Aratheon - Wolf and the Giant Killer


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She gets off of me. "What will it be?"

"I have your word that I and Nedru can walk out of here with our freedom?"

Her face can't hide the pain from my words. "My word is my honor. I will never break my word. If you choose to leave, no one will stop you."

"And if I choose to stay, you will protect my pack? Give them land to roam free upon and supply them with food?" I ask.

Her eyes light up with fire. "Of course. You have my word."

"What if I change my mind?" I ask.

"There is no going back, whatever choice you make right now is final."

I lay there in silence as all the possibilities run through my mind. If I leave, I can take Nedru back to the pack, but with the encroaching humans hunting us, we would constantly be on the run. The men at Barestar have it out for the wolves and will stop at nothing to kill us all.

On the other hand, if I take her offer, I would still be a slave. I would have to do what she says. That means take that fat cock of hers like a bitch. But my pack would be safe and protected in the land of the orcs. They could run free and hunt without fear of the humans. The cubs could grow up without being hunted for their pelts. My den mother would not have to risk her life to protect our pack. I guess I do not have a choice. I must make the sacrifice for my pack.

"As long as you keep my pack safe, I will do whatever you want," I say.

She smiles. "I want you to want to be mine, but I understand and adore your loyalty to your pack. I just want the same loyalty. I understand that it will take some time and I'm willing to be patient as long as you put forth the effort. No more stubbornness. You do what I tell you to. Understand?"

I nod. She leans in and kisses me. "Good."

She lays back on top of me as her lips press against mine. I can feel that big fat cock press up against mine. She reaches down and grabs mine. She looks down and laughs. "Human cocks are so small."

I glare at her. "Is that an insult?"

She chuckles. "No... It just means I am the alpha here."

"Then I challenge you," I say.

She bursts out in a hearty laugh. "Be careful with your tongue. You do not want to challenge me. I would bruise that pretty face of yours. And I do not want to scratch this perfect body. If you challenge me, I will show you the meaning of alpha."

"I am not afraid."

"I do not doubt your fearlessness. You're a wolf. But I am a giant killer. You would be wise to fear me," she says.

"I have no doubt you are stronger than me, but I will not back down from a fight," I say.

She smiles. "That is another reason I like you. You have a fighting spirit. You're full of fire. I cannot wait to see what you can do."

"I can do much more than you think," I say.

She laughs as she leans down and kisses me. She reaches back and grabs a hold of my ass. Her finger slides down between my cheeks. I push her back. She looks at me with a raised eyebrow. "Your people takes what they win, is that right?"

She nods.

"You have not beaten me in combat. You should not be able to take my ass if you have not beaten me outright. I challenge you to a fight. And if I win, I get to take your ass."

She laughs so loud, the warg stirs awake. I know I cannot win but at least I can go another day without her taking my ass like a bitch. "You are either crazy or stupid. Do you honestly believe you can beat me?"

I shake my head no.

"Then why challenge me?"

I look away from her. "I'd like to keep my dignity a little longer."

Her face softens up. She takes her hand up to my face and pulls my eyes back to hers. "You think that if I fuck you, you're less of a man?"

I look into those dark eyes of hers. I can see the raw emotion in her face. She does not hide her sympathy. I nod.

She pulls me into her arms. "You are a wolf, no one can take that away from you. It is no dishonor to be fucked by the mighty high shaman of the orcs. Many would fight to trade places with you. There is no greater honor for a human than to be mine. Every orc will desire you and every slave will want to be you. Your place will always be at my side and you will see a side of me that few get the privilege of knowing."

"But with the other orcs, I would be inferior, would I not? Would they not see me as anything but a slave?" I ask.

"Does it matter how they see you?" she asks.

"Out in the wild, if another predator sees you as inferior or weak, they will attack," I say.

"You can rest assured no orc will lay a hand on you because you are mine and all fear me," she says.

"And what about when you are not around?" I ask.

"You will always be at my side," she says.

"Will I always have to wear this collar and chain?" I ask. "And what about clothes, weapons, and supplies?"

"All humans wear collars. You will get one with my mark on it so all will know you are mine. The chain will be removed when you prove your loyalty to me," she says. "As far as clothes, weapons and supplies, you are welcome to what I have. What is mine is yours."

"Everything?" I ask.

She smiles. "Well, the only thing that is dear to me is my ax and I do not think you are strong enough to wield it. There are not many who are."

"Then I will get stronger."

She laughs. "Is there no challenge that you will not take?"

This makes me smile. "I spent my entire life overcoming challenges. What is life without a challenge?"

"Spoken like a true orc," she laughs, pulling me tight against her. My face gets pushed between her breasts. They are nice and soft compared to the rest of her body. "I could not have found a more worthy slave."

