Bastille Day Ch. 03


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"Oh yes, that too: the first nights, we had paired off, sleeping with the same guy, but then we discovered that it was the other one this time. Hm-hmm!"

"Surprise?" I asked. The girls nodded, Petra replying:

"But good - not just what happened - that after that we sort of took turns, instead of just doing it with one guy the whole time. They hadn't planned for that to happen - I don't think - but we all agreed that two weeks having sex with just one person might suggest more than any of us wanted."

Anna nodded more strongly with a smile, and Marge and I nodded, glancing at each other. I rubbed her thigh, and we emptied our glasses. She remarked:

"Better than this morning? Must be really good."

"For you."

"But they liked it too."

Petra nodded with a grin. I snorted and remarked:

"But we'd need help; ain't going to happen."

I collected our empty glasses and put them on the desk, then gestured at the minibar and asked:

"Anyone want anything more? I do."

"Me too," Marge agreed with smirk, holding her knees together.

"Me too," Petra added, and then Anna agree with a nod.

I opened the minibar and found the half bottle of vodka and a can of Sprite. The others nodded, and I poured modest amounts of vodka and filled our glasses with the Sprite. I passed the glasses around, not sure they we each got out original glass, and sat back down again. We raised our glasses and drank. Marge surprised me again, asking the girls:

"Why do you shave?"

"Why don't you?" Petra asked.

"I asked first; tell you then."

Petra glanced at Anna and then replied:

"I guess it started with a girl in our class when we were fifteen or sixteen. Her mother was French and they took vacations in France. Don't know if she had been on nude beaches. Maybe her mother shaved. Anyway, that fall she was. I guess some had seen girls on internet. Whatever, so then another one did, and another, and then most of the class. Saw each other showering after sports."

"Before anyone else could see? Marge asked.

"Not our mothers, I hope. And back then, no boys, of course."

"Hmm? Just because the others did?"

"I guess. Hm-hmm! Of course, we probably all were playing with ourselves, looking forward to a boy's seeing."

"Hm-hmm!" I chuckled: "If they had only known!"

Both girls nodded with smirks, and we all chuckled and had a sip. Marge snorted and said:

"Looks nice, like that girl's on the beach. Before you ask again: I might have, but I was working on my tan at my brother's and sister-in-law's pool, and she didn't."

"With your brother?" Anna asked.

"Um-hmm, easier than with another man, and with his wife there. And then, when I thought about shaving, it was too late."

"I told her that it would look even funnier if she had a white triangle down there, just calling more attention to her muschi."

The word slipped out inadvertently, but the girls snorted with grins. Marge explained:

"That's what I call it, remembering the German student that used it. Hm-hmm! Used the word."

We all snickered and had a sip. Petra remarked with a grin:

"That's what we call it, too. Hm-hmm! Shouldn't a pussy have nice soft fur?"

We all laughed, nodding and having another sip. I snorted and remarked:

"Sure can see them better without."

The girls and Marge smirked with chuckles, and she replied:

"I already knew where you were looking all the time."

"Yours is as pretty as any, ... even the sweet young ones."

I hoped I wasn't as drunk as I was letting my remarks might suggest. Marge snorted and replied softly:

"Like Petra's and Anna's?"

The girls just snickered. I grinned at them and replied:

"If you think so; haven't really seen them."

They snickered again, and maybe I just wanted to think that I noticed their knees move. Marge grinned and asked them:

"And what about the men's, that you try not to look at?"

This time the girls more giggled than snickered. Petra chuckled and took a sip and replied:

"I like yours better. Oh! I mean, I like ones like yours better, ... more fun to play with."

Anna looked very surprised. Marge grinned and said:

"You're right. I do too. If I had known that, I wouldn't have waited till the next day to find out."

The girls giggled again, and I replied:

"Hmm! Could have told me, asked me in an email, maybe asked me if you should shave. Wouldn't have mattered."

We all laughed and had another sip. Anna now seemed to be enjoying our banter as much as Petra was. I suddenly notice that another button of Marge's blouse was open, and that one of Petra's was, and then that she undid another one, smiling at me. I don't know if Marge had also noticed that, but she rubbed my thigh - more fondled it - and looked directly at Petra and said:

"If you want to play with it, I won't mind."

Anna giggled. Petra glanced down at my crotch and then back at Marge, and murmured:

"Should have taken off my skirt."

"I wouldn't have minded, still don't," I murmured.

Marge undid the next to last button of her blouse, and another one of Petra's was open, the erect nipples of her perky breasts seeming to spread the view of her tanned skin between the edges of her blouse. Cleavage wasn't the appropriate word to describe what could be seen, but that didn't make it less attractive - arousing. I felt my cock rise between my pants and thigh and smiled at Petra, having to wait a moment until her eyes rose and met mine. Her hands move to open her skirt. Marge smiled at Anna and murmured:

"If she wants to."

