Bastille Day Ch. 03


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We six got up, and those on the covers put them back on the beds, while the other couple picked up their towels. With chuckles, we trooped back in the other room, where the atmosphere was just as relaxed. Couples were sitting together as couples will after having orgasms: he with his arm around her, she maybe holding his soft cock. They all, however, were again watching the TV. We sat down where we had left our things and saw that the parade had ended, that they were watching the Tour de France, but with much more interest than we would have expected.

Someone who had recognized our expressions explained:

"The finish line today is here, here in Cap d'Agde."

"And?" someone from our group asked.

"We can watch to finish."

"But not like we are now," Sans-culotte remarked, adding with a grin:

"Even if it is your National Nude Day."

We all laughed, nodding, a little more nervous relief. Buffy snorted and remarked:

"Not even a flash mob?"

"Not at the finish line; security is about as good as in Paris today," Sans-culotte replied, then adding:

"But we can take the rest of the champagne, whatever is left."

That reminded us all to thank him and his friend for their generous hospitality. They nodded with smirks and said something about the best party they had ever been to. More chuckles, grins and nods. There was a short line to use the toilet, some couples going in together, as Marge and I did.

We sat around watching the TV, very relaxed and familiar, the women no longer between our legs, sitting closer to others, hips touching and just fondling a little to remind our partners what we had done. Then the rest of the group also had to go to the bathroom. When the TV announcer suggested when the leaders would reach the finish line, we agreed to meet in time to be there. As we were leaving the suite, the first persons had to be reminded that they couldn't go naked. With chuckles, we all put on what we had been wearing and returned to our rooms.

Marge and I chuckled with grins as we got naked again, immediately going in the bathroom for a shower, one with no sexual implications for a change. At the agreed time, we joined the others in the lobby, smiling a little wryly. Someone asked his partner facetiously:

"Do we know these people?"

We all chuckled, and Sans-culotte led us to the road that the Tour de France would use. There was, of course, a large crowd along the barriers, so we had to split up to find places to watch. For all the Americans, it was an entirely new experience, so it didn't matter to us if we saw the actual finish. The Europeans told us that there would be a very heated race by a few of the cyclists, and that then the leading group would arrive, followed by most of the field.

Before the racers arrived, vehicles with advertising passed by, and then police on motorbikes clearing the roadway. Then we heard cheering further up the road, and the leaders appeared. We couldn't really see much from where we were behind the people who had been waiting longer, but the general excitement was infectious. The leaders were pedaling like mad and moving faster than we imagined one could on a bicycle. The rest appeared, followed by a few stragglers, and then we followed the crowd to where the winners' would be announced.

By then, we had picked up some information: that the winner of that day's "étape" probably wouldn't change the position of the overall leader, who wore a yellow "tricot;" and that there were other classifications. It was too complicated to comprehend, but that didn't matter. Eventually we learned that the winner of the étape was a German, André Greipel. When the members of the group regathered, we congratulated Anna and Petra that a German had won. The group split up again, and before dinner, some of us met as usual in the hotel bar. We made sure that Sans-culotte and his friend and the women didn't have to pay for their drinks, and went to dinner.

Marge and I sat with the older couple. We all smirked slightly as we sat down, also glancing at our partners, obviously recalling what had happened earlier in the day. The older woman was the first to speak - softly:

"We're not that old, and after she said that, and he mentioned the other room, I didn't want anyone to feel that the presence of a couple maybe as old as their parents inhibit what it was obvious we all wanted to do."

"And we did too," her partner added, patting her hand. She nodded with a smile and explained:

"So I said so, before there was any hesitation."

We nodded, and I replied:

"Oh, there wasn't, not after you spoke; it was nice that you thought of that."

Marge nodded, and we could leave that subject, talking about the Tour de France and other things. After dinner, the four of us went out for a walk, talking and having a glass of wine, and returned to our rooms. Marge and I had also bought an English and a German newspaper and caught up on what was happening in the world, and then went to bed, just went to bed.

With the consequence, however, that we woke up in the morning with my cock between her thighs, and I didn't have to go to the bathroom - and she didn't either. So we did the obvious in that position, nice and leisurely .... But I don't want to get carried away.

