Angels and Guardians Pt. 04


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Celebrating the victory by chatting happily with the girls, Joe was interrupted by a clap on his shoulder pads. He turned to see four men grinning at him. Each took their turn to introduce themselves as scouts from their respective schools. He was handed their business cards, which he handed to Ashley.

They watched as she tucked them deftly into the waistband of her skirt. "Do you really trust her with those? You'll need them to call us if you have questions about the proposals we're sending."

Joe smiled at them, knowing they were impressed enough to let each other know they were going after him. "I trust her implicitly." They shook their heads, smiling, as they walked off.

He turned to Ashley. "Seriously, I don't have a place to put those. Don't lose them, please." She patted her hip where she tucked the cards. "They'll be safe, sweetie." Then she kissed him before he headed to the locker room to change.

When he disappeared into the doorway, Ashley grabbed the business cards as the girls huddled around. There was one each from Alabama, Florida, Florida State, and Auburn. Ashley's heart skipped a beat; she had just applied to all of those. Jill was excited for the same reason, while Jasmine had already decided on FSU, if they accepted her. When Ashley chirped away about the possibility that they could be at the same school, Jill reminded her that some of the northern school scouts had been at last week's game. Ashley stacked the cards neatly and tucked them next to her hip, this time under the waistband of her panties, which were under her cheer bloomers. She wanted to make sure she didn't lose those cards.

Back at the house it was late, and they were all pretty knocked out. They took turns in the bathroom, showering, and after his, Joe went straight for his bed. Kim was the last to use the shower. Stepping out into Ashley's room, she found her asleep on her bed. Kim crawled in, wanting nothing more than company. In fact, she needed it. All week, she shared a bed with Ashley, and even though neither desired sex tonight, Kim just knew she couldn't go to sleep without being next to her.

Ashley woke the next morning to a hand playing with her through her panties. She opened her eyes, surprised to see Jasmine kneeling between her and Kim's hips. Ashley was more surprised that her body had completely readied itself for sex. Jasmine smiled at her and said very softly, "Hi."

Ashley replied in the same soft tone, "hi! How long have you been there?" The ministrations were sending delicious feelings of warmth throughout her body.

Jasmine didn't stop playing, one hand between each girl's legs. "Less than a half hour. I found you two uncovered, and was too tempted to stop myself. Feeling you both getting your panties damp has got me crazy horny."

The soft conversation had started rousing Kim. "Mmmm, Ashley, that feels nice." She was surprised to hear Ashley's voice next to her, rather than below her.

"Uh, no, not Ashley," Ashley said.

Kim opened her eyes to see Jasmine. "Oh God, how long have you been doing that? I'm soaking wet."

"About twenty minutes."

Ashley gently took Jasmine's hand away. "I'm gonna go to Joe. You two enjoy yourselves." She paused on her way to the door. "Actually, play for a few, then come in. I wanna give our football hero a special treat."

She padded softly through the bathroom to Joe's room. She found him lying face down, uncovered. His arm was under him, and Ashley could tell he was rubbing his morning hardness in his sleep. She stepped over to his bed and with incredible lightness, straddled his back without waking him. Ashley ran her hands up and down his strong back, wincing at noticing some fresh bruises he gained from last night's game. Working his developed muscles got Ashley even more heated, her panties now beyond just damp. She worked her hips slowly, feeling the wet silky material slip back and forth between his lower back and her crotch. Ashley leaned forward to lay on his back, planting one hand under her panties, and using the other to join Joe's hand under them. Joe woke to her soft kisses being planted on the back of his neck, and soon felt the back of her hand working herself against his back. He turned to say good morning, and she lifted herself to allow him to lay on his back under her. She kissed him while she pulled aside her underwear and mounted him without ceremony. Joe enjoyed the wake up call for a few minutes when he noticed the bathroom door open. He started to sit up and said, "Ashley..."

She responded with a "shh," and lightly placed two fingers on his chest. The touch was light, but to Joe it might as well have been a 200 pound gorilla. He now found himself unable to resist Ashley commands, and so immediately fell back at her touch, as she continued to ride him.

