An Affair of the Heart


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"So you're okay with me going out with Sara tonight?"

"Of course I am. I'd rather know that you are going out and having fun, then being stuck here with me watching some zombie flick. Unless you really want to stay and watch a zombie flick with me." Derek knew that I hated horror movies, and zombie movies especially.

"No, I'm all good with that thanks." I was showing my calm exterior, but inside I was a live wire, thrilled to get the chance to go out with Sara. A guilty part of my brain made me add "Are you sure Derek? I just hate to leave you here all alone."

Derek walked over to me, bent down and kissed me gently on the lips. "Go out and have fun honey. Then come home and tell me all about it." He's such a good guy.

I had all I could do to not start dialing my phone right then and there to tell Sara that I could go with her. I was so excited, like a child outside the gates of a theme park. I held off though and said "Thank you. I need to call Sara back, then go get ready." I gave him another kiss, then turned away. I was gripping my phone, but I waited until I was out of the room before I hit redial and listened for her to answer.

Two hours later, I drove into the parking lot of the club. It was a nice looking place on the outside that I had never been to before, as it was in a part of town that I didn't frequent. Sara had said that she would meet me there at eight o'clock, and the clock in my car was reading 7:54. Figuring that I had a few minutes to spare, I sat in my car trying to calm my nerves. Why I was so nervous all of a sudden was a mystery to me, but I had butterflies like it was a blind date I was going on instead of a friendly dinner and drinks with a friend.

Being that this was a bar that I had never been inside before, I was curious as to the people who frequented it. What would I do if it was a hangout for a tough biker gang or something? There could be all sorts of badasses who came here. I watched a compact car pull into the lot and park a few spaces down from me. It certainly didn't look like it belonged to anyone tough or in a biker gang.

Two women exited the car, and I noticed right away the way they were dressed. It was a style I liked to call 'fashionably sluty'. Their clothes looked expensive, but they were showing off a lot also. Low cut tops and hip hugging skirts. High heels and pantyhose. One wore tall black boots with a four inch heel, and her hair up in a bun.

I watched as they met in front of my car and the taller one threw her arm around the shorter one's shoulders. Then they stopped for just a second and kissed each other on the lips, before continuing on still hugging each other. I couldn't take my eyes off them, and as the reached the front steps of the bar, the shorter one gave way to her friend and goosed the taller one's ass when she had stepped up the steps.

I've seen plenty of gays and lesbians around the city before that night, so this minor show of affection didn't bother me. I got out of the car and headed toward the front door, feeling better about the clientele that frequented the place based on just the two young women who had preceded me.

There was a large, frightening looking woman with an immense chest, a buzz cut, and some wicked tattoos standing just inside the front door. She gave me the once over as I stepped inside, and then said "Welcome to Kiki's. My name is Darla. Are you a returning customer, or is this your first visit?"

"My first visit. I'm supposed to be meeting a friend, her name is Sara and she is a waitress here."

The woman smiled brightly which transformed her entire face "Oh yeah, Sara told me to keep an eye open for you. She wants me to tell you that she is going to be in the Lipstick Lounge. You can get there by going up either set of stairs. Okay hon?"

Darla was a definite character. "Okay, thank you Darla." I said, then made my way into the club. There was music playing, but it was not very loud, and the atmosphere was clean and fresh, not at all seedy.

Two things became very clear to me right away. First, there wasn't any men in the whole place. And second, all eyes were on me. Well maybe that is an exaggeration, it wasn't all eyes on me, but there were a lot of eyes on me. Then I noticed something else, there was a lot of lesbians here, and then the realization that this was a lesbian club hit me like a bolt of lightning.

I froze, right there in the middle of the room, my eyes were trying to take everything in at once, and there was so much to see. To my right was two women standing against the wall making out. Next to them was a table with three women sitting around. One of the three women was completely bald and was wearing a spiked collar around her neck and large hoop earrings. At another table with two women, an obviously very submissive white woman was feeding her dominant black mistress from a plate of food.

The bar was at the far end and several very sexy bartenders in very revealing tops were moving around behind it. I took a deep breath to get my bearings and before I could take a step toward the stairs, a very 'butch' looking woman approached me. "Hey sweetie, you looking for someone?" she asked.

