Ashley's Campaign Ch. 17


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One thing at a time was all she could manage. Ashley focused on picking out an outfit for the Homecoming Game tonight. She checked the weather on her phone. It wasn't supposed to rain, but it was early November. It was going to be cold and windy tonight. She clicked on a weather alert about Hurricane Emily. The storm track had changed and now had a possibility of passing over Central New York on Saturday night.

At dinner, she made sure to tease her friend Emily about a hurricane named after her. Since Josh could not drink before the game, Robert served apple cider with the hearty meal.

The Homecoming Game was supposed to be a sure thing. Ashley winced when her boyfriend, Ryan, took a hard shot to his already tender ribs after the play was blown dead. One of his teammates shoved the player who had hit Ryan. A group of angry Riverdale players squared off with their opponents. When the referees managed to restore order, they ejected the player who hit Ryan and the Riverdale player who shoved him. Ashley was surprised at the quickness of the Riverdale team's anger. Emily said the team was just trying to protect their quarterback. Unfortunately, Ryan's passing was off for the rest of the game. Her brother, Josh only managed two short receptions all night.

At halftime, the game was still a scoreless tie. The third period was a little better. The Riverdale team outweighed their opponents by almost twenty pounds each thanks to the Myobar supplements they were taking to enhance their muscle mass. Riverdale wore down their opposition, and running plays that had been stopped in the first half began to produce results. The Riverdale team was playing with intensity and scored late in the third period. Their opponents had one very fast player, and he scored on the kickoff. A Riverdale player caught up with the visiting player in the end zone and put on a late hit. Another brawl erupted. Even Emily shook her head at the Riverdale team's quick display of rage. Fortunately, it was the last offensive success for the visitors. When the game was over, Riverdale had ground out two more touchdowns. Jordan, the running back, was the hero of the game.

Ashley, Emily, and Robert waited outside the locker room for Ryan and Josh. They were excited by the win, and the girls were hoarse from cheering. Ashley was careful when she kissed Ryan. Even so, he winced in pain. At least, his ribs were only bruised. He begged off any celebration and told Ashley he would pick her up tomorrow for the Homecoming Dance.

As a result of Ryan's injury, Ashley got to bed early. She hoped she could make it through the night without taking another prolactin. She fell asleep trying to think about her boyfriend. She had a hard time. Ryan's face kept morphing into either Kyle or her brother Josh.

Saturday morning, Ashley once again woke up with her hand caressing her pussy. After bringing herself to an intense orgasm, Ashley crawled out of bed and staggered into the bathroom. She went straight for the prolactin pill and washed it down with a glass of water. She felt dizzy and clutched the sink. She was overwhelmed by a metallic taste in her mouth. She barely had time to wonder about the strange taste before she was overwhelmed by nausea. She barely managed to reach the toilet before she vomited. She knelt down and puked for what seemed an eternity. She felt hungover even though she hadn't had anything to drink on Friday. She was still worshiping the porcelain god when Emily walked into the bathroom.

Emily said, "I hope you're not coming down with the flu."

Ashley turned a pale face to her friend, but before she could reply, she was overcome by another wave of nausea. Emily put a hand on her friend's forehead.

Emily said, "I don't feel any fever. How did you sleep?"

Ashley managed to mumble, "OK."

Emily laughed, "Well, I guess it's just a simple case of morning sickness."

Ashley glared at her friend's crude attempt to be funny. She knew she hadn't missed a single birth control pill. She had been extra careful once she started having regular sex. She shook her head. Does regular sex include orgies, drugs, and alcohol?

Ashley felt a cold sweat as another wave of nausea overwhelmed her. She leaned over the toilet bowl and retched hard. Nothing came out. Today was supposed to be her big day. She had endured weeks of crazy shit in the hope of winning the Homecoming Queen crown. Ashley cried in frustration as Emily sponged her head with a cold washcloth.

Once Ashley stopped puking, Emily helped her back to bed. Ashley covered her eyes with the wet washcloth and rested. Mid-morning, she felt good enough to get up. The first thing she did was take a prolactin pill to replace the one she had puked up. She was down to two pills. It should be enough to control her Senesse fueled arousal through the next morning.

She ate a late breakfast and managed to keep down a glass of water and a vanilla yogurt. She rested her head on her hands and stared at her friend.