She turned to her friends, still riding his shaft up and down. Ashley crooked her finger, and Jasmine and Kim found themselves walking toward the bed. "You can play with yourselves as you watch," she invited. Ashley groaned as she watched them tuck their hands in their underwear, standing right next to them by the bed. After a bit, she decoupled from Joe, taking her panties down her legs as she did so. All eyes were on her as she laid next to Joe, head at his feet. She started to masturbate herself, wondering if she could make the fantasy in her head a reality. Plunging two fingers inside herself, she decided to try. "Kim, you can get on Joe, now." Kim flashed her a look, but Jasmine had gotten her so horny and Joe looked so good, she didn't resist. Ashley reached over to tease Kim's crotch while it hovered into position. She said, "Kim, go ahead and get yourself off, but I want to have Joe's cum for myself." Ashley looked down toward Joe, saying, "Go ahead and enjoy her, but try to wait for me. If you can't help it, I understand, but I really wanna feel you go in me." With that, she guided his shaft to Kim's opening lips and watched as Kim repeatedly sank with heavy sighs.

Ashley was now as hot as the doors to hell. She had successfully willed one of her new best friends and her new boyfriend to screw each other as she watched. Ashley never got to enjoy having a sort of power over others. She spent her life always pleasing someone else. This was her turn to be in charge, and she loved being completely turned on by it. She got up to kneel between Joe's legs behind Kim and wrapped her arms around her friend. She loved the feeling of Kim's body as it worked up and down, seeking release. Ashley turned to Jasmine and pleaded, "make me cum, please." Jasmine complied, reaching between Ashley's legs with one hand, and rubbing her butt with the other. Ashley started losing herself. She licked and sucked on Kim's neck, fondling her breasts, then reaching down to play with her clit. "Go ahead Kim," she whispered in her ear. "Fuck yourself on Joe, enjoy him. Make yourself cum for me." Joe started bucking urgently, and Ashley felt Kim start to tense up. She whispered a few more words of encouragement and felt Kim rock her body with a guttural groan. Ashley felt herself climax on Jasmine's hand, and as she came, she firmly told Joe, "no, baby. Wait for meee."

Kim rolled off him, still shaking from her orgasm, and Ashley quickly took her place. Joe could feel her still quivering inside when she mounted him again. For both, it was a wild sensation to start intercourse while she was still climaxing. Somewhere in the back of her head, Ashley remembered that Jasmine still hadn't found release. She issued a command that Jasmine readily followed, lowering herself on Joe's mouth. She watched as Jasmine's back writhed just in front of her, working herself on Joe's tongue. Ashley had a mini climax, through it she said to Joe, "go ahead." Instantly, she felt him pump his joy into her. To his credit, he never slowed down his efforts to bring Jasmine off. In fact, Ashley felt him buck and spurt into her off and on until Jasmine locked up and bore herself down onto Joe's mouth.

Jasmine rolled off next to Kim, and Ashley laid forward, putting her head on Joe's chest. "Oh my God, guys...thank you so much," Ashley gushed at them. "Please, I hope I didn't embarrass any of you...I've just never gotten to call the shots. And you each did as I was amazing."

"Just don't let it get to your head," chided Jasmine, who had embraced Kim lying next to her.

Ashley gave Joe a squeeze with her inner muscles. She was surprised that he hadn't softened much. She started rocking on him when she answered, "No, don't worry about my ego. I don't want this every day, sorry to say, Joe. But this morning, it was perfect."

Kim saw Ashley getting excited again by the way she was rocking against Joe. She fondled Jasmine's breast absently as the two spooned, Jasmine in front, watching their favorite couple start to bounce and grind against each other again in earnest. Kim figured since Ashley was talking to them all as she resumed her sex activity, she would talk as well. "Joe, do you feel weird about having sex with me just now?" Might as well get it out there and over with now.

Ashley was curious about the answer he'd give. She picked her head up off his chest and looked him in the eyes, still milking him with her silky walls.

Joe spoke for the first time that morning. "At first, I did. But then Ashley was so strong in dictating what she wanted, I figured, 'what Ash wants this morning, she gets.' It was awesome, Kim, being with you again, but I felt much better once Ash started holding you on me. Damn, that was a hot sight! It almost made me....oh damn, Ash...Keep up what you're doing, and I'll cum too early for sure."

