Being the Bear


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"Sounds like a plan." Snake stepped into the tub, his cock floating up with the rising water until he sat fully down. René and Vic both gave appreciative looks at Snake's endowment. "NICE meat," they both said together, and then broke out laughing. Soon everyone was chuckling or giggling.

"We're all getting punchy," Mitch said, his arm over Walt's shoulder. Walt's paw was lazily stroking Mitch's leg, which was pressed tight against Vic's.

"We're all tired... more than we think." Boris yawned. "It has truly been an adventure." The talk continued in fits and starts, discussing the events of the past days, analysing characters, with Rick adding some details that were unknown to the others. Snake filled in a little about his family and personal history, but all the bears truly were tired, and it wasn't long before they were all stifling yawns. The periods of silence lengthened.

"I could stay here all night," Robert said, sighing, eyes closed.

"You would look like a prune. A winkled, furry prune," Boris said with a smile.

Robert opened one eye and gave Boris a look that said, 'Later for you!'

"Well, I am for bed," René said, looking directly at Vic. His foot was rubbing Vic's from across the tub. Vic looked at Walt and Mitch.

"Go, papa," Walt said, nudging the blond bear in the side. Mitch nodded, too. "Go."

Vic rose up, his cock at half staff in spite of his sleepiness. His lighter skin coloring meant that his thick cock was more pinkish in color, and even the tip that was just starting to peek out of its shrouding foreskin was lighter than the other bear's. "Come on, you French talking bastard. There's a big ol' bed up in that dorm room Boris added upstairs that should hold the two of us nicely. You can correct my French. I haven't used it for years."

The two ambled up the stairs, Vic talking about water lilies and gardens and cranky old painters.

Mitch and Walt looked at each other. "Time for us to hit the sack, too, I think," Walt said, fondling Mitch's nut sack. "Thought you were tired! Horny papa bear!" Mitch grinned back. They both got up and reached for towels to dry off with as they went upstairs to the room they had occupied when they first arrived. Moose and Rusty soon followed. It was evident that they had been stroking each other under the water. Both were hard and fully erect as they padded up the stairs. Rusty's reddish-blond fur contrasted nicely with Moose's much darker, auburn coloring.

"Horny bears... gotta love'em!" Robert poked Boris in the belly. "Time for bed, big guy."

Boris grunted and patted Robert's leg. "You are right, we should all get some rest." He heaved his bulk up and extended a hairy paw to Rick as Robert climbed out and reached for towels.

"Did Boris show you the bedrooms?" Robert asked. "No? No matter, just follow us."

"Um, I think I'll just hit the sack out on the couch," Rick said. He carefully placed the towel on the shelf after drying off. Robert quietly whispered in Boris's ear and the big bear nodded.

"Rick, you are of course welcome to sleep on your own if you prefer, but there is no need to sleep on the couch. There are several beds for you upstairs in the large guest dorm if you wish to use one. But Robert and I would be pleased if you spent the night with us." Boris looked at Rick, hoping the younger bear could overcome his reticence.

"I don't want to intrude, and, well, I kinda.... I mean I...." Rick's voice trailed off.

"Rick, there'll be no pressure, just you sleeping with two bears at your side, warm and comfy. Better to sleep with someone, don't you think?" Robert said. Both he and Boris felt that Rick needed security and support just now. "You can always head upstairs if you change your mind."

Rick hesitated, then nodded. He knew that Boris and Robert meant well, but he wasn't sure he was ready to let others into his life just yet. He followed the two to their bedroom. The large, fur-covered bed was in the center of one wall, lit by two low bedside lamps. The room was spacious without seeming huge. A partially open door to one side obviously led to a bathroom, and another pair probably to closets. A fireplace on the opposite wall completed the cozy room. Boris and Robert drew back the covers and Boris indicated that Rick should climb in. Then he and Robert joined him, settling in comfortably, each laying a paw on Rick's chest and belly. Rick at first felt as if he was being hemmed in, but then relaxed, feeling safe and protected by the two big bears, one on each side.

