Angels and Guardians Pt. 03


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Coach Mike congratulated Joe on becoming King, but then berated him mildly for that last play. "It worked, Coach," Joe responded with a shrug and his teammates laughed. Other than a few more less-than-favorable comments on Joe's daring play, the head coach had little to say other than to encourage the team to keep up the pace. Joe announced that he was done for the game, as the doctor had instructed him to not push things too far. His teammates groaned at first, but Joe talked up Jerry's ability. Before they returned to the field, the team accepted Jerry as their quarterback and was ready to play for him again.

The second half began, and once again, their defense didn't allow the visitors to score. The teams switched units on the field, and Joe noticed that Bill was on the bench, subdued. It became apparent that without Bill's cocky-ass attitude, their team's fire went missing. Jerry played well, and he accepted Joe's advice in between series. It was clear in the fourth quarter that Bill's team was just going through the motions. They did have a lucky interception return for a score, but it barely elicited a "yay" from their crowd. Joe had thrown the pebble down the mountain in the first half, and Jerry and the rest of the team rode the avalanche the rest of the way. In what was supposed to be a bitter fight to the end, the game had been a complete rout. Jerry and the 2nd and 3rd stringers scored at will, while Coach Mike happily ran up the total on the scoreboard. When the final siren went off, the tally was 54-7.

Chapter 12

The Dance

The teams retreated to their locker rooms. Joe wanted to get home, and so skipped his shower. He took off his gear, put it in the locker, grabbed his bag, and left. Ashley was waiting for him near the door. She kissed him saying, "hiya, where have you been?"

Joe kissed her back and responded, "Duh, getting my things. I left as fast as I could."

"That's not what I mean." Ashley stopped and looked in his eyes. "Where have you been this week? I really missed you."

Joe suddenly realized how shitty Ashley must have felt the last few days. "Darling, I am so sorry. I was so focused on the game and how to deal with Bill, that I didn't..." He felt so bad, he lost his words.

Ashley instantly forgave him. "Don't worry. I'm okay. We're still okay. Just try to keep some room in that head for me next time, alright?"

Joe nodded and kissed her again. "I'm sorry, Ashley. You were always in my heart, I'll try to show that from now on."

Her heart skipped a beat and she giggled. "Good to know. Now, let's get you home and in the shower. You stink, big boy!" They put their bags in the car and drove off, with the top down.

Jasmine woke them by going into their rooms and yanking the covers off. "Wake up sleepyhead!" she called to each both times. For Joe, that was all that was needed. He was up and did his morning bathroom business while Jasmine gathered his things. She brought his pile with her to Ashley's room. After waking her, Ashley stirred and slowly stretched. Jasmine smiled down at her. "You're doing better, but you gotta speed up. Tonight is Homecoming." At that, Ashley was fully awake and she helped Jasmine gather her things while she waited for Joe to finish his morning shower.

Ashley joined Joe at breakfast and he told her he needed to get something to match her dress. Ashley looked at him in surprise. "You didn't rent your tux yet? There's no way you'll get one today!" He told her to relax. He has his own tuxedo for special parties at the house. He just needed to get a vest and tie to match her wardrobe. They could hear Jasmine literally running through her chores while they were talking.

Joe heard the vacuum and suddenly felt bad. He jumped up and met Jasmine in the living room. She looked at him and yelled over the noise, "You should be doing this!" Joe pulled the plug and apologized to her. He told her he'd get it. She grabbed the cord and plugged the appliance back in the wall, telling him it was okay. She explained that his parents were giving her tomorrow off, so she could enjoy the day after the dance. Jasmine wanted to get both floors done today to make up for it. He offered to help, but she refused. "I want to earn this week's check. Besides, you need to get ready yourself."

