BatCrazy Nympho Ch. 02: Who?


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"To Cali!" I said, raising my glass in a toast.

"Damn right, to Cali!" he replied. We drained our glasses and I poured us another.

"You mentioned some strings... " he said. "I must say you have made me curious."

Next I had to lead him off-track a bit. "Well, I guess the first issue is looks. I told you I have a lot of names in my rolodex, would it really matter what she looked like? I mean, it's a given that she will enjoy it."

"You know, I do not think so," Jace admitted. "Yeah, any guy wants an attractive young girl. Cindy is really more quirky than beautiful, and it did not slow us down at all. I am at the stage where all cats are grey in the night, and beauty is fungible; look at the model for beauty in the middle ages."

"Do you remember VeeGee?" I asked.

"Heck yes! One night, but it was wonderful. She was fun, and exactly what I mean about the middle ages model of beauty! I don't imagine she fits into Hollywood, but damn, she was fun to be with!" His face showed it was a good memory.

"She is actually here in LA! Married... an arranged marriage... right after graduation. Faithful but still fun... she has been in this hot tub, naked with her husband. But you were talking about Cindy..."

"We were talking about anyone except Cindy. Look, if she was fun and into it, I really could enjoy myself with anyone. Who needs big tits and a skinny waist? If she is fun, even with little tits and a big waist that can be lots of fun too. Happy, with a willing pussy or even a willing smile, that is what counts."

"Amen!" I continued along a different path. "Another thing is, with Cindy, we had clear roles. You were in charge. I got to help, but you called the plays. But it was all... play WITH CINDY... whatever we were doing. Can you think in terms of something broader?"

Jace was smart, I let him work it out. "What do you mean, broader? Are you thinking another girl? No, that really does not... you would have led with that. So... OH! You are asking about guy-to-guy stuff! I thought you did not..." We both looked down, the water was very clear. But we each knew well enough how we were endowed, and there was not much difference. Cindy claimed that she could tell, but in a blind test she was right less than 70% of the time, where a random guess was 50% right. (We made up the experiment, and even submitted it as a model for a statistics research paper. The Prof said it made experimental design very easy to understand, it was a pity that the college was not yet liberal enough to use it in his lesson plan.)

When we looked down there was one visible difference - my pubic hair was gone while his was growing wild. That merited a comment. "You know, men are not the only ones who don't like getting hair in their teeth. There is a small shaver in your bathroom cabinet."

"Yeah, okay. Cindy never sees it anyway. Are you serious about the guy stuff?"

It was purely a distractor, but I played it straight. "Let us say that might be part, a small part, of someone's interest. Curiosity. But it goes farther. She might want to see something to put her in the mood. Maybe she wants to know what it feels like for her cream pie to be eaten. There is rimming. Maybe some light water sports. Bondage. I am saying this to cover the bases, to let you know I am contemplating new experiences. For this visit I am not asking you about going anywhere we have not gone with Cindy. But maybe, in the future... an experiment?"

Jace backtracked. "Well, that is something to think about. I have not..." I cocked my head and gave him a hairy eyeball, in college we talked with booze as truth serum. "Okay, I did a couple of times, when I was younger. Damn, it was fun too. As kids we guys used to... never mind. Okay, I admit I am horny enough so I could go down on you right now, if a willing female wanted to see it happen as a warmup."

That was what I wanted to hear. "I appreciate it and would expect to return the favor some time. You know, that is why you and I are so perfect - there is no ego clash. Here in Cali, every hotel valet sees himself as a studio head if he just gets the right break, so everyone is trying to get over on everyone else, trying to find their secrets, get leverage, because if you know somebody's secrets, you can use it. Heck, they make a religion out of it, and made a movie... well, that is too much inside baseball. But the point is that it is dog-eats-dog with everybody one know. Nobody is really your friend, they are just playing a part until something better comes along. It is my fishbowl... not the hidden people everywhere, but rather all the people who know who I am, who are the ones I see. The world," I gestured broadly, "may be anonymous, but they are also unknown to me. The issue is the people I know... to a man they know me."

