AU Ch. 01


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Mark wondered how best to go about getting the slightly taller man into position. He was happy the table was cloaked in the shadow of a corner and no one would make any lewd comments to scare the guy off. He smiled and took Maddox's arm he felt himself stiffen a little in response to how firm the guy was. His groin sure as hell appreciated the definition. Maddox had to work out and Mark couldn't help but wonder what the rest of his body looked like. Mark loved being on top in his sexual relationships but he was of the notion that he was gay because he wanted to top a man, a real man. A man like Maddox built like the faceless man of his dreams.

He removed the triangle and bent over the table holding the pool cue. "now you want to try and rest it between your fingers and use you dominant eye to aim." Mark explained resting the wooden cue between his thumb and index finger. It felt familiar to him and Mark smiled a little happy this guy was letting him lead. "and then you shoot" Mark said with a shrug and Mark hit the white ball sending it into the organized cluster causing chaos amongst the balls as a solid red one went into a pocket. "you hit the white ball and try to make it hit other balls. I hit a solid so you are stripes."

Maddox unapologetically checked Mark out as he was bent over the table. He couldn't help but notice he was rather skinny and Maddox wondered if maybe Mark would let him make him dinner sometime. He blushed again something he was doing a lot in this man's presence and tried to listen to him talk. Maddox just couldn't help but fixate on his new friends body. He wasn't terribly surprised that he might be attracted to him and with the alcohol running through his veins much of his closed off thinking didn't seem to surface. That was when Mark looked over his shoulder to see if Maddox had got it and his eyes quickly darted away meeting the man's gaze.

Somehow he knew Mark was gay he couldn't put his finger on how and he wondered if maybe this was his gaydar. The idea thrilled him for a moment. Maybe it was the fact that he was so attracted by the guy, or maybe he just on some level had noticed the shirt. He watched color tarnish Mark's perfect skin and found it oddly endearing. This man was driving him wild and all he was doing was teaching him pool.

Mark took Maddox's arm and positioned him over the table lining him up with the ball. He could smell his forest clean scent and tequila swirl up his nostrils and the aroma left him dizzy. Mark positioned himself behind Maddox and felt his cock stiffen in anticipation from the seemingly innocent lesson. "so you um hold it like this and..." Mark moved Maddox's arms and the combined movement hit the white ball in the direction of a striped yellow orb which landed in a pocket with a happy thud. Mark's heart was slamming around inside of him and as Maddox turned his head to ask for Mark's approval Mark couldn't help but to gaze into the guy's wonderful blue eyes. He saw a sort of longing curiosity behind those wonderful blue eyes and for a moment their breath just danced in the air.

Maddox looked up at Mark's green eyes and he felt as if his world had been turned right side up after it being so upside down with Trissta. He stopped thinking of everything his entire life had been about up to this point and just went with what he was feeling. Trissta leaving had given Maddox the chance to find himself and to find true actual love. Love with another man hell maybe even love with this man.

Mark couldn't keep his lips to himself anymore and he met Maddox's mouth with his own. He felt the man wrapped in his arms under the pretence of being taught pool jolt in surprise and stiffen for a fraction of a second. Mark was just starting to form the feeling of regret and fear when he found Maddox's lips respond under his kissing back shyly as if completely unsure how kissing was done. Mark shifted and took the pool cue from the other man's hands and placed it along side his own on the green felt of the pool table. He turned Maddox to face him and caressed his face gently pushing some hair back.

Maddox had to stop the childish whine that was about to escape his lips. He didn't want Mark to stop he wanted to keep going. Maddox felt dizzy as his heart frantically pumped blood to everywhere in his body but his brain and in a foggy haze Maddox realized his erection was pushing painfully against his jeans. Something it had never done for Trissta no matter what she did and now all it took was a kiss. Maddox was desperate to find out what this feeling meant and he didn't want any other teacher than Mark.

Mark knew his cock outline was clearly visible in his jeans and he was going to try and conceal that and continue with the lesson until he saw the pure lust in his student's eyes. His mind started to skip as their bodies pressed closer together and their shafts received some much needed friction. Mark shivered at hearing the man beneath him moan and he wrapped his arms around him kissing him again. Mark ran his tongue across the bottom lip of the other man. He felt Maddox open his mouth and Mark slid his tongue inside massaging Maddox's tongue with his own pleased he had been able to make the other man forget whatever it was that was bothering him.

