Angels and Guardians Pt. 04


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"Yeah, I do," Jill replied. "I'm thirsty!"

Jasmine shook her head lightheartedly. "You ain't staying with me tonight! You'll keep me up, either by bouncing off the ceiling, or flushing the toilet every five minutes!"

"Oh, you hush! Don't worry, I'm going home after dropping y'all off." Jill got up and raced for the restroom. Jasmine gazed after her with a scolding look. Joe patted Jasmine's hand and explained that Jill was teasing her. She had given their little group two sodas each, and had the waitress pick up the rest. Then, Jasmine noticed the two full glasses in front of her. "Well, if I don't want to dig a hole and crawl to China! I'll find a way to get Jill back."

Jill returned a few minutes later in time for Ashley to be called to the stage. Ashley walked up amid a rousing applause. She thanked the crowd and readied herself. Def Leppard's "Photograph" played, to which Ashley sang masterfully. She danced on the stage, and worked the whole crowd, prancing through them at different points of the song. It ended with her back on stage, and the room filling with cheers. She bowed, and went back to hug Joe. She released her embrace and told him, "sorry."

"Sorry? What for?" Just then, Joe's name was announced.

"That," she said as she headed to the radio table.

He walked up to the stage, glanced at what she picked out for him, and nodded toward her. Joe picked up the microphone, intentionally placed it way too close to his mouth and started scratching out a horribly out of tune, "You are my sunshine, my only sunshine!" Ashley glared at him from across the room. "Oh, I wasn't supposed to start yet?" he asked into the mike. She shook her head as the crowd laughed. He was smiling as he nodded to the girl running the music, then turned serious. He sang "Unchained Melody" to a tee. Joe hit every high note with precision, and his smooth voice carried the emotion he put into it, his eyes never leaving Ashley's. He received a standing ovation when he finished. He bowed, blew Ashley a kiss, and returned to his seat.

Rob's speakers came back to life with his introduction. He then turned to Ashley and said, "Sitting with me now is Ashley Roberts, who seems quite proud at the moment. Who did we just hear, Ashley?"

In her best baby voice she answered, "That's my Joe."

"'My Joe.' So it sounds like your non-single status hasn't changed yet."

She smiled and used the same baby voice, "No, it hasn't."

Rob played the canned groan again. "He has quite a voice, doesn't he?"

Ashley returned to her normal voice. "He does, that's how I knew he could sing that song."

"Wait, back up a second. You picked out that song."


"He walked up not knowing what he was going to sing?"

"He didn't know I signed him up. But I know what he can do, and he didn't disappoint me."

The room filled with applause.

"So, he had no idea he was singing, or what he was singing, yet he performed a difficult piece perfectly. Amazing. What else can he do? Uh, in music, that is."

Ashley grinned. "He plays piano, violin, and guitar beautifully."

"Joe sounds like quite a catch."

"Oh, he is."

"How did you two meet?"

"He caught me in a cheerleading accident."

"He's a cheerleader, too?" Rob knew he wasn't, but wanted to draw out the story.

"No, silly! He's the quarterback at our school."

"So, how did he catch you?"

"They were practicing a play somewhat near us when Allison's leg buckled right as they tossed me. I was falling head-first towards the ground when Joe caught my head and shoulders. He saved me."

"So...Ashley Roberts.... You've been in the news recently, haven't you?"

"Yes, I suppose so. I was involved in a bad wreck."

"What happened?"

"A semi driver passed away at the wheel and was coming head-on toward me. Joe somehow sandwiched his car between me and the truck." Where the heck is he heading with this, Ashley thought. If he was trying to get her to cry, he was about to succeed. Why would he want that on-air? What kind of sick joke was this?

"Were you hurt?"

"Yes, I was. My face was bruised, and I had some internal bleeding from the seatbelt. But not anywhere near as hurt as Joe. He was in a coma for two horrible weeks."

"Well, after hearing you perform tonight, I think we have to thank Joe for saving your life, twice!" The crowd responded by giving him a second ovation. Ashley stood to join them. She sat back down, fighting back tears. Rob continued, "I know you're emotional right now, Ashley, but can you introduce the next song for us?"

She was starting to get pissed. He didn't treat the other girls this way when they were up here, she thought. But, she was determined to finish with dignity. She took the card he handed her, a smirk on his face. "Yes, I can do that, Rob," she sniffed. Once composed, she started her part. "Amateur night's final entry is....oh crap!" She glared at rob and her brown eyes got suddenly dark. "How'd you get this? It was never recorded."

