American Dream


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It was hard to argue, because, well, I'd picked up enough from him to know he was right. Most of those pornhub movies and clips were amateur hour, and no-one would ever pay for them. Except....two guys? Guys that I didn't know? Didn't know yet, anyhow.

"It's..." I hesitated, kind of thinking it through. I mean, Pete had been fun and Paul hadn't been upset about him, but I'd already know Pete. This was different.

"What about us?" I said. "You and me?"

Paul paused inside me, looking down at me, his nose brushing mine. "Are you in love with me, April?" he asked. "I mean, seriously. I know you like me, and I like you, and I enjoy..."

He moved inside me, hard.

He smiled. "Fucking you, but are you in love with me, or do you just like me a lot?" He grinned again. "You enjoyed it with Pete, didn't you?"

"Uhhh," I said, squeezing him deliciously. God, that felt so good. "Pete? You were there and I, uh....yeah, I enjoyed it."

I gazed up into his eyes, enjoying his weight on me. "But Paul, if we do this movie, it wouldn't be Pete, would it? It'd be a couple of guys I don't even know."

"Did you know me when we started dating, April? You didn't but we...fucked..."

"Uhhhh." He did it again.

"...we fucked right away and you wanted to, didn't you?"

"Yes," I half-moaned. "I really wanted to."

"And you enjoyed acting and seeing yourself in that last movie, right? You know how many views that has now?"

"Uh, yeah." I did. I'd watched it last night, after I got home, and it had over five million views. Maybe some guys had watched it a few times, but even if every single person watched it five times each, that was a million guys that'd watch Paul fucking me, and probably jerked themselves off while they watched him cumming in me or on me, and I'd climaxed so hard last night in my own bed thinking about that.

"Well, if we make this movie, April, we're going to get even more viewers and we're going to start making some money off of it, April. And besides, you look so hot in that last one. If we do this properly, you're going to look even hotter, believe me."

"I will?" I moaned, not really believing him. "But you want to film me with a couple of other guys, Paul."

"It'll be just like when you dated me, or like when Pete joined in. You enjoyed that, didn't you?" He grinned. "I know you enjoyed it, April."

"Well..." I said, because, I mean, Pete had fucked me, and I had enjoyed it. A lot. I'd even thought, you know, about maybe doing it with him again, which was when I'd realized I didn't actually love Paul, even though I'd been telling myself I did. I liked Paul a lot, but after Pete, I'd realized it wasn't love.

"Yeah, I did," I said. "But I know Pete. This is different."

"How about if you meet them first?" Paul asked. "You can meet them and decide."

"Okay," I said. "But I want to, you know, decide for myself, too."

"Okay, sure," Paul said, smiling, but the whole time we were making love for the rest of that evening, I was wondering what it would be like doing it with a guy I didn't even know, and I wasn't really sure about that. Even for a film. But I did like the idea of starring in a movie, even if it was a porn movie.

* * *

"Well, I know you went ahead and made that movie, April," John said. "Because, well, we've all watched 'Chinese Virgin Plays Team Tag' and it's hot alright. How did you feel when you were making that with your boyfriend directing it."

"Uh, it was weird," I said. "I thought about it for a while, and Paul was doing the script and everything, and I was going through it with him thinking about it and thinking about it, and I went around that next Friday night, and there were these two really hunky guys there, talking with Paul.

"This is Chad, and this is Terry, April," Paul said. "Guys, this is April. Chad and Terry are both studying acting, April, I was talking to them about our movie and they were interested, so I asked them around to meet you and we can go through the script together."

Well, we did go through the script, and they seemed like nice guys, and they were total hunks and we really hit it off, although I did keep thinking about would I want to, with them? With both of them?

"Well, we don't have to be exclusive or anything, April," Paul said when I asked him. "And I really want to make a movie with you in it. Now that you've met them, why don't we do a dry run and see how it goes?"

So I'd sort of gone with the flow and we did that dry run, which wasn't supposed to include the actual sex, just some simulated, you know, action, but we all enjoyed ourselves, and afterwards, I did tell Paul that I thought it'd be okay. I didn't tell Paul I was meeting them both Monday after high school, at my place, because Mom had said it was okay to bring a guy or two home with me, because, well, she was, and we should both enjoy our American Dreams.

