitely give her a chance to discern the other woman's sexual predilection.


It was the Tuesday evening and Neidi had just gotten off the telephone with Richelle making arrangements, concerning their first scheduled cooking class for the next evening. She was very anxious about their third private meeting, inside the other woman's house but excited just as well. The woman was an excellent cook and the opportunity was not one she felt she should pass up. She was getting tired now, the television glare flickered brightly in the dimly lit room and she could feel her eyelids growing heavy. She slowly braved the length of staircase and entered into her room. Changing into her sleeping garment; a sexy sheer negligee that was barely covering her ass, she lay on the bed and tried to fall asleep but couldn't. It was a full moon night and the light of the large circular star was streaming directly through a window unto her bed.

Lazily she got up and walked over to close the drapes that were admitting the light inside. She looked out just in time to see Richelle opening the sliding door that led to patio and step outside dressed in a thick white cotton robe. She watched riveted as the woman made her way towards the pool and stopped.

Richelle undid the cord of her robe to reveal a multi-coloured one-piece swimsuit that did a fine job of covering her body. She glanced around momentarily as though trying to ascertain that no one was looking; not that anybody could see over the six feet tall hedge that grew at the back of the house or the wooden fence along the side, which separated her property and Neidi's. Cautiously she slid the straps of the bathing suit over her shoulders, and then pulled it down across her breast and hips before stepping out of it.

Neidi gasped softly and moved towards the side of the window where she could watch unseen. She looked down into her neighbour's yard; a naked Richelle was circling the pool as if considering the right spot to enter. Her body was more magnificent that the red head could have ever hoped or imagined. Her large bosom was perky and stood out firmly on her chest; despite their size they were only slightly low slung, the fat nipples, elongated and rigid. Her muscled abdomen was well defined and flat and there was a line of thin, wispy hair running from her navel down to her pelvis where it spread out into a thick triangular forest of soft curly hair, which she idly ran her fingers through. Her labia clearly visible as the area around it had been shaved; was engorged, the lips pouty and full.

Suddenly Richelle lunged into the water, unaware of her observer and began to swim languidly about the length of the rectangular pool. She stopped momentarily whenever she neared the side connected to the Jacuzzi which had an overflow like a small waterfall, allowing hot water from the tub to cascade down into the pool below. Neidi watched the tall woman intently as she swam about, admiring the shapely full figured body.


Richelle had just ended her menstrual cycle and was feeling more edgy than usual, she was restless and unable to sleep; the hard part was that she knew the cause but could do nothing about it. She glanced skywards as she floated on her back aimlessly and her eyes immediately fell on a window, easily identifiable as belonging to the master bedroom; Neidi's room. The soft rays of the moon were illuminating the outline of a figure looming behind the flowered curtains.

As realisation dawned on her, a mischievous grin started to form at the edges of her lips and slowly spread across. So her pretty neighbour was a voyeur, well she'd give her something to look at. Richelle turned so that her legs were facing Neidi's house before bringing two fingers to her lips, and then wetting them thoroughly with saliva. She brought the lithe digits to her breast and slowly circled the aureole of each, alternately tugging on them until they stood out erect and rigid like small, hardened pencil erasers. She continued that process briefly before grabbing one breast and lifting it to her mouth, sucking and biting the soft flesh. As she held it firmly with one hand, the other moved fleetingly across her abdomen, through the thatch of pubic hair on her pelvic, down through her cleft and in-between her labia folds. She then inserted the middle and index fingers into her aroused cunt, plunging them deep inside.

Neidi looked down at her neighbour, wantonly fucking herself and could not resist the urge building up inside her. She gripped the hem of her nightgown and brought it over her head before stepping out of her underwear. As soon as it was discarded she began to pull and twist her long pointy nipples and then slipped the two longest fingers of her right hand into her vagina just as she'd seen the other woman done. She ran her thumb in a slow circular movement across the engorged head of her swollen clit, moaning softly. She pummelled her cunt incessantly and her legs buckled underneath her as her pussy exploded. Small electric like bolts coursed from her loins, throughout her entire body and the blood rushed to her head, her breath growing ragged. She fell on her knees, slightly dizzy from an earth shattering orgasm. A few minutes later she rose to look out the window to see Richelle licking her fingers voraciously; she had missed the other's climax and sighed disappointed.

For a moment their eyes met through the curtain and Neidi's heart raced. Richelle was staring directly up at her. Could she have seen her? Impossible, those piercing brown eyes could not possibly be able to see through the drapery, but the mischievous smile pursed on the woman's lips was somewhat eerie. She instantly backed away from the window and dressed hastily before returning to bed.


