An Angel's Fix Pt. 02


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The drive to The Shack was substantial from where they were, but the easy conversation between them made it pass quickly. Once through the foyer, Joe's heart leaped. It was easy to find her flowing red hair in a single quick scan of the crowd. There, in the middle of an attentive group of both guys and girls, was Ashley dancing away.

"Wow, she's especially hot tonight," Jasmine commented. Taking his hand in hers she asked, "Wanna go and say hi?"

He nodded, and they made their way through the crowd, fingers intertwined. As they approached, Jasmine reminded him with a whisper in his ear that he was her date tonight.

She let go of his hand and he tapped his fiancee on the shoulder. "Hey Ash!"

Her stomach did a somersault. "Joe!" She hugged and kissed him deeply. "You're not in bed...I mean you're don't have a stripper attached to you yet?" she asked in surprise, still holding onto him.

Jasmine smiled. "We already did that. I figured he'd like the mystery of clothed girls better. You look fantastic!"

"Thanks! Do you mind if I borrow him for a dance?"

Jasmine shook her head and watched as the two stepped away to jive to the music. The beat slowed for the next song, and Ashley took the liberty of one more dance. They ended the song with a passionate kiss.

"Remember, you're Jasmine's date tonight," she said as they headed toward one of the side tables where the others had taken seats. "Play it up, okay?"

He nodded and greeted his date with an embrace. When he sat at the table, Jasmine surprised him by sitting in his lap. Cindy was amused and asked how their party was going so far.

Jasmine wriggled to get more comfortable. "It's been great. Joe's the perfect gentleman, he even gave me my first orgasm in a week at dinner."

Ashley's eyebrows shot up, while Jill and Kim exchanged looks and smiles.

"You tried to play 'footsie' didn't you?" Kim asked.

"Well, yeah. Jill told me to try it, because it would drive him wild."

Jill and Kim laughed, and Jill said, "That never works on him, because...well, you found out."

"Gee thanks." Jasmine wadded up a napkin and hurled it toward Jill's head.

"Wait, what?" Joe cut in. "All of you get the same result?"

Kim sighed and tilted her head in recollection. "Oh's scrumptious. You didn't know?"

"No." That answer came from both Ashley and Joe.

"What are y'all talking about?" Ashley half-asked, half-demanded.

Jasmine blinked at her. "You haven't tried to tease Joe with your feet before?" There was a head shake. "Well, try to sometime. What he did with me was move the foot heading for gold, and then work his magic with it. He'll get your panties damp without touching you above the ankle." She felt him twitch when she mentioned panties, and she gave him a butt squeeze in return.

Just then, the waitress approached their table. "Hey Ashley! Performing even when you're not on the clock, I see."

As the girl laid out the cocktail napkins, the floor manager came up to them and asked Ashley how her night was going. Cindy spoke up and told him that this was her bachelorette party. He instructed the waitress to take their order, whatever it was, and put it in the break room. He would cover the tab tonight. With a nod toward one of the off-duty officers near the door, he said it wasn't possible to serve them, but Ashley knew where the break room was. The group thanked him and he wished them a good evening.

The waitress giggled and said, "Wow, I guess being the best cover singer we have here has its perks."

"I doubt that," Ashley retorted.

"It's true. This place is empty unless you're here or we have a concert. Tonight is busier, since one of the local bands has a decent following. You might want to say hi, their concert starts in about an hour."

Ashley dismissed the offer, saying they weren't there for the concert, and that she didn't want to work tonight. The drink orders were tame, only Cindy ordered something alcoholic, so the girl didn't have to leave her tray in the back. The group fell back into light conversation, even some jokes were being made about what would happen at the wedding. Jasmine played up her role as Joe's girlfriend, adding to the discussion whenever she felt Joe's eyes leave her, drawing him back in. She even ignored her soda and sipped from Joe's. Ashley was a breath away from calling the arrangement off when Jasmine flipped her hair around to expose her neck to Joe. Instead, she abruptly asked Kim if she wanted to dance.

Jill doubted that Jasmine would get her ultimate prize from the time Ashley made that drunken promise to her. The doubts faded somewhat when Jasmine pulled the vulnerable card with her hair. Hell, SHE wanted to nibble that neck now.