We spent Sunday on the beach, eventually talking each other into wandering to where people were less inhibited. Were all of those where we had been till then inhibited? They certainly weren't at that end of the beach. The young man's description had been correct, but we didn't let ourselves become infected, despite speculating about what the two young couples might have done, having seen that not just two people were doing something together.

Back in our room, our shower again didn't lead to anything. Had we been having too much sex? I liked that we could comment about that, both agreeing that it was certainly a lot more than either of us had had in one week - even during my honeymoon, and a lot better than that. On the way down to dinner, Marge took my hand and remarked with a smile:

"But we can still have a lot more."

I squeezed her hand with a nod and replied:

"I wasn't implying that we shouldn't."

We grinned and went to dinner. After dinner, we discovered Petra and Anna alone and asked them where the men were. Petra replied:

"They wanted to go to the casino. You probably know that they're computer programers with enough money for the trip and that too, but we didn't think we should go along - no money."

Anna nodded, adding:

"Oh, they said they would give us some to play, but, of course, we couldn't accept that."

"Of course not," I agreed, suggesting that we all have a glass of wine.

Marge supported my offer with a nod and smile, and we all went to the bar. They enjoyed talking with us, sometimes speaking German with Marge, when the subject was about Germany. She translated, bringing the conversation back to English. When I nodded to the bartender for a second glass of wine, Anna said:

"We shouldn't."

"Why not?" Petra replied, and Anna acquiesced.

We had a first sip, smiling, and continued our conversation. After a few more sips, Petra snorted and remarked softly - there were others speaking English at the bar:

"That was funny yesterday."


"Not without your help," I murmured with a grin, earning a frown from Anna.

"It was, both ways," Marge agreed softly with a smile, adding:

"I - we - liked it, didn't we?"

"Very, but maybe we shouldn't talk about it here," I replied

"Somewhere else?" Marge remarked, adding: "Why not? Since you mentioned it; interesting to share impressions."

I nodded. Petra also did. Anna looked less enthusiastic, but then nodded with a brief, wry smile. Marge also nodded with a smile, suggesting:

"We can go to our room."

Petra again was more receptive to the suggestion than Anna, but she also nodded with another little smile. As I asked the bartender to refill our half full glasses and signed the chit for six glasses, I remembered that the girls had said that they would stick together, recalling our assumption that they had both been together in the men's or in their room. What Petra had done the day before, and the way they all had been together on one bed certainly suggested that the four of them did more together than Anna's comments and frown wanted to admit.

As we went to the elevator, waiting, I wondered what Marge was thinking, having invited the girls to our room. Until then, I had only been surprised to discover that we had very similar or complementary thoughts, at least about everything we had done or thought about in connection with the group. What should I be thinking now? What could she be thinking?

Still wondering, I opened the door to our room and gestured for the others to go in. Marge immediately set down her glass and murmured apologetically:

"Sorry, I have to go."

The girls nodded, looking around where to sit. When Marge kicked off her sandals, the girls also did, and I slipped out of my loafers, gesturing at the beds, since there were only two chairs in the room. As they did, next to each other on my bed, I noticed that Marge hadn't closed the bathroom door. Knowing the toilet wasn't near the door, I closed it with a wry smile, remarking:

"Easy to forget after a week together."

The girls snorted and nodded. I sat down opposite them on Marge's bed. I didn't want to suggest we drink or say much until she returned. To say something, I nodded towards bathroom door behind me and said:

"If you also need to, of course."

They nodded, just acknowledging my offer, but looking like they were waiting to see the door open. We heard the toilet flush. When Anna heard Marge turn the nob, she nodded again and stood up, then looked surprised. Before I could turn my head to see why, Marge said:

"Oh! Sorry," and then I saw that she had taken off her skirt, as she added:

"We don't usually wear much."

She stepped away from the door nodded for Anna to go in. I didn't see her expression, but she did close the door. Petra nodded and almost grinned at Marge, replying softly, as though she didn't want Anna to hear her:

"We don't either, ... if anything. Isn't that why we're here? Hm-hmm! Especially after yesterday?"

