American Dream


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"You don't have too, Betty," I said, holding her. "All you need to do is ask me." I meant that, too, and we went to sleep like that, in each other's arms, and when I woke up in the morning, she was still holding me, and I could feel her lips brushing the back of my neck.

"Do you want to?" I whispered, little butterflies inside me dancing, because it was a lot different in the morning.

"Yes," she whispered, and we did, and she looked beautiful as she climaxed, the morning sunlight shining on her as she lay before me, and afterwards, she smiled. "I didn't think you liked girls," she said. "Like this."

"I don't," I said, and then I smiled and slid down and kissed one of her nipples. Slowly, the way I'd liked her kissing and playing with mine. "But I like you, Betty."

I smiled. "Like this."

I liked the way she moaned, and I liked the way she tasted too, and I liked it even more when she smiled at me, and whispered, "it's your turn now."

So on Sunday afternoon, when Paul suggested a little girl-on-girl action in that next movie, I think he'd really expected he'd have to do a hard sell, but after last night with Betty....

"Okay," I said, smiling at him. "That might be fun. Maybe we can ask Betty."

Which was how Betty Boop got to be in my next movie, although you never see her face, only the back of her head, and she was really embarrassed about Paul filming her, but she wanted to so much, with me, that she agreed. She was a bit worried her parents might find out though, and okay, I can totally understand that. It's no fun when your dad spots you featuring in a porn movie, believe me.

That's something I can say based on personal experience.

* * *

"Oh, I believe you, April," John said, and he did look a bit flushed and dazed. "And that brings me to that question that all my readers are going to want to know the answer to, April...."

"You wanted to know about Gavin, right, John? How I met him?"

I wasn't sure I really wanted to talk about that, but everybody wanted to know. I mean, it'd been the biggest April 1st news story in years, and the headlines. Oh my god, those headlines still gave me nightmares, and it'd all been because of my name. Why oh why did I ever let my mom start calling me April. I mean, April Foo-Lee. You got it, right away, right?

My mom didn't.

She didn't speak English at all when we arrived, and she'd had no idea. I hadn't either, not back then, because I hadn't known a thing about April Fool's Day. If I'd been Jia-ying Foo-Lee, like my Chinese passport said, it would've been fine. No fun making fun of Jia-ying Foo-Lee. Just another silly Chinese schoolgirl charmed out of her panties by a handsome politician.

No news worth reporting there.

Besides, Gavin wasn't a Republican.

If you were a Democrat, it didn't matter a bit.

A little thing like sex with a schoolgirl wasn't news.

It was the assimilated April Foo-Lee and the date that did it.

John grinned. "Jesus, April. Of course I want to know. That was the biggest story in years when that came out. Bigger than Trump and Stormy, or whatever her stage name is now. Bigger than Bill and Monica. Bigger than Swalwell and FangFang. Bigger than, well, all of them. So give me the scoop, what really happened? I mean, we all know the Fake Media spun it like crazy to try and get Gavin out of it, like they always do when they can't just ignore it completely, but what's the real story?"

"Aiiyaahhh," I said. "That was just so embarrassing...."

It was, too. Even now. I swear, almost every single person in California must know about me and Gavin. Every Republican for sure, because those conservative assholes had been all over it for days. Weeks. I mean, short of mismanagement of a plague that they could blame on Gavin, this was their best chance to screw him, except...California. They'd vote a dead person in if they had a D next to their name.

Heck, they had. Wasn't Feinstein a zombie?

Whatever, they'd tried, and yeah, there was my face, climaxing on every TV. Well, display, anyhow, and probably everyone in the USA, as well as half of China knew who I was. Well, the ones with access to the Internet, anyhow. Not to mention Europe, South America, the rest of Asia...

It was a real fuck-up...I mean, it'd been a total accident. Turned out Gavin stayed next door to Paul sometimes, at Pete's house, but I didn't know that at all when I met Gavin, and by then I knew Pete pretty well. So Gavin didn't live there, but he did stay with Pete now and then, that's how I'd met him, and I'd had no idea when we met that he was a politician. A well-known one too.

Like, really really well known.

I only found that out, afterwards. Big time.

You want to know how we met? Yeah, well, I guess you do. Everyone does.