Jasmine's breath caught when Joe leaned into her. Her hope was shattered when he sniffed and asked, "Did you borrow Ashley's perfume?"

Jill couldn't help but chuckle. Jasmine cast her a glance, got up and asked Joe to dance.

Jill tapped her wrist. "Tick, tick, tick, Jasmine."

"Hush, you," Jasmine hissed as they passed on their way to join the high-energy crowd.

The group ended up staying for the concert, the girls trading off once in a while to dance with Joe. A slinky tune played just as Jill happened to pair up with Joe. She walked a slow circle around him to gain some room.

Ashley had been dancing near Jasmine, and Jasmine said to her, "Aw shit, there she goes."

Jill had started a dance that was special for her and Joe. In fact, she only did it for him. Her blend of Tango, pole, and belly dancing kicked up to a whole new level tonight, and the crowd was helpless but to stop and watch her beautiful and sensual moves.

About half way through, Ashley said, "It feels like she's making this her last dance with him."

"I think it is," Jasmine whispered in Ashley's ear. "She said something about doing it one last time at the wedding, unless something earlier presented itself."

The moment was surreal in that Ashley got a sense of deja vu. The first night she went out with this group, she got to witness this dance with Jasmine holding her from behind. It was the first time a girl touched her THERE, and it started the deep friendship with her fellow cheerleading flier. Now that it was possible this dance would never be seen again, Jasmine was holding her the same way. Only this time, her fingers behaved, and Ashley was torn between relishing the embrace and tearing Jasmine's head off in jealousy. Her revery was broken when the audience applauded, signifying the end of the song and dance.

Jasmine kissed her cheek and brushed past to claim Joe for one more dance. Kim distracted Ashley by pairing up with her, while Jill went back to keep Cindy company, fending off dance offers from random guys. One more dance led into several songs, and Jasmine worked her ass off. Her dancing flirted with Joe mercilessly, and during one slower song, she moved his hand from her waist to her butt.

Finally, she could tell that everything she pulled together for the evening, the outfit, the talking, the affectionate touching, her flirting, everything she did was paying off. He looked as ready for her as he was going to get in this setting. She went for broke, reached up behind his head, pulled him toward her, and kissed him. Two things could happen at this point. First, and VERY possible, he could thank her and offer to take her back home. Luckily for her, the second possibility happened. He returned her kiss, and it progressed deeper and deeper until she had to stop for air. Striking while the iron was hot, she took his hand and led him toward the car. It took every fiber of willpower for her not to sprint and just drag him behind her.

"I'll be damned. She finally got him." Kim immediately felt like a bitch when she saw Ashley's face fall at the comment. "I'm sorry, hon. I thought that's what you wanted for them."

"Me too," Ashley said, her face beginning to match her hair and tube top.

Jill signaled their waitress. "They've been friends for a while. Even though she and I met him at the same time, their friendship started well before Joe and I got close," she said while waiting for the server to come. She picked up Ashley's hand. "Jasmine got stuck in friend status with him. She won't admit it to anyone, but she wanted more."

The waitress made it to their table, cutting Jill short. Jill asked that Ashley's next Coke be a bit on the strong side. She turned back to Ashley when the server went to get their drinks.

"I guess I sort of hoped Joe would refuse her," Ashley said distantly.

Kim smiled. "Oh, believe me, he did. I could tell Jasmine was frustrated the moment they walked in."

"That's right," added Jill. "But Jasmine knows her men, and what exactly will get them. Any guy can withstand her assault for only so long. You need to understand that it wasn't like she up and decided to seduce him tonight. What they'll do tonight is the result of four years of Jasmine's efforts."

The drinks came, and Ashley winced at the strength after her sip. Then she took another. "Then by what you say, there's a possibility he'll change his mind about me."

Kim leaned forward and locked eyes with Ashley. "That would be true if it were anyone but Jasmine. To be sure, they'll have their fun, and they'll share very special and intimate moments. But Joe is in love with you. That won't change, and Jasmine will be sure that his heart returns to you."

"Oh yeah? If she's been working on this for years, why should she?"

Cindy spoke at last. "Because Jasmine is in love with you, too."

"What?!" Ashley exclaimed after another gulp of her drink. She looked around and both Jill and Kim nodded.