In his slightly intoxicated state Mark translated comforting the man and making him happy with giving him pleasure as well and he began to think about where to take him. Mark laced his fingers with Maddox's and saw the disappointment on the other man's face when he pulled away. He laughed a little enjoying how wonderfully easy and responsive Maddox was to him "come on handsome." He purred leading Maddox across the floor to the bathroom.

Maddox followed happily. It made him feel warm all over when Mark called him handsome. Maddox wanted Mark's body back on him. It had been difficult not to instinctively push back into Mark. He had wanted it to continue but Mark had called him handsome and Maddox was irrecoverably under this man's spell. He was shaking with nerves and desire as he followed Mark. He wasn't sure where he was being lead but Maddox knew no matter where Mark wanted to take him or what door he wanted to open Maddox would follow willingly. He saw the bathroom come into view and his small neat freak side made his nose scrunch up thinking about the germs that must certainly be in there. To Maddox's obvious surprise the bathroom was relatively clean and the smell of bleach singed his nostrils.

All thoughts of anything gross suddenly failed him when he felt Mark's hands around his waist his thumbs tucked into the hem of his jeans resting right above where his muscular back protruded into his buttocks. Maddox arched into Mark without thinking and whimpered softly voicing his desire for the hands to go lower. God he wanted nothing but those hand on him for the rest of his life.

Mark smiled and resumed kissing Maddox damn this man was driving him crazy. Moving so fast was really not his style but the man was acting as though he had never been touched before and it was all Mark could do to not take him hard and fast right there in the bathroom for anyone to walk in on. Mark's lips crashed into Maddox's again this time portraying his sexually aggressive side.

Maddox felt his back being pushed against the cold tile and he shivered at the excitement of letting Mark have complete control over his body. He pushed back a little liking the pressure against the wall. Maddox had never really thought about how men got together but his insides seemed to ache for Mark and his seven and a half inch cut shaft was fully erect now.

He could feel Maddox's lovely ass arch into his hands and he wanted to give in and give the man what he wanted. Mark's hand slid down into Maddox's pants and he grunted a little in frustration at the lack of movement the fastened clothing allowed. He wanted to feel Maddox's ass inside and out but he decided for now that would wait. Mark reached around to the front and unfastened his student's pants sliding the zipper down. That sound that only a zipper makes echoed off the walls and Mark froze looking to see if maybe he should stop. Those damned blue eyes reflected a pleading need for him to continue and Mark threw all care to the wind and touched the man solid shaft.

As soon as those lovely fingers touched him Maddox moaned happily. He looked at Mark and wanted to touch him back. "can I?" He asked blushing and jerking as a warm finger stroked his sensitive underside. Maddox's heart leapt when he was given a smile and a nod. He slowly with shaking hands began to undo Mark's dark pants. He noticed how the dark of his clothing contrasted with the pale color of the elegant man's skin. He traced the lined of Marks hips touching the piercings there and wondering with fascination what it would be like to have them in his mouth.

He seemed to notice all of Mark's extra metal at once and the thought of it all sent intoxicating waves over him as his balls seized up. He pushed the pants down slowly and took in the sight of Mark's beautiful erection and it had never occurred to him that a penis could be beautiful but this one certainly was. His mouth watered hungrily. Timid hands reached out and touched Mark's cock and he watched curiously as Mark licked his own palm and reapplied the twisting spinning motion to Maddox.

Mark moaned as unsure hands began to stroke him and he took Maddox's lead and removed the other man's shirt. They were both standing there bare-chested pants pushed down stroking each other into oblivion. Mark let some spit form his own mouth splash onto his cock and he watched Maddox look at it curiously and he seemed elated to play with him more.

Maddox was so focused on Mark's needs he almost forgot his own. He didn't realize how loudly he was panting and moaning. The only cock Maddox had ever touched had been his own and hands other than his own and here was some guy he barely knew about to make him explode. "I'm I'm..." He panted not sure how to voice that if Mark didn't stop then his beautiful slender stomach was going to be drenched in Maddox's spunk.

Mark moaned loudly hearing Maddox whine and pant was driving him over an edge. His eyes followed every wonderfully sculpted ripple in the guys body. He just couldn't wait to get him into bed and Maddox was definitely going home with his number. Mark smirked feeling his own sac tighten as his cock leaked precum onto the floor. "cum for me baby" Mark commanded and as soon as he felt the first spurt of hot sticky sperm Mark lost his control and sprayed his partner for the moment with his own orgasm. He coated Maddox's hands and chest with it and panted jerking happily in the few final strokes before Maddox released him and sighed surveying the mess.

