Anna's Next Husband


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"Don't be shy," Mariko said. "Look all you want but don't touch! I hope we turn you on. That's one reason we're here. Your bride will want you out of your mind for the wedding. But now let's get you cleaned up."

They led him to the shower stall, turned on the water and let him adjust the heat to his liking. There was no door on the stall. He stepped in. They reached in and began to bathe him, soaping him down, rubbing him with soft sponges, not neglecting to stroke his jutting shaft and knead his aching balls a bit but it was clear he had to keep his hands off them. Sonya shaved him right there in the shower. When finished they dried him off tenderly with soft towels. Then each of them put a hand between her legs and fondled herself deeply. They withdrew their hands from their crotches and one after the other smeared their wetness over his lips and nose. The scent of Woman flooded his nostrils as he drew in breath. His ache worsened all the more.

"We'll be back with lunch for you later," said Sonya. "Breathe deep!" Both women giggled again and left the room.Then he waited in silence for hours. But, as promised, they returned with lunch, teased him along some more, renewed their scent and left him alone again. Some time later Claudia came. She wore her robe when she entered but shed it and tossed it on one of the chairs, then settled into the other. She had Paul kneel at her feet letting him gaze at her nudity and began his indoctrination into his duties as a husband and in the tenets of the faith.

"The Mother created Woman first Paul and only later man, ultimately meant to serve her. But then, in her wisdom, she chose to place a burden and challenge upon her Daughters to make themselves worthy of the Paradise beyond the grave. She infected many of man with lust and the will to dominate Woman and unleashed them upon the world. It is our sacred duty to engage in the ongoing struggle to put the world right. To this end the Mother has given us cunning and guile and the ability to incite the lust of man. That lust is his greatest weakness. It will cause him to abandon all reason and caution. This will lead to our final and lasting triumph. But the road will be long and hard and that is as it should be."

"The Mother has hidden gifts among men for her Daughters to find. These gifts are men like you Paul, men who are as all men will be when the great transformation is complete. They are meant to give joy and delight in the midst of our struggle. The pleasures they give us urges us on to greater efforts, giving us strength and a vision of the world as it will be on that holy Day far in the future."

"Anna, myself and all the Sisters you will come to know spend our every day at the holy labor of increasing the power and wealth of the Sisterhood and, most importantly recruiting and converting new Sisters. The work is hard and we spare no effort. Our homes are refuges of comfort and pleasure with adoring husbands waiting for us there to ease our stress through the divine Pleasure the Mother has given us as our birthright. Submit, obey and give pleasure Paul. That is your sacred duty. But you will also have your reward. Is your future bride Anna not a Goddess in her own right? You will share her bed and the deepest of intimacies with her body and come to know the Pleasure you will first experience when she deflowers you on your wedding day. Anna will share you generously with her Sisters who will in turn share their husbands with her. Anna is a rare beauty but you will find every Sister to be like onto Anna in her own way. And you are both free and expected to love and worship each of them in that time you spend together."

"Finally, I know you have experienced some pain and confusion in your short life. The cure for this is simple. Accept your status as a being inferior to Woman and surrender yourself. You will know serenity. Submit, obey and give pleasure Paul. Those are the words that rule your life."

She too put scent on him, then left and some time later Sonya and Mariko returned with what he presumed was the evening meal.

That became the routine as the time passed. He was treated kindly, pampered like a prince in fact. The only cruelty was the women's relentless display of their nudity and occasional fondling and last but worst the scent they always renewed upon each visit. His ache worsened steadily. He was also made to exercise, vigorous calisthenics, meant to tire him so he could sleep and also to keep him firm and fit so he looked his best for the wedding. Time lost all meaning. He soon lost track of how many days might have passed. He only knew it seemed like eternity.

