All Comments on 'Becoming His'

by DominaJen

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cantfightfatecantfightfateover 5 years ago
I like your writing style and your other story but this was too far into

noncon for me. It made my stomach turn.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Well obviously

Cantfightfate did you not see the note to readers at the top where she specifically said it was nonconsensual and if you don't like nonconsensual sex don't read it?

All these people giving low ratings because they got all shocked and bothered when they found out that hey, it's actually nonconsensual. Stop using low ratings to bury this when ppl actually want to read noncon, not that fake roleplaying pretend "noncon" crap.

Dominajen don't worry about people who can't read warnings. This is awesome I totally love that whole psychological aspect and I hope you write more of this! Just remind me never to get on your bad side. Your mind is dangerous!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

Yes I read the warning!! This kind of forced dominant sex is illegal. Its called Sexual Assault & RAPE!!!

Ricky should be arrested and prosecuted for his sexual crimes. Prison is to good for him!

Do us all a favor DominaJen, keep you sick and evil thoughts to yourself. I feel very sorry for you and all those that think this kind of Garbage writing is hot or erotic in any way!!

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Wrong catagory

This whole story is rape...

And yes read the note....just becuase has 2 guys doesnt mean this is the right catagory.....ricky is just a rapist..not a dominate...and this poor kid has serious mental issues..change to non consent..

It is lay not lie...and laying...

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Great story

Well first you gave warning before the story that it was non con so it’s not your fault that others aren’t bothering to read. This was just the story I was looking for with the slight Stockholm syndrome and everything! It’s great as it is but would love to see a continuation of it

63lsmith63lsmithover 5 years ago

I do not care what some of these closed minded people say, It was very good and well written. Dose not sound like true rape to me, because it is plain that he had been wanting it and he enjoyed it. Please give us the next chapter.

XanaduvianXanaduvianover 5 years ago
I enjoyed it.

Well-written, and hot. It touched several themes I'm interested in. Everything here reflects the interests of the author. If you don't like it, just read something else. People get turned on by many different things, including inanimate objects. For those who downplay this story, consider YOUR kinks. Would you want the world to know? Whatever they are, there would be those who would find fault.

As for me, it got me hard.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago

This is incredible. I csnt even describe how good this one is

DominaJenDominaJenover 5 years agoAuthor
Note from the author

First, I want to thank everyone for their feedback, both critical and positive.

I knew when I published this story that it would appeal only to a very specific group of people, that most wouldn't like it, and that's okay.

I wouldn't say they're close-minded, I knew from the jump that this story wouldn't be as popular as Written in Stone, and I knew that some of the readers who like Written in Stone would be thrown a bit by this one. This one is very dark, and explores a different kind of power dynamic between two characters, neither of which are very mentally sound.

So I expected some critical feedback, and even some insults. It doesn't surprise or offend me in the slightest. And while I greatly appreciate those who have jumped to my defense (you guys seriously made me smile, thank you), I don't want the comments section to become a flame war.

I didn't write this story for everyone. If you like it, then you're one of the few I wrote it for. But even more than that, I wrote it to explore some psychological themes and triggers I was curious about, and couldn't explore through the sane, caring, compassionate characters in Written in Stone (I obviously couldn't have Charis or Ilya do anything like this. That's not who they are. And I love them too much to turn them into abusers just to satisfy my own curiosity).

If some people don't like it, or are uncomfortable with it, that's okay. They have that right, and I can't condone anyone insulting them for their feelings. Whether they choose to use insults is irrelevant. But my supporters, I'd like to ask you to take the higher road and not do the same.

But, there are some comments that I find a little worrying, and wanted to address.

I do want to point out that this is fiction, with fictional characters, and I'm worried that fact may have been lost to some readers.

Ricky doesn't exist. He doesn't "belong in prison," because he's not real. Yes, he's abusive. He's everything the commenters say he is, and a whole lot more, that hasn't made it into the story yet. I'm not defending him in the slightest. He's pretty much the textbook definition of a horrible human being.

But he's fiction. He's not real.

I have a character arc for him, and there's something specific I want to see if I can achieve with him. Because of that goal, it's actually a good thing that so many people have expressed discomfort with him, a dislike of him, or have insulted me for writing him. Knowing that so many people legitimately hate him or are uncomfortable with him helps me.

He and Justin are like a "science experiment," of sorts. I wanted to put specific pasts and specific psychological triggers together, and see if I could use that to achieve a specific goal, that I've seen professional writers able to accomplish, but I don't know if I can, because I've never written anything like this.

And he's not a Dominant, I had hoped that was clear from the beginning, and wasn't something that needed to be said. The association between this story and BDSM that some people are making worries me.

We are all aware of the many vast differences between BDSM and abuse, yes? And that this is NOT a D/s or BDSM story? It doesn't belong in a BDSM category, because it's very much NOT BDSM.

I dedicate my life to educating people about healthy BDSM relationships and practices. There's no way in hell I'd put a story like this into a BDSM category. That's not what this is.

It's an exploration of power, and how that power manifests in a specific, fictional, made-up scenario between two characters I created by putting together certain psychological triggers and dynamics, and just seeing how they fit. In fiction. Because, in the safety of fiction, everything is made up and no one gets hurt.

I get that people are passionate, and they get emotionally invested. But, while getting emotionally invested in a story is what every writer wants, I also want people to understand that not all emotions are positive and comfortable, and exploring those darker emotions, and mixing them with some of the more positive ones, is in intriguing idea as a writer.

Ricky intrigues me, because I've given him the ability to use not only fear and pain to gain power, but intimacy as well. I'm interested to see where that goes in the safety of fiction, where no one can get hurt.

At the moment, I'm not sure when I'll put out the next chapter of this. I'm still working on Written in Stone, and am more invested in that story than this one. However, it is interesting to think about where this dynamic can go. I don't really get much opportunity to explore the darker facets of psychology and emotion. So there will absolutely be a Chapter 2. I just don't know when.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
Excellent Fiction

Great story with quick setup that didn't waste time and nice detailed dialogue in the main scene. Yes, it's dark non-consensual power exchange porn, but so is fantasy snuff vore and reading that turns me on too. Well said re the difference between actual reality and exploring themes in fiction. Maybe there will be a flip in the sequel and Justin ends up with a pet chastity daddy. Or something else even more interesting... looking forward to it.

Busy54Busy54over 1 year ago

Thank you very well written. Needs a part two!

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Just an everyday Dominant living an awesome life. Polyamorous, with two wonderful submissive men. If you're here for Written in Stone, Literotica took it down without warning, so you can find it on my Patreon. The link is on my website.