Angels and Guardians Pt. 03


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Joe was surprised at this sudden turn in conversation. "What do you mean?"

"Well, in my position, I hear things. Greedy is not likely to step away from Carter. They will press until they get what they want. Just keep your ear to the ground."

"I always do, but thanks for your concern," Joe responded.

Steve wrapped up the call and apologized for waking Ashley before saying good night.

Joe hung up the phone and handed it back to Ashley. She put it on the coffee table, then swung her knees around to straddle Joe's thighs and sat down in his lap facing him.

"Where's your mom?" she asked.

"She went to bed about a half hour ago." He kissed her lips.

Ashley kissed him back. "That was nice of Mr. White to call."

He looked in her eyes and sighed.

"What?" she asked him.

"You're so pretty, is all."

With that, Ashley put a hand behind his head and pressed her lips to his. Their kiss was playful and easy going. She felt his hands wander up under her shirt in the back, his fingers alternately rubbing and lightly scratching her tired muscles. They made out like this for several minutes before heading to their respective beds.

The next two days followed the same routine as Monday. Joe's teachers offered to let him skip their quizzes this time, as he was not in class the previous week. He told them he was ready and he ended up missing only two questions out of the three quizzes. However, Ashley noticed his mood was growing darker and she became concerned that their make out session was too early for their budding relationship.

Wednesday afternoon, the pair got home to find two express envelopes addressed to them on the kitchen bar. Ashley was the first to open hers and she squealed in delight. Inside was a letter from Mr. White apologizing once again for the difficult time caused by the local station. It stated that the check enclosed was already accounted for with the IRS, and that he sent the tax amount to the office. Therefore, the amount on the check was completely hers. He expressed hope that the amount of the check would ease some of the embarrassment and pain they endured. She fished out the check and gasped. It was written out by Mr. White personally, in the amount of $500,000. She went back to read the rest of the letter. Also enclosed was paperwork for a fully funded scholarship sponsored by Weatherall Communications. She needed to only provide her current information and the name of the school she planned to attend, and the scholarship was hers. He stated that the scholarship amount would be enough for guaranteed admission to Harvard, if she chose. Ashley knew she was bright, but not smart enough for Harvard. She didn't have any interest in ivy league schools, anyway. Mr. White closed the letter reminding her that she had his personal cell phone number and she should call if he could help her in any way. Ashley looked through the scholarship papers, and noticed that the duration of the funding would continue through graduate work if she chose. It was crafted so that she would only lose the scholarship if she dropped out of college or if her grades dropped below a 2.5 GPA. There was an incentive for her to keep the GPA above 3.0, a monthly bonus of $8000 for every quarter she attained that mark. She then stared at her check. "Oh my God, I can't believe it," she said in wonder.

Joe opened his packet and found nearly identical contents. But it didn't break him out of his mood. "Good, I can go car shopping this weekend," was all he said.

Ashley started to ask what was wrong when he left her in the kitchen and went to his room. She had considered following him and try to figure out what was going on, but she heard his door close and she decided to leave him alone for now.

Thursday morning Joe sulked about while getting ready, and didn't speak the whole way to school. His eyes held no light, and Ashley thought he looked more and more pissed with each hour. It really upset her to see him this way and she approached the subject at lunch with Jill.

"You've known Joe for a while and you went out with him. Did he ever act this way with you? Or Kim?" she asked her friend.

Jill looked questioningly at Ashley. "What do you mean?"

"Well," she said. "Monday night, he was all lovey-dovey with me, but since then he's gotten progressively grumpier. Last night we got great news, but he just brushed it off and went to his room. He even snapped at me at dinner. Did I overstep something?"

Jill and Jasmine laughed. Jill answered, "No, sweetie. It's not you at all."

"I don't understand. Why did you two laugh?"

Jasmine answered this time. "You haven't noticed before? Joe gets like that before big games."

Jill nodded in agreement. "It gets worse tomorrow. I suggest you just let him be. He'll be especially bad then."

"Why's that?"

Jill rolled her eyes. "You haven't put it together? Tomorrow's game is against our rival. That's bad enough. But with you in the mix..."

Ashley turned the statement over in her head, still not understanding. Then a light went on. "Bill?"

