Angels and Guardians Pt. 01


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Five of the girls chorused "just accept the help, and return the favor if needed."

"That's right," Joe said triumphantly.

Ashley was confused. She asked Jasmine sitting in the middle next to her, "I thought this was Jill's?" Jasmine related how Joe handed the vehicle keys to Jill on her 18th birthday. He told the six (Kim was there at the time) that even though the keys were going to Jill now, the car was to be considered all of their 18th birthdays' present. It is to be used by whomever needs it the most at the time. Later, the girls agreed amongst themselves that Jill would keep the keys, as long as she was willing to drive them wherever they needed to go. Or, at least deliver the car before it was needed. "But, I thought Jill or her family could afford a car, I mean the way she dresses..."

Jasmine cut Ashley off. "The nice appearance any of us presents is all Joe."

Sally chimed in, "the only thing we're rich in is personality. Joe treats us to the rest."

Ashley's head was swimming. "So, what? Does he just use the card his parents give him?" Sally and Jasmine laughed. Ashley was really lost now.

Jasmine patted Ashley's knee that was revealed by her short summer skirt. "Oh, that's right, you're new here. You have much to learn Little One." The two long time friends laughed again, but then Jasmine continued on with her education of Ashley. She explained that before Joe went into football Junior year, he worked in his parents' office. He would run messages between offices, do file keeping, or run the mail. His parents felt that would expose him to the various departments and their department heads. Being "family," he drew a sizable salary. Most of the money he made is still sitting in his account, only being touched for daily needs, or to treat his favorite girls.

"So, how much has he treated you?" Ashley asked.

Sally responded this time, "let's just say that compared to your family, we look like peasants."

Jasmine nodded, "we wouldn't even be at our school if it weren't for Joe. Let alone cheerleading."

Ashley was starting to catch up. "So he pays your tuition."

Sally added, "and books, and cheerleading." Sally could read Ashley's thoughts on her face. "Joe had the school tell our parents that we were accepted for a scholarship from a wealthy Diocese member."

Ashley was impressed. Not only does Joe think of others, or at least this group of girls, he thinks of HOW to help them. He enjoys lending a hand, but goes through considerable trouble to keep it quiet. She was beginning to like Joe more and more, even though she's only had about five or six conversations with him.

Jill pulled into a space at the mall near the main entrance. They all got out and made their way up the lot, the girls chatting excitedly with each other about things only as teenaged girls do. Jill and Sally hung back a bit to pinch in a quick puff, careful not to disturb the others with their smoke. At the entrance, they stubbed out the butts and discarded them in the Smoker's Station. Several guys gave them appreciative stares, which they ignored. Inside, they pranced up to the rest of the group, and Jill gave Joe's rear a quick goose, more for the benefit of the guys outside than anything else. Joe took it in stride, as he'd experienced this routine before. He knew that all the guys in the mall were thinking to themselves "how did that guy get so lucky to have so many girls." The girls were really on their game tonight, though. All six were showing off their short summer dresses and skirts with their flirtatious walks. It was as if the girls knew summer season was closing, and it was time to make the most of the airy outfits before they got put away for the winter. They were taking turns holding onto Joe's arms as they made their way through the mall. Ashley, being new, picked up the unspoken game rather quickly and soon joined in the rotation of making every guy but Joe jealous.

The group of seven entered the doorway of the only sit-down eatery in the mall's food court. It was a neighborhood grill/pub that was far from five star material, but still better than fast food. The waiter came over to get their drink order and shot Joe a look of pure envy. Even when they ordered, the girls were completely focused on Joe. When the waiter left to get the drinks, Ashley said, "He didn't look very happy with you Joe."

Jasmine offered, "Well, that's the point of this outing. To stroke Joe's quiet ego a bit, and to tease the rest."

Jill chimed in, "Joe doesn't encourage us at all, but we want everyone to know who really is King tonight....and the other nights." She finished with a giggle.

Ashley asked, "so you do this often?"

Joe, a tad red with embarrassment from all the attention, said, "yeah, they do this to me every once in a while to get me out of the house. Or, to get me to buy them something or another."

