After School Delight Pt. 01


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"Really? Do you think so?" I asked, sounding surprised, but in reality having no doubt at all that it must be true.

"You mean you couldn't tell?" she asked.

"Well I did begin to wonder," I told her, "but it was you I came to visit, wasn't it," I said, sliding my arms around her neck and pushing her back down onto the bed.

"Fuck me Macey," she whispered.


"It was sooo good, and I've waited sooo vewy long for you."

"Your wish is my command, my love," I said, sliding my hand over her body and caressing her through the fleece cover. It didn't stay in place for long. I pulled it away, and once again my hands and my lips were exploring everywhere they could reach, this time, intent on affording her what she needed with my fingers, while my lips tried to kiss her lapping mouth.

She lay back and allowed my caresses to excite her, more calmly this time, stroking from her knee, slowly, carefully upwards along her thigh, until there wasn't any more thigh to slide it along. As my two middle fingers slipped into her again, she moaned softly and I kissed her again, or tried to, that eager tongue once again lapping at my face like an excited little puppy, happy to greet its owner in the only way it knows how.

I gave her what she needed again, and although she probably didn't realise it at the time, she also gave me what I wanted. You see. I love to kiss, easily as much as I love to be kissed, and it doesn't matter to me that my partner is receiving most of the pleasure. I'm happy to give, because I know that if she's enjoying my attention, then at least at that moment, she's completely mine. It didn't take long to bring her to another orgasm, but I had the feeling that it wasn't quite at earth shattering as the previous one. Even so, she seemed to enjoy it.

As we lay together, resting in the warmth of each others' embrace, I ventured to broach a subject that had been puzzling me for some time. "May I ask another personal question?" I began.

"Of course. Anything," she smiled.

"It may be 'very' personal. Tell me if I'm prying too much."

"You can ask me anything Macey. I don't want there to be any secwets between us."

"OK. If you're sure?"

She nodded, smiling up at me with those big, trusting eyes.

"I just wondered... Your dad wasn't there at teatime. You've never mentioned him. Does he work away maybe?"

She went quiet. "I'm sorry. That was insensitive. I should never have asked."

"No. It's OK. I'll tell you," she said, looking deadly serious.

She waited for a long time before saying anything. "You don't have to tell me," I said. "Please don't. I should never have asked."

"It's OK," she said softly. "I want to tell you." She smiled, nervously. "You pwobably wealised that Ges and I are only half sisters?"

"Well, I did wonder," I told her. "You don't look much alike."

"Well, soon after I was born... 'appawently'..." she paused dramatically after accentuating the word, "my mum 'got together' with my dad's best fwiend. She had stopped taking the pill when they decided to start a family, and she never went back on it again. Anyway, she got pwegnant with Ges. Dad didn't know at first but when he found out he started dwinking and sometimes he wouldn't come home at night. When he did he was often dwunk."

I rested my head on her shoulder, and she went on. "This one time, he came into our woom. He sat on the edge of the bed on Ges' side and began stwoking her hair while she was asleep. He didn't know I was awake. Anyway, he pulled her covers back and started kissing her. He lifted her onto his lap and..." she stopped.

"You don't have to go through this you know. I get the picture."

"I shut my eyes tight and twied to pwetend it wasn't happening. I know I should have called out to make him stop, but I was so scared." She looked at me with a genuine fear in her eyes - as if she was re-living it all again.

"The next night, after we'd gone to bed, there was this big wow downstairs, and I heard our mum shout, 'Your own daughter!' Dad's voice yelled, 'But she's not my daughter is she!' That's when we found out that Ges had a differwent father. Dad left, and the next morning my mum explained to us what had happened."

"How long ago was this?"

"About four years now." She put her arms around my neck for a supportive hug and I kissed her cheek, close to her neck, but it wasn't a passionate or sexy kiss. It was a comforting kiss.

It occurred to me that perhaps she might be only telling half of the story? Maybe her father had abused them both? That could account for her wanting to remain a child, living her life in her safe little fantasy world. I waited for a few more minutes, to give her a chance to recover. She looked up at me and smiled through the tears, as I handed her the tissue box for the third time. "You'll have to go careful," I told her, with a sigh.


"There's only 75 in this box," I said, shaking my head and looking solemn.

She spluttered a sad little laugh. "You're such a comfort, she said softly," dabbing her eyes again.

She turned and smiled at me. "I've been selfish, she told me."

"Why do you say that?"

"I haven't done anything for you."

"You fed me..." I paused, "Twice! I smirked."

She grinned. "Would you like a VIP wide on the orgasmatwon?" she asked, sounding like one of those advertising 'voice-over' people. "A place has been weserved exclusively for you," she smiled.