"Uhm, I ahh...yeah I'm..." I stammered and stuttered and my brain wouldn't work, and just when I was about to turn around and run out of there I heard a familiar voice calling my name.

"Jessica, I'm so glad you made it." I turned to see Sara coming down the stairs to my right. She was a vision, absolutely gorgeous in a short, tight fitting sparkling blue dress. She looked like a movie star. I was never so glad to see someone as I was her at that moment. I never took my eyes off her as she came toward me and the butch woman. "She's with me Susan." she said.

Susan gave a defeated look and said "Nice catch Sara. You'll remember me if you ever want to share won't you?"

"If I ever decide to share Susan, I'll give you a ring." Sara answered. I couldn't believe they were talking about me like I wasn't even there. The next instant I felt a soft warm hand take my hand and looked down to see that Sara was holding it. "Come on Jessica, let's go upstairs."

I let her lead me up the curving stairway to the balcony. There was a whole other room up there, smaller than downstairs, and much more intimately designed. There was booths up here that seemed much more private than the open area downstairs. It was a bit darker up here also, and the music was dampened, making it easier to talk and hear. Sara led me to a booth in the back corner and we sat on opposite ends facing each other.

I had my hands up on the table in front of me, my thumbs nervously fidgeting together and my eyes staring down at my hands. I didn't know what to say. I had been thoroughly embarrassed down there and I felt so out of place. Suddenly, Sara's hands reached across the table and grasped both of my hands. She gently pulled them across the table until I had to lean forward, and finally I raised my eyes to look her in the face.

They say that the eyes are the windows to the soul, and looking into Sara's eyes, I could see the concern. "Are you alright Jess?" She asked.

I tried my best to smile and assure her that I was fine, "Yeah, I'm good." I said, and did my best to not pull my eyes away. I've always been a terrible liar though, and I could tell from the look on her face that she didn't believe me.

"I'm sorry Jessica, I never should have suggested for you to come here. We should go." She started to slide out of the booth.

I didn't want to end this 'date' early, so I stopped her and quickly reassured her. "No, no I'm fine really. I was just ahh, taken aback I guess. Especially when that woman approached me down there."

"Susan, yeah she's quite a character all right. She has a tough exterior, but she really means well. Anyway, that was why I wanted to take you up here in the Lipstick Lounge, it's much more..." She paused while she tried to think of the right word "tame up here. The butch's, dykes, dom's and sub's hang out down there."

"Oh, and who hangs out up here?" I asked, looking around. There was two other couples. They were dressed more conservatively than the ones downstairs and they looked more...normal.

"The lipstick lesbians. That's why it's the Lipstick Lounge."

Now I've heard the term 'lipstick lesbian' before, but I wasn't sure what it meant exactly. "What's a lipstick lesbian?" I asked, feeling just a bit embarrassed about the question.

"A lipstick lesbian is a lesbian who is attracted to feminine women. Women who embrace their femininity in dress, and makeup, and hair." She looked down at her hands for a few seconds, then back up at me and said "I enjoy a beautiful, sexy, feminine woman, not a butch who looks like a man."

"I see." I said.

"Now, I don't know if you noticed or not, but Susan, who was sizing you up the moment you walked in the door, was packing."

"She has a gun?" I exclaimed in an alarmed tone.

"No, no not a gun," Sara giggled "When a lesbian is 'packing', it means that she is wearing a strap on dildo under her clothes. It gives her the illusion that she has a cock."

Now it was my turn to giggle.

"Don't laugh, you should hear what women like you are called." Sara said.

"What are women like me called?"

"Any straight woman is known as a 'breeder' around these parts."

I made a shocked face that brought a fresh giggle from Sara, who turned when she saw movement coming toward us.

A woman approached us and I looked up to see a scantily clad waitress. "Hey Sara, you miss us so much that you have to come in on your night off, huh." The redhead waitress said.

She turned her attention on me, offered me her hand and said "Hi, I'm Mackenzie."

I took her hand and said "Jessica...It's nice to meet you."

Mackenzie seemed to be devouring me with her eyes. Strangely, it didn't bother me too much. She turned back to Sara and said "Where you been hiding her Sara? She's gorgeous."

Sara's eyes flashed to mine, then back to Mackenzie and she said "Oh, we're just friends. Jessica is..." she looked back at me, as if she wasn't sure what to say, then said "She's married."

