Airbag Thanksgiving: Absolution


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Ian had been furious, asking the housekeeper how she could have let Selena drink that much in her pregnant state. After listening to the housekeeper's protests, he helped carry his wife up to her bedroom and took care of her through her drunken heaving and vomiting till he was sure she was settled for the afternoon. It was dinner time before Ian left the bedroom, the longest time they had spent together since Halloween. Selena smiled when Ian returned with her dinner. Her happiness was brief as Ian quickly left after she'd finished with her dinner and checking that she was not feeling any pain or aftereffects from her drinking. She thought bitterly that he was only concerned with the child. However, she was encouraged by his concern for her when she was drunk and proceeded to play that card for the rest of the week.

Ian knew Selena was playing games with him and was trying to manipulate him into engaging with her again. He was furious that she would risk the health of their child just to get his attention. This hardened his resolve to distance himself from her. When he returned to find her drunk again two weeks after Halloween and heard that the doctor had called with a message for Selena, he was determined to bring her to her senses. He carried her to the car and drove her directly to the doctor's, still drunk and hardly aware of her surroundings.

The doctor was appalled and quickly helped Selena to sober up before delivering the results of the DNA test she had requested. Ian was completely surprised when the doctor mentioned the DNA test after delivering a lecture on the dangers of alcohol for a developing foetus. The doctor didn't notice the odd look that was exchanged by the couple and proceeded to announce that the foetus had an unusual condition.

"Your baby is a chimera."

The blank looks of both parents told her they were completely baffled by the term.

"She has two different sets of DNA. One shows she is your child. The other, however, is a bit of a mystery."

"What do you mean?" Selena asked fearfully.

"Well, actually, we would like to ask if you're acting as a surrogate mother for one of your family members? You see, the other set of DNA seems to suggest a family relation who's not immediate family but still a close relative to you."

"Like a niece," Selena whispered in horror as she stared at Ian.

"Yes, possibly though there are other possibilities—"

"I want this baby removed! Now!"

Selena's screaming brought the nurse and the doctor to their feet. Ian tried to calm her down.

"You know, don't you? She created this monster so it'll never be my child. You knew and you let her!"

Selena ranted and raved, growing increasingly hysterical. The doctor tried to calm her down and after giving her a light sedative, advised Ian to keep a watch on Selena.

"She's very vulnerable now and with the stress that seems to be affecting her moods and making her drink, I fear for the health of the child," the doctor said while eyeing Ian.

Ian explained briefly that things were tensed at home and Selena's mood swings were making lifedifficult. The doctor listened and was sympathetic, it helped of course that she was not impressed by Selena's decision to drink or her abrasive attitude.

When Ian finally left carrying his wife to the car, the doctor wondered how such a caring husband could end up with such a nasty wife.

Matters only deteriorated as the days passed, Selena's hostility reached new levels as she sought to retaliate against what she saw was a conspiracy against her. She drank heavily the day after her trip to the doctor's, even ordering a case of alcohol from the stores when Ian asked the housekeeper to get rid of all the alcohol in the house. When Ian got home after receiving a call from the housekeeper, he found a very drunk Selena attempting to enter the kids' room.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm gonna get all that bitch's stuff and dump them in the landfill."

Her words were so slurred, he had to ask her to repeat them twice before he made sense of what she was saying. Her frustration at not being able to open the door and the effort of having to repeat her words exhausted her and she slumped down against the door. Ian could only sigh as he picked her up and brought her to the bedroom. Selena whispered in his ear something which made him stiffen though he didn't drop her as the housekeeper feared. The housekeeper looked at the unhappy couple as the master carried the new mistress into their bedroom and tried to get her sober. She shook her head, the scene before her was a stark contrast to the smug happiness the new mistress had radiated just months ago. Looking at her now, the housekeeper felt a tiny bit of sympathy for the new mistress who was now suffering for her misdeeds.