"Just relax now, Rick. There is plenty of time to sort things out, to come to terms and think about the future. For now, just let the worries go. The bad stuff is behind you now. You can let it go."

Rick said quietly, "But there was good stuff too."

"I know," Boris said and brushed Rick's beard with the back of his hand, "but good and bad, it is done now and we want you to know that you have a place here if you want it."

"Both of us agree on that." Robert said patting Rick's chest.

"I'll think about it." Rick said and stifled a yawn.

Boris's deep voice seemed to lull Rick's senses. The scent that rose from the bedcovers, or maybe from the two bears themselves, seemed warm and spicy, and reminded Rick somehow of baking and Christmas... pine trees and cider and cookies in the kitchen. The sense memory comforted Rick and helped him off to quiet, peaceful sleep, the first in a long time.

"Night," he mumbled as sleep overtook him. Robert and Boris smiled and cuddled close to the younger bear.

Back at the hot tub, Larry woke from a light doze and looked at Snake. "Hey, looks like it's just us good ol' boys."

"Yeah, the others all went off to bed, though I doubt if they're all sleepin'," Snake said with a smile.

Larry put a paw on Snake's cock and stroked softly. Snake nearly purred. "You minded to make use of that thing tonight?"

"You bet!" Snake was showing extreme interest in Larry's attentions, his cock rapidly becoming rigid. The tip broke the surface of the water, foreskin nearly retracted. Although he didn't know it, his libido was already adjusting to the changes that were beginning in his body. Larry bent in for a kiss, and Snake nuzzled the Texan's thick beard. The kiss turned into a prolonged tongue wrestling session. They broke, and each stood, their dicks and bellies pressed together, hugging and fondling each other.

"Well, call me soft, but I kinda like a bed under me when I'm doin' the nasty... wanna go upstairs and find us a bed in that dorm room Boris talked about?"

Snake nodded, and the two played grab ass on their way up the stairs. They crossed the dining and living rooms and passed the hall way leading to the main floor bedrooms and climbed the second stair case to the converted attic area. At the head of the stairs, they heard grunts and gasps from Vic and René. It was obvious in the dim light from the stairwell that the two had taken the first bed immediately across from the stairs, and were already far advanced in the typical werebear friendship rituals.

Both had shifted to half form and René was panting as Vic growled, "Oh, YEAH! Right there... that's the spot!" René's bulbous tip was rubbing up and over Vic's prostate on the in strokes, and the bottom of his cock compressed it on the way out. Thick, glistening ropes of pre-cum dripped from Vic's twitching cock. René made small in and out motions with his hips, stoking the gland repeatedly. "Oh, FUCK yeah!" Vic shivered.

"I am almost there, mon ami," René rumbled in a deeper than usual voice. Hunched over Vic's thick body, his arms were wrapped around the hairy bear's middle, his crotch pressing against Vic's furry ass. The dim light showed little detail, but the sounds conveyed a sense of urgency. "Zut alors, I shall cum!" René growled and drove his cock in hard. Both were oblivious to the others watching them.

Vic grunted and braced, while René hammered his ass and unloaded. The stubby tail at the base of René's spine twitched in time with his contractions. Vic could feel the heavy hot spurts of René's seed as he hunched against his butt.

"That is so hot!" Snake breathed, watching intently.

"Yeah, that Frenchman does a pretty good imitation of a top," Larry said quietly.

"No, I their fur and... and their shape." He turned to Larry. "Will I be able to talk when I'm a bear? Will I look like that when I fuck?"

"Oh, they ain't bears yet, leastways not full bears. That's what we call half form. You can still hold things and open doors and such and talk. Easier to walk and pee in that form, too. Full bear form, well, you are a bear and yeah, I bet you'll look just as hawt when you're a bear."

"Fuckin' hot," Snake said again.

"Well, you'll be there soon enough," Larry said, giving Snake a squeeze. Snake's cock twitched..

Snake looked up at Larry. "How long, you know, how long until I... until..."