"I never realized that. Does it really happen?" Jace asked.

"Everyone knows the Marilyn Monroe rags to riches story. It still happens. 'Good Will Hunting' took a couple of no-prospect out-of-work minor actors and turned them into titans that studio heads literally bow to. Heck, No Talent Affleck is rebooting Batman yet again with a budget of like $300 million! So yeah, it happens. The thing is, there are lots of low-lifes who believe it can and should happen to them when they get a break. They are looking to TAKE that break from anybody they find. It is all ego; ethics is a nonsense term."

Jace nodded. "I can see that... but you are thinking that will not happen with us, because we live in different worlds. You are driven by past desires and memories of good times. I am driven by the same memories and my current state of deprivation. That is a link... But it seems like I do not have the whole picture." Yeah, Jace was smart.

"True, I have another consideration, you will find out soon enough, but not yet. Our meeting in Atlanta was the random chance event that made something wonderful possible after so many years. Maybe there is a Cindy version 2.0 I know. Unlike most sequels today, this one has a better cast than the original."

"Okay, let us say I am in. What is the next step?"

"I need something more definite, but realistic," I said, putting a little stress in my voice. "How about this, you give me your word that you are committed to my plan for this trip only. I know you will be sold soon enough, but having your word gets us over the hump. But you have to trust me on specifics, including those unmentioned."

"Okay, well I do I trust you. So... yes, I am committed. I place myself totally in your hands," Jace said, holding out his hand. We shook on it.

"So, what comes next?" Jace asked.

"Tomorrow man, here the new day starts after midnight." I tossed him a foil package holding a well-known blue pill. "Take this when you turn in. Sleep naked. When you are asleep, somebody will slip a pillow case over your head. Dream on, it will be good. Don't fight. Don't ask. Don't touch. Take directions. Relax and enjoy... and rest assured, you WILL enjoy what follows. When the dream is done, get the best sleep in memory. Leave the pillow case until the alarm goes off. We will talk again over breakfast. When and where is your first appointment tomorrow?"

It was early yet, but his body was on East Coast time and it was good scotch so he was ready to turn and dream. Going back east after a week here would be a killer.

He checked his day-planner on his phone. It seemed his Tuesday was set, he had to be in Culver City at 10, which was 12 hours from now. The drive was less than an hour at that time of day. My driver would take him to the client, wait there, then take him to the car rental. He probably had a make-up meeting from today's list scheduled for the afternoon but there would be more than that, he would check his email in the morning. After that, Wednesday he moved south on his San Diego arc. His habit was to get a room close to his client, and since he was due in San Clemente in south Orange County he really had to get a motel down there. He had at least two days in the San Diego area. We would work out the rest of the week, but honestly, we all figured he would be on the job until the night he flew home. We could squeeze some more time in here to talk or play, depending. I decided to wait until then for the big reveal.


Fantasies Made Memories In The Night

Once Jace went to bed we watched the monitors to make sure he was asleep. The professional IR cameras available today are really quite amazing, and when you add the right software a trained professional (we both had picked up the skills) can actually make the darkness seem like daylight. We also had a sound-based heartbeat and breathing monitor activated and the bed was wired. While we waited, we talked about things we remembered, which led to sexplay with my favorite girl.

She said, "I know the physical difference is no big deal, except there is twice the fun for me. But something even bigger to my heart is the mental kick, the way you have arranged this as a gift for me, it is powerful! I love you so!" She was very sincere. As a known quantity, Jace was ideal.

She was anxious to play with her first new cock in well over a decade. But first she made sure the old one had no reason to complain. So before she got to sucking and fucking on Jace, she refreshed her memory of what my cum tasted like, and what I felt like spurting it inside. Over the next 90 minutes, I provided her with both.

About 90 minutes after Jace went to bed our sleep monitors said he was ready. A few more minutes made it after Midnight, milady was not in the mood to wait any longer. We were both naked. She was dripping with my last contribution to her divine pussy; she especially wanted my essence to grease the way for what was coming.

