Another Love Pt. 03-04


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"But the government had no luck with that engine," Sporan stated in his deep flat voice without mentioning the three men and one woman who had died before the bureaucrats in the Pentagon felt the cost was too high to continue.

Persephone's supporter had taken her blueprints and a new set of specifications to an abandoned warehouse in Buffalo, New York and two years later Persephone V had emerged. They flew her to the high Nevada Plains and began to test her.

Phil Hart was at the end of his career and hoping to go out with a record that would stand up. Persephone promised to send him out with a bang one way or the other.

"It's just that noise on the first run that is bothering me," Hart said.


"A kind of whispering sound as if she was talking,"

Sporan only shook his head. They never used "IT" with this monster. Persephone was definitely a "SHE", and when she came to life, she was fast and smooth and powerful as the fires of hell. Very likely to take you there too.

Persephone was ready. Hart walked to his vehicle and strapped himself in, then man and machine were towed out to where the run back across the salt was to begin. The second required run for the record. The sun was well up as Hart ran the last checks and counted down to his start.

Persephone surged to life. Brushed past the sound barrier and was easing past the 1000 mile an hour record when Hart heard her.

"Faster, Faster, Go Faster," she said, a passionate lover giving herself to the man inside her.


I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I did the writing. I know that there are some of you who want infidelity punished. Sorry but there was a better story here. As to those who find the relationship between the sons and the father strange, I can only say you must not have grown sons. It is a very difficult relationship especially for a man like the one I describe here: shy, introverted, and obsessed with his work.

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AnonymousAnonymous6 days ago

Pwhahahaha! What a joke. 1-star. First, and foremost, you never have to apologize for being a man. Richard always goes out of his way to see how much humiliation a man can suffer and still reconcile. I know this is a work of fiction, but maybe it should be placed in the sci-fi section. After all, no human male with any self-respect would accept such a situation. The thing I hate most in this particular story are the rampant feminist ideals. The idea of the male ego being bad is laughable. Ego is a psychological term that describes part of a persons innate personality so it can’t be wrong. After all, the growing ranks of flaming liberals claim that you are who you are (until their ideals hit the bulwark that is the male ego). LOL

rlrmiller1951rlrmiller19517 days ago

this was different. I've had many reactions to the endings here in Literotica, but i've never before had full body chills and goose bumps from a story ending.

alan_deealan_dee9 days ago

Portraying these 2 women as innocent victims of true unselfish love is ridiculous. Everything they did was selfish and done to make sure that their wants and desires were met, all at the husbands expense. They author tried to portray a romantic and wholesome love while never giving the husbands feelings of being betrayed any consideration. If the love affair was so pure why was the husband never told about it. If it was so right why were the children told to never speak of it. The world was supposed to allow the 2 women to honor the man who seduced another mans wife while the betrayed husband was told to put his hurt feelings on hold while they celebrated the affair partner

His home was taken over without his consent, without even any prior warning and he was expected to accept it. The family of the man who seduced his wife and moved in the day after he left to do his part in service of his country . His feelings and hurt were constantly pushed aside and just swept under the rug until it was convenient for the women to deal with him. When they were done mourning and honoring the man they showed respect. Well written but


tsgtcapttsgtcapt10 days ago

Different than, better than, .I'm not sure. Still a great read, thank you.

nogravynogravy13 days ago

This is a seven-year-old-story, and this is at least the fifth time I've read in, in yet another attempt to understand exactly what the fuck was going on. The only conclusion that I've been able to draw is that, in the author's mind, this situation must have been a metaphor for some as-of-yet-unexplained condition. I'm fully aware of, and in accord with the fact that this site is the home of fantasies and that we should judge all that we read here based upon that assumption. That being said, it is incumbent upon authors to at least try to present a sensible tale. Of course with science fiction and the like, certainly, reality can be more readily suspended when we are presented with imaginary worlds of the author's creation. But, as in this story, we are presented with a narrative that supposedly takes place in our world, here and now, yet so radically departs from what virtually any sane person would deem credible, or sensible, it is nearly an insult. I suppose that I am most offended by the fact that Mr. Gerald is a good writer, and I simply do not know where this dump-truck load of nonsense came from.

AnonymousAnonymous23 days ago

I think it is fair that infidelity have consequences. As in physics every action has an equal and opposite reaction. I simply think equity would entail Rob burning the painting and not permitting his wife to work on refinishing Phillepe’s work nor remain friends with zPhlipe’s widow. If Rob’s wife believes in equity, although difficult and painful to do as I suggest, it is merely a true act of recommitment of her marriage to her husband only and making him first (not even shared in her heart). This is simply the act of a loving wife making her marriage her primary consideration over another man. Rob’s wife knows she pooped on her husband and abandoned him and their marriage and enlisted her child to help her cheat. My suggestion is the very minimum of what would help rather than the narcybehavior of the two women.

