Almost Pt. 05


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George smiled as he looked at June, "That's a pretty good deal for some lemonade and of June's homemade cookies. What do you think mother?"

June trying to keep her excitement down laughed, "Is Danny getting another award or something? "

"Well Mrs. Hamilton, it's going to be something like that. Sort of a meet and greet thing. Dan's going to be there with a friend of sorts. It's all planned out and kind of complicated to explain it all but we have a lot of fitting to do now. Would it be ok to start Mrs. Hamilton?"

June looked at George. George could see she was shining with pleasure at the mention of a new dress and spa treatment. He was going to get a new suit and a free hair cut to boot. George laughed out loud, "Well mom, our country is calling. Wouldn't be right to say no."

4 hours later 3 new suits and 3 new designer dresses had been roughly cut and would go back to be completed. 6 pairs of designer underwear for both along with 3 pairs of high-quality shoes for each were added to the clothing. June was informed jewelry would be waiting for her after the fittings and a new watch (Rolex) for George. When they finished June tried to get them to stay for supper but everyone politely declined. George and June walked there guest out to their vehicles and thanked everyone for coming by and if they were ever in the neighborhood to drop on by.

George could see June was all giddy with the attention, new clothes and stuff. He pulled her into his arms and kissed her briefly, "June, I guess I'll have to cut the grass after work on Monday. That ok with you."

June backed up and held her husband's both hands, " Oh George, I'm so excited. My heart is beating so fast that I need to calm down. Let's go to the bedroom and do it now!"

George pulled his wife close and right in front of the Lord and all the neighbors to see, kissed her for a full 6 seconds, then pulled back and said, "June honey....after that, I'm taking you out to Red Lobster!"


By the time Samantha and Dan reached the restaurant and step inside, 3, two man team undercover agents were covering the place outside. 2 in front, one in the back, and a chopper in the air for observation. A K9K call was some serious shit. Weapons free shit if necessary. Dispose anyt bodies quickly shit. This allowed McDonald and Smith to observe Dan and any possible bad guys up close inside. Before Samantha and Dan were seated, both agents were inside checking everything out.

Sam notice the two agents at the door, touched Dan's hand to get his attention and smiled, " Dan, looks like your neighbor decided to bring a friend and join us for coffee." Dan turned and both agents wearing sun glasses indoors nodded their heads briefly at him before continuing to scan the room. He turned back to Samantha who was beaming a perfect smile, while waiting for a comment.

"Samantha....this is kind of difficult to explain..."

"Dan, what are they roommates or something....

She was not going to give Dan any slack. The only way to start this, if there were to be any of this...was with honesty. She patiently waited for a response.

Clearing his throat, "Ahem...Samantha I...." Fuck, where to begin? Dan leaned back in his chair, placed his hands on the table, looked up to Samantha. He wanted this woman like he never wanted anything in his life before. Why did she make him feel hell with the Agency. He would tell her everything dammit and let the cards fall where they may.

"Samantha, I'm a doctor. uhmm...not the medical kind. I do research for the Government. Much of which is classified. Those two men are assigned to protect me. Usually, they are not around but something must be up or they wouldn't be in here now. As I speak, this place may already be surrounded by other agents. They are here strictly for my protection and will not interfere with us. "

Samantha was still for a moment before she broke out laughing, "Oh Dan, you really had me going there a minute. Oh my gosh, you are too funny. Check out the menu and see if there is something you like." Samantha opened the menu in front of her and as she examined it, "My treated since I invited you out so have what you want." Then she continued reading the menu as if nothing was going on.

Dan was stunned. That was the most difficult thing he had ever done before. She wasn't fazed at all. He commanded respect from some of the greatest minds in the world for his work and she....she simply told him after that great revelation that lunch was on her. Dan looked down at the menu between his hands and thought. This must be one of those things he father told him one time about women. Smart women don't believe everything they hear. He looked back both Agents then back to the menu. He looked over a Samantha as she continued to look through the menu. This was all so surreal.

Dan looked across the table at Samantha. He would have told her the truth last night but he had to stick to his cover story because Brian and Cheryl were there. Things were moving ridiculously fast. He began to drift off and contemplated, why? He wasn't even reading the menu anymore he was just staring at the words.

He was in his own mind.

He was seeing images of numbers and symbols floating in patterns of circling structures both large and small. These structures would turn inside out casting off bits that did not fit while absorbing new images of light made of larger and smaller halos. These halos would twist into figure 8's and then break apart.

Now the entire room had disappeared and while the physical body of Dan was there his thoughts were on a different plane of existence. Dan was struggling with an age old question every man has ever felt about a woman.