There was a pause as Mackenzie looked from Sara to me and back, then said "Really? I never figured you to go after a married woman."

This time, I spoke up "Oh, it's not like that. We're just friends." I glanced up at Sara and saw the unmistakable look of hurting in her face. It was my first realization that she had feelings for me beyond friendship. A part of me wished I hadn't said it, but she had said the same thing just moments before.

"A straight girl? Or are you one of the curious ones?" Mackenzie asked with a wide grin.

"I'm straight, and uh, I've never really thought about trying something with a woman. I mean that would be cheating on my husband, and I just couldn't do that to him." I answered.

Mackenzie looked back at Sara and then back to me. She smiled and said "I see." Then she leaned in close to me, lowered her voice and said "Well I can vouch for Sara here, if you change your mind that is. She's a real sweet girl." She stood back up with her notepad and asked "So would you two like a menu or are you just ordering drinks?"

"Jessica will need a menu." Sara replied "I already know what I'm having."

"Okay." I was handed a menu and Mackenzie said she would give me a few minutes to look. She walked away to another table while I hid my face behind the oversized menu.

"I'm sorry about that." Sara said. I lowered the menu and peered at her over the top.

"About what?"

"About Mackenzie, and bringing you a lesbian club. I should have known better Jessica. I didn't want to give you the wrong idea."

"Sara, it's okay." I assured her, lowering the menu to the table, I reached across and held her hands in mine. "It's not your fault that I've lived such a sheltered life you know. And besides, just because I'm a straight woman in a lesbian club, doesn't mean that I can't enjoy myself right?" I said it for my benefit as much as hers.

Sara smiled back at me and nodded her head. "If you feel at all uncomfortable being here, you tell me and we'll leave okay."

I nodded then picked up my menu and searched for something good to eat. I settled on the grilled chicken breast with a side salad, and a red wine to drink. Mackenzie came back and we ordered our meals, Sara chose the chicken parmesan, then we chatted and laughed until our meals came.

I learned some interesting lesbian lingo, and a few things about some of the patrons also. Sara took me over to the edge of the balcony so we could look down at the action downstairs, and I was shocked at what I saw. The woman who had been feeding her mistress when I had walked in, was now on all fours under the table, and although I couldn't see what she was doing under there, it was quite obvious that she was orally pleasuring her mistress.

"They do that once in awhile here." Sara said, adding "nobody minds because there is only women here. The woman at the table is Mistress Yolanda, she runs a bdsm shop in town. I've been told that she has a dungeon in her basement where she trains her submissive slaves. The woman on the floor is Amanda, or at least she was before Yolanda got her claws into her. Whenever Yolanda is around, she only answers to 'pussy pleaser'."

"You're kidding!" I shouted out loud in amazement, then was glad that the music had been turned up so no one downstairs could hear me.

"No, I'm not. Oh, and you should steer clear of Yolanda too, she has a reputation of going after breeders, especially married ones. From what I've been told, Amanda was once straight, and engaged to be married. And Yolanda likes the white chicks. I think it's some kind of reverse slavery thing you know, at least that's what it seems like to me anyway." Sara fell silent as Yolanda closed her eyes, tilted her head back and opened her mouth. One of her hands was underneath the table and the other was balled up in a fist. Her whole body shook as an obvious orgasm overtook her. It was one of the most erotic things I had ever witnessed, and I couldn't help but stare at her.

I don't know how long Sara and I were standing there at the railing watching Yolanda's orgasm, but before we turned back to the table, the sexy black woman opened her eyes, tilted her head back down, and looked directly at me. It was as if she had known I was watching her the whole time. I blinked and quickly lowered my eyes, then turned to look at the other side of the room where Sara was looking. Had she been looking elsewhere while I was shamelessly watching a perfect stranger cum? It appeared that way because she didn't mention the fact that Yolanda had looked right at us.

I sensed movement behind us and turned to see Mackenzie come back out with our food. "Hey, let's go eat." I said, touching Sara's arm. I risked a glance back at Yolanda, and saw to my dismay that , not only was she still looking at me, but Amanda was now beside her and Yolanda was pointing me out to her sub. I turned away and quickly walked back to the table where the food was being placed. It looked amazing.

"See anything interesting down there?" Mackenzie asked as we sat back in the booth.

"Just Yolanda with her slave under the table." Sara replied.

