An Affair of the Heart


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I finally loosened my thighs a bit and Derek pulled back, his face from the tip of his nose down, was covered in shiny, creamy, cum. He didn't seem to care as he quickly moved up and lined his throbbing cock with my grasping vagina. In one fell swoop, he plunged himself deep inside me until he bottomed out. He wasn't rough about it, as he didn't slam himself against me, but he didn't take his time either. It didn't matter anyway because I was so wet and ready that he could have fucked me with a baseball bat and I would have begged for more.

He began fucking me in earnest, pulling himself all the way out, then sliding back in, over and over again. The squelching, squishing noises filled the room along with our heavy breathing and grunting sounds. I lifted my legs up and wrapped them around Derek's back, hooking my ankles together, then wrapped my arms around his neck. His strokes in and out of me became shorter and quicker, and as his need to cum increased, became more like the rat-tat-tat of a machine gun. Now our bodies were slamming together, and Derek was making noises that told me he was nearly at the point of no return.

I let go with my arms and legs at the same time and breathlessly gasped "Wait, I want to get on my knees so you can take me from behind."

I knew that Derek liked doggy style, and it always managed to trigger my orgasm, so when Derek reluctantly pulled out, I spun around and raised up on all fours. I felt so empty for those few seconds, as Derek climbed up onto the bed on his knees and lined himself up. Then he shoved his swollen manhood back inside me, and began fucking me again. The new angle of penetration, and his heavy nut sack slamming my engorged clitoris, had me purring like a happy kitty.

I closed my eyes and imagined that I was being fucked by Sara wearing her new strapon. The image in my head was powerful and exciting, and I held onto it. Derek didn't need to know that I was visualizing someone else fucking me.

Derek's hands slid over my ass cheeks, and then his thumbs hooked onto each side of my anus and pulled apart, opening my rosebud for him to see. Something wet dripped onto my ass crack, then his thumbs were rubbing the wetness, his spit, onto my anus. He never stopped his in and out motions while he rubbed my brown hole, and after about thirty seconds, he slid one thumb inside me to the first knuckle.

I moaned as my orgasm started from the digital invasion of my sphincter. I think I shouted "I'mmmm cuuuuummming!!" as my muscles clenched, and I heard Derek's exclamation "Oh fuck yeah!" as he started pumping his seed deep into me. I felt the warmth entering me, adding more wetness to my already soaked pussy.

I dropped down onto my belly as my shaking legs finally gave out, and Derek laid on top of me, our heated bodies glistening in a sheen of sweat. I should have been thinking how lucky I was to have such a wonderful man as Derek, but instead I was thinking about Sara. When I closed my eyes, I pictured her smile, her eyes, the way she tucked her hair behind her ear. Even though I had just finished having wonderful sex with my husband, I was remembering Sara's lips lightly pushing against my lips. I was wondering what she was doing right at that moment, if she was asleep or awake, and if she was awake, what was she doing.

"So what happened tonight with your friend?" Derek's question brought me out of my stupor after several minutes of catching our breath. He rolled off of me, but pulled me onto my side so we were spooning.

"Oh. Well, I met her at the place she works, which is a restaurant slash bar slash nightclub, which I wasn't aware of. I thought it was just a restaurant and bar, but turns out there is a whole other room out back with a huge dance floor. They had a DJ in a booth and everything. It's quite a hopping place."

"Really? So what'd you two do?"

"Well we started out with dinner, which was delicious, by the way. There is two floors where they serve food. The first floor has the bar, the second floor has nice booths, is quieter, and has a little more privacy, which makes it nice when you want to have a quiet meal. So we got a booth upstairs and had a great meal. Then after the meal we went to the dance floor. Sara loves dancing, so we danced like fools and we had a ton of fun."

Derek was quiet for a few moments, before asking "Mmmm, so did you get hit on?"

The question was unexpected and I had no time to think about a response. "Yes." I answered truthfully. I had been hit on, just not by a man. I had briefly considered lying, but I was a terrible liar, and if I lied, he would know I was hiding something. "but I quickly dashed their hopes of ever getting in bed with me." I finished.

"How many times did you get hit on tonight?"

"Uhm, a couple, I guess. But you know what happens to people in a bar."

"Yeah, people start to see each other through beer goggles." he quipped.

"Hey!" I exclaimed, and elbowed him lightly in the side as he chuckled behind me.