The last button of her blouse opened. Anna's nipples were very erect. Petra was moving to slip her skirt under her ass. Anna glanced back and forth at Marge and me - also down at my crotch - and then back at Marge and asked:

"What are we going to do?"

"Anything you want," Marge replied soft, fondling her breast, her thighs twitching. Anna's also did, and Marge murmured:

"I think she wants to play with it."

Petra nodded, staring at my crotch as she drew her legs out of her skirt. I opened my pants, glad that I wasn't wearing a belt, only having to unhook the fastening, nudging my cock around, hoping it wouldn't spring out before Marge and Anna could agree to something.

Anna nodded, that is, I assumed that she did, only having eyes for Petra, seeing her lay aside her skirt and open the last buttons of her blouse. Her panties were more conservative than I had expected, white cotton, but when she spread her legs a little, I could see that they were already moist. Too late to worry about my cock's springing out. I unzipped, and it did. Petra smiled. I heard Anna sniff in surprise. Marge murmured:

"Let them; I want to lick your sweet muschi, ... and to feel you lick mine."

The way Anna's thighs snapped together was evident without my shifting my eyes from Petra, seeing her finish opening her blouse, flipping it open, revealing her perky breasts and erect nipples. Her eyes shifted back and forth from cock and face, as she let her blouse slip off her shoulders.

Anna must have nodded. Marge stood up, her blouse dropping down on the floor, as she passed between Petra and me, murmuring:

"Let me."

I remembered the bows that held up Anna's dress. I wanted to see her nice breasts, but more wanted to watch Petra, who had also stood up and was beginning to slide her panties down. She smiled with a hum, as I stood up and my pants dropped. I whipped my polo shirt over my head, hoping it seemed a youthful motion, as it occurred to me that I was about to have sex with a girl young enough to be my daughter. What did she want to do?

She stepped out of her panties, and I struggled to step out of my pants. As our eyes shifted up and down, we were no longer smiling. Free of my pants, I turned and flung back the covers of Marge's bed, and dropped down on my back. She almost dove down next to me, her thigh immediately over mine as she rolled towards me.

I was relieved to see that the covers on my bed were also flung back.

Petra's hand slid down and found my erect cock and demonstrated her pleasure that she could rub the skin up and down. She hummed and murmured:

"More fun than the others, for you too, I hope."

"If it's more fun for you," I murmured and fondled her very firm breast, adding:

"And I like your perky breasts. 'Perky,' that's the way I think of them since the first time I saw them."

"Hm-hmm! I like them, too."

"What do you want to do?"

"Anything, everything!"

"That's a big order. Maybe we shouldn't do anything that takes longer than what they do."

"They can do it twice; ... I know she can."

I snorted, and for a few moments we enjoyed fondling each other, exchanging soft hums in response to what her fingers were doing on my cock, and mine, on her nipple. Then she murmured:

"Oh, this all started to tell Marge about what we did."

"Better than what she and I did this morning."

"Um-hmm. We should do that; you should do that."

"And you?"

"Hmm? Hm-hmm! She can lick my muschi, and I, Anna's."

"All three of you?"

"And you with Marge."

"If they want to."

"They will."

Petra snorted and rolled back, and we looked over to see Marge and Anna with their heads between the other's thighs. When Petra softly called "Stop!" they started and were still. As she rolled further and began to stand up, she continued:

"We want Marge to know what that was like, like I was telling."

They rolled apart, looking at her with surprised expressions. As I followed Petra, she explained:

"The three of us, and him with Marge."

It was a moment before Marge comprehended her suggestion and then grinned, remarking:

"And I get to lick your muschi?"

"Or I get to lick yours."

"No you don't," Anna replied, grinning.

"I wanted to lick both of yours, anyway," Marge replied, grinning again.

"Lucky! I did too," I remarked.

We all snickered, and for several moments the women moved around on the bed, forming a triangle with space for me to lie behind Marge. I waited to lie down, very much enjoying watching them draw each other's hips closer and find the other's pussy with their mouth - no, muschis; the word they all used.

Another image suddenly came to mind. No, not another video, that of the coat of arms of the Isle of Man, three legs joined in a circle. They all sure knew what they were doing! But before my cock forgot what it was supposed to do ...!

I lay down and heard Marge chuckle in her throat. I knew the sound from hearing her chuckle when my cock was in her mouth, but now I was guiding it in behind her ass. But first Anna's tongue found it. Marge seemed understand that she wanted to have it first, drawing her leg up over Anna's shoulder. Good idea; it wasn't as stiff as it could be. But in Anna's mouth it soon was again.