Emily said, "I looked online, and there are a few things that could cause your symptoms. It might just be nerves, but normally nothing bothers you. I know you are on the pill, but we need to give you a pregnancy test since the consequences are serious. If you're pregnant, you need to consider the health of the baby and watch what you put in your body. Definitely, you will have to give up drinking. I have a test kit in my room because, well just because I do pole dancing, and things can get wild."

Ashley looked at her friend and said, "I know my life has gotten out of hand, but I've been very careful to take my birth control. I can't be pregnant. Seriously my periods are never very regular. I've been late before."

Emily said, "Just humor me. It won't take but a moment to pee on a stick."

Ashley said, "This is stupid. I'll bet anything I'm not pregnant."

Emily said, "If that is what it takes to get you to do the test, I'm up for a bet. How about the loser doesn't get to wear any underwear to the Homecoming Dance?

Ashley laughed, "Oh sure says the girl wearing a long dress. I can't even wear a bra with my backless dress. In case you forgot, my dress is pretty short with the slip removed."

Emily said, "Hey, it might get you a couple more votes if you flash your butt. Besides my nipples will show if I go without a bra. I'll be showing way more than you as long as you don't bend over. Take the bet or not, I want you to take the test."

Ashley laughed. As usual, Emily was cheering her up. She doubted she could have made it through the last few weeks without Emily around to make her laugh.

Ashley said, "OK, I'll take your stupid test and your stupid bet."

Emily went back to the room she was sharing with Josh and returned with a box containing a urine test kit. Emily handed Ashley a small cup.

Emily said, "Here you go. All you need to do is pee a little before peeing into the cup. We only need a half cup. We can do the test in the kitchen and drink coffee while we wait."

Ashley returned a few minutes later with a cup of warm urine. Emily took the cup and stuck the test stick into the cup. She kept the stick in the urine for five seconds before laying the strip on a paper towel. She set a timer before filling her cup with coffee.

"OK, Ashley, now we wait for five minutes. Do you want some coffee?"

Ashley nodded and sat down at the kitchen table. She was glad Josh had gone out with her Dad earlier.

Ashley didn't want to even look at the kit. She said, "When do they announce the Homecoming Queen at the dance?"

Emily said, "About eleven or so. That gives everyone a chance to vote. The band is really hot, and you should dance with people who haven't made up their mind between you and Ellen."

Ashley said, "But I only want to dance with Ryan."

Emily said, "Win or lose, you'll have plenty of time to dance with Ryan after the announcement of the winner. Of course, if you win, you and Ryan will have to pose for some pictures for the yearbook."

Ashley said, "I know you suggested I run for Homecoming Queen to make my senior year more interesting but I'd never do it again. I never expected so much shit from Ellen and her gang. I know I'd be a lot happier with a boring senior year."

The timer went off, and Emily said, "Want me to look first?"

"Go ahead. It's just a waste of time anyway."

Emily stared at the stick. She grabbed the instructions and held the stick up to the instructions.

Ashley said, "Stop kidding around. It's not funny."

Emily said, "You're right. It's not funny. You're pregnant."

Ashley said, "Damn it, Emily, knock it off."

Emily showed Ashley the test strip and pointed at the two lines visible in the window.

"Ashley, the line next to the 'C' is the control line. It means the kit is working. The line next to the 'T' is the test results. It says you are pregnant. We did the test right. The instructions claim that false positives are rare, and the kit is 99% accurate."

"But I'm on birth control, and I haven't missed a single pill."

Ashley pulled out her birth control pack and showed it to Emily. Ashley had not missed a single day.

Emily took the pack and examined it carefully.

Emily said, "Alcohol and drugs can interfere with birth control pills. Also, there was a recall recently. The recalled kits were all placebos instead of just the week for your period."

Emily pulled out her phone and entered the serial number for Ashley's birth control pills. She groaned and handed the phone to Ashley.

Ashley stared in horror at the display. She checked the number Emily had entered and started to cry.

"Kyle checked my birth control pills. He told me these weren't on the recall list. He's supposed to be a trained pharmacist. How could he have made a mistake? Maybe they just added these to the list."

Emily took her phone and examined the recall notice.

"Sorry, Ashley, this notice was posted three months ago. I have no idea what Kyle is up to, but he can be an asshole. He's always scheming for an angle to get ahead."

