Appreciating Cory


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I didn't hold back on noise either, I just let it out as I fucked him as hard as I could. Then I stopped. Somewhere in the midst of the fucking, Tyler had opened the door and stood there naked watching me bounce on my boyfriend's cock. I gasped. "What are you doing?" I asked.

Tyler laughed. I could see her clearly now, she had so much definition to her muscles it was scary. "Watching. But you want me to join don't you naughty girl?"

She climbed on the bed behind me and straddled Cory's stomach, her naked breasts pressed to my naked back. "Let me have a turn." She said and lifted me like I was nothing off his dick and pushed herself onto it and started riding it. Cory was not complaining at all.

"Wait. No." I protested. She easily held me in front of her and cupped my pussy with her hand just like in the club. She stuck a finger inside my well lubricated hole and let her own fucking motion on my man's dick provide the fucking action of her finger. It felt good, but it wasn't nearly as good as Cory's dick.

She pushed a second finger inside me and fish hooked my cunt with her index and middle finger and started lifting my body by my pussy. It was sexually stimulating, but at the same time, it hurt. She ignored my protests and grabbed my tit in her hand and pinched my nipple. She started bouncing faster and harder on Cory's cock.

I could hear his breath getting faster and knew he would cum soon. "No, stop!" I shouted.

Tyler just laughed as she rode his hard meat pole to an orgasm inside her and came with him while I was dangling from her grip on my pussy and tit. I sobbed in frustration.

"Aww, sorry cupcake." She laughed and pulled herself up off his dick and hovered over it. She let me go and I crawled away from her and turned to see her squeezing her pussy and emptying his cum out of it in a long sticky stream back onto his cock. When the strand broke, she sighed and climbed off him. "Be a good girl and lick him clean and maybe he will get hard for you." She turned and kissed Cory, making out with him right in front of me. Then she winked at me and laughed as she laid down on the bed next to him and watched me.

I was so horny I couldn't stand it. "Go to the couch." I yelled at her.

"Hush now cupcake and suck his dick like a good girlfriend. If you don't, I will and if I do, I'm going to fuck him again." Tyler smiled.

"Fuck you." I said and when she leaned forward, I possessively attacked his dick with my mouth. I didn't give blowjobs very often at all. Only on very special occasions, like a guy's birthday or as a reward for a very nice gift. And with her pussy flavor on it, I wasn't looking forward to it at all. But my libido was in overdrive and I couldn't stand it, so I took that cum coated, cunt juice covered log in my mouth and sucked and slurped it clean. I never swallowed cum before in my life, but that changed tonight. This was my cock, not hers. And sure enough it started to show signs of life after a few minutes, and soon I had sucked him nice and hard again.

I wasted no time. I mounted his dick and it slid right up inside me and I moaned. Cory moaned with me and soon I was raising and dropping my cute little cheerleader ass, slapping it against his hips as I rode him hard. I was so worked up I needed to cum like fast and I was racing towards it. His dick was soaking wet between Tyler's pussy, my blowjob and now my own lubrication, it was sliding in so easy. And I kept pounding driving myself closer to the orgasm I so desperately needed.

I was right on the edge of what felt like a powerful one, when Tyler climbed behind me and lifted me all the way off again. "No!" I screamed. But she scooted forward and took my man's dick again! "No, just another minute! I'm so close!" I yelled.

Cory laughed at me and Tyler reached around and grabbed my nipples, one in each hand, pinching and twisting them harshly. "Calm down. Cory needs to sleep, he has a busy day with his friends tomorrow and you were being a greedy girl and only thinking about yourself."

"But you are fucking him!" I yelled. "Let me do it."

"Damn Cory, you have a really nice dick baby." Tyler ignored me.

I started crying. "Cory. Please!?" I begged him.

"No babe, you can get this dick anytime you want, Tyler is only here tonight. Maybe you will appreciate it more next time instead of making me wait so long between fucks." He answered. "Damn that pussy feels good Tyler."

"Yeah baby, I am loving this dick of yours. You gonna cum in me again Cory?" Tyler teased while thrusting up and down on my man's cock.

"You ever spank your little girlfriend's ass Cory?" Tyler asked as she grunted.

"I'm leaving!" I screamed. And ran out of my own bedroom to sleep on my couch. I curled up and cried myself to sleep. But, not until after the sounds of fucking stopped from the bedroom.

