Behind the Lines of the Were War Ch. 09


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Michelle looked up from where she was snuggled in under Renee's arm. "Alpha, is the new Beta going to be like the others?"

Renee understood her hesitation, she had bad experiences with the previous Betas in her pack. "Those men weren't real Betas. Real Betas protect the vulnerable in their pack with their lives if necessary. They help the Alpha and defend against threats. They don't use their position to bully or abuse. Just like a real Alpha is all about making sure the needs of the Pack are met and they are safe."

Michelle snuggled in closer. "I'm so glad we have you as Alpha, I love you."

"I love you too, Michelle." A few minutes later the little girl was asleep at her side.

Renee made a call to her brother and filled him in on everything that was happening. He encouraged her to take in Andy, she needed a strong Beta and her pack didn't have one. He also told her that they needed to meet with the other Alphas soon before Diggs could attack another pack. As she hung up, their little caravan was pulling into the Wal-Mart. Over the bond she said, "Buy what you need for a few weeks on the road, including luggage. We will get food for the road. We need to be out in 30 minutes, so make it fast." She held Michelles' hand as they walked in, she had never seen anything like this place.


West of Denver


The wolves ran for their lives through the woods. They knew full well what would happen when Alpha Diggs returned. In addition to the Painter family, Kevin's family and several others had seized the chance to get out of the Pack now that the war was over and they knew a better Alpha would take them in.

Meanwhile, back at the pack caves, Blake and his men did not hide their displeasure at finding the families gone. Blake looked at his remaining Betas. "Seal the borders, don't let them through. You three track them. I have to make a phone call." They ran off immediately, thankful that they weren't the ones who had to inform their Alpha.

Blake dialed a number. "Alpha, I have a problem..."

The conversation went as expected. Blake hung up, placed the phone on a lanyard, shifted and took off at full speed after his trackers. Failure was not an option.


Tucanos Brazilian Steakhouse Restaurant

Albuquerque , New Mexico


They had cleared out the Wal-Mart in record time, and new clothes and supplies were filling the backs of their vehicles. Wendy had filled two carts with medical equipment and supplies alone.

It took a long time for Renee to feel they were far enough away from the old Pack lands to stop for the night. The sandwiches from the Wal-Mart deli had done little to quell their hunger, so when they saw the billboard for "all you can eat meat" her Pack clamored to stop.

What the hell, they had the cash for a good meal.

She looked around the long table in the back room where they had been seated, the happy faces of her now 17 strong pack looking back at her. Well, nineteen actually- she had called Andy and Linda back and accepted them as well. Andy was going to be her second and lead Beta. She was looking forward to seeing them again soon.

The waiter came and took their drink orders and explained how things worked. "The salad bar is open to you, but the meats and side dishes will be brought to your table. Each of you has a wooden marker by your plate, if it is green the servers will ask you if you want what they have, if you turn it to red it means you aren't interested in more food right now. We have fifteen kinds of meat tonight, so pace yourselves."

Renee just smiled. "Keep it rare and keep it coming, this group is hungry." They were drooling already from the smells in the restaurant.

"Are you werewolves?" He shifted his feet nervously.

"Yes, but don't worry- if the meat keeps coming we won't nibble on your leg." She laughed, and he turned and hurried back to the kitchen. "Ok, everyone, let's strap on the feed bag!" With that they headed to the salad bar for their warmup. Michelle stayed by her side, and Renee helped her choose a little of everything so she could figure out what she liked.

By the time they returned to the table, a veritable parade of servers was lined up. Beef, lamb, pork, veal- the servers arrived with a sword full of meat and left with it empty. It was driving the manager nuts, he had half his kitchen serving just one table and they showed no signs of stopping.

An hour later, the red signs finally started to appear. "Madam, I am Javier the manager, I trust you have enjoyed your visit to our establishment?"