The clock's alarm woke Neidi up at around 5:30 a.m. the next morning and she sought to forget what she had seen. Throughout the morning and for the rest of the day she was a nervous wreck. Tonight she would be over at Richelle's home, just the two of them for several hours. Would she be able to contain herself? She hoped and prayed. Richelle was so sexy Neidi could not deny that, but she knew she had to keep her feelings under control.

"Ding dong." The doorbell rang around 6:00 p.m. and Richelle knew exactly who it was. "Hey, come in." She stepped aside to allow the redhead to enter.

"I hope I'm not too early." Neidi said as she looked over Richelle's dressing. She was wearing a tight sleeveless tank top that outlined her curvaceous bosom and a pair of short black biker shorts. The unblemished tanned skin of her muscled arms was a fetching sight, her shapely calves and long slender legs equally delightful to the eyes. Her hair was pulled back in a single braid and several beads of sweat were glistening off her forehead and chest.

"No, I was putting in a few minutes on the treadmill; keeping in shape." Richelle lead the way to the kitchen.

"Well you look gorgeous," Neidi blushed slightly as Richelle turned and flashed her a broad smile.

"Thanks for the compliment. You look great, yourself." She handed her a paper with the recipe and the instructions for preparing the meal before removing the groceries from the shopping bag.

Richelle looked carefully over each item making sure that all the ingredients were available. Tonight she was going to be instructing and helping the woman prepare lasagna, a dish she had proclaimed as one of her favourites. She led her over to the sink to wash her hands before the class could commence.

Richelle was somewhat meticulous and Neidi found it very easy to follow her instructions, she explained everything in detail and whereas she left most of the actual preparation to the red head she made sure that she did not feel overwhelmed. Neidi stood by the sink trying her best to whisk an egg to perfection while Richelle checked the work she had done so far complimenting her on her fine work and helping to boost her confidence.

She was startled and gasped aloud when she suddenly felt Richelle's arms sliding around her waist. "Relax, you're mighty jumpy." The other woman chuckled softly. "Here I just want to help you."

Richelle fixed the bowl in Neidi's gasp, tilting it at an angle. She grasped the woman's right hand in hers and spoke softly in her ear. "When you're beating an egg it doesn't really matter how you go about mixing the albumen and the yolk. But, when you're whisking you have to rotate your wrists because what you're actually trying to do is whip it up into froth." Richelle held unto her hand and guided her gently.

Neidi held her breath as Richelle breathed on her neck as she spoke, the warm air tickling her sensitive skin sending a rush of warmth to her loin and causing goose bumps to appear on her skin. She tried to concentrate on what was being said but the flood of emotions was retarding her other senses. She breathed a sigh of relief when Richelle finally broke free of their contact, unaware of the feelings her mere touch had aroused.

Richelle inhaled deeply, her nostrils absorbing the clean scent of Neidi's skin, her perfume titillating the senses. The woman was so lovely she wished that she had an idea of her sexual preference; she never seemed to date and had not mentioned any boyfriend but Richelle herself, was sort of elusive about her own personal life not really opening up to that type of discussion. She returned to her seat on a nearby barstool still observing every movement of the other's body.

Within thirty minutes all the preparations had been taken care of and the actual cooking began. The pasta was boiled for a few minutes as the sauce was being prepared before finally sautéing the minced meat in a non-stick frying pan.

They chatted idly and Richelle offered to give Neidi a little tour of her house. It was truly magnificent and she could understand why the other woman was so proud of her accomplishments. Neidi was particularly impressed with her private gym, well furnished with the most modern exercising equipment. Looking long and hard at the woman she wondered if all of them were really necessary, there was not an ounce of fat on her lean muscular body.

"You're free to come over and use any on them if you like." She offered and Neidi smiled and said she would consider it.

It struck her as odd though, that someone as friendly and unselfish, as Richelle never seemed to have any friends over. She was usually lounging outside by the pool feverishly clicking away on a laptop until late into the night and never went out. She was about to query that with her when the oven bell rung, signalling that the food was prepared and the two returned downstairs.

From the kitchen Richelle led her over to the dining room where the table was already set. "I though maybe you'd be interested in learning how to set the places at a table and the arrangement of the utensils." She shrugged her shoulders as she placed the pie dish on the table.

"Well there isn't any harm in a refresher course." Neidi replied and listened intently to Richelle as she explained everything in detail.

After a few minutes they were seated, had prayed and were enjoying their finely cooked meal with some wine.