Despite her having been embarrassed when hearing Petra talk, now she sure wasn't reluctant to do anything, and she sure knew how to suck cock! She didn't release it, until Marge's hips twitched. Then it seemed that she was reluctant to relinquish it. Marge rocked her hips back, and Anna's tongue helped it find her opening. How could she be embarrassed with such experience?!

Damn! I've gotten carried away again. This is supposed to be about the group's experience. Well, this is, sort of, not just about Marge and me.

To make it short - but it wasn't. My cock was deep in Marge's muschi, and Anna was again arousing her clitoris, and I could feel that the others were too, and Marge's muschi was arousing me, without my having to do much, like when she sucked my cock. I have already said that that was indescribably good, and I hoped that it was for her too.

Keeping it short: with wet noises from three muschis, we all came, not simultaneously, but that only prolonged our mutual enjoyment. When we all rolled back and had recovered, Marge thanked Petra and Anna - and me. And I also thanked them, finding one of their breasts to fondle. Then Marge remarked, not entirely facetiously:

"Too good! Couples shouldn't know it can be like that."

"Even if they do it like we did this morning?" I replied.

"Hmm? Maybe, ... just maybe."

"If you do know?"

"Hmm? Hm-hmm! Worth trying."

We all chuckled, finding other hands also fondling breasts. After a silent pause, we got up and crowded into the bathroom, washing ourselves, the women washing their faces, not without snickers as we watched each other. Back in the room, we looked at the radio clock and Anna said:

"Oh, we've got to get back to our room before they come."

"But I haven't really played with his nice cock yet," Petra replied.

How seriously she meant it was not clear, but Marge answered:

"You can stay here, if you want to."

"And I shouldn't? We promised we would stick together. I don't want to be alone with both of them."

"That could be fun," Petra replied."

"Still, we promised."

Marge snorted with a grin and said:

"If you've promised; good idea. Hm-hmm! But I haven't."

She looked at me. I nodded, recalling our glances when the talk had been about it's being better not to spend the whole two weeks with just one partner. The girls' expressions suggested that they hadn't followed my thoughts, perhaps also those of Marge. I snorted and to help them asked:

"You want to surprise them, and we three stay here?"

Marge nodded, and then the girls did, and Marge said:

"Like you four discussed, so we don't spend two weeks with just one partner."

The girls and I nodded. Marge and I exchanged smiles, as Anna asked:

"And we stay here? For the same reason?"

"Because you promised to stay together," I suggested.

Marge nodded. Petra grinned with a snort and said:

"If you want to. They'll be surprised."

"You want to sleep with them?" Anna asked.

"If it happens, why not. ... And if it doesn't, at least, they'll know where you are, and together."

"And both safe in the arms of an older man," I added with a smirk.

We all chuckled, grinning, glancing at each other, and I was pleased with their response to my reference to my age. After a moment, Petra said to Marge:

"If you want to. ... Hm-hmm! I'll take the risk about being 'safe' in his arms, your arms," she added, giving me a grin.

Anna also grinned, remarking:

"If we have to stay together, I get one arm, at least."

I held out my arms, and they both slipped under them, putting an arm around my back. I held them closer, grinning at Marge, who grinned back, and replied:

"I'd better hurry, before I feel left out."

As Marge started to find her clothes, Petra replied:

"Tell them that it wasn't our idea, but that we think it's a good one."

"Also for that reason," Anna added.

The girls' arms held me a little tighter, and mine held them tighter. Marge grinned at me and asked:

"Will you be safe in their arms?"

"I'll risk it."

We all snickered. I thought that Petra might reach for my cock again, but she didn't. Anna had a more practical thought, telling Marge that the card-key to their room was in the pocket of her dress and telling her their room number. We three exchanged smiles with Marge as she found her sandals. As she wished us "good night" with a smirk, she added to me:

"Oh, wait for me before you go to breakfast."

I nodded, and we three grinned and said "good night," and then she was gone.

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mBrowmBrowalmost 11 years ago
Rather provocative! <smirk>

I think 'smirk' can often be sexy, erotic. If it fits the situation, let it go! Other words are much used, without our complaint: the, we, I, group ... In the story context,'smirk' implies humor based on shared awareness of a situation, often naughty or sexual. And these folks are certainly sexual!

leBonhommeleBonhommealmost 11 years agoAuthor
Too much smirking?

Wouldn't you in such situations smirk? I would, and others would: talking about sex; hearing innuendos; in response to invitations to do something; and, and and.

Maybe the problem is that a day or more of interaction is compressed into half an hour's reading.

biotecbiotecalmost 11 years ago

smirk BAD WORD over used

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