Chad and Terry did show up that next afternoon, and I'd told Paul I had a study assignment to work on, which was kind of true and he had said we weren't exclusive. Okay, I was a bit hesitant to start with, but in the end it all went swimmingly, and all three of us enjoyed ourselves, and I learnt a few things that afternoon, and after my mom arrived home by herself, and met Terry and Chad while we were taking a break, and I learnt something new about my mom.

She had a few American Dreams I'd never really thought of, and okay, I was a bit surprised at how mom and I ended up on the living room floor side by side while Chad and Terry introduced us both to a new version of playing tag, but it was really exciting, and my mom thought so too, and both of them ended up staying the night, although later on, mom decided she wanted Terry for herself, and I led Chad off into my bedroom, and they were both still there for breakfast.

Honestly, I'd never expected to be bent face down over the kitchen table next to my mom with two guys fucking us side by side before breakfast, but it was really exciting, and my mom thought so too.

"Is this on your American Dream list, mom?" I moaned (in Cantonese of course) as I clung to the table.

"It is now, shameless daughter," my mom moaned back (in Cantonese of course). "Aren't you glad now we moved to America?"

"Yes," I moaned. "Thank you, mom."

Oh god yes. Thank you thank you thank you, mom.

* * *

"Hey, that was fantastic, April," Paul had said, after he run us through that first live rehearsal, because I was a bit shy about doing what he wanted me to do while he filmed us. Except after we got started, it wasn't really acting when we got down to it, although yeah, I'd followed all his instructions. Enthusiastically. So had Terry and Chad. Even more enthusiastically, and honestly, I'd been a bit shocked at myself, afterwards, and it was a bit weird that my boyfriend had filmed me having sex with, like, two other guys, even if we weren't exclusive, but I had to say, I did look really hot. Everyone said I looked really hot.

* * *

So on the end, I went ahead and did that second movie for Paul, with Terry and Chad, and I really had fun doing it, even though it was really embarrassing being filmed by my boyfriend, but he was really cool about it, and he was really encouraging and supportive, and so were the rest of the small film crew Paul had put together, and I was never embarrassed after we start fucking.

He didn't even have to buy any costumes, because we used my school uniforms, and my clothes, and all he did was buy me some lingerie. I didn't tell him about the rehearsals I did back at home with Terry and Chad, and my mom was very supportive too, although she didn't know about the movie we were making, but she did surprise me by teaching me a few things I'd had no idea about.

Her American Dream was a little broader in scope than I'd ever expected.

I just hoped my dad hadn't taught her those but we used them in that movie, and Terry and Chad had a really good time.

* * *

I giggled. "Everyone said it was hot," I said, smiling at John.

"I'll say," John interjected. "That one was great, it's gotta be one of my all-time favorites."

"Thanks." I smiled, because I guess it was a lot of people's all-time favorites. One of the highest view counts on Pornhub, and still climbing, and that's saying something.

"I mean, I loved that scene right at the start where that guy's just finished making love to you, and you're lying there and that other guy walks in naked joins in. I can't remember what he said, but that look on your face, that's such a turn on...."

Yeah, well, I remembered what he'd said, and it actually hadn't been in the script at all. That'd been the first actual sex scene we'd filmed, and it'd been that, you know, seduction and loss of virginity scene, and I thought I'd done that really well. So it'd actually been a scary to start with. It had been exciting though, because we'd scripted it but we'd added in a few easy for the sex scenes, because I just wrote down 'make lots of noise here' for those, and Paul had seen that, and he'd laughed.

I didn't need a script for that at all, I just made whatever noises I felt like, and it all came out sounding totally natural, which it was.

"You okay, April?" Paul said, after everyone had left at the end of that filming session, and I was lying on that bed feeling, well, very very fucked. I mean, it wasn't the first time I'd done it with two guys, but it was the first time I'd done it with them in front of my boyfriend and a couple of other people and everything, quite a few times, and I hadn't faked a single one of those climaxes.

Climaxes are fucking exhausting when you're having a lot of them, and believe me, I hadn't faked a single one that day.

"Uh, I think so," I said, lying there, exhausted and glowing and full of cum and I could taste that cum in my mouth. I wasn't even sure which of them it'd been, because I couldn't actually even remember their names now, I was that tired.

I did feel really weird though.