At this the other five saw the waiter coming and took it as a cue to start another round of showing off. This time, as the waiter approached their table, they went into 'little girl' mode and started begging Joe for jeans, or shoes, or bags in sweet, candy voices. He noticed the waiter standing by for their orders, looking for all the world like he wanted to end his torture of a table soon. Joe grinned and put up his hands to the girls and said, "alright, alright girls! Enough. Jim (toward the waiter), I think we're ready to order now."

Dinner went much the same way. The girls fawned over Joe while holding their conversations. Every bite they took was a morsel of seduction. At one point, Joe halted the chatter by wondering out loud why his Angels didn't come to see him in the hospital. Ashley looked at him in surprise. "They were. Everyday." Joe searched his memory and looked at her blankly. She said, "I told you that Jill and the gang brought me my homework."

Allison jumped in, "we weren't there this weekend, because we had to do the boyfriend thing." She rolled her eyes as she finished.

"Oh," Joe said. "Sorry I wasn't around to entertain." They all laughed.

The waiter came by and cleared their plates as they finished. "Is this gonna be on separate checks?" he asked, voice trailing off as he realized he pretty much knew the answer. He placed the bill in front of Joe without waiting for a reply.

Joe put the cash in the ticket cover and wrote on the top $50 bill intended to be the waiter's tip, "sorry for their torment." Joe smiled at that, knowing it would make the waiter's night.

As they exited the restaurant, Joe asked what was next. Jill chided, "We're at the mall. Duh." Joe smiled, knowing that meant they were going to hit every other store on all three wings. He just matched the stride of his escorts, as he knew it was easier to just play along. True to his expectations, the group ducked in and out of stores. The girls would pick things out, try them on, and come out to model for Joe. He would critique the outfits, giving either a thumbs up or down. Ashley marveled at his taste in clothing. Not just his taste for the outfits, but he was an excellent judge as to whether the apparel in question matched the girl. She blushed thinking about the previous store. Even underwear.

They completed the circuit around the mall, leaving with Joe having bought each lady in the group at least two bags worth of things. Except one. Sally took note of this fact and asked, "Ashley, you didn't get anything? Not even earrings?"

Ashley replied quietly, "I don't need anything." The others wouldn't have it. They started pitching a fit, telling Joe they needed to go back so he could get her something. The fantastic bra, perhaps. Ashley was torn, she didn't want Joe to get her anything. The girls' scolding him made it worse. She had it and started yelling. "I don't need anything here! The only thing I need is..." She trailed off.

Jill looked at her expectantly. "Don't stop there. Out with it. What do you need?"

Ashley looked around the group, suddenly feeling much smaller than she already was. "The only thing I need." She corrected herself, very quietly now "Only thing I WANT is my car back." She couldn't believe she was starting to cry. Marybeth and Allison put their arms around her. "It's just I hate having my dad take me everywhere. I don't want to put a burden on y'all, having to drive me around. Besides (she nodded towards the parking lot), that gorgeous thing is your present, not mine. My car was my escape. I didn't have to think about anything. Not my parents, not school, not Bil-" she stopped short of saying his name. Then continued. "I could just drive and decompress. But now, it's gone, and it almost took my life and Joe's with it. My dad said the insurance money would barely cover the hospital, let alone another car. I just don't know what to do." She started sobbing. Allison pulled her tighter, and Ashley's face fell to the top of her chest.

Joe took his turn to talk. "Ashley, I'm sure we can..."

She cut him off, abruptly lifting her head from Allison. "NO. Stop! Don't you dare! I don't want you to do that! Do NOT tell me that you'll 'work something out.'" The group was surprised at the fire in Ashley's eyes. "I don't wanna hear that. Do you hear me?!" She went up to Joe and glared right in his face, well, chest. It must have been quite a sight for anyone outside the group. Here was a petite, tiny young woman dressing down a guy who was over a foot taller and outweighed her by at least twice. "I am not here to take advantage of you. I'm not here for you to take pity on me. I just wanted to hang out with some friends who I thought were cool! But if all you think of me is as your pet to throw toys at, then I was mistaken! Maybe I need to call my dad and have him pick me up!"

They all stared at Ashley, shocked at her sudden verbal assault on Joe. Marybeth was the one to break the silence. "H-o-l-y shit. You go girl." A couple of the others couldn't suppress the chuckles in their throat.