He found Ashley in the kitchen, finishing cleaning it up. Joe was about to ask if she could take him shopping when his cell rang. It was the officer who the security office arranged to keep an eye on Ashley. He informed Joe that the office reassigned him. When asked why, the officer related how he followed Ashley to Joe's house after her blowup with her parents. So, he'd been parked up the street whenever school was out. Joe remembered seeing a patrol car a few nights back. Last night, a while after Joe and Ashley got back from the game, the officer saw a man fiddling with the gate. Long story short, he arrested the man for attempted burglary. No one thinks the charge will stick, as he didn't get past the gate. So, the security office assigned him to watch Joe's house from now on. He relayed the message from them that the company will now pay the officer directly. Joe could stop sending checks over. Joe asked a few questions and was assured that they think this was just a guy trying to steal property, but they wanted extra security, just in case. The officer told Joe that he'd also keep watching for Bill, but that was probably unnecessary after what happened in the game. Joe was surprised at the officer knowing about that.

"Well, I was bored. I knew you two would be at the game, so I went to watch it. You're very good. I don't think Bill will be anywhere close to y'all from here on. He looked pretty defeated after your last touchdown." Joe thanked him and hung up.

Ashley saw the worry in his eyes and asked what was wrong. He gave a much shorter version of the prowler story and said it was nothing. He then asked Ashley if she would mind taking him to a few places before they had to get ready in the afternoon. She enthusiastically said of course she would. He told her to bring her check along.

The first stop was the formal wear shop. The lady operating it seemed over worked, and underpaid. As soon as she found out he wasn't picking up a rental, she scolded him that he had to make reservations at least 72 hours in advance, and that they didn't have any spares in stock. Ashley expected him to fly off the handle, but instead Joe just smiled and explained that he already owned a tuxedo, complete with cuff links and shirt. He told her the two pieces he needed, and that he would purchase them if necessary. She apologized and showed him what she had in stock. They picked out a set that complimented Ashley's dress. The clerk softened and worked out a rental for just the two accent pieces. She explained they normally don't do this, but she wanted to make up for her rudeness earlier. He thanked her and paid the agreed upon $13.

Next, Joe directed Ashley to his accountant's office. They were greeted warmly and ushered to a couple of chairs at the desk. Joe endorsed his check and handed it over. The accountant commented that this was the first deposit outside of dividends he'd seen in a while for Joe. Ashley noted that the surprise was at the deposit itself and not the amount. While Joe was telling the accountant to distribute the check to the usual investments, Ashley wondered just how much Joe was being paid while he worked for his parents. She came out of her daydream when Joe asked her for her check.

Ashley was reluctant to hand it over, saying she wasn't sure what she wanted to do, yet. Joe told her that he trusted this firm. All she had to do was tell the accountant her plans in general, and he would figure out the best way to handle the money for her. He left the office to give her some privacy. She sat there for a few long seconds, not knowing what to say. The accountant was patient, and then gently offered some advice: "Just tell me what you are thinking right now." She responded that she was thinking she didn't know anything about investments. "That's normal," he replied. "What do you like to do? Hobbies, after-school activities, etc?" This got her talking, and he steered her conversation toward college and her vision of life after college. He discussed some options and explained how they matched her anticipated lifestyles. Before long, she became very comfortable with him and she agreed to some investments, and a "small" checking account...with a starting balance of $25,000. He explained that this amount would allow her to be comfortable early on, yet would remind her there was a limit. She could put more money in from her other investments at any time, but it would be wise to try to live off the dividends for now. Ashley thanked the accountant with a hug, and met Joe in the waiting area. She thanked him with a hug and kiss.

Considerable time had passed while she was signing papers to set up the accounts with her new financial management firm. Joe decided it would be best if they went back to the house, so they could get ready. She agreed, and they headed back. His mom greeted them in the hallway, shocked that Ashley's hair wasn't done up. Ashley had forgotten that part, and said that since it would be impossible to find a dresser this late, she'd manage on her own. His mom wouldn't have it and told her to start getting ready while she made some calls. Ashley emerged from the bathroom after her second shower of the day to find a young woman sitting on her bed, with a large hard case sitting beside her. Joe's mom appeared in the doorway and explained that sometimes she was hard pressed for time before receptions at the house. She introduced Ashley to Mary, and instructed her to do whatever Ashley wished. Mary asked Ashley to sit at the vanity chair. After getting Ashley's ideas for what she wanted, Mary set about her work.