There was cum all over the bathroom and both men. Mark reached out a finger and traced some of Maddox's rock hard abs. "god you are sexy" He panted smiling. Mark reached for a paper towel and rinsed it under the hot water wanting to clean the man off after the mind blowing hand job. He then quickly without so much thought cleaned his chest leaving a little bit of the sticky remains as he pulled his shirt back down.

He wanted something of Maddox's to take home. A thought came to him and Mark seized his collar bone sucking on the muscle beneath the bronzed surface. Maddox whimpered happily as a small bruise was left on his skin. He smiled happily. Mark pulled out an ink pen from the back of his pocket and in an attempt to be sexy scrawled his number under his mark. "call me."

Maddox nodded happily and pulled Mark into him. Feeling the smaller body smack against his brick chest. "I will Mark, I promise I will." He said sounding like a love sick over sized puppy. He wanted to never let go of this wonderful man who had taught him how to live. Maybe it was the tequila talking but Maddox could not think of anything wrong with his life at the moment.

Justin watched Mark walk out of the bathroom and yawned tiredly. He smirked noticing his roommate stumbling a little bit and clearly still basking in a drunk after glow. "alright lover boy" He teased smiling "give me the keys since clearly I am the only one sober and you can tell me all about your wonderful mystery man bathroom session."

Justin had only seen the guys bulging bicep as Mark dragged him into the bathroom but with an arm that sexy Justin had to approve. Mark flushed realizing he didn't know much about the man other than his name and what the front half of his body looked like. He was starting to panic a little maybe the guy wouldn't call him.

Justin smiled "that good huh? You'll have to introduce me. Those guys I was with were too into the daddy games which I am so not in the mood for tonight." Justin rolled his eyes pulling into campus parking. Marks beat up SUV that he had been living in before school creaked as it was shut off. Justin helped Mark into his room and tucked him into bed. At least someone had had some fun.

Maddox managed to call his best friend Todd to come get him. The blonde party boy watched his drunk friend stumble out of the bar with curiosity. "you alright man?" He asked chuckling.

Maddox nodded happily "yeah" was all he managed to get out without blushing. Maddox pulled off his shirt grinning like a teenager. "see" He exclaimed displaying the number happily.

Todd nodded an arched eyebrow "dude Trissta is gonna eat you alive when you get home with that." He smirked happily having never really liked Trissta.

Todd remembered seeing Trissta fuck one of the grooms men right before she walked down the aisle. Todd still wrestled with if he should tell Maddox that. For some reason the poor guy just seemed so lost and confused all of the time. It was clear his friend wasn't happy but no girl seemed to make matters better.

Maddox looked like he had been shot "we're getting a divorce" He shivered clinging to his abandoned shirt. He didn't love Trissta hell at this moment he was pretty sure he was gay and it was a true blessing that she was gone. Still he had to move so she could have the house and he might have to get a lawyer if things got ugly. Suddenly the gold ring resting in his pocket felt like a ball and chain.

Todd rested a hand on Maddox's shoulder "need to talk about it?" he asked secretly hoping his best friend would decline since Todd wasn't really good with that emotional crap.

To Todd's relief Maddox shook his head "I don't wanna ruin this." He slurred motioning to the hicky before crashing against the window. Maddox quickly fell asleep in the moving car with Todd smiling happily. It was about damn time he find a good girl.

Some how Todd had managed to get Maddox into the house. He didn't ask any questions about the mystery lady thinking he would hear all about it later. Being a good friend he scrawled the number down on a post it and stuck it to Maddox's dresser mirror incase the ink smudged over night. Thank god that bitch Trissta was out of his life. Todd only hoped Maddox's new girl fixation would treat him better.

Mark leapt up the next morning to the sound of his alarm. Justin groaned and Mark quickly turned it off. His head throbbed as he looked at the clock trying to remember how he had gotten into his bead. Mark stumbled out into the hall way shower tote and towel in hand and began to get ready for his 8am chemistry class.

Mark brushed his teeth while he let the hot water pelt down on him. He smiled remembering the guy form last night and he wondered what he was doing. The idea of Maddox showering at the same moment he was turned him on. Mark shampooed his hair praying he would get to see Maddox soon.

Maddox rolled over and glared at his alarm. If it hadn't been the first day of work he might have just skipped it and sent out an email saying he was sick. Maddox knew that was irresponsible and instead he rolled out of his warm bed stumbling to his shower. He had to be at work at 7am so that he could prepare for the day.