I carefully slipped the satin-backed pillow case over Jace's head, he was sleeping deep enough that he hardly noticed. But when she drew down his covers he woke.

I assumed that the hardest part of this would be seeing my dear lover kissing Jace romantically, with feeling. I knew that would happen sometime, but one reason I picked this scenario was that it would not be tonight. I figured that the seeing oral sex would be easy for me, because I saw Cindy suck Jace so many times. But I was wrong, this was the mother of my children; so when she took his cock into her mouth that changed my emotional reactions completely. I was not prepared for it.

She was almost giggling with happiness as she got close to him, she was really looking forward to this. She started by stretching her tongue out and licking his limp cock and balls. That got his attention! It put him on pins and needles. Using just her soft lips and tongue, she nibbled his cock until she took it completely into her mouth. The mouth I had just kissed with passionate love.

Inhaling a soft cock was something I had never seen her do before, when I got with her I was always erect. It was a very erotic vision, and it tripped some circuits.

Jealousy is powerful and natural, the feeling flared in me at the sight of my woman as she intimately pleasured another man. But I did love her, and I knew she wanted this, and this was the greatest gift I could give her, so I let those positive feelings come to the fore. Also, I knew that there would be somethings for me in this, maybe not today, but someday. After a moment of internal struggle, I found contentment.

Jace was fully awake now, feeling everything she did, even if he could not see. His cock stiffened while it was inside her mouth, and she toyed with the increasing size. When she licked it like a cat I remembered Jace had used "catlike" for her. Her look told me she remembered too. Finally, when he was fully hard, she started an in-out move. The movement was shallow, confined, she mostly slid her lips over the ridge while her tongue played with the sensitive part underneath, from the ridgeline to the slit. About once every 5 strokes she took him further in, until her lips pressed against his just-shorn pubes.

Jace had done a pretty good job of shaving himself, it is not easy the first time. I suppose I could have offered to help, but the whole bi thing was a little too much for this first encounter. Best to keep it 100% hetro.

She had started out low on the bed, with her body touching Jace's leg. This put her in the best place for the way she liked to suck cock. But Jace's first cum was going to be a biggie, and it was going to come fast, so she moved her body across the bed, perpendicular to him. At the same time she wordlessly coaxed him to spread his legs. When Jace started to get close, she switched to hard sucking, with lip action on the ridge, and a hand cupping his balls. She motioned me to the bottom of the bed, where I could see the action better, especially Jace's balls below his shaft, which was now pointed straight up to where the cockhead was enclosed inside her mouth.

Once I got in position to take the view in, it was just moments before he gave it up. I saw Jace's balls rise and the pulse of semen shooting up, distinctly moving through his shaft as he blew his load into my dear wife's eagerly sucking mouth. Then he shot again, and again. In all there were 5 primary pulses that shot up strongly, distinctly, into her mouth before the secondaries kicked in. That was a lot of cum, Jace must have really needed release. My best was 4 primaries. Skillfully my woman sucked it in, letting Jace know with her hands and mouth that she was eager and thankful for all he could give her. For his part, Jace let out a moan of release that was loud, and all the more pitiful because of how it testified about his long deprivation.

Other than the moan, Jace was perfect. He said nothing, and did not move; he let the pillow case stay even though it was just resting there. Why not? He surely had no complaint, and he thought there was nothing he could do to improve his experience.

I went to his head and whispering that, if he stayed as he was, and was UP for more, his pleasured dream was not over.

His cock was limp again. After a loving cleaning of the softening organ with her tongue, she placed gentle kisses and licks around the area, expressing sincere appreciation and thanks. In time she started to move up his body, teasing his navel and then moving up to his nipples, where she experimented with licks, kisses, love bites and some stronger nips with her teeth, until she found what he reacted to - as she knew she would. In the process she dragged her tits over parts of his body.

For the next stage I wanted to take a precaution. I passed the tie of his robe under the bed. The two ends of the tie were wrapped around his wrists, and tied with a simple knot. He knew he was not secured in any way, it was just a reminder to keep his hands down. He understood.

