Because of What We Saw


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We stripped off, leaving our clothes on the other side of the bed, well out of the way of any errant blobs, and then sat there side by side, unfamiliar with each other's nudity and each staring at the other's erection. I can't say for Dominic, but I was far more excited than I either expected or wanted to be.

'Have you ever used oil on your cock when you wank?' He asked me.

I hadn't a clue what he was on about. 'No, why would I?' I was thinking bicycle oil.

'I use some of my sister's bath oil sometimes. It feels really good when your cock's all slippery.' He looked at me. 'Wanna try?'

'All right.' I didn't see that a slippery cock would make it feel any different, but why not?

He stood up and pattered barefoot into his sister's room, returning waving a small brown bottle. 'It says "relaxation oil" on the label, but it doesn't make me relax.' He laughed knowingly. 'Hold your hand out.'

I did as he asked and he poured a little pool of oil into my palm before doing the same for himself. It smelled vaguely familiar, like some kind of old fashioned flower scent, but I couldn't place it. He must have seen the puzzled look on my face as I sat there smelling my palm.

'It's supposed to be lavender oil.' He told me. 'Rub it on your cock.'

Again I did as I was asked, massaging the oil all along my shaft and over the head of my cock. It felt good, and I mean really good, just like he had said. It made my cock so sensitive I almost flinched from the sensation as my thumb ran over my tip. Outdated scent or not, that oil felt wonderful.

'Nice, isn't it?' He asked, doing the same thing.

I just nodded silently, feeling even more randy and excited.

'Shall we?' He raised questioning eyebrows.

I licked my lips and nodded, running fingers tentatively along my cock. 'Let's do it.'

We sat side by side on the edge of the bed, running our hands along our cocks, just enjoying the sensations of an oily cock and getting used to doing it with an audience again. I suppose really we were more playing than actively wanking. We didn't say anything as we played, the little excited breaths and the occasional glance and grin was all the communication we needed. Dominic had his eyes pinned to my cock most of the time and I felt strangely pleased about it, but then I couldn't stop staring at his hand travelling up and down his shiny shaft either.

'This is good.' He said suddenly, sounding a little breathless. 'Don't you think so?'

'Yes.' I answered simply.

'What does your cock feel like?'

He didn't specify and so I assumed he meant how did it feel like coated in oil?

'Lovely, nice and slippery. It's making me harder than ever.'

'Let me feel.'

His request caught me way out. It was something I really hadn't expected and I didn't know how to answer. In fact I was so surprised that I stopped doing anything and just started at him with a blank look on my face. But then he took the fact that I'd stopped playing with myself as an invitation and he reached over to take hold of my cock. This time I was too shocked even to resist, I just let him do it.

In hindsight maybe I should have seen it coming, but I didn't. At first I was pulled two ways, half of me alarmed at the prospect of another guy playing with me, while the other part felt excited at something so new and so wrong. And of course, the longer I let him carry on the less I wanted to object, until the time to resist had passed and I just let him carry on. I liked it. I know I shouldn't but I did. Regardless of my innate objections I liked having another guy wanking me off, his hand sliding up and down my shaft. It's nice doing it for yourself, but having someone else do it means you can concentrate on the sensation without having it blurred by the feel of your cock in your hand. It's why some guys like to sit on their hand until it goes numb and then do it, or so I'm told.

I wondered for a moment or two if Dominic expected me to reciprocate, but the way he had twisted around to reach over to me made that virtually impossible, and so I just leaned back on my elbows and let him wank me. In any case I liked what he was doing and I pushed away the vague thought that I might have to do it for him.

He didn't quite know how I liked to do it, and to an extent I was in shock at what was happening, with the result that he didn't get me going quite as much as I would done to myself. It was going to take longer, but I didn't care, I liked the feeling too much. I would never have believed that I would ever let another guy play with my cock, let alone enjoy it. However, that didn't prepare me for what happened next.

He paused what he was doing, not a definite pause, but more of a hesitation as if he were unsure if he should continue. Then he carried on, his hand running up and down my shaft, only to pause again a minute or so later. I wondered if he thought I didn't like it, although my steel hard cock should have told him that I did. But then he reached for the tissues, taking a few and wiping my cock with them.

'What...?' I asked him, puzzled.

'Relax.' He whispered. 'Don't worry, I'm going to finish you.'

I was still puzzled, but I just watched him clean my shaft before reaching for the bottle of oil again. I shrugged to myself as he poured some into his palm, thinking perhaps it had got a bit of grit or something in the first lot. But he didn't massage it into my cock; instead he cupped my balls in his slippery palm and started to play with them, rolling them around in his hand. I was about to say something, to tell him that I wanted him to wank me properly, when he did something totally unexpected. He lowered his head and took my erection into his mouth, just like the blond man in the disused factory. Instinctively I pulled backwards a little, more from astonishment than aversion, but it was enough to make him release me and look up.