She was releasing him on her down stroke, and gripping on the up strokes. Ashley smiled, happy she could break his train of thought. Then she looked over at her friends. "Enjoying the show?" They nodded, playing with each other without thought or hurry. "You sure? I don't want y'all to feel weird about me...or Joe." Both nodded again. She looked down at Joe and gave him a big grin. "Take me, as hard as you want this time." With that, she moved to the side of him, getting on all fours. She was perpendicular and close enough to Kim and Jasmine that their arms could touch hers without reaching. Joe asked if she was sure. When she nodded back to him, he did as asked and impaled her roughly. But then, he slowed up, gently thrusting in and out. She looked back at him behind her and said, "I do love that you're gentle with me, Joe. But this isn't for me, it's for you. I want you to lose yourself and use me for your pleasure." He gave her a couple of quick strokes, but held back, not sure if Ashley really wanted that. She quipped in frustration, "Please, go ahead and use me to make yourself cum hard." She looked back ahead, and found herself staring into Jasmine's naval. As Joe picked up the pace, she dropped her head onto Jasmine's soft side just above her hip, using it as a pillow. Joe finally got into it as she asked him to do and was now thrusting hard and deep inside her. Ashley opened her mouth and grunted into Jasmine's flesh. Kim reached up and tangled her fingers in Ashley's hair, stroking her scalp. The comforting gesture drove Ashley even more wild. She licked and sucked at Jasmine's tummy, grunting obscenities in between. At one point, she came hard, issuing a muffled scream into her friend's side. Joe kept ramming into her, in tune only with the extreme pleasure her velvet envelope was providing. After several minutes, Kim saw from experience that Joe was about there. She lifted Ashley's head by her hair from the Jasmine Pillow, and kissed her hard, driving her tongue inside her mouth. This set Joe off and he started pumping streams of his climax into her. Ashley's fireworks followed immediately after. As she came, she groaned, grunted, and screamed into Kim's willing mouth. After both stopped pulsing, Ashley and Joe collapsed on the bed.

After recovering and dressing, Jasmine went into Joe's parents' room next to fish out their clothes from the hamper. Early in her days, she would knock before going in, but they convinced her to just go about her job, and they trusted she was mature enough that she could enter unannounced and not worry what state they might be in. She expected that if they were doing something they didn't want her to see, they'd lock the door. Sometimes it would be locked, but she lost count of the times she walked right in while they were making love. By now, she was comfortable with it enough that she would go in, do what she needed to, and leave without a second thought. Some mornings, if they were really active, she'd give them a cheerful "good morning" to which they'd return the greeting, not missing a stroke. This was one of those mornings. She opened the door unceremoniously and found Mrs. Smith on top of Joe's dad. She said good morning as she closed the door and went about her chores in the room. They both returned the good morning, but today Mrs. Smith added breathlessly, "How'd the game go last night?"

Jasmine didn't stare, but turned and watched them make love as she answered, "not great at first. But then Joe played defense in the second half, getting an interception in the third quarter for a touchdown. It turned the game around, and we won by 14."

His mom ground herself against Mr. Smith for a minute, enjoying her husband's hardness inside her. She was sure Jasmine's attention on them was merely her polite way of engaging in conversation, but it excited her that she was watching their intimate time together. She wanted Jasmine to watch a bit longer, so she asked, "did you notice any scouts there?"

Jasmine moved the pile of clothes to the door, trying not to appear as if she were gawking. She returned to the side of the bed and answered, "yes, I saw a group of them in the stands. Actually, four of them came down to meet Joe together. Ashley put their cards on the 'fridge, if you want to see them."

Joe's mom was getting close. Knowing the small, toned young lady was standing near their bed, watching, was setting her off. She planned to let Jasmine see them climax. "Any scouts for you guys?" she asked between pants.

"Maybe. I think I saw a couple of ladies dressed in business suits. They didn't seem to be watching the game. Ashley and I did some aerials last night, just in case." Jasmine had always been amazed that after 20 years of marriage, Joe's parents still went at it, and were open enough that they didn't stop if she walked in on them. But those times were different. If there was conversation, it was hello, how are you, fine, thank you. Today, Mrs. Smith seemed to keep engaging Jasmine..."was she getting off on me watching?" she thought.

The elder female closed her eyes, focusing on her release. Distracted by what was going on under her, she said haltingly, "I'm sure you two did fine." She sensed Jasmine take a step away to resume her duties about the house. Mrs. Smith snatched the girl's arm gently. "Wait...please stay a second....mmmph...that is if you don't mind...ugh...seeing..."