"The what?" I laughed, hardly able to believe my ears.

"Lie back," she ordered.

I just looked at her, perplexed, and did as I was told.

She began to unfasten my blouse. "Here. Let me do it," I told her, smiling.

She slapped my hand. "My woom. My wules," she insisted. "Lie still and let me give you evewything you ever dweamed of and more," she whispered.

I remember thinking, 'This is the 'baby' I was so concerned about taking an unfair advantage of, just a couple of hours ago?'

Her lips stroked my face as she unfastened my blouse. Her kisses caressing my neck, down over my shoulders, smothering my petite breasts with tender kisses (no bra to worry about), pausing there to suckle on the stiffening little nipples for a few minutes before progressing onward, ever downward over my tummy, undressing me as she went, my hips, my thighs, easing my knickers down and tossing them aside to be discarded along with my skirt.

She brushed my knees with her cheeks, lifting them up and apart, as her kisses became ever more urgent, driving me wild with desire.

It felt surreal to be lying there surrounded by so many childhood things, and have her doing something like that with me. I closed my eyes, which helped a little, but that only caused me to think about her mother and her sister. There was no doubt in my sinful little mind that her mum wanted me; from the looks she had been giving me I doubt I would have been safe from her, were it not for the fact that I was here as Angie's guest, and judging by her sister's apparent interest, her too I shouldn't wonder.

I imagined them there with us, kissing me as I began playing with my breasts, caressing and teasing the nipples while Angie truly did give me everything I needed and more, her expert tongue so keen and impetuous. The thrill was quite intense as she closed her mouth over my bare mound, and I could feel the tongue moving around, completely hidden from view as it traced my aching pussy slit, then burrowed into me, making me gasp and cry out, tingling with such burning pleasure yet eager for her to take me further still.

I reached down and held her head gently, caressing my tummy and hips with her beautiful soft, silky hair as she reached inside me, her insatiable appetite driving me ever nearer to complete loss of control. She gripped my thighs from behind and pushed my legs wide, holding my knees down against the pretty 'Princess' quilt cover, as she crouched over me, and her tongue began to plunge into me repeatedly from within, her lips never parting company with my mound as she took me ever closer and closer to that incredible place where the imagination meets the desires.

My head tossed from side to side and my hips were bucking, pushing back up to meet her, as I pinched my nipples in an effort to further enhance the already intense pleasure, quite unnecessarily. I moaned and cried out as I heard the creak from that floorboard again, but I didn't care. I couldn't stop. I couldn't allow it to interrupt us. I had to finish.

Angie's tongue seemed self animated now, darting in and out as she took me higher and higher until at last the orgasm hit me, the sensation flooding through me in a wave of emotion that made me buck and lurch uncontrollably. I selfishly grabbed her head with both hands, holding her tightly against me as I humped for a minute, thrusting my crotch up against her mouth, then gasping and moaning and crying out as I curled forward, then threw my head back into the pillows, arching my back, unable to control which way to twist my body next, to satisfy the need for sexual release.

I had masturbated before of course, in the privacy of my own little bed, but I could never have imagined how much more exciting it could be to share the experience with a friend. I let out a plethora of sounds, a mixture of laughing and crying, still holding her face firmly against my open crotch, as I continued to jerk randomly, until at last I managed to calm enough to release my grip on my beautiful Angela's head.

It was over a minute before I could dare to open my eyes and look down to see her smiling face, peering back up at me; that beautiful smile that lit up the room.

"Did you like that?" she asked, softly, smiling as I had never seen her before.

"My God Angie. Where did you learn to do that?"

She blushed. "I had the best teacher," she said softly, hugging and kissing my thigh as she lapped softly.

"Oh, don't start again. Please?"

"Why not?" she asked, gripping my thigh and thrusting her tongue into me again.

I pushed my head back into the pillow once more, moaning with delight as she began to work on me again. "Why are you doing this?" I moaned, gasping and panting, as once again she thrilled me beyond all comprehension.

"I want to make it so good for you that you'll never want to leave me."

"Consider it a success," I cried as she quickly brought me to another shuddering climax.

"Buy one, Get one free!" she laughed.

Afterwards, we lay together for what must have been over a quarter of an hour. Angie pulled her fleece blanket over us, and under the cover we just snuggled together, our hands stroking and caressing each other, and we kissed and cuddled, talking about nothing in particular, until our time was up.

"I think it's time I was going," I whispered, my lips close to her ear.

"Kiss me again?" she sighed. We shared a long, loving kiss, spread out beneath the cover on her bed, as our arms enfolded each other and our hands tenderly caressed each other's naked bodies.