Cindy continued, "Are you that blind? That girl was torn when she went into the kitchen with you tonight. Just as you were torn in whether to let her. She REALLY wanted this night with Joe. On the other side of the coin, she REALLY didn't want you to feel hurt from her actions. If you had asked, she honestly would have just taken him to fast food, go bowling, and brought him right back. Her feelings for you trumps what she has for Joe."

The alcohol refresh started doing its job, and now Ashley was distracted by the notion of Jasmine being in love with her. Kim saw the distant look in her friend's eyes and took the opportunity to grab Ashley's hand and lead her to the dance floor. She and Jill took turns dancing provocatively with Ashley, and Ashley even let a few guys have their turn with her. By the time they left the club, Ashley's sexual engine was humming. Cindy drove and ignored Kim and Jill's efforts in the back seat to send their attached friend into multiple orgasms.

When they were in the parking lot, Jasmine stood by her door to wait for Joe to open it. He surprised her by pushing her against the car with a passionate kiss. She felt his hands all over her and was thrilled when one of them found its way under her skirt. She loved every second, especially when he swiped her hair back and feasted on her neck. Jasmine had a feeling that move in the club would work, she just didn't expect it would be so long for him to take the bait. Her pulse raced and she panted while suckling on his ear as he licked and kissed every inch on the side of her neck. She finally whispered that they should go home, unless he wanted to chance taking her there in public. With a groan, he lowered her leg off his hip and opened the door for her.

As she had feared, the lust she had built up in him at the club had cooled somewhat by the time they got home. He was back to 'polite' Joe, his hand never traveling below the small of her back as he ushered her inside. They uncorked the bottle they were given and each had a glass. She spoke the first words between them, saying that Ashley wanted them to share his room tonight. Joe led the way up the stairs, still not saying anything. Jasmine trailed behind him and shook her head. He sure is a different cat, she thought.

Joe draped his blazer over Ashley's vanity chair and just kind of stood there. Jasmine had one more trick up her sleeve. She attempted to take off her flats while standing, intentionally threw her balance off-center, and caught herself on the dresser with a slap of her hand.

"Joe," she cooed in an ultra-sweet voice. "The wine is hitting me, but I need to take a shower, can you help me out of these clothes?"

"Jazz, I know what you're doing," he said while turning to face her. "I just...I don't know what to say."

She stopped her pretend unsteadiness, walked up to him and wrapped her arms around his midsection. Before speaking, she gave him a peck on the lips. "Are you embarrassed? You don't have to be."

He put his arms around her and held her close. "No...and yes. Not embarrassed about what I did with you. But I am about Ashley seeing."

Jasmine laid her head on his chest and sighed. "She gave us permission."

"She did? I thought that was just beer talking after graduation."

"Yes, and this afternoon, I asked her specifically about being with you tonight, and she said it was okay."


"Joe, when have I ever lied to you?"

"Never, that I know of."

"Why would I start now?"

It was Joe's turn to sigh. "Well, we're in this room. Alone. No one in the house. You want me to go further..."

Jasmine gave a halfhearted giggle. "Touche. Question withdrawn. I'm not lying or making it up, Joe. She really did say it was okay, as long as it was before the wedding and honeymoon."

She looked up at him, but any answer was taking too long. The pause itself was the answer. But, the night was not a defeat in her eyes. Aside from that one thing, he had been and given everything she wanted. She tilted her head up and pecked him again on his lips, thanked him for the date and told him that he fulfilled her goal of having one moment together with him.

She turned around, gathered her hair and held it up. "I actually do need a shower after all that dancing. Can you help me out of this corset? I'm not trying to trick you anymore, it's just that it was a bitch to put on by myself."

Jasmine really meant what she said. No longer did she expect or even hope for anything more than a helping hand. He started tugging at the top hooks and Jasmine closed her eyes in weariness. Tired of the fight, all she wanted now was a hot shower, curl up in bed, and pray that her silly fantasy would be forgotten.

Joe commented as he pulled at the tight hooks, "Your boobs must be squished. These things are tight."

"Gives me a bit more cleavage," she stated as if she were answering what two plus two equaled.