Well, it was sort of accidental, the way I'd met Paul, because Gavin did what a lot of guys did when they first saw me. I'd, you know, finished high school for the day, and I was walking to Paul's. I was almost there, right by Pete's, when Gavin arrived, just ahead of me, and he did what half the guys who saw me who weren't gay did, and he walked into something because he was looking at my boobs. In his case, it was the old brick retaining wall, and he ended up on his ass.

By then, I'd gotten way past being embarrassed by that sort of thing, so I didn't even blink when he went smack on his ass. I didn't usually stop when that happened, but this was outside Pete's house, and he'd been walking towards the steps up to Pete's front door, so I stopped and helped him up, and it turned out he was staying with Pete. His face, it seemed sort of familiar, and we'd started talking. Well, he started talking, and he was older, like, my dad's age, so of course I was polite, and of course I'd asked him....

"Are you a friend of Pete's?"

"Yeah, I'm Gavin. Live in Marin County, staying with Pete for the weekend, there's a few meetings I need to go to. Need to meet a few people, and Pete's house is really close by," he'd said.

Then, grinning. "Do you know who I am?"

I'd shrugged, and even then, after I'd had them for quite a few months, I kept forgetting the effect my new boobs had on guys when they sort of quivered like that, and he looked. He really looked, and I could tell he liked what he was looking at. Liked it a lot.

A girl knows these things.

It's the erections. They're a giveaway.

Well, I did know now, anyhow, and that half hour clip on Pornhub had the views to prove that lots of guys liked what they saw. Not that I really needed convincing, anymore, because I'd dated a few guys besides Paul by then. Most of the football team, to start with, after that party, so it wasn't like I had no idea what guys liked about me, and I didn't worry about it at all, because I knew that Dr. Kim back in Seoul could fix me up for that special guy I'd marry.

Not that I was in any hurry at all. I was enjoying being April.

"No idea," I said, smiling, because he was sort of real handsome for an older guy. "But hey, haven't I seen your face on the news or something?"

Wasn't sure where. Maybe on that CNN channel that Paul always laughed at and called Fake News? I mean, I followed Xinhua online, and that helped me figure out what they were making up, you know, and with all that fake news stuff, it was so hard to figure out what was really going on here, and as for CNN, I had no idea where they got their stories from. Crazies, that's what they were, and the other American news networks were just as confusing, so I'd more or less given up watching them, but this guy's face, it seemed sorta familiar.

"Hey, I know who you are," he said, not answering my question, his eyes lighting up. "You're that girl in that movie with Pete."

"Oh my god!" I'd said, my eyes widening, and okay, I blushed. I did. "He showed you my movie?"

Okay, I thought of it as my movie. I did, even if it was porn. I mean, how many girls do you know who're in movies. I was an actress. Even if it was a porn movie. I mean, we had a plot. We had a dialogue. We had action too. Lots of action, and it wasn't like you actually got to see my face much at all, and mostly where you did it was, like, part of my face. Paul, he'd been really good with editing that, so I hadn't worried at all that anybody would recognize me.

"How can you tell?" I asked, and now I was worried. I mean, Gavin, he'd just met me, and somehow he knew.

"Well, you know Pete, and you're Chinese, and..." He looked at my boobs. "There's not too many Chinese girls with..."

He didn't need to say the rest of it, and my pink cheeks burned a little pinker. Well, a lot pinker, really.

"Oh!" I said, and okay, I was a little embarrassed, but then, I'd seen the view count on Pornhub for "Chinese Virgin Plays Team Tag," and "Good Girl Gone Bad", and the downloads just kept on happening, and everyone was asking when the next one was coming out with that hot Chinese girl. Thank goodness no-one had any idea who she was.

"Yeah, said he was going to ask you over tonight so I could meet you and your boyfriend...Paul, isn't it?...I met him earlier, and he said sure. Why don't you come on up now? You can let him know you're already here."

So yeah, I did come on up, and that guy Gavin, he was one smooth talker. Politician, so I guess that went with the territory, but I didn't know that then, did I? Anyhow, I went up with him, and surprise surprise, it was just him and me, and we had a couple of drinks, and we smoked some weed, because he had some with him, some really good weed, and Paul and Pete had sort of introduced me to that stuff. Gavin's was really good, and we had a couple more drinks as well, and then we smoked another one, and that Gavin was so funny. He wanted to watch that movie with me, you know, Good Girl Gone Bad, and the Chinese Virgin Plays Team Tag, so we did, and yeah, I did look really hot.