Rob answered, "actually it was, on TV. But, a decent recording for radio couldn't be made from that. I understand that a sound engineer for your Homecoming band recorded this copy from your dance last night and brought it to us. I hope you don't mind that I sprung it on you."

"Well, to be honest, I kinda do, but it's here now, so...very well." Ashley didn't need the cue card any more. "The final entry for this month's amateur night is 'Ashley's Song' performed by Ashley Roberts, accompanied by Joe Smith and local band, Glowing Newts."

The song played, and Ashley just sat there in shock. When the station bounced the signal back to Rob, he said, "before I go on, I need to tell you something. This song was the most requested in our area since it was on TV last week. How does that make you feel?"

"I really don't know. Happy that people like it I guess?"

"Well, now that you've heard the song, what did you think of it?"

"I don't like grading my own stuff, and I think it's too silly and ridiculous to win."

"Does the crowd agree?"

A resounding "NO!" answered.

"Then what did you think of the song?"

A fabulous cheer replied.

Rob went on with his job, telling listeners to call in their votes, and that the winner would be announced at the top of the hour. He put down his headset and faced Ashley. "I'm sorry to have sprung that on you. When you walked in, it was just too good of a story to not to."

"Well, you should be sorry. That's a terrible memory to bring up" she said. "And, I'm just embarrassed to hear myself."

"Well, what I've heard and seen tonight, you have no reason to be embarrassed."

The evening was winding down, and those leaving filed past Ashley, offering their praise. She accepted it all in good humor, but when Joe got to her, the rehashing of a terrible event and being ambushed, although in a good way, took its toll and she broke down. He enveloped her in his arms, and she allowed herself to fall apart in a string of heavy sobs. He bent over and kissed the top of her head. "Great job, baby," he said quietly. She looked up at him, her eyes speaking volumes. Joe looked in her eyes. "You don't have to say anything. I know. I love you, too."

Ashley hugged him tight once more, then released him to see Jasmine and Jill. They huddled around her, giving their support and praise. Rob went up to the three girls, holding his cell phone. He tapped Jill on the shoulder, saying someone wanted to speak with them.

Jasmine took the phone. "Hello?"

"Hello! This is Jasmine, yes?" asked a male voice.

She laughed, "No, you're not. I'm Jasmine, who is this?"

"Nice one!" the voice laughed. "I'm Brett Stoker, station manager for K-ROK."

"Hello, Brett. What can I do for you?" She listened for a bit, then asked him to hang on for a second. She placed her hand over the mouthpiece and said to the others, "It's the station manager, he wants to know if we'll help with the remote next Saturday night at The Shack. He said they'll pay us $150 each to do it." She got a consensus and relayed to Brett that, yes, they would be there. She asked what they needed to do. He told her to just be on time and be themselves. She told him goodbye and handed the phone back to Rob. She squealed, "this is so cool!"

A few more people came up to Ashley and told her how much they enjoyed her performances. Jasmine and Jill passed the time by returning flirts with the guys who came up to them. The group then chatted happily about the girls' job offer while some singers were still trying their best to outdo Ashley at Karaoke.

Rob's voice came over his speakers again. "Welcome back! We've had a great time here at Seymore's..." And then he rattled off some of their specials, encouraging listeners to patronize the restaurant, and generally giving the sales pitch he was being paid for. "Now, down to what we've been waiting for. Jim, I understand we had a large number of calls for this event?"

Jim, the sound engineer in the studio said over the radio, "Yes, Rob. We had over 700 votes in this one!"

Rob, using the airwaves as a two-way radio, asked, "So, who's our amateur night winner?"

Jim's voice came over the speakers, "The runner up was Mary Heartsfield, singing "Butterfly Kisses." He waited for the applause at the remote. Then, "our winner tonight is Ashley Roberts, singing 'Ashley's Song'!"

The place erupted once more, and Joe, Jill, and Jasmine gave Ashley a group hug. Rob thanked Jim, and signed off. He waved Ashley over, congratulated her, and handed her a pre-paid credit card. "We normally call who wins and mail them the card, but since you're here...congratulations again!" She thanked him profusely, and was swarmed by those who remained at the restaurant.

Jill went up to Rob and said, "well, I suppose we'll see each other next week, then."