Jill and Jasmine both grinned. "We knew you'd piece it together, eventually."

Ashley's blood suddenly ran cold. "I had forgotten he was gonna be there. What do you think is going to happen with Joe?"

Jasmine answered, "I don't know. Joe isn't a hulk like his Guardians, but he can handle himself. I know he is worried about trying to keep Bill as far away from you as possible."

Jill saw the emotion and worry in Ashley's eyes. "Don't worry, dear. We'll all be there."

"Easier said than done," Ashley thought as they got up to finish their classes for the day. After their practices, Ashley took Joe to his doctor for the follow up appointment. The exam took about 45 minutes, and he told Joe that he was released for football. But he also warned Joe to respect his limitations for a while.

The next morning, Ashley got up at her usual time. There was no morning run, but being rival game day, she needed the extra time to get ready. She finished her shower and had just put on her bra and panties when Joe walked into the bathroom. Even though she was just in skimpy underwear (she would change into her sports bra after school), Joe didn't even seem to notice she was there. She excused herself and went back to her room to finish getting ready. They emerged from their rooms at the same time. Ashley was in her cheer uniform, Joe had his football jersey on. "Let's go," was all he said to her, nearly knocking her into the wall as he rushed past for the stairs. "No wonder he and Jill broke up. This is gonna be tough," she thought to herself.

Joe's expression in the car made Ashley's heart race in fear. Not for her safety being around him, but she feared for his safety tonight. His jaw was set forward, and his eyes were intense. She said a silent prayer to keep him safe. At lunch, he sat alone, as he did the previous three days. Jill remarked to Ashley, "See, what did I tell you?" Ashley just nodded, but didn't know what to think. He looked dangerous, but still, even when he snapped the other night, he never laid a finger on her. This morning's light bump as he stepped past her was as rough as he got with her. It somewhat comforted Ashley that even when he was this intense, and seemingly pissed, he never raised a hand to her. It also shocked and worried her that he could become so cold. The tug between these emotions also strangely thrilled her, and Ashley's love for Joe somehow grew deeper, even in the distance he put between them the last few days. She was so lost in these thoughts that she didn't notice the boys ogling her legs all day that were revealed by her short uniform skirt.

Seventh period was replaced by a schoolwide pep rally for the rival game that night. The cheerleaders did several routines to pump up the student body. Jasmine and Ashley's aerial stunts thrilled the crowd and were the highlight of the rally. Coach Mike gave a rousing speech, successfully inspiring most of the students to come out for the game. His closing remarks announced that Joe was returning to start at quarterback, winning hearty applause and cheers from the students. Ashley noticed that Joe was unmoved by the appreciation, giving only a slight smile and nod to the crowd.

For home games, a tradition had formed where the cheerleaders would go to the nearby fast food restaurant, and meet their boyfriends there. Ashley went with her now usual group, and sure enough, their boyfriends were outside, waiting on the young ladies. Only Ashley and Jasmine weren't paired. Most of the boyfriends naturally were football players. Jill's boyfriend played baseball, and Sally's ran track. After ordering and finding tables, Jasmine sat next to Ashley and asked where Joe was. Ashley didn't know, and Allison's boyfriend said that Joe was eating with the coaches and getting final preparations for the game. Ashley asked Jasmine about her suitor. Jasmine told her that she had a falling out with him. When asked about the dance tomorrow, she said that a preppy kid somehow got the nerve up to ask her this week, and she accepted. "Should be interesting," she said. Even though time passed easy enough while chatting with Jasmine, Ashley couldn't help but feel left out as she watched the couples around her flirt and chat happily with their partners.

About an hour and a half went by, and it was time to head back. The players had a final meeting to attend before warm-ups, and the cheerleaders had to help set up "spirit posters" around the stadium. The work was easy, but time consuming to string up the banners and posters to the chain linked fencing along the front and back of the home stands. By the time they finished, the scoreboard started the 30 minute countdown to kickoff. The 13 girls ran their laps around the field for warm up while the visiting team was running drills. Bill had positioned himself in the corner of the field, so that every time the group jogged past, he would shout derogatory remarks at them. On the last pass, Ashley shot him a bird. Bill yelled back, "you wish, honey!"