Two hours later, Joe called to Ashley through her door, asking if she was about ready. Mary responded that Ashley would be ready in about 15 minutes. He looked at his watch and rolled his eyes. "Girls!" he thought to himself. They were supposed to meet the others for dinner in less than a half hour. He waited in the kitchen for her.

His parents were on their way out the door when his mom saw him and stopped abruptly. "Ashley is a lucky girl," she commented. Joe was fully dressed in his newly accented suit.

"Thanks, Mom," he answered. His mom fussed over the suit, especially the tie, and declared him ready to go. He thanked his mom for having Mary pick up a corsage on her way over. She kissed him on the cheek and they left.

He heard Ashley's door open, and he went to the stairs to see her. She took his breath away. The emerald green dress fit her to perfection. Both her body, and her personality. Her hair was arranged beautifully, with a small tiara resting at the front. The green dress contrasted nicely, and made her red hair seem to glow. Her makeup was applied lightly, accenting her most pretty features. Joe was glad it wasn't overdone like many girls do for dances. With her hair up, and the dress low cut, her pendant was prominently displayed at her throat. "Wow," he finally managed as she lightly descended the staircase.

She smiled at him saying, "not bad yourself." He held out the corsage for her, but she simply lifted her hand. He took the cue and slipped the flower arrangement over her wrist. He asked if she was wearing her crown to dinner, worried that she would expect the same of him. Mary cut in and told him the tiara was from her supply. They checked, and the school's crown would fit over it at the appropriate time. He breathed a sigh of relief, to which Ashley and Mary laughed. Mary asked if they still needed her, and Ashley shook her head and hugged her. Mary giggled at that and told her she counted this visit as part of Joe's mom's monthly contract. Then she left.

Ashley opened up her small green handbag and fished for her keys. Joe stopped her, saying he was driving. She looked confused, but Joe told her that he was gonna do what most boys do for the dance -- borrow his dad's car. They locked the house, and he had her wait outside of the garage. She was surprised to see him back out a van. It was a very nice, fully loaded conversion van, but it was still a van. She got in, nevertheless, and Joe pulled out of the driveway. She asked him why the van and not her beautiful sports car. She would have let him drive his own car, after all. He smiled at her and said he found that girls in formal wear were much more comfortable in a large vehicle than being cramped in a fast, small sports car. Ashley pondered this and decided that the Z3 would indeed have been uncomfortable with her dress.

They arrived at the steakhouse and found about half the group standing outside. Jill said the others had texted her, letting her know they were on their way. Two by two the rest of the couples arrived. They guys all looked sharp, and the girls were beautiful. The group entered the restaurant and found themselves being the center of attention. Business casual was the generally accepted dress code, so heads turned to see the group of teens dressed in formals. It was part of the fun of Homecoming for the young people. Soon, they were seated at a group of tables put together for them. The obligatory banter between the males and the mindless excited chatter between the females began, and the group had a fun dinner. The waiter passed out the bills, and when Joe's was picked up, he instructed the waiter to run all the table's tickets on his card. The guys were confused when their cards and money didn't get picked up. Joe announced it was all taken care of. Some of the guys protested, more for the benefit of showing off for the girls, but Joe wouldn't have it. The generosity was finally accepted, and the group drove on to the country club.

Ashley was filled with emotion when they pulled into the driveway for the event. If not for Joe's quick thinking, she would most likely be locked permanently in the dark, cramped space that was her casket. If fate had twisted slightly more, Joe or even both of them would have been in the same lifeless state. Not only had they survived, they had won the moderately coveted Homecoming Royalty election. It seemed fitting, too, that she was not with Bill for this date. She knew that if they were still together, she would start feeling anxious and some dread at this point of the evening. They went to Prom as juniors last year, and she knew from the start of the night that he would expect lots of sexual play later on. Ashley was willing to oblige, but he always seemed to take things further than she was comfortable with. Tonight, she was breathing easy. She knew that Joe truly cared for her, and she felt that he would not push anything physically. She found herself actually looking forward to this dance.