Renee by now was leaning back in her chair, her belly distended almost like she was five months pregnant instead of the two it actually was. "Yes, the food was excellent. I think I may fall into a meat coma!" There was laughter around the table, they hadn't eaten that well in ages. In wolf form, they would have just fallen asleep at the table until the next day. "I don't know if I want to drive anywhere, is there a good hotel nearby?"

"Yes, if you exit the parking lot and go three blocks east you will see the Southwest Hilton, it is excellent."

"Thank you. Can we have a few minutes to talk before you bring the dessert tray?"

"Of course, Madam." As he walked away, he decided that in the future they would have to have a "Were Rate" on their pricing. This group had put a serious dent in tonight's profits.

Kelly looked over at Renee and asked, "Alpha, have you heard anything from my family?"

"Not yet. I expect it may take them some time to get off Pack lands and make contact. I have a man in Denver who will pick them up and shelter them until we can get there."

"Thank you."

Renee smiled. "We are Pack, we support each other." She looked around the table at her small group. "I want you to know what I intend to do. Staying small won't work. Whether we merge with another pack or take in enough people, we have to grow to survive. We will need leaders, too; I can't do this alone, and almost all of you are Omega rank. Then there is the fact that I'm pregnant and a female Alpha is easier to challenge."

Crystal asked, "But who would we merge with?"

"I don't know. I think my old Pack in Montana would take us in, and there are several others closer. We have time to decide after we meet with the other Alphas. Our Pack is bound to change as you find your mates, too- some of you will be leaving to join your mate's Pack, while others will join us for the same reason. Now that the war is over, we can interact and move between Packs easily. This gives you the best chance of finding your mate."

There was a minor interruption as the dessert cart came by. Since werewolves find chocolate to be poisonous, there were only a few selections, but all of them completely decadent. The ten minute conversation had been enough for them to regain some appetite.

As they enjoyed their desserts, they considered how best to meet with the other Packs. They were going to one pack soon, but the packs were widely scattered and it could take months to visit them all, even if they got permission to enter all those lands. Patrick pointed out that since their whole Pack was traveling, it would be more of an invasion force than a social call.

Wendy spoke up. "What we really need is a central place to meet. We could get all the unmated from each pack in one place, we could find out if our mate is out there in a weekend."

Renee looked up, her eyes bright with possibility. "If we did it at the same time as an Alpha meeting, it could kill two birds with one stone. Having each Alpha and some senior Betas around would make the meeting more comfortable. We could have it on neutral territory. Hang on a minute..."

Renee got her phone out and called Andy and Linda. "Linda... do you think you could help me arrange a meeting for all the Alphas and unmated Pack members?"

Linda smiled. "Not only can I help, but I'll get my network to sponsor it and cover it. We could find a big park near Denver, something with a building for meetings and plenty of space to run and meet. It's a great idea, it's just what we need for the Packs to come out into the open. We could have bands, food vendors, there would be tons of human women who would attend..."

"What do you mean human women?"

"Hello... hot young Werewolf males, all animal lust and muscles, and love at first sniff. Humans like me have found mates among you, and the live coverage of my experience had huge ratings. Do you know how many women sick of the dating scene would go for the idea of a soul mate who will take her and never leave her? We'll be overrun. We'll probably get some human males for the same reason. It makes dating look like a waste of time."

"I see what you mean. We should probably invite some of the military leadership to the event as well, just to make sure we have all discussion topics covered."

"I'll start making phone calls, Alpha. How soon do you want this?"

"How about this weekend?" There was a sudden intake of breath on the other end, as it was Tuesday night already.

"That will be a challenge, but I'll find a way to make it happen. I'll call you back as soon as we have a location and start time. I better get going, my boss needs to know about this since he has the contacts I need."

"Thank you Linda, tell Andy hi for me and goodnight."