He leaned in and kissed me on my ear and neck. "I love you." He said "and I'm liking your dates with Sara too, or at least when you come home."

I reached around my back and grabbed ahold of his shrunken, sloppy penis and said "Yeah, I know what you like about it."

"Well, why do you suppose I wonder what you do with her? Both times you were out with her, you came home all..." he paused and I finished for him.

"Horny." I said.

"Yeah horny, and also you're like all in charge, which is not normally like you. I'm not complaining, because it has been awesome, but my mind plays tricks on me sometimes. I trust you, I'm just...concerned, I guess."

I rolled over so that I was facing him and kissed his mouth. "I'm sorry that I've worried you. I think that, being with Sara makes me feel young again, like I felt in college, and I like that feeling."

"Mmm, that sounds reasonable."

"Are you going to be okay with me going out with her again tomorrow?"

He nodded and said "I better get plenty of rest."

I smiled and kissed him again. "We need to go wash up and get some sleep."

Chapter 5 - In my Dreams

I was so comfortable, wrapped in my comforter in my warm cushy bed. It was early morning, the sun just beginning to shine its bright rays through the edges of the blinds covering our bedroom windows. This was not an hour I was used to seeing, as I was typically a late riser, but something had pulled me out of my slumber, something that I didn't want to sleep through. It was Derek. He had made his way down between my legs, and he was lapping away at my pussy.

"Mmm, that feels nice honey." I encouraged him, and reached down to grab his head in my hands. As I took ahold of his head, I noticed something was different. His hair seemed to be fuller than usual, and straighter than usual, and longer, way longer. Something wasn't right at all, and as much as I just wanted to lay back and allow the cunnilingus to continue unabated, I had to find out what was going on.

I grabbed the edge of the comforter and flipped it off of me, uncovering my whole body at once. The head down between my legs popped up, and looked right at me with a big grin. "Hey Jess." Sara said, her face glistening in the low light from my juices.

At that instant, I felt a person beside me in bed rolling over, and I turned to see Derek flopping over in his sleep. His somnolent eyes cracked opened for a few seconds, before closing again. He was uncovered and he was naked, and when I glanced down at his nude body, I noticed that he was sporting a huge erection that was pointing straight up at the ceiling. It looked grotesquely large, much bigger than normal, like the size of the barrel of a baseball bat, and I gasped at the sheer magnitude of it.

From between my legs, Sara giggled and said "Wow, that was close, he nearly woke up."

"Sara, what are you doing here?" I whispered urgently, terrified that Derek was going to open his eyes and see what was going on.

"I'm eating your pussy silly, and you taste so delicious, I could eat you all day long." She wasn't whispering, even though I was shushing her with my finger to my lips. When she finished her sentence, she dropped back down and started sucking at my clitoris, drawing a deep moan from my chest.

"You need to stop and leave before Derek wakes up." I admonished her in whispering tones.

But she didn't stop. Instead she started shaking her face back and forth quickly, gliding her lips over my pussy lips faster and faster, forcing me toward an explosive orgasm. I started to moan louder, the noises seemingly coming from inside me without my permission or without any chance of me stopping them. I chanced a glance toward a still sleeping Derek as I felt my thighs tightening up as my impending orgasm approached.

"Ohhh shiiiiiiiitttttttt!" I moaned as I began to cum. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw movement and turned to see Derek wide awake watching as I kept cumming.

"Honey, what are you doing?" Derek said. "Jessica, wake up!"

I awoke with a start and sat straight up in bed. Derek was awake looking at me.

"Jessica, wake up!" He was saying "You're having a dream."

I blinked in the darkness of the room and tried to slow my breathing. Raising my hand to swipe away a stray piece of hair on my face, I smelled the unmistakable odor of female arousal on my hand; my arousal. My fingers and palm were coated in slick, creamy cum, so much so that I could feel a drip running down my palm and onto my wrist. That was when I noticed that I was sitting on a very wet spot.

"You sounded like you were having one hell of a dream Jess. You were talking in your sleep."

I felt a chill go up my spine and worriedly asked "Oh yeah, what was I saying?" I knew that I had been dreaming about sex with Sara, crazy as that was.

"I don't know, ah...something about Sara, and what are you doing here? And then you said something about stopping before you wake Derek up, and then you were freaking out, yelling 'Oh shit' like...well like you were, I don't know scared or maybe...I don't know. It was just weird, and you woke me up." Derek explained. He sounded half asleep and like he was trying to make sense of what he heard me saying.