I mean, Paul was still my boyfriend, even if we weren't, like, exclusive, and he'd filmed me being fucked by two guys and okay, I'd enjoyed it a lot, but I couldn't understand why he was acting like it was perfectly normal or something. Should I talk to him some more or something? I wasn't sure, but I was sure I needed a really good shower and shampoo and by the time I'd cleaned up it was time to head home.

"See you tomorrow, April," Paul said, after he'd walked me back home. He grinned as he gave me a hug and a kiss. "Lots of editing this week."

"Mmmmmm," I said, yawning sleepily, because I was exhausted. I mean, I'd pretty much been fucked for two days straight, and don't let anybody tell you being the female lead in a porn movie isn't strenuous. It's very strenuous, and I was fucked. "You can show me when it's all done."

* * *

"It's done," he said, smiling as he opened his door for me the following Saturday after lunch. I'd slept in.

"Can I watch it now?" I asked, all excited and a bit nervous.

We did, and wow, it was hot. After he loaded up the trailer, everyone else thought so to, and it did start selling right away. I had that talk with Paul, too, and we kind of decided maybe we should just be friends with benefits, rather than non-exclusive boyfriend and girlfriend, and I did feel much better after that, because I did go out on a few dates with guys from high school that asked me, and we had a really good time.

* * *

"April," my mom said. "Mrs. Boop and Mrs. Ruiz and I were chatting over dim-sum this morning..."

"What?" I said. "Since when were you going to dim-sum with Mrs. Roca?"

"Oh, Chunty's lovely," my mom said. "She's good friends with Mrs. Boop, and so helpful. She did say Conchita... she's such a sweet girl... asked you to go to that party some of the girls are having with the football team this weekend."

"It's a party with the football team, mom," I said. "And I already have, you know, a boyfriend."

Well, sort of a boyfriend, but I wasn't saying that to my mom.

My mom raised one eyebrow, and giggled, and I just knew she was thinking of Chad and Terry.

"Football Team parties can be fun, April," she said. "And you're a cheerleader. Cheerleaders and football teams, it's part of the American Dream, and you're eighteen. You're still at high school. No need to tie yourself down with one boy, and besides, those football players aren't Chinese. Those gweilo boys are good to fool around with before it's time to find a husband, but there's no need to be serious about any of them, and of course we can get anything missing fixed up back in Seoul."

She winked at me. My mom actually winked at me.

"Mom!" I said, but I wasn't exactly that serious about Paul, was I? Besides, I was only eighteen, it was ridiculous to be thinking of anything serious. Maybe when I was almost done university. But not now. And there was that... I mean, I'd done that movie with those two guys, and Paul wanted me to do another one now, and we'd had that talk, so it wasn't like he was expecting me to, you know, just hang out with him. I mean, he'd shown me some profiles and asked me what I thought about them for the next movie. Maybe my mom was right.

"April!" my mom said. "These cheerleader parties with the football team are part of the authentic American experience your dad and I want you to have."

I didn't think she was right about my dad wanting that, but I wasn't going to ask for any details, was I.

She sighed. "I always dreamed of being a cheerleader, April. Dancing in front of everyone, dating a football player, romance after games, and those fun parties, like in those movies I bought for you..."

Okay, I did wonder if she'd watched all those movies. After that night with Chad and Terry, I kind of thought maybe she had.

" know, all I want is for you to have the opportunity to live the American Dream that I couldn't have, April. So you go out and have fun, enjoy yourself."

She smiled. "And don't worry about, you know, anything happening that shouldn't, April. That Dr. Kim back in Seoul was so helpful and full of good advice. I mean, we all know when you marry, your husband will expect you to be, you know, in mint condition, but Dr. Kim can make sure of that, he assured me he could, so you don't need to worry at all."

She smiled. "So you just enjoy yourself, April."

"Uh, well, okay, mom," I said, and I was thinking, well, okay, Paul hadn't exactly objected when he'd filmed me with those two guys, had he? He'd been the one that suggested it, and he wanted to do that one that film the company had talked to him about. The Chinese Prom Virgin gangbang one, and I hadn't said yes, but I hadn't said no, either, because he was so enthusiastic about it.

"I'll call Chunty back, and let her know you're going to the party, April," mom said, smiling. "I know she'll be so pleased, and so will Conchita. Such a sweet girl, you're lucky to have friends like her and Betty Boop."