"Goodnight Renee." Linda hung up and looked down at Andy, whose face was nestled in her sex as his tongue did wicked things to her. He knew she had to take the phone call, but it didn't mean he had to stop his worship of her body as they relaxed in her Denver apartment. Now that she was off the phone, he pressed forward, determined to make her scream in pleasure. "Andy!! You are so naughty!"

"Hey, I'm not the one who hung up on her Alpha because she was about to come all over her mate's face." He grinned then dove back in like a starving man at a buffet, licking her slowly as he drove a lubricated digit into her ass. Her moans drove him onward, his thumb stroking her wet channel as his tongue did wicked things to her labia. He plundered her sex with his hand, shaking his head from side to side as he held his tongue flat to her sex. Her moans were continuous now, she had lost the ability to speak as her hips sought to move his tongue to her clit. He wasn't cooperating, using his free hand to hold her hips down as he kept her on the edge. Every time he felt her approaching the peak, he would back off a little.

It was frustrating as hell for her, she wanted to come and she told him so in language that would make a sailor blush. "Beg for it," he taunted.

"FUCK! Andy, please, just do it, please, I'll do anything, please..." It was enough, and he sent her over by sucking her clit into his mouth and tonguing back and forth on it as fast as he could. She screamed his name as her body tensed, lifting him off the bed before she crashed down again. Again and again her body tensed then collapsed, leaving her slick with sweat and exhausted. "Oh my God, that tongue is SO talented... you outdid yourself."

He smiled as he pushed himself up to meet her lips, kissing her hard and deep as she tried to catch her breath. "Roll over, babe, I'm not done yet." He gently rolled her over then placed a couple of large pillows under her stomach. His impressive erection trailed across the back of her leg as he knelt down, his hands reaching up to massage her neck and shoulders. His fingers moved slowly, drawing out the pleasure as she began a low moan. His hands kept moving inexorably downward, finally reaching her firm ass that he loved so much.

She didn't realize what he was doing as his hands spread her cheeks apart until his slightly shifted tongue pushed through her sphincter and into her back channel. "AAAIIIEEEEEE! FUCK! FUCK FUCK what are you doing to me?" She hadn't minded the anal play before, the feeling of a finger in her ass was a welcome addition, but this was so intense, so dirty, so unexpected. She was an anal virgin, and his attentions made her nervous but she couldn't deny the pleasure he gave her. She started to moan as she felt the start of another orgasm coming to the surface. Her reaction spurred him forward, and more of his tongue pressed in and started to swirl around. She knew then that there was nothing he would not do, no fantasy he would not fulfill for her. She tilted her hips up, pushing back onto his wicked tongue as he drover her farther and farther. She felt one, then two, then three fingers press deep into her dripping sex, doubling her pleasure as she buried her face in the pillow to quiet her screams. He continued his torment for a minute or so before he plunged his tongue deep then started to rotate his fingers back and forth within her, his knuckles spinning around quickly driving her over the edge. She lost track of time, forgot to breathe, and passed out from the sheer pleasure he was giving her.

Andy gently withdrew when she stopped moving, sitting up and stroking her back as she slowly regained her wits about her. "We have to work on your stamina, honey, my wolf hasn't had his turn yet." She moaned loudly, wondering how she would survive more attention.

"Food. Drink. Then sex. Clearly I need more energy to keep up with you." He chuckled and headed off into the kitchen to make her a snack. A few minutes later he returned with a bottled water and a warm washcloth. He cleaned her up then pulled some pillows near the headboard and set her upright. "Just don't think that baseball bat of yours is going up there. I'll never walk again."

"You'd be amazed at what your body can do when properly motivated and prepared, love." He scampered back to the kitchen before she could think of a retort.

Ten minutes later, the phone rang again while Andy was cooking steaks in a cast iron pan. It was Amanda, calling to see how they were doing. She crept into the kitchen as he updated her on what was going on with the new pack. His back was to her, in a T-shirt over cotton sleep pants. She silently approached, kneeling down as she yanked his pants down to his ankles. When he turned in surprise, she grabbed his dick and gobbled half of it down her throat. He caught the edge of the counter to keep from collapsing as his knees gave way. Her eyes looked up at him, shiny with lust and more than a bit of challenge.