"I'm sorry babe. I was dreaming, but I can't remember what I was dreaming about." I lied, and quickly got up out of the wet spot. "I've got to piss, I'll be right back." I hurried off to the master bathroom. My eyes had adjusted to the dim light and I knew the way well enough so I didn't need a light until I was in the bathroom with the door shut. Once I could see, I washed my hands of all my cummy juices, took a piss and wiped, then headed back to bed with a hand towel. Derek was sleeping when I climbed into bed, so I laid the towel on the wet spot I had created and got comfortable.

I couldn't sleep for a while after that, my mind was a whirlwind of emotions. I had just dreamed about having sex with Sara, with Derek right beside me no less, and I had cum from her licking my pussy. Okay, not really, I had cum from my own hand, but it was so real, and more than a little exciting, in a taboo sort of way. I don't know how long it took me to fall asleep, but when I did, I slept like a baby.

Chapter 6 - At Sara's House

I drove over to Sara's house the next morning on pins and needles. I was feeling nervous excitement at seeing her again after the unexpected kiss the night before. I parked in the driveway beside a small compact car, and stepped out of my car. I followed the walkway to the front door, took a deep breath, and knocked loudly. After a few moments of fidgeting nervously, the door swung open to reveal an older, heavier woman.

"You must be Jessica." She said reaching her hand out for me to shake. "I'm Sara's aunt Debbie."

"Yes, it's so nice to meet you Debbie." I took her hand and shook it. "And I wanted to also say thanks for the wonderful meal last night. It was delicious."

"Oh you're very welcome." she said, ushering me into the house. "Come in, come in. Sara will be right down in just a minute."

The inside was cozy and clean, with somewhat older and a bit worn furniture, but nothing I would consider ratty. The smell inside the house made my stomach growl in hunger from whatever was cooking. "Mmm, it smells unbelieveable in here."

"You're gonna love lunch hon. Sara's been cooking all morning."

"I can't wait." I said, then as an afterthought added "Will you be joining us?"

"Oh, I wish I could, but I have to be at the bar in twenty minutes. So what did you think of the place?"

"It was quite ahhh, well it was certainly different from what I'm used to. I was quite surprised to find out that it was a lesbian club, but I had fun though."

Debbie laughed and nodded her head "Well I'm glad you had fun, and I'll understand if you never want to come back."

"Oh no, I think I'll go back...if Sara asks me anyway. I mean, it's not like you have to be a lesbian to have fun there."

She smiled at me, but it seemed like a forced smile. "Listen, I've been wondering, and please don't take offense. It's just that Sara has been through a lot in her life, with losing her parents and me raising her. And now I'm afraid that she is getting smitten with a married, straight woman. I mean, you seem like a very nice person and all, I just don't want you to give her the wrong idea. It would break her heart if she thought that you might have an interest in her, so if this is all just some sort of...experiment for you, to see what the other half is like, please be honest with her. I don't want to see her get hurt."

So there it was. Sara's aunt even knew that Sara had feelings for me. "I...I wouldn't dream of hurting Sara. I've told her that I'm committed to my husband, that I wouldn't cheat on him. Look, I like Sara, as a friend, but I will have a talk with her."

As I was finishing, Sara came through the door "Hey Jessica, I didn't realize you was here already."

"Yes I just got here a minute ago, and I've met aunt Debbie."

"Well, it was nice to finally meet you Jessica. I've got to get going though or I'll be late." Debbie said to me, then turned to Sara. "Sara, I'll see you later. Love you."

"Love you too Deb." Sara agreed.

Debbie left the house, closing the door and leaving Sara and I together.

"So, I hope you're hungry." Sara said.

"My stomach has been growling ever since I walked in the door. It smells delicious."

"I made a minestrone soup, and we have homemade bread, and salad ."

"Well, what are we waiting for, let's eat." I said, and followed Sara into the kitchen where the smell was much stronger. Much like the other room, the kitchen and dining areas were small and neat. They had mismatched appliances, but they were in good shape.If I had to describe their house with one word, I would call the place 'homey'.

I had some questions for Sara since talking to her aunt, and figured that this was a good time to talk. "So, your aunt told me that she raised you." I said, as Sara spooned out the soup into two bowls.