Claudia was draped over her rimming horse the Monday morning before the wedding savoring every loving stroke of Charles's tongue upon her anus when her phone rang. On the screen she saw the face of Tasha, a young black Sister, new to the flock, married but three months to her first husband William. She was an exquisite specimen of womanhood, tall with skin the color of rich dark chocolate, voluptuous, full of figure but the with the rippling muscles of a panther beneath those feminine curves. She wore her hair in long corn rows. In her working life she was a lawyer with a sharpness of mind that more than matched her fine body. She handled cases pitting Woman against man and rarely lost. But her face showed strain and frustration this early morn. With a few touches to her phone Claudia had the image switched to the big screen TV on the wall in front of her. Tasha stood with her blonde handsome young husband kneeling beside her. Both were naked. Behind them was her rimming horse.

"Child! What's troubling you?"

"It's his rimming Reverend Sister! He can't seem to do it right. He's fine on my pussy, wonderful really, and he worships my cock as a good husband should but you know how important rimming is. The worst of it is my social life is suffering. If he can't do it right for me he can't do it right for my friends either. Nobody invited me to swap this week! I know it's because of that. Service just isn't complete or satisfying without it as you surely know. I'm desperate! Help me please!"

"Calm down my child. This is what I'm here for. We'll get to the bottom of to speak!"

Tasha giggled and relief showed on her face. Claudia got things going without further ado.

"William! Stick out your tongue! Hmmm, very nice looking tongue Tasha, even a bit longer than most. The problem must lie in technique."

"Now Tasha, get on your horse and William, take your position!"

Tasha mounted and William knelt behind her, placing his face close to her sumptuous behind.

"Begin William!" Claudia barked and William puckered his lips and extended his tongue, then pressed his face deep between her cheeks.

"Wait! Stop right there! Why does he pucker that way? His lips will get in the way of his tongue and he'll never get any penetration. William! Don't pucker like that. Open your mouth a bit instead and encircle her hole with your lips and then push your tongue in as deep as you can. Now try it!"

William complied, his face burrowing even deeper between his wife's swelling chocolate mounts. After just a minute or two Tasha let out a cry of delight.

"Yes! That's it! Oh, it's wonderful! Harder William! Deeper! Oh Goddess! Don't stop!"

William worked hard at it but soon his tongue tired and he paused bringing a curse and several frustrated fore and backhand slaps across the face from his wife.

"Temper, temper my child!" Claudia cautioned. Every husband needed a slap or perhaps a whipping once in awhile but it was considered bad form to be too harsh or show loss of control.

"Yes Reverend Sister. I'm sorry. I guess it's really my fault for not knowing how to train him. My friends' husbands just seemed to know how and I expected it of William too. I just never realized what he was doing wrong."

"Well we've got the technique part cleared up but that tongue fatigue is the bigger problem. It does have a simple solution though, long and rigorous practice! You set aside two hours every day to have his face in your crack and his tongue up your asshole and you work him hard. Have have a whip in hand and don't spare it. I don't believe in purposeless cruelty but sometimes the whip is warranted. You keep this up for two solid weeks. Then we'll do a swap and I know he'll do you proud for me. I'll go on the network and personally vouch for his rimming to the whole congregation and we'll have your social life back on track in no time."

"Thank you Reverend Sister, so much! William, fetch my riding crop and get back here! We're starting this minute! Thank you again Reverend Sister!"

"You're more than welcome my fine young Sister. And this is why I'm here. Call me any time!"

Claudia hung up and gave a sigh. Ah! The burdens and rewards of her holy office! The temple had flourished because of her missionary zeal. Some of the strongest women in the community had adopted the faith, leaders in politics and business whose influence would surely do much to hasten the coming of The Day.

Anna was a prime example, a genius at finance who ran a hedge fund that had brought her fabulous wealth that she shared generously to spread the faith. She showed herself to the world as a cold and sexless woman, nicknamed "the Queen of Siberia" behind her back by the men with whom she competed. During her work day she dressed to de-emphasize her sexuality, wearing fake glasses, severe hairdos, drab gray business attire, flattening her full breasts with special bras. Little did men know how quickly those clothes would fly off when she came home to her loving slave at day's end and what lustful passion would be unleashed.

The temple was known as a "women's club" and due to the prestige of its members no one asked any questions. There was a code of silence that put the omerta of the mob to shame.