They pulled up to the entrance of the country club, greeted by two valets, one on each side of the van. The valets opened the doors for the pair, Joe collected a ticket from the new driver, and Ashley came around to join her date. As they walked to the doorway, Joe commented on the valet service being a nice touch. Ashley agreed, noting that while she was at her other school, students would snicker about their rivals being pampered too much. "Probably out of jealousy," she concluded. Walking inside, Ashley was taken by how much the place had been decorated, even though she had only seen the lobby so far. "Wow, this doesn't even look like a golf place," she said to Joe. "The events club really goes all out." Joe nodded, mentioning that at their school, even the chess club is serious business. The comment intrigued Ashley. She had known that the school did well at placing students in college, but now she saw the extent of that truth. The clubs weren't just something to pad college applications here. They were guided by expert volunteers to relate to college and life preparation. Even the sports programs taught valuable lessons of focus, goal-setting, and determination to finish, whatever the outcome. If one were to witness their school's team losing handily only half way through the competition, instead of drooping heads or panic, they would see participants actively working their way through the loss, learning what they were doing wrong. That's why it would be very rare to see their school ever get blown out.

Putting Joe's comment and witnessing the amount of work the events club put in together, Ashley suddenly said a silent prayer, thanking God that her parents put her here, even if there was a rift currently between herself and them. Joe asked her if she wanted pictures, pointing to the table with a line. This brought her out of her darkened daydream, and she resolved to herself to enjoy the evening. She nodded, thinking to herself how absurd this ritual was. Everybody knows that after two weeks, no one looks at homecoming dance photos. But it was part of the dance, and she wanted to be a part of all of it. They made their way through the line and Joe filled out the form and handed the attendant what seemed to Ashley to be more 20's than necessary. No change was handed back, either. They joined a second line that disappeared into a doorway. Once out of earshot of the now happy attendant, she whispered to Joe that she didn't have that many friends, unless he wanted her to hand a cheesy picture to everyone at school. Joe grinned at her and told her that Jill, Sally and their dates were a few couples behind them in line. Besides, his mother wanted to hand some of their pictures to coworkers.

"But we're not..." she didn't finish her sentence.

"We're not, what?" Joe asked.

Ashley shook her head to herself. Two thoughts were spinning in her head. They weren't an official couple. And, she hoped that would change soon. A third thought popped up just as she was about to answer; did she just admit that in her head?

"Nevermind, I'm being stupid," she finally replied.

Joe looked at her, but dismissed it as the line allowed them inside the next room. He was expecting a simple, small backdrop set up by whomever the school hired to take the photos. Instead, the couples wound their way along the wall of an equally elaborate room, designed to match the dance's theme. Where the photographer had set up was a very nice grouping of plants and decorations. The display made for a very well done backdrop. The display was large so that it would look pleasant enough for an eight-couple group shot. Set up just before the "stage" was a full length elegantly framed mirror so that the couples could make sure they were presentable for the photo. Joe knew few couples would break their "coolness" to check the mirror, but it was a great idea. They approached the mirror, and Joe glanced at it to make sure nothing blatant was out of place. Ashley spent a few moments checking and primping herself. She seemed to be the first to use the mirror, but took only an appropriate amount of time to do so. Joe was pleased to have a girl on his arm who thought about more than "how long is this going to take," or "how come so-and-so isn't with so-and-so." As they walked to their place in front of the camera, Joe noticed that the girls behind them were checking the mirror. He grinned at Ashley, who noticed the same thing.

"What?" she asked.

He smiled wider and jabbed, "trend setter."

Ashley tossed her head just so, making her hair fall in just the right place. "Lead, follow, or move the hell over, bitch! I say," she retorted, sticking her tongue out at him. At the same instant, she was mortified that the flash went off.

"That's a keeper!" chided the young photographer.

Joe was chuckling as he handed the form to him. "With this package, I think you can give her a nice posed shot?"

The photographer looked down, and saw that the far right package (always the most expensive) had been marked with a "X 3." "Well, I always take two. She was just so cute giving you a hard time, I couldn't help it. It was going to be thrown in, anyway. Any time you're ready."