"Or us," Marge agreed, and we all smirked, and I saw the nipples of Petra's perky breasts pop out.

I had already noticed, of course, that the girls weren't wearing bras and knew that Marge wasn't. Was that what she was thinking: that I - that she - wanted us all to take off our clothes? I only was wearing slacks and polo shirt, no underpants. Marge hung her skirt in the closet. She returned and picked up her glass. Her panties, visible under the hem of her short blouse, were nothing sexy, but not like the cotton, ass-covering ones my first girlfriend had worn. What did Petra and Anna wear?

We all took a sip, and Marge sat down next to me, and then undid the top button of her blouse. Petra raised an eyebrow with slight smile, and then we heard heard the toilet again. Anna returned. She just snorted when she saw Marge's bare legs. Petra stood up, saying:

"I'd better go, too," and as she set her glass down, added:

"We already had a sip."

She disappeared, and Marge raised her glass. Anna picked hers up and sat down, and we all had a sip of wine. The Anna sorted softly again, letting me think that she had noticed that Marge had undone the button of her blouse. I felt it was more difficult to know what to say to Anna, hoping Marge would think of something; it had been her idea to take off her skirt, for whatever reason. After the moment's silence, while that went through my mind, to my relief she did, but also to my surprise:

"Yes, that was interesting yesterday."

A small, wry smile passed over Anna's lips as she nodded slightly - involuntarily, like the way her nipples popped out under her light, girlish summer dress, that was held up by two bows on her shoulders. That reminded me that Petra was wearing a skirt, letting me wonder if she might also take it off in the bathroom. Anna nodded again and murmured:


After a moment she took another sip of wine, just a small one to suggest that was all she was going to say. Marge and I then also had a sip. Anna smiled a little self-consciously. To bridge the pause until Petra returned, I remarked that I also had to go and stood up and put down my glass, as though I were in more of a hurry than I really was. Anna snorted with a more relaxed smile, and we waited. When I heard the toilet flush, I moved closer to the bathroom door. A few moments later, it opened, and Petra appeared, refastening her skirt. She smirked slightly and remarked:

"I almost took mine off, too, but then thought better of it."

I didn't look to see Anna's expression as I snorted and replied:

"I wouldn't have minded, but no fear; I'll keep my pants on; nothing under them."

I hurried into the bathroom and closed the door without waiting for any response to my remark, which I thought had been witty and appropriate support for whatever Marge and Petra might have in mind. I made of point of letting them hear my stream splash in the toilet bowl, then taking my time before I flushed, hoping Marge would get the conversation going again. As I opened the door, I let the girls see my other hand check that I had zipped up.

Marge turned her head and smiled at me, remarking:

"We were speaking German. I need some practice."

"And what about?"

"Mostly smirking a little about yesterday."

"And about your last remark," Petra added with slight grin, continuing:

"Our friends don't either, not here, at least."

Anna wrinkled her nose, but nodded. I took my glass again and sat down, patting Marge's knee once. I snorted and remarked:

"Feels good, maybe like not wearing a bra."

The girls both seemed aware that their nipples popped out again, but only nodded, as did Marge, but I didn't glance over to see if hers had. Anna replied:

"We usually do, but also 'not here'; kind of foolish to, if we go naked on the beach."

"Especially after yesterday," Marge remarked, adding:

"Funny, how it's easier out on the beach, but different - at first - in the room, just the two of us. We knew we would, but didn't see each other naked until the first morning."

"After lots of talking about it, also fun," I added, smiling over at her, and we both had a sip.

The girls smiled and also sipped, Petra then remarking:

"Of course, we had seen each other naked, so that wasn't a problem, and then last summer."

"But it was still a little embarrassing the first day on the beach,"Anna added:

"imagining that all the men were looking at me."

I snorted with a smile and said:

"Probably not just imagining that they were; you two are attractive, literally: attracting appreciative glances."

Marge nodded as their nipples popped out again. I snorted and added:

"Especially if they do that."

The girls couldn't help but smile. Petra just looked down with grin; Anna rubbed her arm over her nipples, but smiled again and said:

"But at Marge too."