"My name is Ironfang. Or you may call me Emeris," I say to her.

This also makes her laugh. "Fine, Emeris it is. Tell me, how did you earn those names?"

"Ironfang was given to me by my den mother Akira. She is mighty and strong. She gave it to me because I kill with iron. Emeris is the name my birth mother gave to me."

She leans in and kisses me. I don't fight it, I kiss her back. Her hand reaches down and grabs my ass. She slides her finger down the crack of my cheeks. I pull away. "You haven't beaten me yet."

She looks down at me. "That is not what you want. If you challenge me, you will fight me in front of the tribe. When I beat you I will fuck you in front of the tribe. I have to maintain my dominance on the tribe so I can't go easy on you. It will hurt and it will be humiliating. I understand you do not want to be the bitch. I understand you want to be the alpha. But here you're not the alpha. I am and I am always on top. I have never been beaten in combat and I never intend to lose."

I look up at her, her face is strong like iron. She strokes my cheek. "Let me take you right here and right now. I will take it slow and it will not hurt as much. I will be gentle."

Her finger slips down my crack once more and meets my little flower. This time I do not fight it. She is right. I might as well get this done with and under the cover of privacy. The alternative sounds much more unpleasant.

Her thick meaty finger runs circles around my tight hole before she reaches over and grabs a small clay jar. She opens it and scoops out a thick creamy substance. "What is that?" I ask.

"It will help your ass take my cock," she says as she takes her hand back down to my ass. She smothers the substance around my ass. I tense up as her finger pushes inside of me. I grab her shoulder as her finger sinks deeper up my ass. She leans down and kisses me while she starts to plunge my ass with her finger. I squeeze her shoulder and dig my nails into her skin as she pushes another finger inside me.

She laughs. "Relax. Just breathe, little one."

I take in a sharp breath as she pushes her fingers all the way inside me. "Your ass is so tight."

She drags and pushes her fingers in and out of me as I hold onto her. She presses her face against mine and kisses me. Her fingers sink into me as her tongue slips between my lips. I groan out as another finger slips inside me. She continues to stretch out my hole while she kisses me deeply.

Finally, she pulls her fingers out of my ass. "I think you are ready."

I look up into her eyes as she grabs another dollop of that thick creamy substance. She covers her big thick cock in it. Then she grabs both of my legs and places them up on her shoulders and she drags my ass up against her. Her big giant dick lays down on top of my smaller cock. The difference in size is like comparing a twig to a tree trunk. She seems to have taken notice and batters her cock against mine. "See? I am the alpha." I glare up at her. She only laughs.

I swallow down my nerves as she grabs a hold of her cock and drags the head down to my asshole. "Relax. Breathe."

I take a sharp breath in as she presses her massive head against my tiny little hole. I feel an immense pressure build as she pushes her cock up against my tiny flower. I grab ahold of the furs as the pain takes over. She doesn't stop. It feels like I'm being torn in half. Tears fall down from my eyes as the pain blurs my vision. I gasp out as she forces the head in. She stays there as her cock stretches out my asshole. She bends down, folding me in half while she brings her face close to mine. I can feel her hot breath against my skin as she looks into my eyes. I grunt as she pushes more of her cock in my ass.

I hold on to her tightly as her cock spreads my ass wide open. She presses those big orc lips against mine. I can feel her small tusks press up against my lips. Beads of sweat drench my body as she tries to push more of that big orc dick inside me. She slides her hand underneath my head and cradles it as she slips her tongue between my lips giving me a big wet sloppy kiss. I grip her arms as she pushes more of that monster dick up my ass. "Yes, take my cock, little one. Let me claim your ass as mine and mine alone."

"Yes..." I grunt out. She smiles and kisses me as she forces another finger length of that big orc dick inside me. I groan out in pain.

"You're doing good, my pet. Only a few more finger lengths left of my cock. Take all of it for your mama. Give me that ass," She moans out.

My breath has grown heavy as I dig my nails into her tough green skin. She starts to pull out and it leaves me feeling empty. But then she pushes in farther, knocking the wind out of my chest. My eyes roll into the back of my head. She does this again. And again. The pain is almost unbearable, but underneath I can feel just a tinge of pleasure. Finally, her hips smack against my ass cheeks. "Look at that, my pet... I'm all the way inside you. You've made your mama proud."

"Just... Just take it easy," I beg her.

She kisses me. "Don't worry my pet. I do not want to hurt you. Just breathe. The worst part is over. You'll see. Soon you'll be begging me not to stop."

Once again, her big orc lips are pressed up against mine with a sloppy kiss. She slowly starts to pull that big thick orc dick out of me, but before I have a chance to regain my composure, she slowly pushes it back inside me. That tinge of pleasure grows into a steady drumbeat. She starts to pump her cock inside me, going a little faster each time. The beat of pleasure slowly starts to silence the pain. Soon, I'm moaning out, overcome by it.