"Come on," I told her. "Let's get dressed."

"I don't want to," she whined.

"You going to see me off like that then?" I laughed, tossing the fleece aside and gathering my clothes from all over the floor.

"OK," she giggled.

Five minutes later and we were descending the staircase, making our way to the lounge where Angie's mum sat watching TV.

"Goodbye Mrs Bolton," I called. "I have to be going now. Thank you for a lovely tea," I told her. She leaned forward to stand, to bid me farewell. "No. Please don't get up. Angie will show me out."

She got up anyway. "I couldn't dream of sending you off without a goodbye hug," she told me, wrapping her arms tightly around me, pulling me in close and pressing her body against mine. "You come and visit again now, do you hear?" she told me, adding a whispered, "any time you like," in my ear, and kissing my ear before she released me. She was still smiling excitedly as I stepped back from her, feeling more than a little surprised at such an outward display of inappropriate affection.

"Where is Geraldine?" I asked. "I wanted to say goodbye."

"Oh... she went out to see a friend just a minute ago," Mrs Bolton told us.

"Oh. Well would you be kind enough to tell her I said goodnight?"

"Of course I will darling," she replied with a kindly smile. "Perhaps you'd like to come again... maybe sleep over one night?" she suggested, as Angie led me toward the door.

"Mu-um!" Angie called back, sounding exasperated. "Please don't embawass my fwiends."

"I was only inviting Macey," she reasoned, innocently. "I thought you might like to have her stay one night."

"It's OK," I told them. "I wasn't embarrassed," I added with a smile back to her mum. "Thank you. That might be very nice... if it's OK with Angie?" I looked at her for approval.

Angie smiled, then quickly led me to the front door, giving me a platonic hug as we stood at the step, and bending down to discreetly nip my ear with her lips as we said goodnight. I remember thinking, it was a good thing we were outside or I might have found myself fucking her again.

I turned to wave as she closed the front door, and as I began to walk away, I heard a, 'Psst' sound, from the back alleyway. I looked across, and there in the darkness was a silhouette outline in the entrance of the alley. 'Psst,' the sound came again, and someone was beckoning me. I looked all around. There was no-one else in the street. Angie had gone inside, so I went over to the alleyway.

It was Ges. "What are you doing here?" I asked.

"Shhh" she said. "Come here."

"What for? What do you want?" I whispered.

"I just want to talk to you."

"What about?"

"My homework," she giggled.

I gave her a pathetic look. "I don't think this is a good idea," I told her.

"Oh please?" It will only take a minute, she begged.

"I really have to be going. It's getting dark."

"I wanted to invite you to my birthday party."

"When is it?"

"In a couple of weeks."

"I'll have to ask my mam, but do you think Angie would be OK with it?"

"She'd love you to come," she told me. "So would my mum. I know they will."

"Well... get Angie to ask me tomorrow at school," I told her. "Now I really have to go."

"Just a minute," she said softly. "There's something else."


She didn't answer. She just took my hand and pulled me into the darkness of the alleyway.

Almost fifteen minutes later and I was on my way home. I was feeling slightly troubled, but happy. My evening with Angie had gone beautifully; couldn't have been better, but the epilogue with Ges had taken me completely by surprise. I got to wondering what delights they might have in store for me, if they really did invite me to her party.

I ducked into another alley before leaving the street. My knickers were a bit twisted and I needed to get comfortable again. It was about fifteen minutes walk from Angie's house to mine, and I couldn't possibly walk all that way with them cutting into me, pushed over to the side the way they were.

It was getting quite dark now. I was conscious of the fact that I was a very small girl, out walking alone at night; irresistible bait for any lowlife that might come across me en-route. I hurried along and tried not to think about it as I raised my right hand to my face and inhaled. There was that rich, pungent aroma to remind me of one beautiful new experience that I had enjoyed with my delicious Angie. I raised my left hand to savour the other, subtly different and quite unexpected, and I smiled. I had enjoyed this evening no end. I licked my lips. I could still taste her.

As my house came into view, I was thankful that my short walk home in the dark had proven uneventful, and as I stepped in through the door my mam greeted me with a concerned, "You're a bit late. I was expecting you an hour ago."

"Sorry Mam. We got a bit carried away," I told her truthfully.

She asked how I had got on this evening with Angela. I told her that everyone had been simply lovely, her mam and sister included. I told her that I might be invited for a sleep-over, but they hadn't properly decided on it yet, but I asked would it be OK if I was invited.

"Of course honey," she told me.

"Angie's sister is having a birthday party too, in a couple of weeks. Would I be able to go to that too?" I asked. "It may mean another sleep over."

