Angels and Guardians Pt. 01


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"Ashley, thanks for coming by. It was really nice to have a study partner for once. And company."

Ashley smiled and said it was fun for her too. Well, as much fun as homework can be. "Wait, where's your parents?" She asked. He told her that his parents are very busy with their company and didn't inject themselves very much in his life. He knew they cared, and they were always accessible if he needed or wanted them. But for the most part, they let him be independent.

All Ashley could think of for a response was "oh." Joe smiled and told her not to worry about it, because he didn't. He reminded her that he should be home tomorrow by the time school let out. She asked if it was ok to come over to his house after school and he readily said it was. He started to give her his address, but she interrupted. "It's in the school phone book, silly."

They said their goodbyes, just as his night nurse came in to chase Ashley out. "Damn," he thought. "Back to the Attila the Hun crew."

Chapter 2

The House And Revelations

The next morning, Joe's mom came in his room and asked how he was. "A little sore, but better than the last couple of days," he replied. He was able to manage the pain on his own now, pushing it to a little corner in his mind. Joe also was able to get up and go to the restroom without the aid of the nurses any more. His breakfast came and his mom chatted on about the company while he ate. She and his dad were working to stop a takeover by Greedy Electronics Company, who wanted only to grab the highest profit parts for themselves and sell off the rest. The takeover would result in thousands of lost jobs and end competition in the niche they serviced. Joe absorbed the information like a sponge. He liked the company his father started, but did not want to be the one to continue the "American tradition" of taking it over when his dad retired. His parents got more than a few ideas for products from Joe while he was growing up, starting with electronic toys he'd like, and most recently a teen friendly cell phone. He made an excellent point that the features teens mostly use were typically buried in the menu. They developed a new phone that had a "Pic" button on the keypad, and typing on the mini keyboard would automatically put the phone in texting mode. Several other features made it easy to personalize the phone. Popular addons like skins, different styles of cases and buttons were user interchangeable and made by the company for exact fit. The phone was a big success and part of why his parents' company was doing well recently.

After breakfast, Joe pulled out his books for Modern American History and resumed his assignments. His mom passed the time watching the morning talk shows. He was over half way done when the doctor finally showed just before lunch. He was given a thorough exam and the doctor declared him ready for discharge. He said that Joe could start getting ready for football when he felt like it, but warned him sternly to judge for himself what was too much. "So I'm released to play?" Joe asked. The doctor laughed. "You're not ready to play tonight! You can start conditioning at a sensible pace, but I won't release you until your follow up appointment the following Thursday." Joe did a mental status check of his body, realized the doctor was right and nodded. "Thanks Doctor for working so hard to get Joe back to the living," his mom said. His doctor said it was his job, and scolded Joe telling him not to try saving pretty girls for a while. "The only things that kept you from dying was the good karma of your intentions and God, Joe. Don't tempt the Reaper again." Joe sheepishly said his thanks and the doctor left his room.

His mom called his dad and briefed him on what the doctor said. After expressing relief, his dad relayed to her events regarding the takeover bid and other developments with the company. Joe passed the time finishing his history assignments. The same nurse from yesterday popped in and informed them that Joe would be released soon, and a porter from Hospital Transportation would be up in about a half hour. Joe packed away his books, took his duffel bag to the bathroom and got ready to go home. His mom went downstairs to move the car around to the entrance. The porter came with another helper and they packed the cards and flowers into boxes. Joe took his assumed seat in the wheel chair and the three met his mom at the entrance.

Or rather, met his mom and four media crews. As Joe got up to walk to the car, the reporters started shouting questions at him. He put his hands up and they hushed, thrusting their microphones in his face. He looked at each camera in turn and said, "well thank you for the surprise send-off." The gathering chuckled. "Seriously, though thanks to those who gave me such nice well wishes. I'm just glad that I am able to walk away from this facility. The doctors and staff have my warmest thanks and respect." With that he got in the car and closed the door. His mother took the cue, got in herself and drove away, leaving the reporters to shout questions at the trunk. He asked his mom what had happened to his bags and flowers. She told him that while he was busy with the reporters, they loaded the car. Apparently, being the best trauma center in the South, the hospital staff is used to such exits with patients who are in the limelight. A 5 year old shark attack victim was one of the more recent national news stories for them.