"Did you see the other one we just did?" I asked, really enthusiastically, and wow, that stuff he smoked was better than good. Really really excellently smooth and mellow, and I was just floating. "The new one?"

"New one?" he asked.

"It's called Innocence," I said, giggling like crazy. "We're still editing it, but we're going to, you know, market it for real and everything. Here, let me...."

So I sort of logged us in and I showed him that one, with one of Pete's friends, the really hunky one, and me of course. Yeah, it was exciting, and Gavin thought so too. He didn't say so., but I could see. I didn't need to ask, but I was getting used to that reaction, and honestly, I vaguely knew who he was now, because he'd mentioned it, like, two dozen times to impress me or something.

Politician? I didn't really care.

"So you and Paul are aiming to market this movie?" he said, and I could tell he was getting right into that initial seduction scene, because he was replaying it. For the third time. "Jesus, you're really hot, April."

"Yeah," I said. "I mean, like, I came here from China with my mom, and I'm supposed to start university next year, but it's, you know, it's all so expensive here."

It was, but it wasn't like my dad couldn't afford it. It just seemed like I should say something like that, because I didn't like anyone knowing my dad was loaded, and I thought it sounded better that I was, you know, doing the movie to help with my tuition rather than because it was fun, and I'd really enjoyed that guy fucking me like that. And yeah, I really had. I hadn't been acting at all for a lot of those sex scenes and I didn't mind at all that a million guys were going to watch me you know, giving up my virginity in a movie and then being fucked like there was no tomorrow. I knew they'd all be jerking off, watching me.

That was kind of really exciting..

"You need some help with that, April?" he asked, one arm sliding round my shoulders, and he held that joint for me to inhale, and yeah, wow, it was super good stuff.

"Which university were you thinking about?" he added, drawing me closer as I inhaled, and I kind of nestled into his arm rather dreamily as that buzz just mellowed me out completely..

"Berkeley," I said, looking up at him and smiling. He really was so handsome, for an older guy. "Wow, this is really good stuff, Gavin."

He seemed to like me calling him Gavin, although honestly, he was as old as my dad and it made me feel a little disrespectful. "Is it really okay if I call you Gavin?" I asked.

"Of course it is, April," he said. "Berkeley, you said?"

"Mmmmm," I said.

"I'll call them and tell them to admit you," he said, smiling down at me. "A full scholarship and everything. I can do that."

"Really?" I asked, looking up at him. "Wow, that's so nice of you, Gavin."

"Yeah, really," he said. "I'd like to help you, April." He smiled. "Would you like me to help you a little more?"

"Sure," I said enthusiastically. "I'd love that." Wow, scholarship? My mom and dad, they'd be really happy with me. "Can you do that for a, you know, an international student?"

"Better than that, April," Gavin said. "I've got a lot of good friends. How about we get you your Green Card and then you won't be foreign anymore."

"Who do I have to kill?" I said, really enthusiastically, and I giggled.

"No-one at all," he said, and he took one of my hands in his, and he kissed my fingers, and on that LCD, I was busy blowing Chad while that other guy was kneeling behind me, and okay, I did look really hot.

"Oh," I said, following his eyes, and then we were looking into each other's eyes, and I thought about it for about a second. Wasn't like I was a virgin, was it? Wasn't like I was saving it for that special someone either, and it wasn't like I was Paul's actual girlfriend anymore. We were just friends, and Paul had more or less told me we weren't exclusive or anything, and ther was that moment where I looked up into Gavin's eyes, and my lips parted, the way they do when you're expecting to be kissed....

I'd practiced that look a lot for my movies, and Paul'd coached me really well. I knew how I looked when I turned it on, and now? I really turned it on.

Gavin was smooth. I guess he knew what he wanted, and he kissed me, and it wasn't one of those demanding kisses. No, this was smooth, gentle; seductive. The kind of kiss a girl wants to be on the receiving end of, with a guy she's just met, that she likes, and I did like Gavin. I did remember who he was now, too, sort-of, because I did remember seeing him on CNN now and then. When he said he could get me into Berkeley, and get me that Green Card, I believed him.

Okay, he was an old dude, but he looked good, he smelt good, he felt good, and kissed like a dream, and just like that he'd said he could get me into Berkeley, scholarships, and get me a Green Card as well, so I just kept on kissing him back, real dreamily. Lips. Tongue, and my tongue slipped easily into his mouth, exploring, the way he was with mine. It wasn't just his tongue that was exploring.