'Let me do it.' He begged quietly. 'I want to suck you off.'

I nodded my agreement, surprise giving way to excitement and making any possible objections a thing of the past, and I let myself lay back so that he could continue. This time when his mouth closed over my cock I was ready for it and I was relaxed enough to enjoy it more. As I have said before, I'd never been given a blow job by anyone, and I certainly hadn't thought I'd get one from Dominic, so I wasn't expecting the exquisite sensation of his tongue sweeping in circles around the head of my cock. It was wonderful and I couldn't stop myself from moaning with pleasure. I was being swept along on a wave of illicit enjoyment. Even the feel of his hand kneading my balls felt nice enough for me to part my legs as far as I could to give him better access.

Soon he began taking more of my cock into his mouth, his lips sliding up and down my shaft as his head nodded over me. At the same time his hand moved over my balls, gripping them gently before letting his fingers skate up and down my crack.

I was lost in the pleasure of it all, even when his fingers worked their way further down my crack until the tip of his forefinger found my anus I didn't notice - or maybe didn't care, I'm not sure which. Then realisation struck and I attempted to close my legs and pull away, although it was more an instinctive protest than any real wish for him to stop. He didn't stop; he lifted his head but gripped my balls in his palm and held on to me.

'Let me do it, Callum.' He whispered urgently. 'I just want to make you come.'

I believed him, or I convinced myself I did, for I relaxed, maybe a little reluctantly, but I leaned back down and opened my legs once more. It was all very new to me, this contact between two guys, but I knew I didn't really mind, in fact in my heart I was excited by it.

His mouth descended on my cock again, its rock solid erection testament to my genuine feelings, and his hand massaging my sac, with his oily fingertips now openly wriggling at the entrance to my anus, seeking admission. My heart pounded at the thought of what he intended, but I didn't mind, I just moaned softly as he found his way in, slipping a finger into my rectum and thrusting deep. It felt good this strange invasion, this unfamiliar and yet very stimulating sensation, one that made me want to let him to penetrate me further. I drew my farthest knee up, placing my heel on the bed to give him more room.

One finger now became two as he found my entrance with a second digit and wriggled it into me alongside the first. He was pushing into me now, slippery fingers thrusting in and out, all pretence of massaging my balls forgotten. He was still sucking my cock too, his head moving in time to his thrusting fingers as he blew me and finger fucked me both at the same time. I knew I wouldn't be able to take this for long without coming, and I was right, very soon I began to feel that delicious tightness once again, the fabulous sensation when your balls begin to get ready and your cock starts to feel more and more sensitive.

'I'm going to come.' I warned him, but the only difference it made was that he sucked me harder and fingered me faster still.

'I'm coming.' This time he looked up at me and nodded with his mouth still working at my cock, letting me know that he understood and that he wanted me to shoot my load anyway.

I didn't hold back, I don't think I could have done even if I'd wanted, because my cock exploded into his mouth, that's the only way I can describe it. I felt my climax get closer and closer, my hips began to twitch and I started to gasp, then just as my balls were about to let go Dom's fingers were rammed hard into me. He must have realised how close I was and did that to help me come, and was he successful. I gasped loudly as I felt my load race along my cock and burst out into his mouth, spurt after spurt, almost making him choke as he tried to take it all. He was still ramming his fingers up into my rectum, pushing in deeply with every spurt of cum he took in his mouth, until finally I was empty and I suddenly sagged onto the bed, my foot slipping from beside me and dislodging his fingers from my anus. I slumped back then, gasping and panting while he smiled like the cat with the cream, literally licking his lips to find any drop of my cum that he might have let escape.

For several moments we just looked at each other, coming to terms with what had happened, but then Dominic stirred, sitting up straight and showing me his erection. I thought, expected even, that he would ask me to suck him off too - and I would have done it, but he had a different intention.

'Kneel down.' He demanded.

I looked at him in astonishment. I understood well enough what he meant to do, and to tell the truth I was so swept up in what we were doing that I didn't even think of objecting. In fact I was genuinely excited at the prospect. The only thing that bothered me was the speed with which things had developed from a quick mutual wank to a full on sex session in one go. Now I understood why Dominic had never had a girlfriend, he'd never wanted one. Seeing those two men together had triggered things for him and he'd come out to himself. He was gay. I wasn't, though I must have been teetering on the edge of being bi at least, and maybe that made me hesitate to do as he asked even though I knew I wanted to. Instead I just gaped at him.

'Go on Callum. Kneel down.' He repeated. 'I need it. Go on all fours.'

I guess he did need it, and perhaps so did I, because I submissively did as he asked, kneeling before him with my head resting on my folded arms and my backside high in the air, still breathless from my own climax. From the corner of my eye I saw him reach for the bath oil again and I heard the oily wet noises as he coated his cock. I waited, my heart pounding with frightened excitement, knowing exactly what was going to happen and wanting it to. He shuffled up close behind me and I felt the tip of his cock press gently against my anus.

