Aroused and Looking


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"Ah, don't tempt me," Gina smiled. "I'm sorry. In defending the notional castle I overlooked the principles of negotiating a settlement. That greedy bastard makes me so mad."

"I'm glad some guy can hit on your emotions."

"Pardon me?"

"It was just an aside, just me exercising a personal observation. You can leave now unless you have other business to discuss. I'll be in touch."

"You mean your PA will," she said a little heatedly.

"In your case, with you being so charming and beautiful, I'd feel compelled to personally advise you of details of the preliminary meeting."

"Preliminary? You said if you were good enough that meeting would be the end of it,"

"Yes, if indeed I do perform at my best, you don't screw up proceedings and your ex behaves as he should it will be the final meeting. But we don't want the other side to know our thoughts on that, do we? If they knew that they'd dig their toes in just to make you bleed."

"Oh god, you men are so ruthless."

"The information you gave me is Peter's attorney is female."

"Ohmigod so he is, I mean so she is."

"Keep calm, I need you to keep calm Gina if this is to be a walk in the park."

Adair stood, having not offered coffee although it was mid-morning. He wasn't being impolite. He was backing his belief that Gina would react predictably."

"I noticed a café across the road. Are you able to join me for coffee>"

"Yes, I hoped you'd suggest that. I've left the next forty-five minutes free."

She made no reply but looked confused. Adair held out his hand and pulled her up from the chair and said, "Shall we go. You look gorgeous today. That's substance for another complaint to make on the way out."

Gina smiled and said, "Careful, you are in danger of making yourself irresistible."

"I could be married."

"My information is you are not attached."

Who'd told her that? She wouldn't have said that had it been Jan. Women were too clever to do that, knowing how men think. God, she must know someone who he'd seduced!

A fortnight later they emerged from negotiations. Peter had claimed $1.5 million and after a two-hour intense verbal exchange with Adair twice saying they'd see him in court and reminding Peter he had no legal redress to his client's inheritances, Peter and his attorney left the room and returned ten minutes later. Peter agreed to the proposed payment of $30,000 for full and final settlement.

Gina was a little angry with Adair. "I'd said $20,000 was my limit."

"We did well enough; we can't expect everything to go our way."

"You chickened out."

"Oh yeah, and how much would you have paid in costs had this gone to court?"

"It's a matter of principle. I didn't want to pay out anything... you bullied me into thinking thirty thousand in the final round."

"In effect you are a huge winner Gina, you've got the bastard out of your life."

"Just a minute. Don't go; I haven't finished with you."

She called her mother who was waiting with her elder daughter Charlotte for news of the outcome.

"Well, well. Perhaps I'm over-reacting. Mom and Charlotte think you have acted marvelously in my best interest, as mom termed it. I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I rather like a woman who can get off her ass and charge herself emotionally. Bye."

"Wait. Mom wants you to come for Sunday lunch. The forecast is good and it will be served beside the pool."

"So why does your mom who doesn't even know me want to date me and yet you give no sign that you do?"

Gina's color flamed.

Adair pushed her. "Come on, say it."

"Mom doesn't know you so it's easy for her. I haven't told her but I believe you are too immoral for me to associate with you socially.

"Well you didn't do too well with Peter. You told me he fucked your chief bridesmaid during the wedding reception."

Cheeks flaming Gina spat, "I said no such thing. I said Peter was with Susan, acting improperly."

"Same thing."

"No it's not. I don't use the F-word like you do."

"So you admit to using it?"

"How dare you speak to me like this."

Adair, attaché case in hand, walked away shaking his head and called, "Bye my Virgin Princess." He didn't look back.

* * *

That night in bed Adair tossed and turned, moaning and grunting. Her sister Charlotte was sharing their old room; her small children Anna and Angus were asleep in two of the guest rooms.

"Do you have a guy in bed with you?" Charlotte called.

"No of course not and please don't make suggestive comment."

"What's the matter, are you fretting over Peter?"

"God no; are you insane?"

"Well it's someone. Oh Christ, it's your attorney isn't it?"

There was silence from the other bed and no movement.

"You are wanting him to fuck you?"

"Charlotte, please."

Charlotte darted across and climbed in beside Gina and cuddled her. "Come on darling, this is just like the old days when you had a problem. Share and allow me to advise you."