I woke up feeling like shit. I staggered for water and ibuprofen in the kitchen. After swallowing the pills and drinking two glasses of water, the memory of last night returned and I sobbed. As the pain in my head slowly subsided, I realized I was still horny. I hadn't cum at all last night in spite of everything. I brewed a pot of coffee and then I heard moaning from my bedroom.

"Oh yes Cory, you are so good baby. I forgot how good you fuck." Tyler moaned out loud.

"You should come by more often." Cory grunted, over the sound of skin slapping.

I wanted to run in there and scream at them, but I couldn't bring myself to see it. I waited for the coffee to brew, listening to them talking about how great the sex was. I thought back on the last couple of months. Three times since last night Tyler had fucked him. That was more than I had done in the last two weeks. No wonder he was going crazy for her right now.

"Tightest fucking pussy ever!" Cory growled as the speed of the slapping of their bodies increased.

"I love this huge cock Cory. Fuck me baby, fuck me hard!" Tyler screamed in orgasmic bliss.

I put sugar and cream in my coffee and sobbed, naked on the chair in my kitchen. I finished one cup while they finished fucking. Cory never got this vocal with me. He announced his orgasm to the world.

I had just finished doctoring my second cup of coffee when I heard the shower start. 'Great', I thought, 'They will probably fuck in my shower too.'

But, I nearly dropped my coffee cup when I turned around and saw Tyler standing there, still naked smiling at me. "Fix me a cup, black with one spoon of sugar." She commanded.

"Fix your own!" I shouted at her.

She walked up to me and took the hand with my cup of coffee and guided it strongly, but slowly to the kitchen counter. "Set it down." She ordered me. "We need to talk."

I glared at her and she squeezed my wrist so hard I started to lose my grip on the cup and not wanting to drop and break it, I relented and set it down. She kept her grip on my wrist. "You are mad at me. This won't help that." She laughed and in a very fast movement she sat on one of the chairs and yanked my body over her lap.

I was totally off balance and surprised, too disoriented to realize that I was now dangling over her lap, head towards the floor like my feet, my tight little heart shaped ass pointed up in the air. But, when I felt that SMACK of her hand on my ass a split second after I heard it, I understood. I screamed, and another blow came down harder than the first. This was no playful spanking, she was maybe stronger than Cory and she had smacked me so hard it brought tears to my eyes. My scream was cut short by the pain.

"Be quiet now cupcake. If your boyfriend walks out here and sees you over my knee, it will be over. He will never look at you the same again. Last night was fun, we had a threesome and you and he can recover from that, maybe do it more often if you would stop being such a tease to him. But, if he sees me owning you, he will fall in love with me and there will be nothing you can do about it." Tyler told me as I struggled to get off her lap. She was using both hands to hold me from pushing away.

She reached over and grabbed a dish towel and shoved it in my mouth. "Bite down cupcake."

I cried and bit and stopped fighting as much and she began to spank me again. She was right. What would Cory think if he saw his girlfriend being spanked by his friend in her own apartment. She was none too gentle and I had tears and snot running down my cheeks when she finished turning my pretty little ass a deep red with about twenty slaps.

Then she shoved a finger straight up inside my pussy and laughed. "Soaking wet still." She plunged it in and out and brought me right to the edge of a climax before stopping. She dumped me onto the floor and told me to kneel up and then she stuck her finger in my mouth and made me suck it clean. The shower stopped and I got up off the floor to clean my face and make Tyler her coffee. She kissed me on the nose and said "Good girl".

I sipped my coffee but my hand was trembling so bad I spilled it and ended up setting it on the counter.

Cory came out in just a towel, wrapped around his waist. "Good morning ladies." He smiled. His hair was all messy from the shower. His abs and pecs were still damp and shined in the light of the kitchen. I smiled at him and went to give him a kiss. I kissed him hard, hoping his presence would save me from Tyler.

When I finally stopped the kiss he looked down at me surprised. "Well, that was a good morning kiss indeed!" He laughed. "Something certainly has you in a great mood."

"Why don't you make him a cup of coffee like you did for me." Tyler suggested.

I cringed at her voice, but the way she said it made it seem I cared more about her than I did about Cory and that was far from the truth. I went to the cupboard to make another cup.

"Wow." Cory exclaimed when I turned around. "What happened to your ass baby?"

I shook, nearly dropping the cup.

"Tell him." Tyler laughed.