'Okay?' He asked hoarsely.

I looked over my shoulder and nodded, bracing myself. 'Ready.'

I felt him push against me, his cock pressing into my sphincter. I felt myself gradually open, eased and lubricated by the fingers that had been there before, until finally he was in.

It was a weird, exciting sensation especially when he gripped my hips and pushed himself very slowly in deeper. Dominic is well endowed, but not absurdly so, and yet it felt as if he was going in forever, further and further. By the time I felt his stomach push up against my buttocks I was full, wonderfully, incredibly full. He pulled back a little and then thrust forward, hard, his belly hitting against me.

'Take it easy.' I protested quickly, worried. 'I'm not used to this.'

He stopped, and then slowly pushed his cock back into my rectum as far as it would go. 'Sorry. Getting carried away.' He apologised. 'It feels so good from this end.'

'It feels good on the receiving end too.' I told him honestly; surprised with myself that it was true. 'But do it gently please, let me get used to it.'

He did as I wished, slowly, gently thrusting into me, pressing himself right in and then carefully withdrawing. It felt lovely, the sensation of his cock moving inside me. I know guys aren't built like girls, but I understood why women like being fucked because so did I. I knelt there and took it, gasping with pleasure as his cock went right in, pushing back at him in an effort to take as much up me as I could. He sensed my pleasure and carefully built up his thrusts, mindful of my anxieties, until he was fucking me properly, thrusting right in hard and fast. Then I could feel his fingers tighten on my hips and I knew he was getting close to coming.

'Can I come inside you?' He asked suddenly, his voice taut and urgent.

I hadn't expected to be asked, in fact I'd not even thought of it, and the question threw me for a moment. But then I knew I wanted it, really wanted it.

'Yes.' I gasped from the force of his thrusts as I spoke. 'Please.'

He groaned behind me at the thought and his thrusts became even more rapid and forceful until he was ramming himself into me as hard as he could. Then I felt him pull back, hesitate and then slam into me, groaning loudly as he came, his cock twitching regularly as he shot his load inside me. I loved it even though I hadn't expected to. I'd thought to allow him to fuck me in reward for my blow job and just put up with it, but instead I felt good about it. Letting my friend empty his balls into my rectum felt like the best gift I could ever give him as well as being very, very pleasurable for me. I loved every thrust, every spurt, right down to the last little jerk of his cock, until he knelt behind me, his cock wilting inside me, clinging to my hips and using me to steady himself as he got his breath back. Eventually he slumped back onto his haunches and his cock slipped from my anus, letting me feel the cool air waft across my bottom.

'I didn't expect us to do that.' He said eventually, still fighting for breath.

I rolled over, sitting down carefully, not knowing if I'd be sore, and chuckled at his comment. I knew by then that he's planned it, right down to having his sister's bath oil available. Yes, it was nice to wank with oily hands, but that, I realised, wasn't the real reason he'd got it.

'Maybe, but you wanted us to, didn't you?'

He looked at me and shrugged, recognizing that I'd understood. 'Well I thought I'd like us to, but I didn't know if you'd want to.'

'So you set it up for you to fuck me?' I wasn't angry and I tried to keep my tone friendly. I like girls, but I liked what we'd just done, so I couldn't be mad, and maybe I was more bisexual than I'd thought

'It'll be your turn next time.' He said, trying unnecessarily to pacify me. 'You can have me next time.'

'You think there'll be a next time?'

'It would be nice, but if you don't want to...' He let his voice trail off.

'There will be a next time.' I told him. 'So stand by to get fucked.'

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AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

I really enjoyed your story it brought back memories of my early teens. The first time was with two brothers 14 and 15 I was younger than them. We had many good times but never did anal because we never thought of it. Later on the 14 year old and I did it a lot together until we got caught by my Uncle. That became another story.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Fantastic story! Well written and very hot!

sober71sober71over 6 years ago

It pushed all my buttons, as I am bi and enjoy a nice cock, it took me back to my early teens, such excitement and discovery. Thank you.

o2byoungo2byoungover 6 years ago
This story did me a favor!

At 76 I don't think I've had a full erection in about 3 years. This story was so hot, I was not only feeling highly aroused, I actually was at about half mast! Very well written, and I love these types of first time stories. Nice job, Otazel.

bimale63bimale63over 6 years ago

Enjoyed many mutual masterbation seccions with my cousins when I was very young and mutual blow jobs and anal before I ever had a girlfriend very found memories this brought back great story

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Quality of Writing

One can see the many stories this writer can tell; but the writing of this story is so fresh that it seems one's real experience, the way good literature should be. This could easily be a chapter in a novel about coming out. It is superb writing.

GybbsGybbsover 6 years ago
what might have been ...

...but at that age I was too chicken! Thanks for letting me know what I'd missed out on ;-)

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