Why do I feel the way I do about Samantha? He was attempting to use his brilliant mind to formulate an equation that would satisfy the internal struggle within himself to come to grips with emotions he had never experienced.

The normal cycle that humans experience starts at birth. Through each stage of development, humans not only have physical and intellectual growth, they experience emotional growth. Dan had never experienced a crush on a girl in elementary school, middle school, high school, or University as others do. He knew he loved his mother, father, and his sister. This was the only emotional type of love he ever had experienced. He had never had these feelings with the opposite sex in a romantic way. He never met a girl before, had a crush, or broke up. He had never been heartbroken. Dan had no previous example within this particular and often confusing aspect of the human experience. He had nothing he could fall back, relate, and compare to the emotional state and sensations he was feeling now.

He wanted Samantha to be a part of his existence terribly. But his genius intellect kept requesting his brain the reason, WHY? Why did he desire to love... to cherish.... take care, protect, raise a family, and grow old with Samantha. Why would any man or woman desire to do any of that? Why? What was the purpose of it all? What did it all mean?


Dan snapped out of it and in front of him was an angel. His angel. Samantha.

"Dan, are you ok..."

Dan felt over whelming feeling of pure love for her. And in one brief moment of clarity, spoke from within the deepest part of his entire being, "Samantha, will you marry me?"

Samantha examined Dan's face intensely looking for any trace of falsehood in his request. What was it with this guy? Maybe he was mentally challenged. He looked normal, but crazy can look normal. Samantha was now was in deep thought. For the first time, she felt it was possible that Dan might be unstable. She was willing to take things easy and see how they progressed, but this was not normal.

Samantha paused to find the right words but there were none. She spoke softly, firm, and perfectly clear, "Dan, are you out of your mind? We just met last night. This was supposed to be some coffee and have a bite to eat to get to know each other better. Are you retarded or what? You are seriously scaring me now. Do you understand that you are coming across right now as a bit unstable? ....................No, let me correct myself. You coming across as fucking crazy. "

Dan's emotional high came crashing down at Samantha's not only the harsh comments but her tone. He couldn't think of the proper thing to say to let her understand he meant no offense. He would never want to do anything to hurt her. And her response was overwhelming. He tried to speak but nothing came.

Samantha looked around the room to see if she knew someone. At a table near the exit, sat a friend of her older brother Ronnie eating alone. She looked back at Dan, she had a sudden change of heart, "Look, it was nice meeting you Dan, but this thing..." she waved a circle with her finger between them, "....this you even understand what you have just asked me? "

More calmly Samantha collected her thoughts, "I'm sorry. I am really, really sorry Dan. You seem like a nice guy, but I'm not where you are at. I thought you were joking with me about working for the government, but I think you believe that nonsense." Samantha turned her head to look at the two men in black by the door. "Are those your parent's baby sitters to prevent you from harming yourself? From running around with scissors or the pool so you don't slip, fall, and hurt yourself? I've had rich nutty friends before but you are delusional. I was so stupid to listen to Cheryl about you. Does she know how messed up you are?"

Returning to look Dan in the face, "Listen carefully. My father is a very important person who could make a lot of problems for you. This is what is going to happen now. I am going to get up and walk over to that table where you see that guy sitting alone. He is a big lawyer with more legal power that you can imagine and personal friend of my brother. When I get there I am calling my father's people who protect me to come get me. You are going to leave with those two "friends" of yours. You are not going to contact me and I am not going to contact you. Do you understand what I just said Dan? Because if you don't acknowledge me, I am going to start screaming for help. Do you understand Dan?"

Dan still holding the menu in between his hands found it within himself to say two things, "I understand Samantha. I apologize for my behavior."

Samantha backed her chair up keeping her eyes on Dan, stood, and then walked quickly away. People at tables around them had gone quiet watching to see what Dan would do. Dan felt ashamed for his public behavior and suddenly realized he should leave. He slowly stood up and walked towards the exit. When he reached McDonald and Smith he simply requested in his regular soft even voice, "Hey guys, can you drop me off at the lab. I have some important work I need to go over."

McDonald replied, "No problem Doc". And Smith at the same time, "Sure thing, you got it."

Dan turned one last time around to look at Samantha. She was on the phone as speaking while she and the man she was sitting with gave him a disgusted look of disapproval. The disgusting look of wealthy to people they considered beneath them.

Neither Agent understood what was happening between Dan and Sam, but both understood this non-verbal communication going on between them. Without a word, both agents were on the same page. At the same time, they took off the sunglasses and looked directly into the man's face with unreadable expressions. Agent McDonald nodded to Smith to exit with Dan. "We have enough men outside for backup. I'll be along in few minutes."