"Oohhhh." His hand was, too, and somehow his hand was inside my panties.

"Ohhhhh." His finger was exploring too, inside me, and I wasn't exactly saying no. I mean, you could say I had a little experience with guys by then. Not just Pete and his two buddies, but, well, those other guys I'd dated from the football team, not to mention the football team at that party, and I hadn't exactly been hard for them to get, had I? A couple of minutes after his lips first brushed mine, that finger was as deep as it could get in hot, wet, tight, but no-longer-anything-like-so-virginal Chinese pussy, and Gavin knew exactly what to do with a girl, and I was melting all over his hand.

"God, Pete was right. You're gorgeous, April." Two fingers, and I moaned, squirming on his fingers, and oh my god, what he was doing to my clitoris? I wanted to scream, I really did.

"Are you sure?" I gasped. "About Berkeley and that Green Card and everything? You can? You will? Really? You're not teasing me?"

"You bet I can, April," he said, teasing me, and I knew he was trying to take my panties off, because his fingers weren't inside me anymore, and he was tugging at my panties. Except I was holding onto them.

"Promise?" I moaned.

"I promise," he groaned. "I'll make sure you're admitted, whatever program you want." He grinned. "I can guarantee that, and everything else."

"Okay," I said, and my hand released my panties.

Gavin got to work, enjoying himself, and so did I. Enjoy myself, that is. I wasn't really doing anything, except helping him a little here and there as my school uniform disappeared piece by piece. So yeah, about an hour after we met, I was sort of half undressed. School uniform shirt unbuttoned, bra gone, and okay, I did take it off for him but I did keep my white school uniform shirt on because he said he liked it.

I didn't keep my panties on, they were long gone, and they'd gone before even my bra, and my skirt was up around my waist, and Gavin was butt-naked and I was on my knees blowing him. I was a bit surprised though, by the wads of money that fell out of his jacket pockets onto the floor all around me, and he just kicked them out of the way, scattering them all around us on the floor.

"I want you now, April," he'd groaned, watching me lick his balls, and when I came up for air, I'd rubbed his cock all over my face, and then licked him some more before I started blowing him again.

"Okay," I'd said, and just a few seconds or so later, he was easing me over and onto my back on that big soft rug that I knew rather well. I'd been on it more than a couple of times before, just like this, and once I was on it, I'd spent a lot of time there. Gavin's cock was so hard I just knew I was going to spend a lot more time on it tonight unless he wanted to move to a bedroom.

"You're...god, your tits are perfect," he groaned, and me, I moaned and held onto his head with both hands, because the way he was sucking and licking them, I was going half out of my mind, and his fingers were making sure I went the rest of the way.

"Please," I moaned, and I had him in one hand, stroking him slowly, teasing him the way he was teasing me, and I really wanted him, and I'd forgotten all about Berkeley. All about everything, except that I wanted his cock in me, badly.

"Jesus," he gasped, and then..."'re eighteen, right?" He was already moving over me, and I wasn't sure if he'd even care what I answered by then, and I didn't exactly feign reluctance to spread my legs wide for him, because I wanted to get it from him as much as he wanted to give it to me, and my hand was stroking his cock as he moved.

And okay, I know this is a question I was asked a lot, back when all this happened, and there were a lot of, you know, accusations and everything flying around, but honestly, everyone asked me why I said....

"," and then "ooohhhhhh," because he didn't wait, he just eased himself into me, and his cockhead just pushed in, and he didn't stop. He kept on easing up into me, slowly, and okay, that first time a new cock eases its way up inside you, it's always new, and it was really really good.

"Ohhhhhhh," I moaned, and my head arched back, my eyes were as wide open as my mouth, and Gavin just kept on going until all of him was inside me, and he was buried in me to the balls, and yeah, whatever anyone else says about Gavin, his cock's not small, believe me, and he sure knew how to use it.

"Yes," I moaned. "Oh yes yes yes...", and that "" earlier had been because I was rubbing his cockhead against my sex and I wanted him to wait because that always felt so good, but he didn't wait, he just slid it into me, all the way.

"Ohhhhhh." My heels bounced against the backs of his thighs, and then I was holding on to him, drawing my knees back, my heels bouncing off his butt as he started to move, and I squeezed him, and he was moving inside me. Deliciously moving. Exquisitely moving.