Joe addressed the team before they headed to the tunnel under the home stands. He stated that this would be a heated game, as the Spartans had beaten the other team on their Homecoming night last year. He also warned them that retaliation would not be tolerated by the referees, nor him for that matter. Joe gave some cliché remarks about not letting the school be embarrassed on their own Homecoming. Then he pulled aside his Guardians. Away from the coaches, he told them to ignore what was said in the meeting. He wanted Bill to be single-blocked, not doubled up. The linemen grumbled at this, but he reassured them that he could take care of Bill himself. He didn't want to have to worry about the others breaking through. Having concluded the private meeting, Joe led the team out to the tunnel.

Ashley and Jasmine held the breakthrough banner for the player introductions. Ashley saw Joe in the tunnel and shivered at the look on his face. He was staring at the visitor side of the field with an intense hatred. Even closing her eyes, she could see his terrible focus in her mind. She prayed that his intensity would not get him hurt. The PA announced the home team, and they ran through the banner to a marvelous cheer from the home side. The rally speech worked, as not a seat was to be had. Students stood along the fence at the bottom of the stands, lacking a place to sit.

Ashley was asked earlier in the week by the booster club to sing the national anthem for the game. She handed her pole to Jasmine, and grabbed the wireless microphone from the equipment manager. Fr. Rick said the invocation after the player introductions, and Ashley headed out to her assigned spot a third of the way up the 50 yard line. The PA announced her name to perform the anthem. The crowd anticipated a treat, as many had seen the talent show. Ashley smiled and waved politely at the applause and flipped on the mike. She bowed her head and looked at the grass for a second to focus her mind. Then, she took a deep breath, looked up, and started singing "Star Spangled Banner." She sang the poem in a slow ballad style that captivated the crowd. Ashley could faintly hear the rude comments being made by Bill and his teammates, but ignored them. As she drew out the last note, the crowd on both sides of the stadium gave her a rousing cheer, minus the visiting players, of course.

The coin toss was next, and Joe marched to mid field alone. The visitors sent Bill and two other starters. Joe approached the referees and his counterparts, shaking hands, beginning with the refs, and ending by wishing the two visitors luck. He purposely avoided shaking Bills hand. The refs reminded the players that they were aware of the history between the schools, and that fighting and foul play would be punished by ejection, and possible arrest for assault. Joe knew in his mind that this was a joke. The referees in the state held a general disdain for private schools, and all calls and ejections would most certainly benefit his rivals. Still, he made a note to himself to relay the part about arrest to his teammates. The refs gave the usual instructions about the coin toss, and asked the visitors to call their guess. Bill and his teammates conferred briefly, then called heads. "Idiots," Joe thought to himself. "They can't even get a coin toss call straight before it's needed." The flip turned up "tails", and Joe immediately told the referees that they would receive. Another brief debate ensued between Bill and his co-captains, and Joe hoped their confusion would result in his team getting the favorable wind side. He knew that even though it was breezy now, the wind would die down before the half. In other words, the smart play would be to ignore where the wind was after the first quarter, as it wouldn't be a factor after that. The call should be wind at your back, right now. But, Joe grinned to himself when Bill told the referee they would kick from the east end. "Stupid fuck, I have the wind at my back, now," Joe thought. The umpire instructed the players to wish each other luck, but Joe just turned and walked back to his side.

The first series was as predictable as the sunrise. Joe wished the first set of plays wasn't scripted, as he knew what the other team would try to do. Sure enough, they blitzed him on every down, trying to get to Joe in order to knock him out early. However, Joe had conditioned enough that he was able to step out of trouble, and successfully complete three passes in a row. The script called for a couple of running plays that ended up getting modest yardage. The script ended there, as it was designed to only get a feel for the defense. Joe hurried the team to the line, opting not to huddle. He called the next play from under center, a fly route to Bill's side of the field. The play started, and as Joe rolled left, he saw Bill break free from his block. Joe set up and fired the ball downfield, knowing he would get hit. As he was smashed into the grass, Joe watched his receiver make the catch and run for the score. Bill was on top of Joe, telling him that he was nothing. Joe simply rolled out from under him and pointed at the scoreboard.