They got home, and Joe headed upstairs to his room. A landscape maintenance worker who was mowing the lawn helped his mom get the things inside. After a quick nap, Joe went downstairs to find a note from his mom telling him that she and his dad would be working late. "Back to the old routine, I guess," Joe thought. He made a sandwich, grabbed his books and sat down at the breakfast table. A familiar setting as that was where he usually did his homework. As he ate, he started reading the chapters required for his English Literature assignments.

Ashley's dad pulled onto the street she directed him. "Whoa," he said. "You know how to pick them."

"It's not like that, Dad."

He smiled a bit and said "I know I know. But, judging by these estates, it wouldn't be so bad if it were." They were only about 5 minutes from their house, but the residences on this street were definitely a few pay-grades higher than they were used to seeing. The houses were set far back from the street, and much farther apart. None were smaller than two stories. Old oak trees with Spanish moss dripping from limbs shaded the yards and street. Most driveways had iron gates guarding access. They came up to Joe's house number and found it was also guarded by a closed gate.

Joe was startled by the phone ringing the short staccato of the gate intercom. He picked up the receiver and asked "hello?" He heard Ashley's voice yelling across her dad that it was her. Joe had to hold the phone away for a second. "Hey Ashley, I can hear you fine, the microphone works unlike at Mickey D's drive through. One second." With that he punched a code into the phone and the gate opened. His house looked somewhat different from the others, newer and more modern. About half way to the house, the driveway was paved in brick instead of the concrete near the street. The landscaping was impeccable and very well planned. It was clear Joe's parents were not in the "needy" bracket.

He was standing on the porch when they pulled up. Ashley was the first out of the car and ran up the five steps to hug Joe. He hugged her back then said hello to her dad, who was carrying Ashley's book bag. He returned the greeting, then said to Ashley, "Here's your bag. To study. That's why you're here, right?"

She rolled her eyes with a "yes Daddy." Joe invited him in, but while tempted to see the house, Ashley's dad begged off saying that he needed to get the oil changed and do some shopping for the yard. He told her that he'd be back about 7 to pick her up. She asked if he could make it 8 and he agreed, said good bye to them both and left.

"Shall we go inside?" Joe asked.

He opened the door and Ashley entered the foyer. She gasped as she crossed the threshold. It was beautiful. Marble on the floor, an iron candelabra chandelier hung from the high ceiling, and tasteful artwork on the walls. "This is like the homes I see in the movies," she remarked. Joe just smiled and asked if she wanted to see the rest of the house. Ashley agreed readily. He showed her the receiving room with its plush carpet and sofas. The living room which featured a concert grand piano. The game room complete with pool table, wall-mounted TV's, and wet bar, and the den at the back of the house. The den was her favorite room. It had a projector aimed at a wall where a television would normally be, four leather sofas placed in a "U" shape facing the wall. The opposite wall sported a large modern cabinet that housed the audio system, the players for the video unit, and all three of the latest game consoles. On the sides were shelves lined with books near the top, and DVDs, CDs, and games were on the bottom half. The real spotlight of the room was the floor to ceiling sliding glass doors that looked out to the pool. The pool area could qualify to be placed at a resort. The deck was paved with flag stone with raised plant beds surrounding the screened in area. An outdoor kitchen and living room were set up under an expansive overhang from the second floor balcony.

"This is wonderful," she sighed. "But this house looks newer than the others here?"

Joe replied, "It is. By about 25 years." He explained how his parents bought the property after the previous owners lost their house in a fire. His dad employed an architect, told him what he wanted, and they came up with this house. It was built for entertaining highly prized electronics recruits, reward parties for managers and departments who met their goals, and for wooing prospective clients that the company would contract for. As they headed upstairs, Ashley suggested that they must have a staff live on site. Joe laughed and told her the upkeep wasn't as bad as it seemed. Yes, they hire a landscaper to maintain the outside, and a maid comes in twice a week to do a once-over. Other than that, they kept it up themselves. Joe half jokingly said, "On Saturdays you'll find me pushing a vacuum downstairs and on Sundays I'm pushing it around upstairs." He showed her each of the bedrooms and the three baths upstairs. After seeing his room, which could qualify as a respectable master bedroom in most houses, Ashley asked why there were five, when it was only him and his parents. He explained that the master suite was his parents', of course. Two were for guests. One was for him, complete with a shared bath. And the last was meant for his sister.