"Yeah, it's kind of a sad story. My folks were killed by carbon monoxide poisoning when I was only seven years old. Our furnace malfunctioned in the middle of the night. I would have died if I had been there, but that night I had spent the night at a friend's house. So anyway, Debbie was the only living relative who was capable to take me, she's my dad's younger sister, and even though she really didn't want kids to raise, she agreed to take me in rather than let me go into the system."

"I'm so sorry to hear about your parents, that must have been so difficult for you." Hell it was difficult for me just hearing about it. I wanted to hug her, as I was picturing her as a sad little girl, grieving over the loss of her mom and dad.

"It was hard, and Debbie was only 19 years old at the time, so she really had to think long and hard about what to do. I spent a few weeks in foster care while she got information on what the options were. As it turned out, my parents never made a will, but they did have life insurance. She was able to use the insurance money to buy this house, and then she adopted me." She handed me a bowl of steaming soup and we moved to the table.

"So how was it, living with your aunt?" I asked as I scooped some salad into another bowl.

"Well it was different, that's for sure. She really wasn't prepared for a seven year old in mourning, but she did her best. She was struggling with the whole thing too, but she put up a brave front. I didn't realize it at the time, but Debbie is a very strong woman, and I'll forever be grateful to her."

I could only shake my head in wonder as she continued with the amazing story.

"For a while, we lived off the insurance money and what Debbie brought home from waiting tables part time. I remember how she used to come home with women all the time, and introduce them to me by saying they were her friend. Her friend's would always hang around until after I went to bed. I never thought much of it, until one day when I was 12 years old. I woke up with a very dry mouth, and decided to go get a drink. I was finally at the age when I wasn't afraid of the dark anymore and I figured that I didn't need to call Debbie and ask her to get me a drink, I could handle it myself."

I was listening closely while eating my salad and homemade bread.

"So anyway, I headed down the hallway toward the kitchen, and I hear some noises coming from the living room. I peeked in as I was walking by, and there's Debbie and another woman on the floor. They were both naked, and locked in a heated 69."

"Oh my!" I exclaimed, glancing up at Sara and shaking my head. "Not a very good idea to do that out in the open like that."

"Mmm" She agreed, nodding her head and taking a sip of water. "It was quite a shock for me to see at that age. I should have quietly headed back to bed and forgotten about what I had seen, but I was fascinated, and I hid behind the wall and watched."

"Oh man." I giggled and shifted in my seat, wondering what I would have done in the same situation.

"I know, it was pretty lame, but ah...I was a curious kid, and I was staring at the crack of Debbie's ass."

"Oh my God!" I shrieked and we both burst out laughing. As we calmed down, I said "Tell me more. What happened?"

"Oh not too much really. I just hid behind the wall and became a voyeur for about twenty minutes. They stayed in a 69 position for a little while, Debbie on top, then rolled onto their sides, still locked together. It was exciting because they kept moaning and breathing hard and then I heard Debbie saying that she was cumming, and the other woman was moaning and cumming. And then, Debbie looked up and saw me."

"You're kidding?!?" I nearly screeched. "What did she do?"

"She just smiled at me, like it didn't even faze her."

"No way!"

Sara nodded and shrugged her shoulders. "It's true. The other woman didn't know I was there, and later on Debbie told me that she didn't want to upset the other woman by revealing that I had seen so much, so she just motioned at me to leave, and I did. I went to the bathroom and got a drink of water directly out of the sink instead of using a glass, and then I went straight to bed, but I couldn't stop thinking about what I had seen. Before that moment, I never really put two and two together and realized that Debbie was gay. I was the naive kid who just thought that she had lot's of friends and those friends came around at night when I was going to bed. It made sense to me at the time, but after the show in the living room, I knew that she was a lesbian."

"Do you think that seeing her and that woman in such a compromising position, influenced your decision to be a lesbian?" I asked. It seemed like a legitimate question.

"Oh no. Not at all. I knew long before I saw them together that I liked girls better than boys. I mean it sounds strange, because back then it wasn't about sex at all, at least it wasn't until I saw the show. But I knew even way back. I am a firm believer that gay people are born gay, not turned gay. That's not to say that a gay person can't have a fulfilling straight relationship, because it does happen, and I haven't ruled out the possibility that I may someday have a male lover. I do sometimes have a physical attraction to a handsome man, but it is not the same kind of reaction that I have to a beautiful you for instance." She added at the end, drawing a raised eyebrow look from me. She grinned and looked down at her food before continuing.