"Until you change? Well, let's see. You fucked with that rogue about a week ago, and it takes about four months, so you do the math." Larry paused. "Don't worry, we'll be with ya." Larry looked down at the still half-starved looking man. "In the mean time, we need to get some meat on those bones of yours and I know jus' where you kin git some high quality liquid protein," he said, with a wolfish grin.

Snake didn't say anything but walked to one of the beds further along the wall. As they walked by, Vic winked a large brown eye at the pair and grinned.

Larry laid down on the bed and pulled Snake along with him. Snake put out a hand and stroked Larry's thick meat. "Could you, you know, change while we have sex?"

"Best not, son; at least, not yet. You're not were yet and I'd be hard to take, even in half form. I'm not braggin' when I say that... I don't wanna hurt ya. This is good for now."

Snake nodded and attached himself to Larry's upright member and began to suck and tongue the thick flesh, lapping up the sweet pre-cum that flowed from it.

"Damn, you leak a lot!" Snake said, looking up from his task.

"Less talk, more action," Larry growled. Snake happily returned to his job. Within moments, Larry was bucking in Snake's mouth, moaning and writhing.

"Oh, man... I'm gonna... I cain't.....I......AAARRUGHHHH!!" Larry's hands gripped the bed as he shot volley after volley into Snake's waiting mouth. Snake swallowed as fast as he could, humming and growling and holding on to Larry's legs as he strove to keep up with the flood of bear seed. Larry's tanks finally emptied themselves and he stopped bucking. His breath rasped and his chest heaved. Snake nuzzled the now-flaccid cock and let Larry's thick bush help clean off the stray blobs of bear cum from his stubbled face.

"Keee-rist! WHERE did you learn to do that?" Larry asked.

Snake just smiled and flicked his tongue a few times rapidly.

"Hellfire, I jes' figgered you got your name from that piece of meat you're hung with, but I reckon it's because of somethin' a bit further north."

Snake grinned. "I ain't tellin'."

Larry chuckled and pulled Snake up close for a cuddle. After their heart rates had returned to normal, Larry reached down and began pulling at Snake's cock, playing with the foreskin and teasing its length.

"Now, I want that in me," Larry whispered. "Bet you're right good at tenderizing ass."

Snake nodded and asked, "How do you want it?" His meat was hardening rapidly, with a big drop of precum making the tip slippery.

"Well, I like it any way, but I'm kinda partial to 'classic bear'."

"You mean all fours?" Snake was on his knees now, his cock pointing straight out towards Larry.

"Shit, yeah." Larry gave Snake's meat a slurp and then scrambled into the classic position. Snake moved behind him, spat in his hand, and worked it into Larry's waiting hole. He slicked his own cock with a combination of Larry's saliva and his own, along with own his precum. He centered his rigid meat on Larry's hole and adjusted his stance a bit.

"You ready?"

"More than ready, buddy. Feed it to me."

Snake paused, "I know you can't be a bear when you're fuckin' me, but..."

"...But their ain't no reason I cain't be when you're pluggin' me, right?"

Snake slapped Larry's ass, "Get to it, you horny fucker."

Larry growled in a bit deeper voice than usual, "Way ahead of you, son!" Larry took very little time, and as he changed to half form, Snake rubbed this hands through the growing fur, bent forward and began rimming the bear's increasingly furry hole. Snake had the odd thought of bestiality, but pushed the thought aside as Larry growled out, "Fuck! Eat that hole! Make yer Daddy happy!"

Snake eagerly obliged, stroking the growing bear cock as he did so. After slicking the bear's hole and nibbling on the stubby fat tail (which was met with a string of appreciative obscenities) Snake reared up, positioned himself and pushed into Larry's ass. It resisted for a moment, then opened. Snake looked down and watched his tip disappear into Larry. He slowly pushed himself in, an inch at a time watching in awe as his cock was devoured by the furry ass in front of him. A deep rumbling sigh escaped Larry.