Gina began. "He's handsome with a great body and has a huge manner that makes him so persuasive and sexy. But he's arrogant and I think he treats women with no more respect that he does men. And talks so openly about sexuality and I've learned from one of his old flames, Mary Scott -- you'll remember her -- that his list of female conquest would be a mile long and then she said this disgusting thing, that he's the type of guy his own mother would have sex with."

"Oooh, sounds like my kind of guy."

"Charlotte, you're married!"

"Oh yeah. Well what's the problem darling?"

They talked on for almost an hour before falling asleep.

* * *

On Sunday morning, reading a newspaper beside the pool and ignoring the three women looking his way, Adair took a call.

"I'm so terribly sorry."

"You've really made my day Gina. Does that mean we'll date and have sex?"

"Well." ... there was a pause. "Um, let's take one step at the time. I'll call at 11:30 to bring you home here for lunch."

"Ah, you don't wish to disappoint your mom."

"It's partly that. I also told my older sister Charlotte about you last night, explaining how I seem to react adversely to you when it's not my intention. She claims it's because I know inside me I believe you are the right man for me and because I know you're not the marrying kind I therefore react adversely to you."

"Sounds a good theory to me. So are you asking me to marry you?"

"No, of course not. But having listened carefully to Charlotte I feel better about you."

"So now I'm free to date you."


"But going one step at the time?"

"Oh yes. Will you? Charlotte said you'd react more sympathetically when better understanding me."

"Charlotte sounds to be an interesting babe."

Gina cut the call.

Gina called that she was waiting in a white BMW outside his apartment when Adair walked out the doors answering her on his phone.

He sat beside her and leaned over to kiss her. She leaned towards him. He cupped a breast=. She lowered his hand. He pushed that hand through the V of her sundress and cupped a breast under the built in bra. Gina relaxed and they completed the kiss.

"May I keep my hand where it is?"


"It's a warm breast, very firm and the nipple is rising under my palm."

"Adair," Gina said weakly and then added, "You drive."

She opened her door and spotting him moving towards the rear of the vehicle she went around the front.

Gloria kissed Adair and he suspected she was thinking does this guy fuck his girlfriends' mothers? But before he could take that thought further her husband Carlo was shaking his hand and thanking Adair for assisting to bring closure for Gina. He glanced at Gina who wore a proud expression. The lush older sister came up and kissed him on the mouth, briefly, and said, "I'm Gina's sister Charlotte and in the pool are my Anna, she's almost five and Angus is three. Their father's away on business in the Netherlands."


"Yes, that was very clever."

"I have no trouble acting like a Bozo if that's your preference."

Charlotte laughed and staring at Adair removed her robe. He saw tits practically spilling from the top of her bikini before she walked over to talk to the children in the shallow end of the pool. Adair looked at Gina expecting her to be scowling but she smiled at him beautifully and called, "Coke or lemonade?"

"Stop teasing Gina. Fetch a couple of beers," snorted her dad.

At the sit-down lunch in the summer house by the pool Adair was unnerved when Angus insisted on eating from his granddad's knee so Anna climbed on to Adair. He knew nothing about kids and when the sweet little blonde decided to hug him around the neck and kiss him repeatedly he thought the females would rush in and pull her away. But no, they sat smiling, looking as if they approved and he heard Anna's mother say to Gloria, "Anna is developing good taste early."

The lunch was sumptuous with top quality wine and interesting conversations. Anna wandered away. She returned later and taking Adair's hand said, "Come look at my dolls."

"Er no, I need to stay out here."

"Aw come on."

"Go with her Adair," Charlotte called. "Feel honored you've been invited."

"But shouldn't..."

"No." Gloria and Charlotte said. Gloria added, "Can't you see she is father substituting?"

"I-I know nothing about kids."

"And it shows," Carlo grinned and the women screamed in laughter.

Anna and her captive re-emerged ten minutes later. To Adair's astonishment the three women appeared even more relaxed than when he'd left them. He was aware of women's fears about men being left alone with young children.

"Come, throw me in the deep end and jump in and rescue me."

Adair looked at Charlotte nervously. "Daddy does this?"


At the pool Adair stripped off to his Speedo swimsuit.