"Of course honey. Anything you like. As long as I know where you are and you're safe," she said, turning to smile. "I think I'd prefer you to stay, rather than walk home alone in the dark again." She turned to smile again. "I'm so glad you're making new friends."

"Me too," I grinned. "I think I'll go up to bed now though, if that's OK. I'm quite tired."

"OK honey. Goodnight."

"Night Mam."

When I got up to my room, I undressed quickly and got into my favourite teddy bear pyjamas, then nipped into the bathroom for a pee and clean my teeth, taking great care not to wet my hands too much.

I climbed into bed and lay there for a while, just thinking about Angie, and her mam, and Ges. I raised my hand to my face again and inhaled, closing my eyes and thinking of Angie. It wasn't long before the buttons on my pyjama top were all undone again, and the fingers of my free hand were idly playing with my nipples. I wondered if Ges might be doing the same? I was pretty sure that Angie would.

I licked my fingers, and was strangely surprised to discover I could still taste traces of her sweetness on my fingers, but to taste her residue wasn't nearly enough for me. I wanted to taste her properly again. I reached down, deep into the bed, pushing past the elasticised waistband of my pyjama pants, to find that tender, moist spot that never failed to entertain me every night, alone in my little bed. I reached in, squeezing my breast with the other hand as I lifted my knees and spread them wide. I began to move my hips and hump against my two middle fingers as the fingertips of my other hand gently pinched my nipples to stimulate me.

I raised my hand to taste the sweetness, but I had spoiled it. My beautiful new lover's flavour was gone - well almost. I could still taste a hint of her on my mouth as I licked my lips. Returning my hand down to the warmth of my pyjamas, I decided there was only one thing for it. I would have to get myself invited to Angie's for tea again, and some more homework study. I closed my eyes and waited for sleep to come, dreaming of a beautiful new lover with her eager fingers probing me the way only a sweet young girl knows how.

... To be continued...

Thank you for reading my story. I sincerely hope you have enjoyed it.

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FurryFaceFurryFaceabout 1 month ago

Truly sensual. Can't wait to read part 2

Wkd_MaceyWkd_Maceyabout 1 year agoAuthor

Let's hope you're not put off when you get to the darker content in later parts ;)

I_lOvE_GiRlSI_lOvE_GiRlSabout 1 year ago

Absolutely, wickedly amazing! Dear lord you sure know how to write an incredibly hot, erotic and beautiful story that turned me on from start to finish. It's not often that I am so turned on by someone's story, but reading this has got me super horny, I feel like my brain is in a fog of lust!!!!

Great job Macey, I can't wait to read more of your stories ❤️😊.

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I want this to be a romance story, but be?

Reading_is4funReading_is4funover 1 year ago

Extremely well written…thank you

Amanda7Amanda7over 2 years ago

i have just come across your stories, and i loved it. Great characters wound into terrific story. I am looking forward reading many more of your stories.

DomaldDomaldalmost 3 years ago

Lovely characters, well done.

I like the mom and the sister, they are kinky while still likeable. And I liked the small hint at the sisters’ relationship.

ms969ms969over 5 years ago
Near Perfect Story

This story is easily one of my top 5 stories on Literotica or any other site. It is truly special. I have written these comments into a joint comment at the end of Chapter 3. If you do not get that comment please message me. You have written a masterpiece that describes what I wished had happened to me 5 decades ago. Back then I was near to taking my own life when one of the most popular girls in school asked others to stop persecuting me. We never went out, and she was as straight as a board. Unfortunately, this high did not last through your Chapter 3 which I found to be far to dark. At my age, mid 60's I no longer need to seek spooky stuff and prefer to focus on what I thought I had found in your stories. I will read some more, and hope they are not so near to date rape.

But this Chapter 1, will stay on my periodic re read list. Thanks for your sterling craftsmanship.

ezrunezrunalmost 6 years ago
Lovely Story!!

Subtle but distinct characterization, Nice people, a soupcon of conflict. Thank you so much for making this available for us to enjoy!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

make her fuck Ges secretly and fuck the mom secretly please

kimbeerlykimbeerlyalmost 6 years ago
I couldnt read it faster !

Such a great read, kept me glued to the screen all the way through !!

Discretion9966Discretion9966about 6 years ago
Quite lovely

Your writing skill, coupled with your ability to keep your audience aroused, makes this story simply hypnotic and addictive. I so look forward to reading more from you. Great character development and scenery, excellent dialog (some of the best I've read on this site), and believable storyline. Quite lovely, indeed.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Great story with great characters! I love stories like these and hope future chapters are just as great! Keep up the good work!

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