Though well written the author has a cavalier indifference to the husbands pain nor any interest to genuinely end his wife’s nexus to another man and their love. A grievous mistake was made and my solution would not only allow a brighter future, but one with clear and open understanding that the wife and Phillepe’s wife must through actions unequivocally severe emotions and any and all ties to the past. There is no remorse for cheating by Rob’s wife, instead she is a narcissistic little rodent that is unwilling to offer any reasonable action to show regret and even try to make things right with Rob. A divorce would happen in real life absent trying my minimalist solution.

AnonymousAnonymous23 days ago

I’ve read that no one “got” the story from the author’s perspective. I’m not sure what the intention was, but I’d say that RichardGerald is a very talented author whose purpose was opaque. I could guess. I guess it was about accepting something that already occurred, opening your heart to new family, or something entirely different.


I think that love is finite just as is time. When children come along, you have less time and attention for your spouse. You have more worries and prioritize different things. By MC’s wife’s own admission, she loved him less than the asshole Pierre. She ruined her own children’s perspective of their father. A threesome cannot make up for the acknowledgment of such horror.

RobcolesRobcoles30 days ago

Sorry, I can read almost everything even if it goes against my beliefs. This is just ludicrous though. Another man fucks his wife and even worse they love each other. Neither of them see anything wrong with this? Really? Then, to top it off, he gets the sloppy seconds but only because the presumably, ‘better’ man is dead. A step too far, even for me.

She’d have been kicked to the kerb and everyone would have been exposed to what a manipulative bitch she was, along with her ‘family’.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 month ago

Should change your moniker to cuckold gerald

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

The MC is weak, just because he fights for his country and develops jet engines doesnt mean he can't be weak in his relationship with his wife. He is exceptionally weak in this aspect. How does he stay in the house when all the other relatives turn up. Come on! That is soooo unbelivable. Hasn't he heard about motels. I would rather sleep in the office or my car than stay there. And that is why he is weak. I am not into BTB but I personally could not stand that level of disrespect and lies. I could not stay in a house full of his relatives. Why does he allow it. This is another example of him being weak and cowtowing to his wife and what she wants. On the other hand you can flip it and make a case for him being strong and loving his wife so much he puts up with everything. I do feel that author seems to confuse loving someone with forgiveness. You can love someone but because they hurst you badly you cannot forgive or stay with them. Very mixed feelings with this story. I cannot score it high and I see that the general consesnus of votes agee. Part one scores well then the following parts where the author expands on the level of cheating by the wife and then recoreconciliation by having a threesome do not do so well. I wish I had known that when I divorced my partner for cheating everything would be better by a FFM threesome. Knowing my luck it would have been MMF.

AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

The author had a vision for the story and wrote it accordingly. It was well written and I'm sure annoyed some whilst delighting others. I have my opinion on this version of the story which is just that, a personal opinion. For the writing quality this is very good. I didn't like the ending myself as I have always felt that this is a story about lies, deception, manipulation as well as love. I just don't see the two woman loving the MC whilst they did love Phillipe. Which is why this version doesn't work for me personally. BardnotBard

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I come back to this story every so often to read the comments. I can always use a good laugh!

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

First of all I find it hilarious that all these LDM are calling the protagonist a weak cuckold wimp. This character who fought for his country, developed better jet engines, and led men into combat is the wimp while these anonymous brain dead trolls who still live in their mothers’ basements or are the king of their single wide call him named.

It’s a f**cling story! Get some therapy before it’s too late!

JoeBetterBNiceJoeBetterBNice3 months ago

I read this as it was compared to Feb Sucks and I can see similarity. Both start well, with an unpleasant infidelity situation, and both end up w/ a happy cuckold sucking it up and believing the crap the cheater is selling. I liked the first two parts, 3rd part was clearly meant as a sales pitch of some sort designed to make infidelity okay. Didn't work for me. Wife had zero remorse and was looking out for herself first and foremost. THAT is not love.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I empathize with Karen. After all, she is only human. But her notion that she did nothing wrong is insane. She intentionally chose to leave her marriage and deceive her husband. More, she didn’t care about hurting another human being without remorse. Absolute cruelty. I have no sympathy for her whatsoever.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

so they lied to him for 20 or so years, come clean without meaning to, play the victim card to make him feel at fault and manipulate him......unhealthy all the way round. if phillip was still alive they would still be running around behind his back with him none the wiser. and yes avril was as much at fault as his wife....20 years, never met her husband, never spoke to him and she just assumes he approved? even his own sons were in on it the whole time!! granted they were kids when they were manipulated by a parent to keep the secret, they sure aren't kids as of the writing of this story. just because it worked out does not mean any of it was right or healthy in my opinion. Sorry I didn't see any romance or joy in this from start to end. it just got more depressing to the end. very emotive for sure but it felt like I (as a reader) was being manipulated as well