The women, who'd turned their chairs around, watched and made no comment that Adair could hear. He was thankful about that.

"Throw me high, high," Anna instructed.

Adair did that and watched her disappear facing him, eyes shut, face screwed up. He panicked and dove in but couldn't see her. He broached the surface ready to scream help and there she was, bobbing in front of him, spluttering. Adair drew her to his chest and kissed and kissed her thankfully. She giggled and licked his nose.

Driving back to his apartment Adair said, "I had a wonderful time. Has Anna adopted me?"

"For the moment. She's daddy's girl and is missing him."

"You have a lovely family."

"We work at it."

Adair thought that really was a profound comment.

"My mother and sister liked you enough to want to sleep with you. Mom often expresses herself like that when seeing a younger guy who appears to have it all but I'm not aware she has translated her dream into adultery."

"And Charlotte?"

"I really don't know but Scott has been away three weeks on this course, by far the longest separation they've had since their engagement six years ago."

"Well couples have to get use to changes they can't control."

"She asked me would I mind if she asked you to sleep with her. I said yes I would mind."

"Good for you."


"I approve you saying that."

"But she's an ex-college beauty queen and now has the look men call lush."

"Who told you that?"

"My father."

Adair grinned. "I actually thought the same thing as soon as I saw her. But you'd never forgive me if I slept with her and I must be changing because I think I wouldn't forgive myself. What would Anna think?"


"Yes, she trusts me. You saw that when she enticed me to throw her into the water."

"God Adair, be careful. You're beginning to surprise me."

Adair reached in under Gina's shelf bra and cupped her breast, kissing her. "Bye, thank you for a lovely time."

"Aren't you asking me up?"

"What to fuck?"

"Please be couth Adair. Aren't you committed to one step at the time?"

"Ah yes. I'm..."

"Answering yes is sufficient. I don't need you apologizing to me perpetually. I'd like to inspect your apartment."

"What for?"

"To see what state it was left in. It will tell me a lot about you."

"It may be littered with the sex toys of girlfriends."

Gina opened her mouth and then caught the boyish grin. "God, you are a tease."

She liked the apartment and smiled when seeing the occupant kick a pair of underpants under the bed.

In the bathroom Gina put her hand on the shaving cabinet round handle and gave Adair a 'May I? Look. He nodded.

"Where are the condoms?" she joked and giggled when told his girlfriends had the responsibility of bringing their own. Looking only slightly pink she laughed and said she'd asked for that riposte.

Gina looked down at the pool and said, "All those women -- you must feel you are in paradise."

"Their partners are in various groups drinking beer and watching sport on TV. If you must know I prefer someone like you. Those women down there are basically unhappy so tend to moan."

"Oh you poor thing."

"Do you want to swim and stay and eat out with me?"

"Yes please."

"Good we'll go out and buy you a bikini."

"I brought one and also threw in make-up and a dinner dress."

"What, hoping this would happen?"

"Well not hoping. If you hadn't made the invitation I intended to suggest a swim, stay late and that would have meant you inviting me to dinner once you felt tummy rumbles."

Adair grinned and said, "I like the way your mind works," and Gina looked very pleased.

They progressed another two steps. Gina allowed him to see her in a bikini and over dinner she was able to observe his table manners and how he treated serving staff. It was beginning to make Adair feel uncomfortable. It felt, he imagined, of being drawn into a dungeon.

A what?

Yes, he confirmed. A dungeon, where he'd be denied outside life and could no longer be himself.

At the end of the evening he kissed Gina goodnight without attempting to fondle a breast. He thought that ought to tell her something. Adair's prevailing thought was he didn't want his wings clipped.

In bed that night Adair grabbed his dick and began jerking it. It astonished him to find he was hazily visualizing himself rutting not Gina but her married sister.

Next morning Adair awoke feeling a weight in the back of his head. His PA Jan told him to stop being grumpy and having to smile in acquiescence at her lightened him a little. He didn't call Gina and she didn't call him. A fortnight passed and in the supermarket he came across Gloria.

"Oh hi," she said. "You've made Gina unhappy but she's getting over it and now we have a real crisis on our hands."

Adair braced himself to hear her husband Ivan had suffered a heart attack or had been diagnosed as having terminal cancer. But no, it was just another family complication.