So, there it was...she WAS getting off on her watching. Jasmine did a sing-song in her head, "Joe's mom's a dirty girl." She brushed the taunt aside and took the hand on her arm and brought it to her face. She used the back of Mrs. Smith's hand to caress her own cheek, and for some reason acted on the impulse to draw two fingers into her mouth.

The wet, silky warmth of Jasmine's mouth set her off and she convulsed wildly on top of her husband. Shuddering violently, she gasped "oh my God, oh my God" over and over as she felt his seed squirt into her. Mrs. Smith felt Jasmine suck on her fingers now, encouraging her to prolong her orgasm. The pattern of the suction seemed to be in perfect step to the waves of her climax. Jasmine's mouth drew her sexual tension slowly out of her body. Joe's dad had finished his release long before Mrs. Smith's orgasm stopped rocking her body. Her spasms dwindled down and the cheerleader released her from her mouth.

Jasmine held her hand, letting her down gently to lie on the mattress. She received a certain look from the pair and understood. She nodded, as if to say don't worry. Out loud, she said, "I have breakfast ready downstairs whenever you want some." With that, she grabbed the clothes and closed the door behind her.

Mrs. Smith looked at her husband and said, "hiring her was the best thing we did." He nodded and cuddled with his wife.

Joe's parents later joined Joe, Kim, and Ashley for breakfast. The conversation lead into the game last night, as his mom reviewed the business cards that Ashley had neatly arranged on the refrigerator message board. Joe's dad grabbed the morning paper, and showed everyone the front page. In bold letters, the headline read, "JOE TRUMPS GOLIATH." The sub title under it said, "Multi-talented QB leads Catholic to knock off bigger Northwood, 28-14." A large picture capturing Joe's interception splayed across the page. The article read like an epic tale, describing how Northwood was ranked 7th in the state for their class, and undefeated by wide margins...all against the largest schools in the state. It also described how Catholic has had some success the last two years, but being in a much lower small school division, didn't get as much attention. The game unfolded in the story, with Catholic either being down by 7 or tied most of the game. It was related how Joe became the hero by playing defense in the second half and intercepting the ball to tie the score for the last time at 14-14. With his help, the defense shut down mighty Northwood in the fourth quarter, and Joe lobbed two more scoring passes. In a sub-set article that accompanied this main one was a picture of Ashley giving Joe the light kiss during senior night. The caption read, "Infamous accident survivors stand in for each others' parents on Senior Night." That article reminded readers of the two's involvement in the highly publicized near-fatal accident in early fall. Then recounted briefly the flap centered around them at the now-defunct TV station. And, it sweetly described how each had filled the parental absences for each other without prior rehearsal, and that the two were now involved romantically. "I guess that makes you two officially official," Joe's mom declared after reading the articles. "It's public record now."

"Yeah, so don't either of you screw it up," quipped Jasmine.

After breakfast, Ashley and Kim cleaned the bathrooms, Joe vacuumed upstairs, and Jasmine vacuumed downstairs and finished the laundry. The whole group settled in the den for the afternoon to watch some college games. Ashley was curled up next to Joe, her feet tucked neatly under her, when her phone rang and she accepted the call from Jill. Joe called out to the amusement of everyone, "Holy crap! Ashley's actually going to t-t-talk on her phone?!"

She slung a good-tempered "shut up!" at him.

"What was that about?" asked Jill through the phone.

"Joe's being a butthead. He teases me that I only text on this phone."

"Ha ha! You do like that keyboard, girl," Jill poked. "Anyway, to get there by 5, we have to leave by 4, okay? Oh, and I have an idea on what to wear."

The two girls plotted the demise of boys everywhere, or so it seemed to Joe, listening only to Ashley's side of the conversation. Ashley hung up the phone, finally, saying, "Jill said we should be ready by 4." Then she leaned over to Jasmine sitting next to her, cupping her hand between her mouth and Jasmine's ear. Jasmine would giggle, then reciprocate, to add her two cents.

Kim sighed heavily and folded her arms on her chest.

Ashley looked over and said, "sorry. Jasmine?" Jasmine took the cue and leaned to Kim on her other side and repeated the conversation.

Kim looked at them both, "oh, y'all are BAD." But then she grinned, "let's get ready then!" The girls scampered up to Ashley's room.