And there were covert actions taken against certain men, "pig-males" they were labeled, who's behavior toward women was especially repugnant. According to the Book there were three categories of men, surrendered males who became husbands, the mass of other men who in the Mother's benevolence toward all were considered to be merely ignorant and amenable to redemption and enlightenment and finally the pig-males. These last were unregenerate swine who had to be combated and punished without mercy. When the actions of a pig-male exceeded all toleration he would be abducted by a simple subterfuge. A young beauty would seek him out perhaps in a bar or other public place, entice him, slip him a date rape drug and he would be "disappeared." Sonya and Mariko were expert at this. The lust of the male was their infallible ally. Sometimes the pig-males death was faked convincingly and sometimes it was made to appear as if he had stolen money and fled to parts unknown with a young woman. The arm of the Sisterhood was long. Certain arrangements could always be made.

In fact the real destination of these pig-males was a dungeon every temple had in its basement. Claudia's dungeon was full at the time, a dozen pig-males condemned to lives of punitive enslavement. They were used for special pleasures. Perhaps a Sister might have a bad day and needed to take out her anger and frustration. She might be inclined to wanton cruelty on her husband. To spare him she could go to the temple instead and rent a pig-male to abuse and degrade at will. The proceeds of the rental went to help propagate the faith. With the dungeon being full it would be necessary to make space should another pig-male need to be brought in. The pig-male of longest tenure in the dungeon would then be castrated none too kindly and later sold into a life of hard labor under the whip on one of the numerous farms owned by the Sisterhood. And Anna, generous soul, had rented all the pig-males for the party that would follow her Rite of Parting the Thursday night before the wedding.

Claudia's phone rang again. It was Anna.

"Another early morning call Anna dear? I hope it's not some crisis."

"No Claudia, just two things. I invited Jane but she'll be flying in late Friday. Could you put her up for the night? And the second thing is something of an afterthought but it will make my wedding complete. There's a certain pig-male I want brought in. He's young but a world class swine in the making, a serial date rapist among other endearing qualities. And I have a personal beef with him. He was an accomplice in the breaking of my sweet Paul's heart. I would never have met Paul if he hadn't done his despicable deed so in kind of a backwards way I'm in his debt. But I think his career should be nipped in the bud, as you might say, and I want to do it myself. It could be the highlight of my after-party Thursday night. And there will be a generous donation in return."

Claudia agreed. How could she refuse Anna, not only her best friend but a pillar of the Faith who shared her wealth liberally to propagate it? After bidding Anna goodbye she summoned Sonya and Mariko and the plot was hatched. Rex Richter's career as a pig-male would be cut very short.

Tuesday night Rex was perched on a bar stool in his favorite watering hole bragging it up to his sycophant friends about his latest conquest complete with lewd details of how he he used and degraded yet another young woman. Two young hotties entered the bar, a tall blonde and a petite Asian. They took stools just a bit down the bar from him, hanging their coats over the backs and revealing the short,scanty dresses beneath. Sultry glances were passed.

Rex dismissed his pals and sidled over to them, settled onto a stool. In moments he found himself with Mariko straddling his lap, rubbing her warm crotch on his already stiff shaft while Sonya hugged from behind making sure he felt her firm ample tits pressing against his back. They fawned and doted over him, saying they had been on the verge of a cat fight over which of them should fuck him first but then had called a truce and decided on a threesome. Rex called out for three drinks. Sonya slipped the drug into his while Mariko nuzzled his face and fondled him. Rex tossed off his drink at a gulp and took each of them by the hand a led them to the door. They offered their van, parked in the rear of the lot next door, as the venue for the romp and Rex nearly dragged them toward it until his legs went wobbly and his vision blurred. He himself was dragged the last few feet and tossed in the side door. The young women hopped in and the van drove off unseen down the back alley.

The abduction had been riskier than most, having been somewhat hastily arranged. There were more witnesses than Claudia liked but Sonya and Mariko were sequestered in the temple during their training and only went out in public briefly on such missions. The van had been stolen and was cleaned up and left abandoned. Rex's disappearance caused a brief media frenzy but no suspicion fell on the "women's club" high on the hill on the outskirts of town.