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

I thought this story was quite compelling and romantic, notwithstanding how much it provokes a deep sense of injustice in the core of the LW commentariat, who I routinely ignore as a bitter troll cabal who are never happy unless the entire town is left in smoldering ruin and everyone miserable. However, the public reception, with “the painting” as its centerpiece along with hubby’s public embrace of it is a bridge way too far for me. In fact, it’s ridiculous. You’ve gotta be kidding with that. The two women are so compelling physically and emotionally, and their eventual intense devotion to Iceman makes the redemption sufficiently plausible; but accepting graciously the women rubbing his face in his wife’s depravity so publicly just defies credulity, decency, love, respect, and basic common sense. I’m a forgiving person and romantic. I could probably get past Karen’s past actions, outrageous as they are, but I’d burn the exhibition to the ground. It’s just too disrespectful, and not consistent with a current love, unless you accept her affair as morally righteous, which it most certainly wasn’t, on any level, even if you’re willing and able to forgive give and move past it. The point is this author — what the two women are asking of him in your end game scenario are fundamentally inconsistent with current love. No loving spouse would even try to convince an offended spouse to accept such public humiliation while seeking reconciliation. It’s a foolish notion. A person who would even ask it is not demonstrating a current love and devotion to a justifiably wounded spouse. To even ask for a public acceptance of such egregious past actions is truly a fool’s errand, reflecting a current soul that is NOT friend material, let alone spouse material. To quote the Doobie Brothers, it’s “what a [selfush] fool

believes.” It’s friendship destroying; mariage homicide. Bottom line, — hiwever foolish, cherish the dead ex privately in your own hearts if you foolishly must (he’s very dead and not coming back), but publicly honoring the very up close and personal infidelity and heartache caused is absurd, a ridiculous proposition, one which I think even the most “progressive,” so-called “socially evolved” types would and should understand. In other words, get real.

Or are you perhaps one who just openly rejects monogamy as a value and thinks the world should just follow you down that unavailing rabbit warren ? If you are, you are silly. There’s a reason it remains a constant over both time and culture, while polyamory flourishes nowhere in recorded history, even in small social settings only minimally impacted by broader society.

That’s my two cents. Compelling story though.

ApexJoeApexJoe3 months ago

I just don't get stories like this. Sophisticated, definitely. I'm supposed to say something about it like "It's so very European." This story begs deep analysis, so it is successful.

The thing that gets me is the common idea that an action other than acceptance in the face of infidelity is about punishment or revenge; pride. That isn't always true, and this is the type of story that proves it.

He lost his security, his wife, his family, his values, his privacy, his right to consent, even his home, effectively if not actually. What did Karen or Avril sacrifice? You could say that it would be pride asking that question, but answer me this; if you are expected to show this kind of devotion, accept this type of humiliation and pain, be lead around by the nose without regard or respect to this degree, wouldn't you prefer it was for a partner that had shown they valued you at least a bit? A partner that had given up some fraction of what you have, so that you know they would put you ahead of something? Not much to build on, otherwise. The ladies in this story pretty effectively show that he is dead last in their reckoning, and that things are going to go the way they dictate, obviously with lots of sex thrown in.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Fascinating, well told story. Exquisite in many ways. I know the usual LW barking dog commentariat is insanely aroused by the raac with a cheating wife and the foreign family that enables her, but it’s a good story, entirely plausible to me. The wife’s affair would something to overcome, especially for a forgiving man, given the wife’s hotness, her relentless and intense “want” for her husband, sorrow for the pain she caused him, AND the added bonus of getting a two-ferthst also includes the dead seducer’s hot wife. A that could likely get me over the hurt of the past.. Overwhelm me with the awesome present, so anwesine that it effectively dilutes the poison of the past wrong, as monumental as the wrong was here. The part of the story I really believe is a bridge too far is Rob’s attendance at the exhibition. That part is soo over the top that it strains credulity. I would kill the two women if they even contemplated me attending. Indeed, even going through with the exhibition would be a deal killer for me. It’s simply irreconcilably inconsistent with their remorse for having hurt Rob so badly. It’s a public reopening of a bad old wound, a public festering. Something a truly remorseful person wouldn’t do. It’s so offensive, in fact, that it completely conflagrates any real sense of remorse and correlative forgiveness. While the story works for me without that component, with it it’s not a “no,” but rather a “hell no.” You can’t say that on the one hand you’re really really sorry for cucking me, and then promote an exhibition that has a stark representation of the offense as it’s centerpiece. That’s just ludicrous. Come on man. Up to that point, you had a good, plausible redemption story. That component mocks redemption. Until then, you had constructed a plausible, if provocative story. Dude, the exhibition dog just won’t hunt. That’s just publicly flippin hubby the bird. Get real.

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