Ashley raised her eyebrows at this. "Your sister?"

"Ah yes, not many know about my sister. I was 10 and she was 7 when this house was being built. She was supposed to have the room next to mine, sharing the bath." He dropped his head. "Unfortunately, before we could move in, she suffered a severe asthma attack and passed away. Now the room is used only if one of my Angels needs it." They had made their way downstairs again. Through the sizable dining room, past the guest water closet, and into the kitchen that a modern chef would love. She had heard rumors about the Angels, but wanted to hear the story from Joe himself. As they each took a stool at the breakfast bar, she asked about them. "Well, you asked how you can repay me at the hospital," Joe started. "I'll only ask two things of you. The first is bringing my homework while I'm out of school. The second is that you never breathe a word of this to anyone. The secrecy is what makes this work. It's what makes them feel safe. Can I trust you on this?" Ashley agreed, not sure if these "Angels" were imaginary friends, a club, or what.

And so, Joe related the story behind the rumors. About 5 years ago, he met a pair of girls who hung out with each other. They would get along with other people, but never seemed to let many be close. He had struck up a conversation with them at lunch one day and quickly they became friends. Joe noticed when they were talking if the subject turned toward families, both of the girls would get edgy. It turns out that both had rough family lives and were uneasy talking about it. That's when he made his first offer. He looked both of them deeply in the eye and said, "If you ever need to get away, even for just a few hours, or you need a place to stay, call me. I'll work it out to get you, no matter where. There will be no questions asked." At the time, the girls were skeptical. But one night, one of them called him asking if she could stay with him. So he called one of the company's chauffeurs, and they went to pick her up. They got to her house and could hear her parents yelling and things being broken. She appeared out of her window, ran to the car and got in. They drove back to his house, and Joe thanked the driver, who replied "anytime." He asked Joe if he would be needed in the morning, and Joe asked him to return about 9. They went inside and Joe showed her to the room next to his. She gave him a tight hug and said goodnight. The next morning, Joe's parents were surprised at the unexpected guest, but Joe brushed them off saying only "she needed a break." His mom made breakfast for the two and left just as the chauffeur arrived. After breakfast, they returned to the girl's house and Joe walked her to the door. Her dad started yelling at the two, but Joe simply handed him a note, turned around and got back in the car. The note read:

"Please do not worry about your daughter. She was at my parents' house. Do not ask any questions, as we did not ask why she needed a break. Just know that she was safe.



Her dad seemed to soften and went back inside. A few weeks later the other girl called him asking for help and the operation was repeated. Whenever either one needed a safe place, they could just call Joe. The next year he befriended three more girls from some youth rally, and he made the same offer to them. The year after he added one more. The six girls became nearly inseparable, held together by the common bond that was Joe. Because all were attractive and well mannered at the house, his mom began to call them his "Angels".

"So there's six?" Ashley asked.

"Yes, but one has moved away," he responded.

A light went on in Ashley's head. "Kim?"

After Joe nodded, she asked who the other five were. He said, "Remember, you are not to tell anyone."

"I won't. Who are the other five?" she repeated.

"Jill, Allison, Sally, Marybeth, and Jasmine. I think you know them well." She sure did. Aside from her, they were all the seniors on the cheerleader squad. She felt a twinge of jealousy and wondered for a second why she was excluded. "Because, you didn't need it." Joe had read her face. "They needed the escape from time to time. Besides, I only met you at the end of last year when you transferred in."

"But now that you know," he continued. "I am offering you the same thing. If you ever need anything at all, give me a call and I'll try my best to work it out."

She asked, "anything?" Joe nodded. "How many of them have you slept with?"