The next four series had mixed results with one common theme. Joe called and ran plays that kept Bill on the far side of the field. His offense scored on two of the four series. The last score was a brilliant scramble play by Joe. He rolled out to his left, again, and set up. Bill left his feet to tackle Joe high, still trying to take him out of the game. Joe sensed it, and darted upfield, making Bill miss horribly. Two spins and a hurdle later, and Joe was in the endzone. They were up 21-0, and Bill threw his helmet down in frustration.

The Spartan defense held again, and the offense was back on the field. By this time, the offensive coordinator had given up calling plays to Coach Mike. Joe either ran a hurry-up offense or audibled out of the called play. Instead, he talked to the coach about what different players could do better. After the punt, Joe marched back onto the field with the rest of the offense. He called several run-left plays, intent to wind the clock down. When the visitors called timeout at 30 seconds, Joe huddled up the team, but did not walk them to the sideline. "We're scoring here," he said. "The first play is a set up. DO NOT retaliate." The players looked around, not knowing what he was talking about. Time was called, and they headed to the line. Joe called the same play as the first score. Bill recognized it and shifted left. The ball was snapped and Joe rolled left. He anticipated Bill to avoid the block, and made his roll a couple of steps deep, to add some time. Joe stepped and threw the ball far over Cody's head. A second and a half later, Bill smashed into Joe, prompting more than a few flags. Several from the home crowd started scaling the fence, and the Spartan sideline poised to charge the field. But, everyone stopped when they saw what happened next on the field. Instead of hitting Bill back, Joe jumped up and intercepted one of his linemen racing to pummel Bill for the blatant late hit. Joe swung and punched his teammate's helmet, knocking the bigger guy off balance. Joe screamed at him, "I said NO retaliation! Get back to the huddle!"

Everyone, including the referees was stunned. In a single act, Joe headed off what was sure to be a game-ending brawl, and rendered the stadium near silent. As Joe expected, his team was awarded 15 yards for the late hit, but Bill was not ejected. He told his squad, "I told you not to retaliate. Sorry, Marcus. I had to get your and everyone else's attention." Marcus replied that Joe certainly had it now. "Good. This play I want Cody to run straight out. Everyone else, run block. Double team the left end. Leave Bill unblocked." They looked at him. "That's right, unblocked. I'm gonna finish him and his team right now." They were confused, but agreed.

They jogged up to the line, and Joe glanced at Bill. The return look he received reminded Joe of a bull, looking to charge the matador. He barked a command to his line to set, then called for the ball. He rolled left, and as he hoped, Cody drew the defensive back with him, and Bill was racing straight for Joe. He slung the football as hard as he could at Bill's head. The blow knocked the linebacker's helmet off, and Bill landed flat on his back. The ball bounced straight back at Joe, and he caught it, hurdling Bill and racing straight up the field. 40 yards later, he stepped over the goal line untouched. The half ended with Bill being helped to the locker room with a concussion, and his team up 28-0. Marcus came up to Joe and said, "I thought you said no retaliation."

Joe replied with a smile, "No, I said I didn't want Y'ALL to retaliate."

The field was set up with arches for the Homecoming crowning, and the seniors who were nominated stood on either side, facing the crowd. Joe, three other players, and Jill's boyfriend were the males standing on the left side. Ashley, Jill, Sally, and two other girls stood to the right. A sad attempt at suspense was made by the emcee before announcing Jill and her boyfriend as the runners up. They took their plastic crowns from the drama teacher and posed for the yearbook picture. The Homecoming Queen was announced next, and Ashley stepped around through the arch in surprise on hearing her name. Her tiara was place on her head by the alum former queen. Next, Joe was announced as King, and he accepted his crown from the drama teacher, as the former king didn't return. "I don't blame him," he thought as he posed sweaty for the picture. Ashley was brought back under the arch to pose with Joe for good measure. The crowd held a mild applause throughout their crowning.

She noted, with relief, that Joe seemed to be in a different mood now. Maybe he was relieved because they had a comfortable lead, or maybe it was because he had bested her ex boyfriend. Whatever the reason, she was glad he was smiling again. They walked off the field arm-in-arm. On the sideline, he took off the crown and handed it to Ashley with a kiss. "See ya after the game. Be careful cheering!" She returned the kiss and he raced off to join the team in the locker room. Yes, it's good to have him back, she thought.