Ashley looked around at the group and suddenly felt sick to her stomach. "What have I done?" she thought out loud in a whisper. "Oh God, I'm so sorry guys! I didn't mean to imply... I didn't want to hurt... Maybe I should call my dad, I just want to disappear. I'm so embarrassed." She walked over to the bench nearby and collapsed in a heap.

Jill went over and hugged Ashley to her chest. "Hush. It's okay, sweetie. You're not the first to have a meltdown."

Sally quipped, "Well, maybe the first to go nuclear." Jill shot her a menacing look that shut her up. Instantly, Sally regretted saying that.

Jill continued, "we all know you have a lot on your plate. We understand. Really." The girls all nodded. "Something has been bothering you for a while, and you couldn't keep everything in check. It happens." She whispered so only Ashley could hear, "I think I know what that something is. We can talk about that later, okay?"

Ashley nodded her reply. She looked over at Joe and her heart sank. She knew she hurt him. Bad. She disengaged herself from Jill and walked up to him. He put his arms around her and pulled her close. "Joe, I am so sorry. I've come to know that being with this group implies a certain amount of generosity and I threw that in your face. You don't deserve that in the least. Can you ever forgive me?"

Joe tipped his head down and kissed the top of her head. "Already done," he said. "As for your car..." Ashley pulled away. "Will you let me finish, Ashley?" She looked up at him warily. He continued, "As for your car, if you'll allow me to offer, you can borrow mine until you figure out other arrangements."

Ashley was truly puzzled now. "Yours was destroyed worse than mine, if I remember correctly," she said.

Jasmine was grinning wildly. "Take it, Ashley! It's a SWEET ride!"

Jill came up, leaned over to Ashley and said softly, "the car you're thinking of was the one Joe wanted to drive to make himself appear normal at school. His REAL car is an 18th birthday present from his folks. It's in the garage at the house. Don't worry about presents or not. Joe doesn't really like flashing that car around and he wants you to take his offer. I recommend doing so. You'll have more fun just going along with his indulgences." With that, Jill spun on her heel and asked the group, "Y'all ready to have some real fun now?" The others had sparkles in their eyes, and answered in the affirmative excitedly, knowing what Jill had in mind.

Chapter 4

The Club

"For a Thursday night, this place is sure jumping," Ashley thought to herself as they pulled up to the club. Cars were everywhere, and a line of well-dressed young people formed at the door. The group was not in line very long, when a bouncer called them over to the entrance. "How are you fine ladies doing this evening?" he said as greeted them.

"Perfect," Jill replied, eyes twinkling. Her arm was in Joe's, giving the bouncers no choice but to know he was with her. The bouncers checked each of their ID's, ensuring they were 18. They took longer on Ashley's as she had turned 18 only 2 days before the wreck. After her ID was confirmed on the portable reader, they were allowed inside. A hostess at the door took the cover charge from Joe and marked a fluorescent 'X' on the back of each of their hands. She yelled over the constant beat of the music at Joe. "The bartenders AND bouncers can see those X's a mile away under the blacklights. So don't get any ideas." The last sentence was said as she flicked her glance at the girls. Joe nodded that he understood.

They made their way single file past the couples and groups milling around in the hallway. As they entered the main room, the high energy dance music seemed to explode around them. The crowd seemed to move as one with the beat. When they got to a small opening in the crowd, the girls huddled around Joe. He yelled if they wanted anything to drink. The answers were coming back as Cosmo, Mudslide, Daiquiri, etc. He yelled back at them, "Not here, sorry." He pointed to his X. They responded in unison that they wanted a diet soda. He left to order the drinks, and it took a while for him to reach the bar, as bodies were packed in wall to wall. The tender slid a tray of sodas in front of Joe, which he carried back and placed on the small round table the girls were standing near. It was clear to him that they had already started catching the tempo of the beat. The beauties were bouncing up and down ever so slightly in perfect unison. Their almost imperceptible motion drew his eyes down toward their chests as he handed out the drinks.

Jill caught him looking as he handed the glass to her. "Thanks, Sweetie!" she said in his ear over the music.

Joe responded, "sorry it took so long."

"I'm not talking about the drink." Joe looked at her in puzzlement. "I'm talking about your appreciation." She said this as she looked down at her own breasts framed in the low-cut dress. Jill reached up and ran her fingers lightly over them for emphasis. Joe stammered something she couldn't make out, and the group erupted in laughter.