"What would be the purpose of getting me pregnant? It's not like he's the only man I've had sex with recently."

Emily had no knowledge of the multiple partners Ashley had had in the last couple of weeks. She was surprised enough that Ashley was admitting to sleeping with Kyle. Emily had gone out with Kyle for a couple of months and knew he was a skilled lover. She had broken up with him because of his constant lies and manipulation. Now she thought she understood why Ashley had been out late night after night. Ashley's performance on the soccer field was understandable if she was pregnant and getting no sleep.

Emily said, "Oh God, it could even be your brother."

Ashley stared at Emily and shook her head. There was no way she could tell her best friend what a slut she had become. Getting pregnant by her brother was the least of her concerns. What if it was that demented sadist Zach or one of his Army friends, or the Japanese businessmen, or the police chief, or the DA or maybe Tony the owner of The Pink Pussycat? Ashley laid her head down on her arms and sobbed.

"Oh God, Emily. What do I do now?"

Emily put her hand on her friend's shoulder and said, "Well, right now we go get our hair and nails done. We go to the Homecoming Dance, and you win the dumb crown. You dance with Ryan and have the night of your life. I'm planning on dancing with your brother and later fucking his brains out. Monday we'll get you to a doctor and deal with your pregnancy. For now, you have to stay away from alcohol to protect the fetus."

Ashley laughed through her tears. Emily was right. She had fought hard to be Homecoming Queen and damn everyone if she was going to pass it up. She was glad Emily didn't know that alcohol was the least of Ashley's problems. What effects were heroin and cocaine having on the life growing in her? Did anyone know what effects Senesse had on a fetus? Ashley took a deep breath and tried to relax. She just had to let her worries go and enjoy the moment. She felt agitated and realized she would need a shot of heroin before the dance.

Ashley enjoyed being pampered by the best hairstylist in town. Ashley normally wore her long blond hair in a French braid. A week before, the stylist showed her a variety of formal hairstyles for long hair. Ashley had decided on one with a tangle of curls cascading down her back. Her dress was backless, and the curls would soften her muscular back and shoulders. Her nails were a work of art and reflected the metallic threads in her dress.

Ashley and Emily arrived back at the house with hours to spare. Ashley's Dad had promised a healthy dinner to carry them through the dance.

Emily asked Ashley, "Are you OK for a bit? I want to phone my mother. I'll see you at dinner."

"I'll be fine, Emily."

Ashley was happy to be left alone. She could feel the building arousal that meant she needed to take one of the prolactin pills. She also recognized the signs of heroin withdrawal. She needed a fix to carry her through the evening. She knew she was fucked up but promised herself she would deal with it tomorrow. After taking the prolactin, she prepared a syringe of heroin. She was glad she hadn't planted all of the drugs in the school lockers. Ashley propped herself up in bed to protect her hairdo and stuck the needle into a vein with shaking hands.

Ashley woke up with her dad knocking on her door. She had slept nearly two hours. He had promised dinner at 0500 to give the girl's plenty of time to get ready for the big dance. As usual, he was right on time.

When Ryan arrived to pick her up, Emily and Josh were almost ready to leave. Ryan whistled when Ashley entered the living room. She was wearing a spectacular backless formal dress. The white taffeta fabric flowed down her trim body. Gold colored metallic threads were woven into the material to produce a subtle shimmering effect. She was wearing the modest jacket with elbow length sleeves. The taffeta material ended in the middle of Ashley's thighs. A rustic cotton lace slip under the top fell straight to just above her white high heel shoes. Ashley's Dad gave her a hug being careful to not mess her makeup.

Ashley thought Ryan and her brother, Josh, looked fabulous in their tuxedos. Emily's short but curvy body was a knockout in her floor length gown.

Ashley's Dad said, "OK Ryan, I want her back in one piece by 2300."

Ashley punched her Dad in the arms and said, "Dad, please be reasonable."

"OK, I was joking. It's not a school night, and no one has a game tomorrow. Just be safe and call if you are going to be later than 0100 hours. OK?"

Ashley kissed her Dad on the cheek leaving a smudge of lipstick.

"Love you Dad."

Ashley rode to the dance in Ryan's pickup, and Emily went with Josh.