He answered, "unless we make it earlier than that?"

She smiled sweetly. "Hmm, persistence. Now that DOES interest me a little."


Jill rolled her eyes. "Alright, I guess you've earned the privilege of buying me dinner. But, I get to call the shots after. Where to go, or when to cut the night short. Okay?"

"Deal," he grinned, and they worked out the details of when and where they should meet. Jasmine and Ashley joined Jill to say goodbye to Rob. "Ladies," he said. "It was my pleasure to have you on tonight. You brought out my best while on air. Next week will be lots of fun." They thanked him for the compliments, and then headed back home in Jill's SUV.

Chapter 15

The Other Homecoming

The next day at school was a whirlwind for Ashley, Jill, Jasmine, and Joe. Everybody came up to them, complimenting their bits on the radio. The teachers were enamored with Joe, asking him before class questions like where he learned to sing like that, why he didn't sing more at the school, etc. The drama teacher actually sought him out, asking him at lunch if he, Ashley, and Jill would sing the national anthem as a trio before the next game. He said he would ask the coach if there were a way to work it out. He did have to participate in warm-ups, after all.

Before last period, which was study hall for both him and Ashley, Joe powered up his cell phone to check for any messages from his parents, who left town this morning. The school required phones to be off during class. An infraction would cost the student $300-600 as the device would be taken away permanently. Almost instantly it beeped. He rolled his eyes, knowing that it was a text message. He never received texts, as most who knew him also knew he would rather talk. He hit ok, and saw the message "boo" before seeing the number. His slight confusion slowed his stride slightly, and a small female body pounced on his back. By her weight and wonderful smell, he knew instantly who it was.

"Kim!" he exclaimed, reaching behind him to hold her up as he did many times in the past. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm being carried by my hero," she said as she wrapped her legs around to the front of his stomach.

Joe continued walking toward his locker without missing a step. Some of the underclassmen giggled and pointed at the pair. The seniors walked past, as it had been a familiar sight for Joe to carry Kim to class in this manner from time to time. Then they did double takes when they realized who it was. Kim waved at some and nodded at others.

Joe found his words and asked, "no, I meant in town, what are you doing here in town?" He let her slide off his back upon reaching his locker.

"It's fall break for us, so my parents let me fly back for a few days. Your previous arrangements for me still work, I was happy to find out."

He looked puzzled.

"I called Gary, my favorite driver of yours, from the plane, and he brought me here."

Joe shook his head, still trying to catch up. "Well, you know, I promised to take care of you, no matter our relationship status. Or the period of time that elapses before hearing from each other again."

"Ouch!" She taunted, "and he comes out swinging." Then she looked apologetically at him. "I'm sorry I haven't called. I was hurt that we had to move so suddenly. Just when things were getting..."

She got interrupted by the squeals of four cheerleaders shouting her name. She ran over and hugged Jill, Sally, Allison, and Marybeth. They turned into one big jumping bean.

Joe smiled and looked around as he knew Ashley would be coming through this way for study hall. However, she wasn't to be seen. So, he went over to the group of Angels, reuniting with their former teammate and friend. The four quickly apologized that they had to go, and hurried off to class. Joe wasn't as rushed, because it was only study hall.

Kim glowed as she turned to Joe and gave him a light kiss, which he returned. "I missed you," she said.

"I missed you too....for quite a long while."

"Joe, I'm sorry. I felt weird after our goodbye. It felt as though you completely released me, discarded me, even. I just didn't know how to resume our friendship after that. Besides," she smirked. "You could have called me, too."

"Yeah, well, about that. I've been sorta busy trying to catch up after recovering."

"Recovering? From what? Did you get hurt playing?"

They resumed walking toward his study hall. "No. That's right, you left before..." he trailed off.

"Before what? Are you ok?" Kim asked, and Joe cocked his head nervously. "Oh shit. Something is wrong. You're hardly ever nervous, but you sure are now! What's up?"

"What do you mean nervous?"

"That head flick thing you just did. I could always tell which games you hated to play, because you would do that all day before the game. Now, what happened?"

"Well, I'm ok now. But there was an accident and I was in a coma for two weeks."

Kim covered her mouth with her hand. "Oh God. I didn't know. Are you...well, of course you're ok. You're standing here. So...what...that's not what's making you twitchy. What are you trying not to tell me?"

Joe stopped to face Kim. "I could have avoided it. Instead, I intentionally put myself in the middle to give Ashley a chance at living."