I looked at my wife as sympathy and hate warred inside of me. A year ago, six months ago, hell, three weeks ago, I thought she loved me. Now I see she loved the idea of having me or rather the idea of winning me, snatching me like some toy or trophy from a hated rival, her sister, Melissa.

When that triumph was marred, as was the case with our child and my alleged betrayal of her with Melissa, she became determined to destroy it. That included our child, who she labelled a monster since learning of its chimerism. After the initial shock and worry over the potential health consequences for the child, I have to admit I was secretly and perversely thrilled that I could begin to atone for what I'd done to Melissa through this last child we were to share. So, regardless of whatever I felt about Selena, I was determined to protect the child as best I could. Which included protecting the woman who was carrying that child, Selena. My determination was tested the very next day after I'd brought Selena to the doctor's. What Selena whispered in my ear as I carried her to the bedroom made me stop and stare at the woman who had professed to love me.

"I'll tell everyone what you did last Thanksgiving, how you 'fixed' Melissa's car and caused her death. If you're going to stop me from getting rid of this monster that my sister foisted upon us, if you're never going to be mine, then I'd rather destroy you!"

The look she gave me, even in her drunken state, told me she wasn't kidding. So that was what she meant by love - winning, possessing what she thought her sister had snatched. I felt bitter irony rise in my throat like some wave of acid that threatened to burn me from the inside out. This must be divine retribution — I'd killed a cheating wife who realised too late that she loved me and now I was stuck with a bitch who claimed she loved me for years but wanted to destroy me when she felt she'd lost.

I walked woodenly to the bedroom, laid her down and automatically began to wipe her face with the wet towel that the housekeeper had thoughtfully placed upon the dressing table. Selena looked at me with a drunken gloating smile as she waited for my answer.

"As long as you keep my children out of this and you ensure the safety of the baby, you can do what you want. I deserve to pay for what I did to Melissa," I said evenly though my stomach was beginning to roil at the thought of leaving my children at her mercy.

I guess I surprised her and probably enraged her further since Selena began hitting me with a pillow. She screamed as she pummelled me, "You wimp! You wouldn't fight that bitch when she was alive, now that she's dead, you'd rather fight for her, her brats and this monster she's created than me!"

I didn't react, what could I say? In our last fight before she died, Melissa had accused me of standing up to Todd, Selena's ex-husband, and fighting for Selena and yet being unwilling to fight for us as a couple. I bitterly regretted that. I'd thought there was nothing to fight for since she didn't love me while Selena openly professed her love for me and hence there was something to fight for in Selena's case. Chalk that up to me being dumb and look where it got me. Selena continued venting for a good 30 minutes before she was exhausted from her tantrums, and simply slumped back on the bed and slept.

This scene repeated itself at least two more times that week with one occasion where we ended up in the emergency room of the local hospital. Selena had thrown one of her small but heavy jars of moisturiser and hit me square on the brow, stunning me so I stepped back carelessly and crashed into the mirror behind me. The crash brought the housekeeper running and she screamed when she saw me unconscious with shattered glass all around. According to the kids who she prevented from coming into the room due to the glass bits all around, she quickly regained her senses, closed the door to prevent the kids from entering and called the emergency services. The emergency services took me to the hospital along with Selena, who was hysterical and who loudly proclaimed it was an accident. I'd regained consciousness when we reached the hospital but the doctors insisted on me being observed for the night as they were afraid of a concussion from the collision with the mirror. I noticed the nurses and doctors whispering as they tended to Selena, who was still raving about how it was all an accident and how I was the bastard who was trying to kill her. Her obvious drunken state and wild raving convinced everyone she was the nasty abusive wife and I was the hapless husband. Even the cops were there, having been called by the housekeeper along with the emergency services. They asked me questions and I admitted it was just an accident that occurred after Selena got drunk. They looked at Selena with disapproval and when she became defensive and abrasive, even they left giving me looks of pity.