"Of course, especially me," I agreed and reached over and rubbed the back of my hand over Marge's nearest breast. She snorted and asked:

"And don't you look at the men?"

"Try not to," Petra remarked with a grin.

Anna nodded with more reserved smile and said to Marge:

"That was what was nice about your introducing us to your friends, that we met them, all of us with clothes on."

"I'm glad. Hadn't thought about that. Of course, on the beach, all nude, girls can only chase guys away or immediately assume that they only have one thing in mind."

The girls and I nodded. I hadn't thought about that either. Petra smirked slightly and remarked:

"Even if we weren't entirely against something happening, but meeting them that way was much nicer."

"They thought so too," Anna added.

We all smiled and had another sip of wine. After a moment's silence, Marge asked softly:

"And what would you have done for two weeks here, if you hadn't met them and hadn't wanted to agree to meet guys on the beach?"

The girls glanced at each other, looking a little embarrassed, more embarrassed, blushing. Marge nodded slightly and said something in German. The girls nodded shyly with red faces. Marge said something else in German. This time the girls snorted with small, abashed smiles, nodding again with furtive glances at me. Marge snorted and said three or four more words in German. They glanced at me more openly, but with slightly quizzical expressions. Marge noticed them and replied: "Oh," and couple of more words in German.

The girls chuckled with slight grins, nodding as they looked at me again.

Marge also grinned with a snort. Before I could ask what that was all about, she explained:

"I guessed why they were suddenly embarrassed and said that I also have slept with girls, then that you knew, and then that you liked it."

I nodded with a grin. We all snickered, almost laughing, and I remarked:

"Why not?"

The girls chuckled, nodding with grins. Then Petra snorted and asked:

"Why did you tell him?"

Marge glanced at me with smirk, nodding for me to reply:

"Just sort of happened: We were lying on our stomachs, looking up the beach, well, looking at the nearest woman, lying on her back. You can imagine, and Marge asked if I wouldn't want to lick it."

The girls giggled, and I continued:

"So I asked her why that had occurred to her, and you can imagine the rest."

Marge nodded with smirk, and the girls giggled again, almost laughing. Petra glance over at Anna and replied:

"Something like that, since our last year in 'Gymnasium' - high school ..."

"When we didn't have a boyfriend," Anna admitted with a wry smile.

"I like that," I replied with an understanding smile, adding:

"Why not? I like to do what you must, what Marge asked. Must be good, knowing how it feels - what you're doing."

Marge nodded strongly, giving me a grin. The girls nodded slightly, exchanging wry smiles. Anna remarked softly:

"But it's better with men."

"Sometimes, but with them, here," Petra added.

Anna nodded with a slightly abashed grin, taking a sip. The rest of us also did. Marge asked:

"Do they know?"

The girls again looked a little embarrassed, nodding, and Petra replied:

"We told them."

"You told them!"

"Okay, I told them, Hmm? Why? Oh, they asked the same thing, more or less."

"You didn't have to tell them."

"But they didn't mind, not after two nights with us."


"Don't start to be shy about it; you had done it with another girl before we did, and a couple others more than me since."

"Only one more than you, and maybe you didn't tell."

"Okay, only one. Didn't tell them that. Oh, they liked that we had, at least, they wanted us to show them."

"We were drunk."

"Enough that you agreed to."

Anna looked a little embarrassed again, but nodded with another wry smile. Petra grinned at Marge and me, apparently enjoying her story. We three took a sip from our almost empty glasses, and then Anna did. Petra continued with another grin:

"She shouldn't complain; it was real good. So we did, and then they wanted to join in. You can imagine how. Oh, it was good! Getting it both ways, and they thought it was too."

"I bet!" I agreed.

Anna nodded with chuckle and relaxed grin. Marge also grinned and nodded, remarking:

"Sort of like this morning, with him in me and both our hands making it better for me."

Anna nodded again, her expression suggesting that she was a little surprised by Marge's description. Petra just snorted with a grin and replied:

"Better; we had done that already."

Anna gave wry smile as she nodded in agreement. Then Petra chuckled and said: