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An Angel's Fix Pt. 02


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"Holy shit!" Her head lolled back and she had to put a hand on the tile wall to steady herself. "What the fuck are you doing? It feels soo good!"

He looked up at her and grinned, then stuck out his tongue to show off its double roll. "I call it the W," he said.

The front edge indeed looked just like one. Now Jasmine understood why Ashley said that he excelled at oral. She leaned against the wall, draped a leg over his shoulder and guided his head back to her. She decided to start returning the clean favor and lathered his head with the other shampoo. Her fingers played in the short strands while he inserted two of his fingers into her. She grunted and gasped for a few minutes until her tunnel squeezed spastically and flooded his fingers. She slumped with an "Oh fuck me" exclamation.

Joe knew what she meant, but intentionally took it literally. "Okay!" he said with a grin. He stood, quickly rinsed the soap out of his hair, turned the water off, and opened the shower door for her. She stepped out and walked toward the bedroom without bothering to dry. As Murphy's Law would have its way, she lost her footing and visions of embarrassing and painful injury flashed through her head as her body fell helplessly toward the counter. Jasmine squeaked when Joe's toned arm not only caught her, but lifted her off the ground. She had just experienced the reflex that had saved her safety during the championship game, and Ashley's life twice.

She was still trembling when he deposited her on the bed and hovered over her. She nodded when he asked if she was okay, and then he entered her. Their still-wet bodies glided and squished against each other as they romped, trying every position possible. With all the other guys, Jasmine ended up doing most of the work. But now, when a setup lost its luster, Joe would pick her up and move her to accommodate another. It seemed to her at times that she was in the air more than on the mattress. His athleticism thrilled her and she loved being handled in that manner. It wasn't like he was just using her. Jasmine was having absolute fun. Joe knew what he liked and wasn't afraid to arrange it. At the same time, she felt that he would do whatever she asked, but it wasn't necessary as he was already taking care of her wants and desires. To her, he personified sex with a man better than what she defined in her head.

Jasmine ended up with her face buried in a pillow, her ass in the air. The passion had reached a crescendo as he drove faster and harder into her. Her fingers clutched the ends of the pillow with white knuckles as she came.

"HolyfuckingshitmotherofgodyesyesyesfuckfuckYES," she screamed with a rushing single breath into the pillow. Her knees came off the bed again as he grabbed her waist and drove her onto him with a guttural grunt. He held her there as she felt him pulse his seed into her until finally lowering her body back to the now-damp mattress before collapsing on his back beside her.

She straddled him and guided his prick into her before it went soft. Happy he was inside her, she laid forward on his chest. "Holy hell, THAT was good," she sighed.

Still panting, he moved a strand of hair from her sweaty cheek. "Yes it was," he said with a giggle. She had never heard him do that before. "You do know that he's not a machine, right?...I can't go forever," he said as his dick softened inside her.

Jasmine nodded. "I know. Why do you think I got you in so quick? I've read about this sensation and the girls have talked about it, but no one's stayed in me long enough for me to feel it for myself. It's always get off, and then get off of her."

"That's what your dad said," Joe joked.

She smiled at him. "Usually, actually." Her smile faded into a far away pained look. "Boy he would hate to find guys in my room." Her eyes found his. "I guess I really was a wild child, letting them sneak in so I could have some fun. But I never smoked, despite Jill. I never did drugs, never got into trouble outside the house, and I never drank until this year. Even then, it's just a little at a time. I don't get it. Why was he so hard on me?"

His arms wrapped around her and he stroked her naked back. "He wasn't just hard on you, he was abusive, and your mom enabled him. That said, I wish you hadn't gone after some of the guys you did. Sex can be just as damaging as the other vices you mentioned. You've gotten lucky in not catching something, or winding up used and beaten along some highway."

Her eyes flashed in anger, but cooled quickly since she had to admit he was right. Before graduation, she had an irritation between her legs and when she admitted her sexual history to the doctor, he tested her for everything...pregnancy included. It turned out that it was a stress-induced yeast infection, and she was otherwise clean.

Jasmine shivered recalling the scare, then gave some hair on his chest a lick. It seemed like a natural thing to do. "You're right, of course. I've been stupid. I guess I just was looking for something that never came. But I found it tonight with you. You don't have to sound like a mom, though."

The eyes saddened. "Sorry. I'm used to the blunt talks my parents had with me about such things." His fingers found her wet hair and they twirled and toyed with it. "I miss them. Their talks guiding me through obstacles, their hugs." He returned her sympathetic kiss. "Their trust in me with their secrets."

She cradled his head with her hands as she kissed him over and over. Ashley had told her during a pillow talk some of the grief he held private for his parents. It melted her heart that he shared some of that with her now. The kissing stirred him and she squeezed his inflating member with her inner muscles. There was no hurry now since the lust between them had been satisfied. They petted whatever their hands found as she slowly and gently rocked on top of him. The kissing persisted until she felt warm pulses erupt into her. Her own climax happened shortly after, being best described as an orgasm centered around her heart, if such a thing were possible. It was for her.

She settled next to him and both expensed a heavy sigh. He took one of her hands and grasped it in both of his. "I love you, Jasmine. I wanted you to know that before the moment slipped away."

Jasmine closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip before answering. "I love you, too." They laid quiet for a minute or two. "So, we aren't doing this ever again, are we?"

"I was just thinking the same thing. I don't think any of us would be comfortable if it did."

"Agreed." She started drifting off before catching herself. "Joe?" His muffled grunt told her that he was about to fall asleep himself. "If Ashley hadn't moved here from California, do you think we would have had a chance?"

He inhaled a large volume of air through his nose as he pondered this. "Maybe...I don't know. With Ashley, it's so easy for us to click. Whereas you...well, I think there'd be an learning period. Ash and I just KNEW from the start how to handle each other. What about you? Would you be happy with me forever?"

She smiled. "I am right now." Then after thinking about it, "But, you said it yourself. You're too much work."

Jasmine gave him a sexy wake-up call in the morning, slow, patient, and delicious. When they finished, she giggled and reasoned to him, "One last time for old time's sake."

He chuckled at her humor, which pleased her. She got up, took a shower, and borrowed back one of her pairs of underwear from Ashley's drawer. He slipped on a pair of boxers and headed to the bathroom when she stopped him with a touch.

"Thank you for a wonderful night. I hope I was able to give as much to you."

He pecked her cheek. "Trust me, you did."

"Good. And Joe?"


"If you and Ashley ever want kids, I'll be glad to be a surrogate mother with you."

The 'with' didn't escape him. "You'd give up your own child?"

"They'd be yours too. I don't know how or if that would ever work out, but the offer stands forever."

She gathered up their discarded clothes to put in the laundry and took them with her to her room. Ashley was laying naked in the bed, her arms behind her head. It looked like she was waiting.

Jasmine raked her rejected outfits to the floor and laid next to her. "I thought you'd be in Kim's room."

"I couldn't sleep, and some sick part of me couldn't wait to know what happened." She blinked a couple of times, closed her eyes and let a tear roll off towards her ear. "So, how did it go?"

"We ended up making love."

Ashley's chest rose and fell in a heave. "Well, I figured on that."

Jasmine had always made a point to give Ashley the blunt truth, whether it was to tell her that she made a poor makeup choice, or that she was being a bitch. She had a couple of apprehensive pants, and decided not to hide anything from her now. "Not as in another way to say we had sex...although that was first, and amazing. We ended up making LOVE."

Ashley's head rolled away from Jasmine. "So, what now? Are we trading dresses tomorrow?"

Jasmine rolled onto her side to face her friend. "Ash, look at me. Please? Nothing has changed between you two. Besides, I wouldn't have pushed for..."

"Yes, yes I KNOW! I could have said no, and you wouldn't have...blah, blah, blah. I braced myself for you to go after his body. I wasn't prepared for you to go after HIM." She looked away from Jasmine's eyes and stared at the ceiling. "I wasn't prepared for how I ended up feeling about you two being together. For how I felt about IT happening."

Jasmine feared she had lost this friendship, but perhaps not. At least Ashley was still talking to her. "Well, IT won't happen again. We both agreed on that last night."


"Yes. But I'd like to put in a condition."

"What's that?"

"An exception under certain circumstances upon which an agreement is made." Jasmine's face was filled with gleeful triumph on turning sarcasm around on Ashley for once.

It worked, and Ashley playfully swatted Jasmine with a decorative pillow. "Ha ha. You've been waiting for that opening for a while, haven't you?" Ashley was usually the one to answer such a question with a definition of what she said. "Very well. What's your condition?"

"You can say no, if you want to." She saw Ashley twirl her finger in the air in a 'keep going' gesture. "I'd like a date with him once every week or two. Not sexual. But some friendly one-on-one time. His time is getting more and more crowded, and you sucked up whatever is left. I didn't want to complain, but I used to be able to talk with him when it would just be the two of us around. I really miss that friendship with him, and I'd like it back, even if in a smaller part."

"Just as friends?" Ashley added incredulously, "No sex?"

"Well, his relationship with me did change a bit last night," Jasmine allowed. "I wouldn't mind if you permitted some kissing, hugging, maybe a little petting."

Ashley hooked a finger under Jasmine's bra strap. "This and your panties are cute," she said while stalling.

Jasmine grinned. "I know. That's why I bought them last year, and why you stole them two months ago."

"I borrowed them."

"That's how I found them in your drawer this morning?"

"Speaking of borrowing," Ashley decided to get back on topic. "Without drawing up some 10 page contract on what you can and cannot do, this is getting too complicated."

Jasmine's face fell. "I see. Okay."

"Well, before you jump off a cliff...should I trust you?"

Jasmine looked even more hurt. "I get it, okay? If I were you, no, I wouldn't trust me either."

"That's not what I asked. You're not me, you're you. So, tell me the flat out truth like you usually do. Should I trust you?"

She looked deep into Ashley's eyes. "I can't fully answer that. You can trust that I would never intentionally get him to leave you. Yes, I have feelings for him, and they're stronger because of last night. No, I am not in love with him, nor is he in love with me. And, if any of that changes, you'd be the first to know, because I'd tell you." She frowned. "I don't know why we're talking about trust. I'm not asking to replace you, or even to be your sister wife." Jasmine had to stop for a second because the comment sent them both into giggles. "I just wanted some alone time with him once in a while."

Ashley moved closer and kissed Jasmine. "Thank you."

"Thank ME? For what? I'm the one who should be kissing your feet and offering to bathe you while feeding you grapes for letting me be with him last night."

Ashley squirmed. "That's an enticing thought. Go ahead and do that."

"Maybe in a bit, once I get a few things started to get the house ready for the reception tomorrow. Now quit dodging. Tell me yes or no to any part of what I asked, and I'll comply with it."

"Thanks for being honest with me. Tell you what. I'll make sure he takes you out for dinner, a walk, goofy golfing, or whatever you want to do. Do whatever feels natural to you two. And just so you know that I noticed, what I saw of last night was forced, and no where near natural for either of you. Anyway, I'll do my best to fight down jealousy if I see you kissing, holding hands...or if I walk in on you two enjoying an afternoon romp."

"But I wouldn't..."

"AH! Watch what you say. You have needs, too, Jasmine. You can't promise me that you wouldn't EVER want to. Just as I can't promise that I won't get jealous if it happens..." There was no response. "That's what I thought, and it's okay." She got up and dug through Jasmine's undies drawer before putting on a set. "I'll help you get the house ready and you can tell me your favorite parts as we go. Then you can feed me grapes while I soak in the tub."

"Deal," said Jasmine as she passed by Ashley and bent over to pick up the dirty laundry from earlier.

Ashley took the opportunity to crack her hand down on Jasmine's vulnerable tush. She yelped loudly in pain. Jasmine shot back upright and spun around, her face full of hurt. She expected Ashley to apologize for going overboard, but that never came. Her cheek hurt so bad, she knew Ashley had put everything she had into the swat, and it was no accident.

"That's for looking to make sure I was watching when you suddenly kissed him on the dance floor." Ashley's voice shook. "Believe me, I wanted to literally kill you when it happened. Do not ever maliciously use him to get me riled up! Territorial female instinct or not! I'd hope our friendship is above that now."

Jasmine replayed the event in her head and was horrified to recall that it happened just as Ashley said. She welcomed the deserved tear that fell from her cheek. "I...I'm so sorry."

"I know. I'm not for hitting you."

"I know."

"Come on, let's get started on the mess downstairs."

Jasmine limped after Ashley and saw what she was talking about in the living room. Jill, Kim, and Ashley's outfits were strewn about the whole room, the three pairs of panties soiled and still slightly damp.

"We got a bit carried away after Cindy dropped us off," Ashley said as a matter of fact while she started to collect the garments.

"I guess so," Jasmine mused as she added to her own pile, setting aside the leather pieces. "Good for you."

"It was," Ashley said and they both giggled, their transgressions against each other now forgiven.


Author's note.

Kind of nervous about this post. Some of you had said that you didn't want to see Joe with another girl, even if it was before the wedding. Be that as it may, the interaction between the two sets up a surprise ending.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Flipping hot!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

i liked it a lot, just go with the flow

funksofunksoover 11 years ago
A tiny bit saddened...

I know that Joe was involved with the other girls, and I was kind of okay when they were involved when Ashley was around - and it seems fair when Ash is involved with the other girls...

In fact it's a little reversed of the way you'd normally feel with a harem story, where the guy is absolved of any anger when he sleeps around, but the anger falls on any girl who "cheats".

The fact is, it was okay with me right up until Jas and Joe showed up where Ash was, and she started having major doubts... I half expected her to regress at that point and throw the ring, especially when Jas made her jealous - and especially after having it pointed out it was going to be the last dance for Jill and Joe (I half expected her to not go forward with the wedding and open him back up to his girls even though I can see the next chapter heading - although that may not happen).

The fact is, Joe was going to be the perfect guy up until he gave in, and the whole true love/meant to be/romantic nature gave way to a bit of disappointment to be honest, compounded by the fact that the reader knew at that point that Ashley had said she'd hope that Joe would reject her, and was jealous - that inner voice made us sympathise too much for Ash, instead of a voice hoping for Jas's happiness.

Made even worse by the talk they "made love" and her asking if she had a real chance with Joe, and the talk about how Jas wanted more from him... it just leaves a bad taste.

I have loved everything else up to this point and hopefully forward, but being as verbose as I am, I hope that's okay... it's a bit of a shame.

Hale1Hale1over 11 years ago
I said I liked Jasmine's return

You made excellent use of her presence. Love your story line.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Great story

Please do not be bothered by the negative comments of some of the readers. This is a beautiful story, was is all your work. It is up to you to determine the direction of YOUR characters and story line. Given the character development so far I have yet to read something and say, no that person would not do that.

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