" many guys have YOU slept with?"

Ashley quietly answered, "Two, but sorry I asked."

"Well, that's how this works, if you don't ask me sensitive questions, I won't ask you the same first. If you need to know, I've only slept with Kim."

How he emphasized "slept" got Ashley's wheels turning. "I had no idea about...this (she motioned about the house) or you."

Joe gave a little smile. "I can tell in your eyes that you still don't. But that's ok. You'll find out more as time goes on, I'm sure." He then changed the subject by leading her to the breakfast nook and suggesting they get to work.

Just as she started feeling hungry, Joe asked her if she wanted dinner and she said yes, a little more quickly than she meant to. He smiled knowingly, got up, and proceeded to pull out what he needed. Ashley was expecting him to grab some leftovers or sandwiches, but instead Joe was pulling out raw meat, vegetables, pots and pans. "Joe, maybe we should order pizza. You just got out of the hospital."

"Nah, I'm fine," he said. "I'm a bit stiff and sore, but I need to start moving around more. Besides, this is more fun." Ashley shook her head at the latest surprise. Not many guys consider cooking fun. He asked how school was and she started chatting about her day while he moved about the kitchen. It wasn't long before she heard the side door open. "Why don't you see who it is?" Joe asked her, and Ashley made her way to the entrance. Joe smiled to himself as he knew who was there. Next he heard happy shrieking and excited chatter from the next room.

Ashley couldn't believe it. All her friends were there, and she saw them in a slightly different light based on the story Joe told her this afternoon. Each dressed in the team's workout gear. She hugged them all and received a peck on the cheek from Jill. "Welcome to the group," Jill said to Ashley.

"How did you kn--" Ashley started.

"Anyone who Joe invites here is part of the group," Jill replied.

Ashley was befuddled. "I had no idea...about any of this."

Jasmine sternly looked at Ashley and said, "And that's the way it stays." Ashley understood and nodded. The girls pranced off to the kitchen. Each gave Joe a hug and kiss accompanied with a "hi" or "we missed you." He replied that he missed them too and that dinner would be ready soon. With that the five grabbed their bags and rushed off to the showers upstairs.

Joe dismissed Ashley's questioning look, telling her "oh they stop by once or twice a week for dinner." She took the utensils and set the dining room table.

The rest of the girls came downstairs after their showers, truly looking like angels. Most of them wore short summer dresses, while Allison wore a short jeanskirt ensemble. Ashley stated she felt under-dressed. "Nonsense," declared Sally. "You are never under-dressed. Right, Joe?" Joe only nodded.

Jill answered for him. "The only rule here is what happens at this house stays in this house." Ashley was starting to get an idea where the seductive comments written in Joe's get well card came from. Joe announced that dinner was ready and each of the girls grabbed a plate and helped themselves while Joe went to the dining room and sat down. Jasmine made a plate for him and set it before him, then returned to the kitchen for her own. Ashley appeared and asked where she was to sit, and Joe told her to pick a seat, none were assigned. They all waited for Jasmine to come back with her food, said Grace, and dug in. Very soon, they fell into easy conversation. Subjects ranged from the football team's unexpected success without Joe, to school, to boyfriends. Ashley was notably quiet about her own boyfriend, Brian during the last part. The others picked up on it, but didn't press the matter, following Joe's "no questions asked" theme set years ago. They knew from personal experience that if she needed to talk about something, she needed to be the one to approach the subject.

As they were finishing the meal, Ashley commented that it was better than what was served at local restaurants. "It's one of the perks here," Marybeth said.

She asked where he learned to cook like that. The other five said in unison, "A little TV, some reading, and a lot of love." This set off a bunch of laughter.

"Well, it's true," Joe said red-faced.

Ashley started to get up with her plate when Marybeth gently placed a hand on her shoulder. "We'll take care of it tonight."

With that Jasmine, Marybeth, and Allison got up and started clearing the table. Joe led the rest to the den where he and Ashley sat and looked out to the pool. Jill and Sally ducked through the sliding doors outside. Ashley gasped as she watched the two pull out a cigarette and light up. "I didn't know they smoked."