Turnabout was fair play, she thought, hoping he was enjoying his phone call. As her nose reached his pubic hair, she knew it would be a brief conversation.


Tucanos Brazilian Steakhouse Restaurant

Albuquerque , New Mexico


The mood over dessert was rather festive, the idea of a mass gathering of werewolves had them all excited.

"Well," Renee said, "If we're going to have a get together, we need a name for it. Something catchy."


"Speed Wolfing"

"Wolf Fest"

"Were Days"

Crystal smiled. "Wolfstock."

"We have a winner!"


West of Denver


Blake caught up to his other Betas as they had surrounded a large group of wolves. He was shocked that so many would flee his Pack, and worried about his Alpha's reaction. He shifted and stood before them. "What are you thinking? Go home. Do it quickly before your betrayal is known."

Kelly's father shifted and faced him down. "The war has ended yet we still suffer. Do you know what your Alpha has done to my daughter?"

"It doesn't matter, he's the Alpha. His word is law."

"Not of us, not anymore. No man who rapes young girls is worthy to lead me."

"You can't just leave."

"Actually, we can. He is only Alpha because his Pack recognizes him as such. That animal forced himself on my daughter, leaving her bleeding and broken, just because he could. We have broken our bond with him. Alpha Johnson has already taken Kelly in, and she will take us too."

"You'll leave over my dead body." He glared at them, daring them to test him. The other Betas lined up alongside him.

A wolf in the back shifted and stood. "Don't do this, Blake. Search your heart, you know this isn't right."


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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Names, names,names. Do you proofread ar all? I think every chapter has had at least one name mixup.

You're better than this.

skippersdadskippersdadover 2 years ago

Another great one .

ausvirgoausvirgoover 4 years ago
Loving the story, but hey, is Linda's mate Andy or Eric?

It's hard enough to keep track of all the characters in the story without characters switching names on us.

I realize that you have a lot to keep track of too, but your editor/proofreader should pick up on name changes.

Apart from that, my other complaint is that the story's too addictive!

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I know the next chapter has already been written but I'm praying that no more innocent wolves are killed. There's already been enough loss to fill 2 books! That being said you've become my new favorite writer! I wouldn't care so much if you hadn't done such a great job building characters worth crying over. Thanks for such great storytelling.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

Didn't see that coming lol. Just fantastic. Thank you really good story.

partwolfpartwolfalmost 9 years agoAuthor
The final chapter has been submitted

and should be up in a day or two. Thanks for the feedback, please keep it coming.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
great chapter

I hope Alpha Diggs gets what's coming to him. Please don't let the ones who left the pack get killed by Diggs' betas!! looking forward to the next chapter.

partwolfpartwolfalmost 9 years agoAuthor

Thank you for the feedback, I appreciate the hard work the authors here put in now that I've tried it!!

I've got another twist in the genre I'm working through for the next series.

partwolfpartwolfalmost 9 years agoAuthor
This is the penultimate chapter

Next one will wrap up this story. Where do you think it will go?

cliuincliuinalmost 9 years ago

Nice turn of events ...

SultrychocolatesistaSultrychocolatesistaalmost 9 years ago
Loving it !

Your take on the Were Nation is unique and I wish I had thought of it first. ( smile).

Keep up the good work, I am waiting anxiously for your next installment.

partwolfpartwolfalmost 9 years agoAuthor
Had to be done.

Having Renee with her own pack and new problems, plus those people that end up dead.

Don't hold back on feedback, I'm working on being a better author and I'm an attention whore.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Too many

Names changed. Hard to follow. Other wise I like the flow of the story and looking forward to Stanley getting a good butt kicking.

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