Jasmine piped up, "Aww, you're so sweet Joe!" He looked around and saw all the girls were grinning at his being flustered.

Jill clapped her hands twice and announced, "Time's a wastin', girls! Let's DANCE!" The other five sent up shrill whoops in acknowledgement, and they headed toward the main floor. Joe was happy to hang back and stay with their half-finished sodas. He marveled at how nimble the group was. They would flit and slide this way and that. Sometimes they'd pair up and dance with each other, sometimes each would do her own thing. Every once in a while, one or two of them would stop by the table to check on Joe, and take a sip of their soda. When Ashley finished the last of the drinks, she took Joe by the hand. He wildly shook his head no. But, her smile won out, and he found himself on the dance floor in the middle of six highly energized vixens. After some prodding, he started to move to the beat. At first, they just danced around Joe. Then one by one they took turns partnering up with him while the others danced, swayed, jumped, and generally ground themselves against the air. No one noticed Jill had gone to the dj booth while Joe was dancing with Ashley.

When Jill returned, she tapped Ashley on the shoulder and finished the last few bars of the song with Joe. The other girls took the cue and started backing away, creating space between the pair and the crowd. Jasmine took Ashley's hand and led her to a point at the edge of the space. She leaned in to Ashley's ear and told her, "You're gonna love this. It's a real treat."

As the song ended, Allison called out to the air, "Ladies and gentlemen! Jack and Jill!" The crowd looked her way in confusion, but were curious enough to maintain the space for the pair. The intro to Jill's requested song started playing and she whispered something into Joe's ear. He seemed to pause and then nodded. The rhythm of the song began in earnest, and Joe grabbed Jill's wrist and seemed to flick her up and over his shoulders. The crowd gasped appreciatively as she slid down Joe's back. Another beat of the drum and she seemed to instantly appear back in front of him. Applause erupted from the crowd. The pair smiled at each other and began a spirited and very athletic dance. Their routine included just about every lift and throw you could think of. Jill's skirt was up more than it was down, but she didn't seem to notice or care. The song concluded with Joe performing the same throw that started the dance, but this time, Jill landed sidesaddle on his shoulder in perfect synchronization to the end of the song. The roar of appreciation was deafening in the room.

The next song started, and Jill slid off his shoulder slowly. She wrapped her arms and legs around his figure and used him like a pole. Ashley thought it strange that Kenny G would be playing here, but Jill's seductive moves made it seem somehow natural at the same time.

Ashley leaned her head back to Jasmine's and asked, "Did she request this song, too?"

"Jill always requests three." At that, she wrapped her arms around Ashley's midriff from behind while they watched Jill perform. Joe remained motionless, following Jill around him with only his eyes. At times, this gave the appearance that he was controlling her moves with his mind.

"It's beautiful...and hot," Ashley remarked.

"Yes it is. Jill has belly-dancing, ballet, and some flat-out striptease all mixed into this dance."

"So this was rehearsed?"

Jasmine smiled down at Ashley in front of her. "Sort of. Jill only does this dance for Joe. She'll tweak certain moves to make sure it has the proper effect." She nodded toward the couple and Ashley glanced lower on Joe and noticed his bulge.

Jasmine continued, "They were in dance class together in eighth grade. That's where he met her, and she introduced him to me."

Ashley noticed that Jasmine was swaying her to the music. She was acutely aware of her butt nestled on the tops of Jasmine's thighs, but decided to surrender to the moment and get lost in the music. She sighed, "So that's where the Angels started?"

"That's right. See? You're catching on fast."

"What was with the 'Jack and Jill' call earlier?"

"It's familiar to everybody, so it gets attention. More so than if we had said 'Joe and Jill.'" Ashley shook her head slightly to indicate she didn't get it. Jasmine went on, "You know, Jack and Jill?...went up the hill...pails of water and tumbling were involved?"

"Yeah, I get it now." Ashley was mildly put-off about being talked down to.

"For a smart girl you can sure be dense sometimes."

Ashley lightly pinched Jasmine's arm lightly to show her displeasure at that comment. "They make a cute couple." She said as her attention focused back to the main attraction where Jill was openly seducing Joe by now.