She held her hair with one hand and held the front of the corset with the other when Joe got about three quarters of the way down. Surprised didn't quite cover what she felt when he started kissing her back as he worked on the bottom three hooks. In fact, a line from one of her favorite movie comedies came to mind. She couldn't have been more surprised if she had woken up with her head sown to the carpet. Surprise turned to shock when he finished his task, moved his arms to her stomach under the garment, and trailed his kisses to the side of her neck.

Jasmine caught herself allowing her pulse to race. "Joe, you don't have to."

"Shh." His hands came up under her arm, and she let the rigid top fall to the floor. Very gently, he rubbed the tension out her rib cage just below her mounds, then cupped the soft flesh in his hands and soothed them with minute movements. "They've been penned up too long tonight."

Jasmine was conflicted. Jill, Kim, and later, Ashley had all told her of how he would attend to unusual details like the itchy ribbon of skin where their panty waistband had been. Or, he would rub the tension out of the portion of their back that had held the weight of their bra. Was he just doing this as a favor to her? His kisses on her neck and jawline suggested otherwise. Her free hand's nails lightly traced up and down his forearm to let him know that she liked what he was doing. After a soft roll of her nipples, he released her.

She swallowed her saliva in a nervous gulp. "I'm...just...ahem...shower," she stammered as she made her way past him toward his private bath.

Try as she might, Jasmine just couldn't fight off hope that he might follow her. She put her trembling hands on the counter and told herself to calm down. He didn't appear, and she cursed herself for yet another buildup and letdown in her head. God, he was so confusing! Yet, Ashley not only didn't seem to mind that trait or the others that had annoyed his previous girlfriends, she adored them. Jasmine shook her head to clear it, and set about to finish undressing for her shower. She had just gotten her hair wet when the door opened and a naked Joe stepped in with her. Her mouth fell open.

He wiped a few stray strands from her face and said with a smile, "Well, I figured...this IS my bachelor party after all."

Jasmine didn't care if this was another tease. She cupped the back of his head, pulled it under the stream of water, and french kissed him. To her delight, he returned the passion and allowed his hands to wander up and down her back. With their tongues wrestling and sliding against each other, their hands were everywhere. She felt his cock rise and poke against her stomach, and she stepped over his thigh and pressed down against it. Jasmine clung tightly to him as her mouth let go of his and attacked his throat, neck, and ears with hungry nibbles and sucks. One of his hands cupped a breast and the other held her ass while she ground herself against his leg. She would have been more than happy to get herself off in that way.

But, he forced her to whimper in disappointment when he gently put a couple of inches of space between them. "Maybe we should actually try to get clean while we're in here," he suggested while squeezing a bit of Ashley's shampoo into his hand.

"I suppose," Jasmine croaked, her voice just a ball of emotions.

She stepped into him again and began kissing the top of his chest. He started lathering her hair, and she reached down to stroke his rigid dick gently.

"Naughty, naughty," he tried to admonish as a joke, but the lust made it come out differently.

"You want me to stop," she guessed.


She smiled up at him as he played with her hair. She knew it would be a tangled mess in the morning with the way he was manipulating it in his fingers, but right now she didn't care. His toying with her mane got more and more distracted until he just cradled her head against his chest. She absolutely loved the closeness and continued to stroke him until he tightened his grip and she felt his semen jump to her chest and ooze over her hand. He panted a bit with his cheek against her soapy hair before he croaked out an apology.

"Don't," she said.

Together they turned so that her head was fully under the stream of water. Her eyes burned, and she quickly wiped her hands across her cheeks to swipe away the mascara that must have been running down them. Joe seemed to ignore the mess, bending down to pay lip service to her collar bone. Jasmine took the opportunity to lather up the bar of soap and wash her face of what was left of her makeup. His kisses found their way to her breasts, so she reached up to rinse and squeegee the shampoo out of her hair, providing her chest with a little more lift for his benefit. He stood back up and grabbed the bar to start soaping her down. Everything he touched was like a minor massage. It might seem weird, but her heart did flips when he took the time to work the tension out of her sudsy arms and hands. She expected him to make damn sure her tits and puss were clean, but he was thorough with her whole body, not that he ignored those parts either.

Jasmine rinsed off and the bubbles were replaced with his tongue. He worked his way down and she spaced her feet to allow him access to her most private area. Sparks went off in her vision when the most unusual sensation brushed her clit.