"I..." I couldn't say it. He would think I was weak. I let Tyler spank me? How horrible!

"She had been thinking about what I said last night and asked me to spank her." Tyler interrupted my embarrassed silence. My mouth dropped open.

"Kinky. I like it." Cory smiled and came up behind me and touched my ass as if to feel the heat from it. "Learning a lot about you this weekend Brit. Too bad I made plans." He kissed me on the neck from behind and I trembled.

Why was I being so docile?! This was so unlike me. I was always in control, always. Tyler had me so backwards. I needed to escape this situation and regroup.

I stirred his coffee and handed it to him. He smiled and kissed me on the lips softly. "I'm gonna go get dressed." He said and took his coffee into my bedroom. Leaving me alone with her.

"Well, that was better than the alternative." She giggled, when I looked at her.

"I guess." I whispered. "Not by much."

"Sit down" Tyler said. Not 'sit down please', not 'join me', just an instruction, like I was her dog. I hesitated accordingly.

"Do you want another spanking?" She laughed.

I sat down quickly and my ass hurt for my effort. "This needs to stop." I whispered. "Please." I added.

Tyler just laughed softly. "This is awesome. Well, for me it is. I always love controlling little cupcakes like you, but you are by far the sexiest I have ever had. Usually it's some little geeky girl with a flabby body. They are so insecure it bores me too fast and I lose interest after I destroy them in public. Hot pieces of ass like you don't usually cave so easily. I bet you're usually a real bitch to other women."

I squirmed in my seat and let out a squeak of protest, but stopped myself before forming a word. Yes, I was usually in control and pretty much a bitch to everyone because I knew how pretty I was. So, why was I suddenly so helpless with this bitch?

"Okay, yes, I have learned my lesson." I tried to derail her. "Please, you had your fun, you turned the tables on me. Just go and have a good laugh with Allyssa and Madison. I will act like nothing weird happened next time we see each other, okay?" The okay was a bit squeaky and I gulped at the humiliation I felt of begging her.

Tyler just laughed at me. "Tell you what cupcake, you be a good little girl until Cory gets back tomorrow night and I will think about your offer."

I trembled and tried to sip my coffee but my hand was shaking so much I ended up spilling more on my tits than in my mouth. Fortunately, it was cooled down quite a bit.

"Alright, I'm out of here." Cory announced as he came out into the kitchen. He leaned over and gave me a kiss on the lips goodbye and started towards the door.

"I don't get a kiss?" Tyler asked with a feigned sad look on her face and a pout to her lips.

"Oh," Cory came back and went to give her a peck, but she stood up and grabbed his head and made out with him in front of me for about two minutes. I could see their tongues wrestling in their mouths.

I turned away finally, I couldn't stand to watch it anymore. "Jesus, that's some goodbye kiss." Cory said when they finally broke off. "Well, see you tomorrow night Brittney." And he left.

When the door shut, Tyler gulped down the rest of her coffee and told me to do the same. "Let's go pick out your suit for the beach, show me all your swim suits." And she grabbed my wrist and led me into my bedroom.

I went to my summer drawer and pulled out a red one piece, a royal blue bikini, a shiny emerald green bikini and a tourquoise string bikini. She looked them over and made a loud sigh of disappointment. "I would have though with that body of yours, you would have something sexy. Oh well, I've worked with worse." She picked up the red one, surprising me, and told me to put the others back.

Then she told me to go take a shower. I was eager to get away from her, so I did. I probably stayed in there way too long, but I felt safe until she opened the door and joined me. "Okay, since you want to stay in here so long you can be my loufa." She laughed.

She squirted soap all over my tits and told me to use them to wash her. I cried in humiliation as I did as she asked, rubbing my soapy boobs over her feet and legs and ass and back and front and her tits and everywhere from her neck down. When she was done using me this way she made me lay on the floor of the tub on my back while she stood over me washing her hair. "Don't move cupcake." She laughed and started pissing all over me. She aimed at my face, my breasts and even my pussy. I closed my mouth and eyes tight, but could still smell it and some bounced into my nostrils.

When she was done, shampooing and pissing. She rinsed out and got out of the shower and took my towel to dry off. "Wash that piss off and come join me." She laughed.

I stood up and washed all over again. I got out and went dripping wet to fetch another towel and dried off. Tyler was dressed in her skirt and shirt from last night. She hadn't planned to spend the night so hadn't brought a change of clothes.