Kim looked concerned, proud, and puzzled all rolled into one. "So, you lived up to my nickname for you, a hero! Nothing wrong with that..."

Joe looked at her, then closed his eyes. "Kim, I don't want to say it out loud. You're smart, you can piece that together."

She had already started. "Ashley...oh, the only senior cheerleader not an Angel. You're worried about me finding out something..."

He saw it in her eyes, and he resumed walking, leaving her standing there. "I'm sorry. I gotta go to class. I'm sure the office would be happy to see you. I'll see ya in a bit," he called to her.

Kim muttered to herself, "'I'm sorry. I gotta go to class.' Oh, that's two different thoughts. He's not sorry he had to leave. He's sorry about what I figured out. And, he had to get to class." After pondering for a bit, she thought to herself, "meh, what the hell. I'm still happy for him." She turned and headed to see Sister Kate.

Joe entered the library, and saw Ashley brooding in a corner. He started walking towards her when the dean, who watched over this study hall, stopped him. "Joe, you're late! But, you're excused. It's not every day you see a lost loved one come back."

Joe's mind cowered. "Ashley heard that. Thanks a lot," he thought. He nodded at the dean and joined Ashley. "Hi," he said.

"So, what...she came back to sweep you off your feet? You sure swept her off hers," she jabbed pointedly.

"Ashley, what do you mean...?" he began.

She wouldn't have it. "I saw you carrying her through the's not fair. It's just not." She sighed, then sobbed, unable to keep the emotion back.

Joe closed his eyes and dropped his head, knowing how that must have looked. "Ash, that's not what's going on. We used to do that a lot last year. That's how she let me know she was here. Kim just wanted to surprise me."

Ashley's shoulders were heaving, and a tear rolled down her cheek. She made no effort to catch it. "It's just that things were really starting to fall in place, and now she just waltzes in to fuck up my universe."

"Ash, I'm with you." He touched her arm, which she jerked away.

"Don't touch me," she hissed, making Joe recoil. She looked at him, and a second tear fell from the other side. "You kissed her!"

"You saw that, too?" He put his head in his hands, lost as to what to do. "You followed me? Us?"

Ashley's face went red in rage. Joe feared she was about to start yelling. However, she answered quietly, but it was shaking. "No. I saw you reach around to carry her, so I just came straight here instead of my locker. How dare you accuse me? I'm not some vindictive bitch who stalks and snoops. I didn't have to see you kiss her. You're wearing her lipstick."

She was crying freely now. To Joe, her tears seemed to be stars collapsing from the sky, threatening to end the world. "She knows about you and I..." he offered.

"Oh really? And I suppose you told her just before the kiss?"

"Hardy har, Ash. I didn't tell her, specifically...I gave her enough pieces to figure it out. After she kissed me hello."

"What's with calling me Ash? You don't get to call me pet names, right now! So you didn't tell her straight out. Why not?"

"Cause I didn't want to hurt..." he cut himself off, knowing that shouldn't have been said.

Ashley set her jaw. "You didn't want to hurt her..." She started slamming her books into her bag. "That's just great, just fucking great. I suppose you were hoping to string both of us along?" She stood up to walk past him. She whispered in a hiss, "I guess the promise of me and two other girls in your bed just wasn't enough?! Don't follow me Joe!" With that, she stormed off to the second level, seeking the privacy of a study booth.

Joe was lost. He had no idea what to do next, so for the first time ever, he sent a text message. It went to Kim.

Kim had found Sister Kate in her office. She hesitantly popped her head in, not wanting to interrupt her. "Hi Sister K," she said.

"Kim!" the nun flew around her desk to hug her. "How are you doing?"

Kim was surprised by the hug, coming from a woman she respected greatly as an authority figure. "Things are well. I made some friends, but I really miss the ones I have here."

"And they have missed you, I'm sure. How's school?"

"Big. There's 1500 seniors. Figuring out where my classes were, both physically and academically was a challenge, but I'm managing."

"As I knew you would. So, what brings you here?"

"Joe's in study hall, so I'm killing time and thought I'd see you."

"I'm glad you did. What are you doing in town?"

"Oh, Fall break is this week for us. So, anything new here?"

"Actually, we've had a bit of excitement considering Joe lately."

Kim raised her eyebrows at this. "Yeah, Joe started telling me about some accident he was in. But not much in details."