I look up into Sharogg's eyes as a big smile crosses her face. "Are you starting to feel good?"

"Urgh... Yes," I say.

She kisses me. "Good. Do you want Mama to go faster?"

I nod.

"I want to hear you say it."

I look up into her eyes and I can tell she is loving every second of this. "Please... go faster."

"Call me Mama."

"Please, Mama, fuck me faster."

She kisses me, shoving that big tongue in my mouth as she starts thrusting into my ass at a steady pace. I'm moaning out as I wrap my arms around her neck. She lets my legs slide down and I wrap them around her waist as she starts to pound my ass. The pleasure is so intense. Like a fire raging, burning through me. I sweat profusely. With each thrust of her cock, a rush of heat engulfs my body. I melt into her arms. "You are mine," she yells out.

"Yes... Take me," I moan, lost in the sensation of such an intense feeling that takes over my entire body. I feel my blood boil. My own cock has grown as hard as iron.

"I want to hear you say it. Tell me that you are mine," she says as she looks into my eyes. Her look is sharp, but I see a vulnerability underneath it.

I slide my hands down and cup her face. She halts her hips. "Sharogg..." I take a deep breath. "I am yours."

She kisses me. This time it's more gentle as she slowly starts thrusting into me. "That is all I wanted to hear."

For once... I feel safe. Safe in her arms. She is not who I thought she was. She is kind and gentle underneath it all. She pushes inside me so deep, it shakes my entire body. She kisses me so deeply, I can feel her emotions. I don't want this moment to end. "Don't stop," I whisper.

She laughs. I look up at her. "See? I told you that you'd be begging me not to stop."

I laugh too. I lean up and kiss her. She starts to pound me harder. Moans and groans escape my lips as she makes the bed quake with her thrusts. My body burns hot as the pleasure lights up my world. My cock gives way and erupts all over the both of us. She slams inside me. "Fuck. I'm going to plant my seed inside you. Once I do, you'll belong to me. Tell me you want this."

"I want it, Mama. Fill me up with your seed," I gasp. She gives me one more thrust and suddenly my ass fills up with her steamy hot seed. It melts my insides. The pleasure is just too much. I hold onto her tightly as her seed seeps into me. It's potent. It makes me feel so lifted and weightless. My body goes limp and I don't feel like I can move. Too exhausted and I fee so drowsy. My eyes are so heavy.

She kisses me tenderly. Her hands journey through my body. I feel her pull out of my ass. She slides down beside me and pulls me into her arms. "My seed is potent. You're feeling the effects of its healing abilities. Now you're mine."

I can't even speak. Her words seem so far away. And yet she holds me so close to her body. The darkness takes me into the night.


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MarassoMarassoover 2 years ago

Great story. I was a little hesitant to read it, as in the description was mentioned slavery, but I'm glad that I gave it a try. It's nice that you made an effort to develop characters and it is a chance for some romantic relationship between them. I hope that I will find it in the second part. 5 stars from me.

Client8Client8almost 3 years ago

Excellent writing. Much to enjoy. Thanks

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

So much depth in your characters. Love’em. Yes, so many tangents to continue the stories. Love, war, sex. Oh yeah.

StarCrusher808StarCrusher808over 3 years ago

I personally enjoy these soft moments between the 2, the one thing that really prevents me from going more into the story is the humiliation and slave part of the story. I’m the type of guy who enjoys whatever fetish, but the only thing is that if it’s not between 2 partners who love and respect each other equally then I want nothing to do with it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Great, but

Personally this hits a lot of points for me but i feel it would have been better if you gave a more vivid detail, like her smell/musk for example and a much longer sex scene it just kinda felt to short, but all in all it was amazing

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
More please!

Great story, love the complexity. Please write more!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Fun and sexy read

I really enjoyed the soft dominance here. I'm not overly into the whole pain and humiliation aspect personally, and I really enjoyed seeing the little kindnesses that Sharogg does for Ironfang chip away at his hostility towards her to the point where he recognizes her willingly as his Alpha.

I would definitely be interested in reading more of this story.

Some possible things I personally would enjoy seeing would be a romantic relationship between the two develop further. I think it would be really cool to see Ironfang help her with her war strategies (which I kinda feel like you eluded to). I also think it would be really cool to develop Ironfang's back story a bit further. I would love to see why he is able to speak with animals, and the possibility that he's not completely human.

LasthellhoundLasthellhoundabout 4 years ago

Yes love see more can't wait for your next one

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

Give us more futa Orcs!! Amazing as always btw!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

More please, do the pack come?

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