"Oh, poor Amanda. That girl really didn't know what she was getting into did she."

"Well, she must be getting something out of it."

"I guess so. You ladies enjoy your food, and if there is anything else you need, Sara knows how to get me." She pointed to a red button with the word 'Service' printed over it on the back wall of the booth, then left us alone, going back to the elevator that was labeled for staff only.

We started to eat and the food was amazing. "Holy shit Sara, you weren't kidding about the food. It's awesome." I marvelled. We ate in near silence, and was just about finished when I saw someone coming up the stairs. Glancing over at her, I realized it was Amanda, who was apparently also called 'pussy pleaser' by her dominant mistress Yolanda.

"Ah, I think we have company." I mentioned, motioning to the young woman as she made her way directly to our table.

Sara looked up and smiled as she approached and said "Hi Amanda, how are you?"

As Amanda reached our table, she fell to her knees, bowed her head and said "I'm fine thank you Miss Sara." She turned towards me, never making eye contact, and said "I'm sorry ma'am, but my mistress has given me orders to come ask you if you enjoyed the show."

I put my fork down, swallowed my last mouthful of chicken, and feigned ignorance "I'm sorry, I don't know what you're talking about. What show?"

"The show of me pleasuring my mistress under the table ma'am." She answered meekly.

"Uhh, I'm afraid I don't know what you're talking about Amanda." I began, my mind a jumbled, embarrassed mess.

"Ma'am, would you please accompany me downstairs to meet Mistress Yolanda?"

"Amanda, would you please excuse us," Sara interrupted "we are trying to finish eating our dinner."

"I'm so sorry, but mistress told me not to come back down stairs until I got an answer, and..." She trailed off, the look of extreme embarrassment written all over her face.

"And what Amanda?" Sara asked.

Amanda looked like she was going to start balling any minute and said "I've been instructed to offer my services ma'am, if your friend will come meet my Mistress." Her cute face was bright red, and in that moment I noticed that her chin and cheeks around her mouth, was shiny wet.

I looked back at Sara for a moment, then back to Amanda. "I'm sorry, what services are you offering?" Call me naive, but this was all new to me.

Sara looked me in the eyes and said "She's offering to service you Jessica, with her tongue, you know, under the table."

My eyes must have nearly popped out of my skull at the sudden realization of what was being offered.

"Would you like to sample Amanda's services Jessica?" Sara asked.

I think the look on my face must have been one of complete disbelief and shock, something that I had done several times that evening already. "Uhmmm...nooo" I said, drawing out each word, then I turned back to Amanda, took a deep breath and said "Thank you Amanda, for the very generous offer. Tell Yolanda that I do appreciate her offer, but I'm going to have to pass." Then, before I excused her from the table, I added "Tell her that I'm with Sara." and I reached across the table and placed my hand on hers.

"Yes ma'am. Thank you for your time ma'am. I'm so sorry to bother your dinner." She bowed to us, then turned away and made her way to the stairway.

We waited until she was out of sight then we both broke out laughing hysterically. Sara laughed so hard she snorted, then she slapped a hand over her mouth and turned away, giggling so hard that tears ran down her face. I was laughing just as hard, so hard that I suddenly needed to pee. Looking at Sara who had completely broken down in gales of laughter, made it much more difficult to control my own laughter and the harder I laughed, the more I had to pee.

I clamped my legs together tightly and looked away from Sara, my cheeks hurting from laughing so hard. I wasn't used to laughing like this, and I was afraid that if I kept it up, I wouldn't be able to hold my urine. Not looking at Sara helped. I was able to take a deep breath and say "I need to pee. You need to stop making me laugh or I'll piss myself." That brought a new gale of giggling from Sara and another snort. With one hand covering her mouth, she waved me away with her other hand.

I got to my feet and looked around and saw a door with the word 'Women' on it. I made my way over, still giggling and drawing a few looks from the other couples. I knocked lightly on the door and heard a voice from inside "Just a minute." I stood there rocking back and forth from one foot to another, squeezing my thighs together and finally putting my hand down on my pubic bone. I was cursing the wine which always went right through me, and when I looked back to our table, I saw Sara had finally calmed down and our eyes met across the room. Her eyes dropped down to my hand, then back up to my eyes, and she shrugged her shoulders and giggled again.