Oh fuck. Jeff wanted to snatch the motherfucker sitting with Samantha and head butt him but was in control. He could see McDonald acting cool but wasn't sure he was. This K9K code had them both jacked. "Will, not worth it man. I feeling it too, but Dr. Hamilton our assignment. Let's walk."

McDonald never took his eyes off the man at the table as he spoke to Jeff, "I'm good Agent Smith. I'll be right with you. I think that man over at the table may present a security threat to Dr. Hamilton."

"Ok Will,... damn it... be cool."

"Agent Smith, I'm cool as a cucumber" And the McDonald started walking towards the table where Samantha sat with her brother's "lawyer" friend.

Agent McDonald stood 6'5 weight 247lbs. and was a scary motherfucker when he wanted to be. Today he was going to shine the scary motherfucker shit like a star going supernova. And it was working. As he approached the table where they both sat, it was like Moses' parting the Red Sea. McDonald never changed his expression, but smart ass trying to pass himself off as a, "somebody" sitting with Samantha, suddenly changed his face from disgust, to doubt, to confusion, to real fear.

Samantha was on the phone talking rapidly now, "I need help. I'm at Sabastian's. Please come soon." And she hung up. She started to speak, but McDonald took control of the conversation as he pulled out his badge. "My name is Agent William McDonald. I work for the US Government Department of Special Operations and Security. Take my card. I am giving you my card so you can confirm who I am. I am assigned to protect the man you saw just walk out of here. From the way you were looking at him I was under the impression you meant to do him harm. "

The man sitting at the table found his backbone for a second, decided was to bluff his way through with some legal mumble jumbo and started to say something but McDonald held up his hand, "I am going to say this only once. Give me your driver license."

The man looked up at McDonald's face. Nothing. Deciding he would ruin this guy over in court later he backed his chair out, stood, took his wallet, pulled his license, and gave it over. McDonald took it, memorized the name, made a picture with his phone and gave it back. Looking down directly into the man's eyes McDonald continued, "Mr. Jason Elliot listen carefully and acknowledge you understand what I am saying when I finish. If you do not understand what I am saying, I will repeat myself. Do you understand what I am saying now? "

Sabastian's was so quiet, you could have heard a pin drop. The man completely confused and humbled simple replied quietly, "Yes, I understand."

"Fine. Mr. Jason Elliot, as of right now you are under investigation by 3 different security agencies of the United States of America in the defense our Republic, including the one I work for, The Department of Homeland Defense, and the FBI, as a possible threat to the man you saw leave the building. Do you understand what I just said? If so, acknowledge."

"yes, I understand..."

"Mr. Jason Elliot , until you are notified by all 3 agencies, you are not to come in contact with that man in any way such as, personal contact, a personal friend, e-mail, phone (landline or cell), proxy, mail, telegram, or any other means not mentioned before but may considered later as a form of communication. Do you understand what I just said? If so, acknowledge."

"yes sir, I understand."

"Mr. Jason Elliot, If you DO contact that man in any way such as before mentioned, The United States Government of America will use all of its resources available to find you, arrest you, and hold you indefinitely without privy to a consul. Do you understand what I just said? If so, acknowledge."

The man was shaking now, "yes sir, I acknowledge."

"Mr. Jason Elliot, You may not leave the city by plane, train, automobile, bus, taxi, or any other form of transportation until further notified. Do you understand what I just said? If so, acknowledge."

Completely broken, "yes sir, I acknowledge."

"Mr. Jason Elliot, while under investigation your family, your spouse (if you are married), your spouse's family, and extended families, including your present employer and any previous employers may or will be questioned. You may want to notify them in advance to validate the authenticity of these government agencies who request your background history information. Do you understand what I just said? If so, acknowledge."

With hardly a voice, "yes sir, I acknowledge."

McDonald turned to look at Samantha giving her the same unemotional expression, "Our organization already knows everything about you, Miss Harrison. Everything. Our organization knows everything about your father, mother, brother, and sister. Everything. Based on the information we have, I would suspect your Father and Mother will be notified of your association with Mr. Jason Elliot. I would suggest you prepare yourself for that possibility. "

As McDonald turned and walked away he heard the man behind him scream at Samantha, "Goddamn it Samantha you BITCH! I don't give a fuck who your family is, about your fucking brother, or about fucking you! GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME NOW!"

And that was that.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Sweet! Love what Agent McDonald did at the end!

Schwanze1Schwanze1almost 6 years ago

that was funny. I would think a lot of the BS with the parents could have waited till at least a third date. lol

Read this a long time ago. Enjoying it again.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago

You may not be a Tom Clancy but I find your story amusing. Keep going!

Schwanze1Schwanze1almost 7 years ago

all the haters. This if fun!

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