Without thinking Maddox turned on the water and squirted some of Trissta's expensive body gel into his hand. He rubbed it all over his body thinking how pissed she would be if she knew he was using her expensive products. Maddox smirked and took the bottle squeezing the contents down the drain.

It was childish but as the frothy vanilla scent swirled down the drain he felt better. And then panic seized him. Maddox leapt form the shower sliding on the tiles and looked in the mirror. The number was gone and all he had was a bruise to remind him of the guy from last night.

Maddox held his head. The guy form last night. He hadn't even given him his number or told him about the divorce or anything personal. His thoughts swam. The number was gone and it would be all to easy to deny his sexuality and pretend mark had never happened.

Maddox realized instantly he could never do that. He remembered Mark being so sweet with him and teaching him to play pool. Teaching... Maddox grumbled realizing he was still needing to deal with work.

He drove most of the way to his job thinking about Mark. How could he find him again. If he did manage to find him what would he do? Did this mean Maddox was gay?

Maddox quickly pushed these thoughts aside and walked into the building. He headed strait for his office and grabbed two stacks of papers. Maddox glanced at the clock and figured he could be a minute or two late. Besides coffee would really help clear his head so he could lecture without feeling so hung over.

Maddox walked into room 213 uncapping a black marker coffee in one hand he began to write DR. Cotedivoux on the board he turned around and his breath caught his heart stopped and the coffee slid from his hands.

It smashed against the unforgiving floor showering him in drops of the scalding liquid. It seemed to bounce off his shoes and soaked his khaki dress pants. The coffee had even managed to taint his new collared shirt.

Mark walked into his class room fully expecting it to be the worst thing on his schedule. He sat in the big lecture hall of about 100 other people and went three rows up sitting on the outside. The room was big and looked like the stereo typical lecture hall with rising steps and two sides of six rows going up. Mark hated climbing over people to get a good seat.

Mark watched the teacher walk in and his entire body went hot then cold as his teacher dropped his coffee all over the floor. For a few agonizing heartbeats he watched the man try and regain some form of composure as he mopped up the mess. Damn those beautiful blue eyes, Mark rushed to Maddox's side and took some paper towels from his teachers hand.

Mark felt sick. Why did Maddox also have to be Dr. Cotedivoux, the sexy new chemistry teacher everyone was talking about. His Maddox his puppy dog in need of an alpha was his teacher.

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BitchWhoMadBitchWhoMadover 5 years ago
5 stars

I'm loving it ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

erotikpassionserotikpassionsalmost 11 years ago
Good But.....

Its a good romantic story but i've read some of your other work and am sure you do best when writing in the first person POV.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
a few grammatical errors.

i was looking forward to reading this series, but i lost interest after maddox was first mentioned.

but up until then, i think it was wonderful!

also, there were some spelling and syntax errors.

maybe you should find a better editor.

good job!

FangsAnarchyFangsAnarchyover 12 years agoAuthor
Chapter 2-5

Are posted? I don't know how to make them be in a series and I am still looking for the help section on how to do that. Sorry please look at my page.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

WHY IS ALL THESE GOOD STORYS DONT GOT A SECOUND PART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! U LEFT ME HANGING ;(

canndcanndover 12 years ago

I like it alot. you do a good job with descriptions so the reader can create pics of the places they are etc and I like that as a rule. You brought Maddox to life and really gave us a view into who he is. Mark also was revealed a little but I hope to get to know more about his past. Keep writing!

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
good story

very nice work, can't wait for another chapter.

julrijulriover 12 years ago
good start!

Keep up the good work. You're really good at this, i cant believe its your first post. I loved the story and cant wait to see where its headed.I read some of the other commentators, so I am glad you got some help. get all the help you feel you need. It adds to the fun, and you'll meet some nice people as well. I dint find any major errors myself. this is for enjoyment it's not supposed to be an English term paper.LOL! It's a learning process. Trust Azenianheat's message as its right on. the only "torture" i got was now i gotta wait for chapter 2! Rats!

thank you so much for sharing your writing with us. well job done.

Morrigans_FaolanMorrigans_Faolanover 12 years ago
Nice start!

I'm with AzanianHeat - perfect grammar, spelling and punctuation are lovely but they won't help a story that has no spirit or plot.

You, however, have a fantastic beginning! That ending was such a surprise, and the idea that these two are going to face such obstacles but have so much to offer one another is pretty delicious.