She handed me my red swimsuit and I pulled it on, watching her watching me with an amused smile on her lips. She was definitely up to no good, but I couldn't figure out what she was plotting. My suit felt weird. I hadn't worn this one since last summer, but it felt kind of like it shrunk or something. And the feel of the material was just off. I stared at her as she giggled.

"Okay, so let's go to my house unless you want to buy me a new swim suit?" She batted her eyes at me.

I frowned at her.

"No?" She pouted. "Oh come on cupcake part of you must like this."

"Let me grab a bag." I muttered and went to my closet to get a beach bag, a towel, some lotion, a pair of shorts, a T shirt and sunglasses and threw them all into the bag. I grabbed my purse and my keys and we left for her place. We walked the five blocks and I couldn't help but notice I was getting too much attention. Sure, I was wearing a swimsuit, but it wasn't an overly revealing one, in fact it was quite the opposite. I shrugged it off and thought I was just mistaken.

Inside her house she told me to have a beer while she changed. She took my beach bag so she could put her stuff in there and we could just carry one bag. She called Allyssa to come pick us up. I was sipping the beer and she told me to hurry up and finish it. She came out in a very sexy white French cut bikini. A good third of her muscular ass hung out the bottom and the top left some breast showing on both sides.

She had a transparent cover over top of it and pulled on a pair of khaki shorts as she grabbed herself a beer and another for me. "Here down it fast, Allyssa will be here soon."

I didn't really want to. But after last night, it was perhaps the best thing to do.

I downed the rest of the first and started drinking the second faster. When I finished it, Tyler took the bottle away, kissed me on the nose and said, "Good girl."

Then she took my hand and drug me behind her out the door to meet Allyssa, who had texted she was out front. Tyler and I got in back and Allyssa was driving with Madison in the passenger seat.

"So, did Cory get lucky last night?" Madison giggled.

Tyler laughed, "Twice last night and once this morning."

All three of them laughed at that and I just turned away to look out the window.

"That's awesome." Allyssa cheered. "Maybe you can have me over for a threesome next weekend Brittney?" She laughed.

"Cupcake loves to share." Tyler shot back to her. "Don't you cupcake?"

"Whatever you say Tyler." I mumbled.

"Is that attitude cupcake?" Tyler growled.

"No." I answered and shifted away from her.

"Better not be." Tyler said, grabbing my chin and turning my head to look at her. "Grab my bicep, feel it."

I touched it and shivered.

"Yeah, it's big enough to break your little cheerleader ass, don't you forget it." She said cruelly. "So, you probably want to know why this is happening and I don't mind telling you. I have been fucking Cory for years, long before you ever dated him. We've never really been a couple, but we like to fuck each other and so we do, any relationship that either of us are in, we just go behind their back and keep it a secret, but it always ends up with us getting caught."

"Well, then he tells me about you. The gorgeous, stuck up little bitch he is dating who barely ever puts out. And I figure, as good as Cory is with his dick, you must be one frigid little cheerleader cunt. So, after meeting you casually a few times, and seeing your superior attitude, I figured out what your problem is. You think you are above me, above Cory, and Allyssa and Madison, and probably most people you meet. So, I figured I should help my fuck buddy Cory to take you down a few pegs and maybe you will give my good friend the sex he deserves."

"It's not like that." I gasped. "I'm not ... I do enjoy sex, I just..."

I trailed off. "What, your mommy tell you not to give it away for free?"

"Something like that." I sighed. "I'm sorry, really I am to all three of you. I swear I didn't realize I was acting any sort of way. Please just forgive me and let me try again."

"Aww, that was so sweet Brittney." Tyler mocked me. "You know the deal, do what you are told without question this weekend and we will fix everything when Cory gets home tomorrow night."

"So, seriously Tyler, you didn't let her cum all night? She looked ready to explode on the dance floor." Madison giggled.

"Oh you should have seen her when I pulled her off Cory's dick last night, she was dripping cunt slime all over the place. The second time I thought she was going to have a heart attack she needed it so bad." Tyler told them much to my embarrassment.

"But the best part was this morning when I spanked her ass, she loved it." Tyler went on.

"Ooo kinky." Allyssa cooed. "Cory ever spank you?"

"Naa." Tyler answered for me. "I think I was the first one since her parents to ever smack her ass, maybe the first ever." Then she turned to me. "Did mommy or daddy ever spank your cute little butt?"