As soon as he was tied she started to drag her tits over his cock, his chest, and then his cock again. She settled were her breasts enveloped his shaft, which soon showed growth. Between her attentions, the tie with my implied promise, and the pill he took, Jace stiffened up again to a useful erection in about 15 minutes. My lover was delighted, this one was for her.

Stage two was her mounting his renewed erection in the cowgirl position, slipping his erection into her hot, sloppy pussy. She gave me an intense look as she set his cockhead against her pussy. My wife had not been a virgin when we married, and we had played together with others many times. Some of that play was pretty intense. But since our wedding day she had never been unfaithful to me. Nor had I.

We had talked about sex many times, and this act - a penis penetrating a vagina - was the act that defined marriage for us. Everything else was just friendly playing around. It was cause for a last minute of reconsideration.

The look said both, "are you sure?" and "thank you." I nodded for her to go ahead and fill herself with his body, it was a moment for us to remember. I was glad the camera caught it perfectly.

(Jace did not realize that one of the mirrors in the room was actually a video screen/camera combination. That screen was now slaved to the IR cameras, so I was watching the action and directing the shot with a tiny remote. It was a toy the XXX folks used. Technology is wonderful.)

As his cock entered her Jace knew that he was getting sloppy seconds, but that never bothered him before. He almost preferred it. It went in very easy. Once she got him inside her body she sat still as they both absorbed the moment. Then she leaned forward a little, a signal to me that this was not just her and Jace; Elliot had skin in the game too. I carefully worked a lubed finger into her lubed ass, I wanted to give her some stimulation that she otherwise could not get.

She had to sit still for me to work, so she used her pussy muscles exercises to keep Jace interested. His moans said he was impressed, when I was with Cindy she did not use her pussy muscles like that. Of course, Jace also got the benefit of my finger; rubbing his cock inside my wife's body was quite exciting for him. Maybe he gave thought to all the 'good old days' when we did DPs to Cindy; perhaps 75% of the time he was in her pussy and I was in her ass. We never admitted it, but we each loved to feel the other guy's cock and balls pressing against our own equipment when someone blew their nuts inside Cindy.

After a few minutes my wife wanted a small change. She started to move, mainly up and down but also back and forth and sometimes in a swivel pattern. She was trying to see what worked best for the three of us. I kept my finger in her as long as I could, but when her movements got more energetic I had to withdraw and wait for her next shift. That did not take too long, Jace was getting wound up again.

She was inspired for a different ending then we planned.

When they were both ready, she put her hand on Jace's chest to calm him, then slowly dismounted. Once she was off it was just a moment for her to turn so she was facing his feet. Then she mounted him again, this time in reverse cowgirl. She got Jace to move his legs together, then signaled me. I straddled his thighs and took my unfaithful wife into a loving embrace as she held his cock in her body. I had my hard cock pressed between us as we hugged tightly. Our hungry lips sought each other; I could taste Jace's cum on her lips and inside her mouth. So could she, but we didn't let it bother us. I had tasted his stuff before, with Cindy such things were common. It was new to my wife, she gave this little giggle at what I tasted. My willingness to accept her mouth flavored with Jace's cum there meant a lot to her. There are plenty of stories and songs of men crossing mountains and rivers for their women, to her this was such a declaration and it thrilled her. I moved to give her a deep kiss that sent shivers through her body as I held her tight. Then, as I held her upper body and kissed her so tightly, so lovingly, so passionately, she started to move hers body like a slut on Jace's cock.

She was distinctly, explicitly, loving me as a wife and fucking Jace like a slut at the same time. The combination really turned her on, and I was afraid that just the idea was doing powerful things for me as well.

I was determined to hold on to her until Jace's second cum filled her pussy; then I could have my way with her, especially her soiled body. I would reclaim her as I displaced his fluids, and her memory of what he felt like inside her body.

As deprived as Jace was, even after the BJ he would not take too long. What surprised me was how my wife was getting off fucking Jace this way; her motion was limited and she had very little stimulation. But for her, the mental trip and the implied promise of things to come can work as a big turn-on. Feeling our fantasy become real with every part of her body is what grabbed her.