The only good which emerged from those chaotic days was Selena toning down her abrasive attitude though her erratic behaviour was now common knowledge around the neighbourhood. She even hit on the idea of hosting Thanksgiving dinner. Her guest list was short, consisting of her brother, his lover, two of our neighbours and a few of our colleagues. I could guess what was going through her mind, she wanted to expose me in front of people we knew and therefore ensure maximum damage. I wasn't going to be a sitting duck thought he first order of the day wasn't my protection but rather that of the children. I quietly took some time out every morning to consult with the lawyers regarding custody of the kids should I be unable to care for them. We worked out a plan to help my brother gain custody of my kids and prove Selena's incompetence as a parental figure, the latter was easy seeing how Selena had built a reputation for erratic behaviour over the last few weeks. The trust fund I'd set up for the kids years ago was functioning well, so I didn't have too many worries there. The evenings i spent mainly with the kids trying to make the best of the time left with them. The day before Thanksgiving, I walked into a largely empty office and began picking up stuff that had to be handled in case I was going away for some time. After business matters were dealt with, I opened the safe and took out Melissa's battered diary and began scanning the pages I'd read, which Selena had not burnt. Reading as I scanned each page, I felt my heart break and could barely stop the tears from falling. It was almost dusk when I finished scanning the entire volume. I combined the latest scans with those I'd made almost a year ago after ensuring they were intact. I could only read the earlier scans briefly before my eyes blurred over as tears fell. It was worse than what happened on Halloween as the words were starkly presented before me. And there was no Melissa there for me to apologise to or comfort me. I could only ensure the scans were safely stored in two different clouds before leaving the office with the physical diary for perhaps the last time.


Selena smiled as she surveyed the table settings for Thanksgiving dinner. 'Oh, she was going to serve them all up a most unforgettable Thanksgiving!' she thought as she took another swig of the brandy. She had stayed sober for the last couple of days in order to plan her revenge on Ian and her dead sister. Those bastards who crossed her were going to regret and pay for their transgressions against her. The pain in her belly was starting to become more obvious.

'Good, the monster is dying.' A spasm of pain ran through her heart as she recalled the joy she felt just weeks ago at the thought of the child growing in her belly . The pain was quickly quashed by the rage that flared when she recalled the doctor's announcement that her child, no the monster, was a chimera , with two sets of DNA, one of which was a close relative, like a niece. At that moment, she finally understood what Melissa's words meant. That was the moment the baby became a monster to her.

She smiled in anticipation as the doorbell rang and the housekeeper began ushering in the guests. Ted, her brother, asked her if she was alright and she waved a hand in dismissal of his concern. She was feeling increasingly excited as the guests arrived and the adrenaline she was feeling running through her veins dampened the growing pain in her belly.

When the guests arrived, she made small talk with them. After light banter, all were gathered round the dinner table as Ian finally arrived back in his house and joined his guests.

"Well, since everyone is here, let me serve up the main course!"

Everyone thought Selena meant the turkey and were a little surprised when she returned with a small covered silver platter which was too small to be containing a turkey. The doorbell rang again and the housekeeper had bustled off remarking on the ridiculous ways of the Americans. As Selena opened the cover of the platter with a flourish, the guests started to whisper at the sight of a book sitting on the platter even as the smell of motor oil filled the room.

" As most of you know, my bitch of a sister died last Thanksgiving. This is her diary and I'm sending it to join her." Her fierce glare quelled Ted's feeble attempts to rebuke her for her rude behaviour. Selena noticed Ian's fixed stare at the book soaked in motor oil on that silver platter. She leaned over and whispered with malicious glee, " Yes darling, Melissa's precious diary is finally going up in smoke.

Noticing her latest guests joining her round the table, Selena beamed with an evil gleam in her eyes.

"Join us, officers. I'm about to reveal vital information."

"Ma'am did you make a report about a murder?"

She waved her hand dismissively.

"Yes, officers, the information is related to that," she muttered impatiently.

"While most of you think that my stupid bitch of a sister died in a car accident last year, I know the truth, she was murdered. By a cold-blooded killer. Who switched the fuses and ensured the airbag would malfunction."