"Scott, Charlotte's husband has called saying he's fallen in love with this female executive on his advanced engineering course and wants Charlotte's agreement to have their marriage dissolved."

"The asshole."

"My thoughts exactly."

"How's Charlotte holding up?"

"Very well actually and is now happily calling Scott an asshole. Her plight has helped Gina emerge from her minor depression."

"Depression? What brought that on?"

Gloria shook her head and said, "You men are so cerebral. You giving her the gentle push upset her emotionally. She didn't think you were right for her but had decided to give you time to prove yourself worthy of her."

"I'm sorry."

"And so you should be. Did the breakup occur by default?"

Adair looked Gloria in the eye. "It's strange you should say that; it's more or less what happened. I'd not thought it was over until it was, if you know what I mean."

"I believe I do. You decided to let her call you and she decided not to call you."


Gloria was in her element. "You were turned off when you found she was timid about having sex with you."

"We didn't have sex."

"Ohmigod, that must have been a first for you. I meant, her being so tentative about it?"

"Yes, that's exactly right and her being something of a control person."

"Gloria smacked her lips. "I knew it. I tried to tell her you two were a mismatch. Well I best move along. I guess this won't be the last I'll see of you?"


"I watched your expression when I said Scott was not coming home. It told me a great deal. I have advised Charlotte to engage you for her divorce. I want that rotten jerk to be totally financially responsible for Charlotte and their children until the youngest Angus is sixteen or, alternatively, she takes up with someone and then Scott's responsibilities will reduce to the children."

"If that's Charlotte's instruction, if she engages me that's what will be done. It is of course more difficult with the father choosing to remain on foreign soil."

"Yes, and I understand. Charlotte is a microbiologist and her formal employer says they'll have her back and promised her promotion within the year. Charlotte will be ideally suited to you Adair. She's the exact opposite to Gina; she adores sex. But please don't tell he I've told you this."

Looking embarrassed, Adair thanked Gloria but said to take nothing for granted. "If anything were to happen it couldn't happen until I decide I like Charlotte."

"Anna is very much like her mother and I say you two will revel in each other's company."

Adair grinned and kissed Gloria on the lips. "You're not too bad yourself Gloria. Bye."


"Mrs Love is ready to see you Adair. She has signed on as a client."

"Thank you Jan. I'll be right out," Adair said, checking his zip and spraying after-shave around his neck.

Adair went through the door, having prepared to be impressed, but not to this extent. Charlotte appeared to have lost weight. The black pencil skirt fitted like a glove, with no overhangs apparent. The buttoned bright red jacket was under strain around the breasts. Her dark hair was in a French roll and her make-up looked perfect. She was the finest looking woman client Adair had ever had and probably the most beautiful woman to have been in their offices, though he had no way of checking out such a claim. But clearly she looked stunning. The other PAs were staring, making no effort to pretend they were working.

"Kiss me. This coating doesn't shed easily."

Adair kissed her. "Please come this way Mrs Love."

"Thank you honey."

That was stated loudly and decisively but Adair didn't mind, relieved she hadn't called him darling.

As Charlotte sat, crossed her legs and tugged her skirt to her knees Adair had caught the flash of white flesh above the heavily laced black stocking tops, his absolute favorite.

Forty minutes later they were finished. Charlotte had taken Adair's advice to go for everything -- the house, her car and the cabin their owned in the hills and then to split their joint investments in half. Scott would be aware his children and the wife he was divorcing would require a home and a car.

"He won't give me the house. It's expensive."

"How much is covered by mortgage?"

"Eighty-five percent."

"Well advise him you won't require him to finance mortgage repayments because you'll be returning to work."

"How do you know that?"

"You will won't you? You'll need cash flow."

"Well yes."

"Believe me Charlotte, that demand has a good chance of success. He'll be feeling guilty and not having to pay off the mortgage means he has more cash to pay for a home for himself and his new lover. We'll invite him to nominate the monthly payments in alimony. I'll attend to the technicalities to tighten security for continuing remittance of that money."

"Thank you. You are a darling."

"Be careful how you use any endearment within the hearing of others Charlotte until their negotiations have been completed."

"Well what happens then. Do you want to see me?"

"Do you mean to fuck you?"