"Okay, mom," I said, and I guess I could mention it to Paul. He never minded when I told him that I was doing things with my friends. I'd just say I'd been invited along by Conchita for the evening.

It'd be the truth, too.

"Wonderful!" my mom said. "I'd love to see some photos of the party too, April. I always wanted to go to one of those high school parties with, you know, those gorgeous football players. It's like a dream to see my little girl living the American Dream, and having all those authentically American experiences, and those football players...." She hugged herself. "All those big football players, with all those muscles, so exciting, April."

Huh? I kind of blinked, but, well, I guess she really wanted me to have a totally authentic cheerleader experience, too, and I went back to my room and watched "Ling-Ling Takes it for the Team" all over again, and I was, like, really? Still, I guess if you're a cheerleader, taking one for the team the way Ling-Ling did in that Cheerleader movie was about as authentic an American experience as a girl can ask for, and it did look like fun. The team was totally motivated to win the game too, thanks to Ling-Ling, but I still didn't think that sort of experience was what I was actually looking for.

* * *

I was drunk. That's all I can say. I wasn't the only one though. There were twelve of us in our High School Cheerleading Squad. Eleven of the girls were Asian. Nine of those girls were blonde. Ten of the eleven dyed their hair. Betty Boop's was pink. Mine was black. The only black hair in sight. Conchita was the only natural blonde, it was only ten, the party had only been going an hour, and she was proving she was all natural.

She was naked.

She was dancing on the coffee table with Jessica, who was unnaturally blonde, just as naked, and she'd shaved her sex so you couldn't tell. Didn't matter. She was Vietnamese.

Betty waved her cooler, just about hitting Sydney Teriyaki, who was on her knees beside us busy blowing James, and James was having a good time. Sydney, she was the acknowledged expert in blowjobs, and it was early. Sydney wasn't rushing this one. She was out to make sure she had a good time, and she loved giving blowjobs. This was her second.

"You sure you want to do this, April?" Betty giggled.

"You bet," I slurred, taking a drink from my cooler and shaking my head, so the blurry vanished.

"Hey, can it, everyone, April wants to make a speech," Betty yelled, and when she yelled, she was real loud.

"Get off the coffee table, you two. Let April up there."

"Hey, everyone. Thanks for, you know..." On that coffee table, I was actually as tall as most of the guys.

"You're drunk, April," Brody yelled, and I giggled.

"Yeah, yeah, look who's talking," I said. "Now shuddup, white boy, 'n let me finish."

"Right, yeah, so hey guys, this is my first football team party...."


"Yeah yeah yeah, and you all know I'm Chinese, and I just wanna..."

"Yeah, we know you're Chinese, April...."

"It's the eyes, they're a giveaway...."

"Nah, it's her pussy, it opens sideways...."

"How the fuck would you know...."

"Shutup, guys," I yelled. "I'm trying to make a speech here, you assholes, and fuck, what I wanted to say was, well, you guys all know I was fresh off the boat when I arrived here, and I talked real funny, and you all were, like, real assholes... I mean, you were all real nice to me and welcoming and everything, and, well, I love you all and fuck it, to all of you, you know, my fellow students, you asshole Jocks, and above all, my fellow Cheerleaders, I'd like to thank you all for helping me live the American Dream...."

I slugged back half my cooler. "When my parents left China with nothing but the clothes on their backs, and the considerable wealth they had amassed by exploiting uneducated and desperate peasants fresh from the rice fields, working them for fourteen hours day, seven days a week, paying them a pittance and locking them in sweat shops so they could slave and sweat blood until they died making components for iPhones and shit like that, well, my parents had a dream..."

"My parents dreamed of moving to America, and sending their only daughter to an American High School where she'd study hard, and become the Valedictorian, and, you know, go to Harvard or Yale or Stanford or whatever and become a Doctor or a Lawyer, and marry and have two point five kids and all that stuff. Yeah, guys, my parents had a dream, and you all know I'm gonna ace the exams and beat your asses, even you, Sydney, you cocksucker, and get that Valedictorian award and everything, but that's my parents dream, and they sacrificed a lot of peasants from the rice fields to the gods of wealth back in China to achieve that dream, but it's NOT MY DREAM..."