Everyone stared at Selena like she was mad.

"Are you drunk Ma'am? This isn't a joke is it?"

"No, officers. I'm dead serious. The murderer is among us today. "

Ian close his eyes and tried to remain calm.

"The murderer is none other than-"

Ian braced himself.

"Me! I switched the fuses and killed her."

There was utter silence as everyone stared at Selena. She looked in horror, her hand clasped over her mouth. She looked as if she couldn't believe what was coming out of it.

She recovered quickly and in a flash, she whipped out her lighter and set the diary on fire. It all happened too quickly and none of the witnesses had any idea just how it was that as the diary burnt, Selena herself began to burn. All anyone really saw was Selena engulfed in flames as everyone else round the table started screaming. Selena's screams were drowned out by the tumult.

Ted tried to douse the flames with water but the grease fire spread. Ian ran off, returned with a fire extinguisher and put out the fire almost instantly. But by then Selena was seriously burnt. The officers called for the emergency services while Ian tried to cradle Selena's shaking body gently as she went into shock and her eyes stared at him uncomprehendingly.

At the hospital, the police officers who had accompanied Ian and Selena there began to ask Ian questions which were met with blank looks. They assumed he was in shock himself. The doctors scurried around trying to save Selena and the baby. But three hours later, the chaos was largely over. The doctors told Ian that the baby had apparently already been dead for a few days mad that they couldn't understand why Selena had managed to ignore all the signs that the baby was in distress. Selena herself was barely clinging to life and the doctors were not optimistic about her condition. The staff at the hospital looked at Ian with some pity since most remembered him from his last trip there just a week or so earlier.

An hour later, they told Ian that Selena was gone. She never regained consciousness.



I don't recall getting home that night. Somehow, someone must have helped me because the next thing I knew I was in my bed. Sleep was at best fitful and patchy. So I was quickly aware of the presence in the room. I sensed her before I saw her.

"Melissa? I thought you'd left."

I was about to leave but I sensed something would go badly wrong. So I stuck around and observed. When I saw Selena take the diary from the kids' room where you'd returned it, I knew she was planning something. I'm sorry I couldn't save the baby. I couldn't stop Selena from killing it.

"Why did you stop Melissa from exposing me? I deserve punishment."

That you do but what good would that do? Nothing. Our children would suffer. I can't let them lose both parents within a year or so. In any case, when you read the diary, there was absolution. That helped me to really forgive you.

My head hung low in shame. My voice was gruff when I spoke.

"I guess I really screwed up huh?"

The rueful smile on Melissa's face helped confirm my assessment of the situation.

"Couldn't you stay? I mean for the kids of course."

I hated the pleading note in my voice but I was desperate and on the verge of begging.

It's better for everyone to move on.

"But I'll never see you again!" I blurted out.

The enigmatic smile on Melissa's face made me anticipate her next words.

Well, if you really hope to see me in this lifetime again, I must leave now.

Almost as if she read my mind, she laughed and spoke.

No darling, you're not that lucky to be a 49 year old with an 18 year old hanging off his arm! But it will be close!

She turned serious.

Take the kids away for a while, help them get over what has happened. Rebuild this house and when you return, rebuild your lives.

She took my hand and we walked over to the kids'room where we looked over the kids sleeping the sleep of the innocent. As she began to fade, she whispered urgently.

Be at my grave next Thanksgiving, your second chance will be there!

A whisper of air caressed my wet cheek and then she was gone.

So I did as she said. No one was surprised when I said that the kids and I needed to get away. After the disasters of the last two years, friends, family and everyone else were very understanding.

Selena's death was ruled a misadventure and all witnesses, including the hospital staff and her doctor all testified that she had been erratic for the last month or so. The police suspected that the seasonal holiday triggered her deep-seated guilt and depression.

I'd been half afraid that Selena would come back like Melissa but she never did. Thank goodness for some wives who do stay dead.

Thanksgiving 2015