On Thursday evening Ann's limo sped along the winding uphill road toward the temple. Inside Anna lounged naked in her seat with John on his knees before her resting his head on her hairy mount and weeping softly in despair. Anna could feel his tears trickling down through her bush and over the tender flesh of her pussy and down onto the seat cushion. She was in a pleasant daze of afterglow following a multiple orgasm, one unusually powerful and satisfying. It was something of a guilty pleasure she had just enjoyed. All Sisters indulged in it just before the Rite of Parting. All agreed it was a cruel lie but the temptation was impossible to resist. In the end there was nothing quite like having a man eat your pussy after being given false hope that he might be able to save his balls. John was crushed but Anna knew resignation would soon set in. She stroked his hair tenderly.

"There, there John. You've been a delightful husband and just think! In just a little while you may enjoy me as you wish. Haven't you longed to have your cock inside of me? Soon you'll be able to enjoy me until you drop. And I'll be a hot dirty slut for you and make your every dream come true."

She felt him nod his head as it lay across her lap and he stopped crying. The car pulled into the temple's underground garage and Anna clipped the golden leash onto John's cock ring and led him to the temple's nave were the ceremony was to take place. The only light in the nave fell on the altar, really a broad raised stage at the center of the amphitheater with stairs leading up to it. At its center was a large mattress covered in a purple satin sheet. Off to one side was a long low platform with leather restraints attached to its corners.

Unlike the wedding when the whole congregation would be in attendance the Rite of Parting was attended by perhaps twenty of Anna's closest friends. They sat in the first row of pews but cloaked in darkness. Claudia stood upon the altar naked save for a broad red sash around her waist signifying her office and black stiletto heeled boots. Anna mounted the steps, having to give John a few sharp tugs on his cock ring when he hesitated for a moment to follow. They took position facing Claudia, Anna standing John on his knees. Claudia commenced the ceremony.

"Dear Sisters. We are gathered here this evening to witness the parting of Anna, a Sister of highest renown and her husband John, a fine and adoring slave and husband who for seven years has given his all for the sake of her pleasure. There is some small sadness to this parting but forthwith John will know delights untold before being given the gift of peace and beginning a new life, rewarding in its way. And Anna will move on to a life even greater joy and delight with the new one she has chosen. May the Mother look down upon us here with pride. Anna, you may begin."

Anna tugged John's leash to urge him toward the mattress and when he stood in its center she went to her knees, released the clasp on his cock ring and slipped it off. John was limp in fear but she took him in her mouth and with lewd caresses soon had him stiff and rampant. Latent male lust took hold and he grabbed her hair and forced his cock hard into her mouth making her gag briefly before she gulped and took it full length down her gullet. John let out a deep moan of mad delight, head lolling backward in a randy daze. Then he drove his hips hard, fucking her down the throat with abandon. Anna gave him his due reward, sliding her lips and tongue over his shaft as he drew in and out. With one last driving thrust to the hilt he came, grunting his pleasure and satisfaction with every spurt of cum he pumped straight down her throat and into her stomach. His knees buckled and he fell to the mattress, rolling onto his back.

Anna let him lie for awhile but then took him in her mouth again, promptly coaxing him to renewed hardness. She helped him to his knees and lay before him with legs parted in invitation. John flung himself upon her and rolled his hips, finding her sacred portal unerringly. He let out a sigh from the depths of his being as if transported that very moment to paradise, deepest of all longings fulfilled. He thrust in and out slowly at first, breath coming in soft pants, seemingly in disbelief that such delight was to be found on this earth. But soon urgent lust was rekindled and he rose to his knees, lifted Anna's long legs to rest her ankles on his shoulders and rutted hard.

For her own part Anna let out a joyous feral shriek, then fell to babbling terms of endearment interspersed with profanity laced demands that he fuck her harder. This act, the thought of which had been repugnant to her over the past seven years, now sparked her own sluttish lust. This was common to all Sisters upon their Rites of Parting. Knowing their husbands would pay with their balls for this pleasure freed them to enjoy it themselves.