Ashley and Emily easily passed old Ms. Sturgeon's dress code inspection. After all, Ashley was a star student, and her dress was a lot more modest than most. Once they were inside, the two girls ducked into a bathroom far from the entrance. Ashley removed her jacket top and slid the lace slip off. The gold threads in the dress shimmered in the light. With the jacket removed, her back was bare except for a mass of blond curls. The front neckline plunged down just below Ashley's generous breasts, and the top was tied behind her neck. The taffeta dress ended in the middle of Ashley's trim thighs. The right side had a slit that ran up her leg to the point that it would have shown the bottoms of granny panties. Since she was wearing bikini underwear, all that slit revealed was the top of her athletic thigh.

Ashley was about to leave when Emily stopped her and said, "Give it up."

"Give what up?"

"Oh, so you conveniently forgot that you lost our bet?"

Ashley was puzzled for a moment until she recalled Emily betting that she was pregnant.

"Seriously Emily, the last time I lost a bet to you it didn't end well. I'd rather not repeat my little yellow dress adventure."

"Ashley, wearing that little yellow dress got you more votes for Homecoming Queen than any lobbying by your friends or the football team. Besides, you accepted the bet and if you'd won you would be asking for my underwear."

"Big deal. Your dress is a full-length formal gown. In case, you didn't notice mine is a little bit shorter."

"It's still a lot longer than that yellow dress. If it makes you feel any better, I'll take off my panties too. It'll be a nice surprise for your brother. Now stop arguing and pay up."

Ashley reached under her dress and slid her bikini underwear off. She handed her panties to her friend. Emily laughed and removed her own panties.

Ashley said, "I hope you are happy. I feel practically naked."

Emily gave her friend a hug and slipped a hand inside the slit on Ashley's dress.

Emily said, "Your pussy feels so smooth. I need to get one of those laser jobs."

Ashley leaned against the wall and closed her eyes as her best friend stroked her bare mound. She moaned as Emily's fingers trailed up her slit and rubbed across her clit. Her mouth fell open as Emily kissed her softly. She inhaled sharply as Emily brushed Ashley's top aside and sucked a firm nipple into her wet mouth. She knew her growing excitement was partially fueled by Senesse, but she had a few hours before she would be in danger of losing control again. For now, she relaxed and enjoyed her friend's caresses. Emily's fingers flew across her clit. Her friend continued sucking her breasts as she plunged two fingers into Ashley's wet vagina. She wailed as she rode her friend's fingers to a warm orgasm.

Emily stepped back and said, "You seemed uptight. I hope you feel more relaxed now."

Ashley and Emily met Ryan and Josh in the hallway outside of the multipurpose gym which was decorated in a Parisian sidewalk café theme. Some small tables with colorful umbrellas were arranged around the edges of the gym. A band was playing softly in the background. Students were milling around checking each other out. Ashley heard a momentary silence as she entered the gym on the arm of the Riverdale quarterback. All eyes were on the couple, and the silence was soon replaced by a buzz of excited comments. Ryan led Ashley over to the refreshment table, and he got two cups of nonalcoholic punch. They strolled over to a table occupied by several football players and their dates.

Taylor, the girls' soccer midfielder, was wrapped in Jordan's massive arm. They had been dating since the pool party.

Taylor said, "Ashley, you look awesome. I just know you and Ryan will be the King and Queen of Homecoming.

Jordan the star running back said, "Ryan, you are one lucky guy. Don't let her get away or someone will scoop her up. Ashley, you're looking stellar."

Ryan laughed, "I didn't know you even knew the word stellar. Is that because you still see stars after diving into the other team's line once too often?"

Jordan's laugh was a deep rumbling base. "Ryan, I'm not the one who nearly got knocked out of the game in the first quarter. Lucky for you I was able to save the game while you whined like a puppy."

The room turned silent again. Ashley looked at the entrance and saw Ellen on the arm of William Benton Pembroke III. Ellen's dress was stunning. It was strapless, and it showed far more cleavage than Ashley's dress. Ellen's slinky red dress was slit nearly to her waist revealing a hint of her white panties. Her heels were at least four inches high, and she towered over her date by a good two inches. Ashley wondered how Ellen had managed to sneak her dress past old Ms. Sturgeon.

Ashley's campaign manager, Beth, walked over with her date, Brandon. Beth had started dating the math nerd after he had helped rescue Ashley from the basketball team.