Can't wait for your next chapter, but take the time you need to make it everything you want it to be :-)

FangsAnarchyFangsAnarchyover 12 years agoAuthor
Thank you

Thank you everyone for the feed back. I didn't notice I used happily so much and will make sure to look for that in chapter two. Thank you SoullessCynner for pointing that out for me. I have chapter two nearly done and have two editors. I know my grammar is terrible, but I wanted to get this out to see if it was even worth hunting down and editor. I hate wasting peoples' time. AzanianHeat, your comment made my week. Now that I have editors it should be easier to get through and I will separate point of view change. I personally find ~~ or ** distracting and I thought it took away from the story but that was a repeated criticism so it will be fixed. Thank you everyone else for both positive and negative feed back. Both help me out a lot in different ways.

SoullessCynnerSoullessCynnerover 12 years ago

You have a LOT of growing to do as a writer. When you're making a name plural, you add 's to it. So Mark would be Mark's, not Marks. That really put me off.

What also put me off was your excessive use of the word "happily". Everybody does not do everything "happily." Maddox followed "happily." "As soon as those lovely fingers touched him Maddox moaned happily." "He coated Maddox's hands and chest with it and panted jerking happily in the few final strokes before Maddox released him and sighed surveying the mess."

You also really need to start using commas. It should be: As soon as those lovely fingers touched him, Maddox moaned happily."

Another thing: The transition from one character's point of view to another. It needs work. I had to keep pausing, because one minute I'm reading Mark's pov, and then, without warning, you're in Justin's or Maddox's pov in the very next paragraph. You might want to separate their pov's using asterisks *, or dashes. So, something like this:

Maddox looked up at Mark's green eyes and he felt as if his world had been turned right side up after it being so upside down with Trissta. He stopped thinking of everything his entire life had been about up to this point and just went with what he was feeling. Trissta leaving had given Maddox the chance to find himself and to find true actual love. Love with another man hell maybe even love with this man.


Mark couldn't keep his lips to himself anymore and he met Maddox's mouth with his own. He felt the man wrapped in his arms under the pretense of being taught pool jolt in surprise and stiffen for a fraction of a second. Mark was just starting to form the feeling of regret and fear when he found Maddox's lips respond under his kissing back shyly as if completely unsure how kissing was done. Mark shifted and took the pool cue from the other man's hands and placed it along side his own on the green felt of the pool table. He turned Maddox to face him and caressed his face gently pushing some hair back.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

Absolute adoration of your story. I can't wait to read more.

QueenieLeManzQueenieLeManzover 12 years ago
Fabulous twist!

Can't wait for more!

butter_bugsbutter_bugsover 12 years ago

I loved this so much I finally delurked and got myself a literotica account so that I could beg you to hurry up with chapter 2! I can't wait to find out where it goes from here! :-)

AzanianHeatAzanianHeatover 12 years ago
AU: Pure Gold ;)

I loved this, absolutely loved it.

Yes, a couple words were misspelled; and, yes, the punctuation needs a little work – especially in terms of pauses and maybe some quotation marks – but I didn’t think any of that brought this chapter anywhere near “torturous”. I’ve seen far worse. Or, rather, I should say I’ve made it about halfway through far worse before just giving up.

Justin is pricelessly adorable; the connection between Mark and Maddox is incredibly intense and I love the rhythm with which you write. They each have their own ‘frequency’, so to speak, and the images you paint around each character made me believe in them wholeheartedly and sucked me into this world wholeheartedly. I also found the perspective changes smooth and clear enough to follow comfortably.

My favourite aspect of this story is how none of the characters plays the role that would normally be expected of them based on how they look or where they come from.

Julian is the delightful little ‘flutterby’ one would expect to be fickle and of little substance – yet he’s the Psych major (that I suspect will be helping Mark and Maddox sort through their pasts and their hearts). Mark has the ‘don’t give a fuck’ look with a ‘take me or leave me’ attitude – yet he has such admirably honourable goals focused on helping others and is extremely responsive to the people around him. And Maddox – the biggest, toughest hunk on the block – is the one readers will want to protect most as his warped views of himself reveal how lost he is. We’ll be rooting for him every step of the way to get to truly SEE himself.

By the time I got to the end I might have let out a slight scream… a slightly huge one, that is. I didn’t see that ending coming until they were walking into it; and I loved that you gave nothing away about Maddox’s job so that the surprise could make the most powerful impact once it was sprung. I was certainly stunned. And excited. What’s next? What’s next? What’s next?!?

My apologies for rambling on like this, but have I mentioned that I love this story? All in all, I think what I’m trying to say here is: thank you for gifting me with a new addition for my Favourites list.



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