"Oh, man! That feels so fuckin' great! And damn me but you're a long one! If y'all grow any from yer change, yer gonna have a monster, even for a werebear!" Once he was all the way in, Snake paused and waited, savoring the heat of Larry's gut surrounding his cock. Larry wiggled his ass and pushed back, letting Snake know that all was well.

Snake began to stroke, pulling nearly all the way out with just his tip still in Larry, and then sliding back in to the hilt. He was in no rush and stroked in and out with a pace that ensured his cock rubbed Larry's nut for as long as possible without being too slow. He set up a steady fuck rhythm, but varied his angle up and down and side to side. Larry was an appreciative bottom, and worked his ass muscles to increase the friction Snake was feeling. Each was working to make the ride good for the other, and soon both were sweating and moaning with pleasure. Snake didn't jackhammer, he kept his steady pace which both teased his own cock, keeping it just on the brink of orgasm, and built anticipation in Larry's ass.

By the time Snake couldn't hold off any longer, Larry was nearly whimpering with his desire to be filled with Snake's cum. He pushed back hard twice onto Snake's cock, the second time matching Snake's final forward thrust and ejaculation. Both cried out and shook with passion as Snake pumped his life into Larry. Larry's cock shot in time with the twitch of his tail and he moaned, sharing the orgasm with his new buddy. The spasms continued, slowly becoming less frequent. Finally, then both sank down onto the damp sheets. Larry kicked out his legs and lay flat, with Snake laying on top of him, still deep inside.

Larry turned his head to the side so he could speak clearly. "Stay in me, boy... don't pull out."

Snake grunted and hugged the bear under him. "I ain't goin' nowhere."

They lay like that for a long time, Snake nuzzling in the fur on his partner's back, drinking in the musky ursine scent, a scent that made him feel oddly secure and happy. But eventually the pair had to break contact. Larry, still in half form pulled a sheet over them both. Snake lay face to face with the bear, kissed him on the muzzle and nuzzled down into his broad furry chest. Larry wrapped his arms around the younger man and they fell into a deep sleep.

During that sleep, Snake's changing body and mind continued the necessary preparations for his first change, even though that was still some time off. Kyle was, of course, Snake's papa, the bear who had made him; but Snake had never had the chance to bond with him, and now never would. But the newly-developing were mind required a 'sire' to bond with, a sort of arch-type to model on and look to for guidance and support during the first change. He needed to imprint on an elder bear. One of the bonding mechanisms, in fact the strongest of them, was smell. Unconsciously, Snake nuzzled and rooted for the smell of the bear with him. He slept most of the night with his nose buried in Larry's armpit, inhaling his scent and pheromones. Silently but efficiently, unnoticed by either Larry or Snake, neural pathways were formed in Snake's brain, connections and linkages that would provide Snake with the image and identity of the needed papa bear to bond with.

Those same processes were at work in Larry too. The constant scent of a changing Cub would activate them. He wouldn't realize it for weeks to come but he was going to change, too. Some weres did, and some didn't, when they became a Papa; but Larry was one of those that would. He would grow broader shoulders, a thicker neck, wider hands with thicker fingers, and be thicker from back to front and put on a bit more weight giving him a round belly to be perfectly framed by suspenders. He'd get a bit taller, his nose would become a bit larger and his chin a bit more pronounced. His balls would grow larger and hang in a longer sack and his beard and hair would gradually develop distinguished grey markings. His attitudes and mannerisms would change, too; mellowing out his sometimes combative personality. He'd take on some paternal mannerisms. He would settle comfortably into being Snake's Papa Bear.

Back downstairs, Moose and Rusty were in each other's arms, chest to chest and belly to belly. Their cocks lay against each other, warm and slick with their mingled precum. They both sighed together. Rusty pushed Moose over onto his back, and nuzzled the auburn fur of the bigger bear. He found a nipple and latched on, sucking hard and tonguing it, lapping and nipping. Moose writhed. Rusty spent a lot of time working over Moose's broad chest and then moved down to his thickly furred belly, finding the navel and tickling it with his tongue. Moose's rigid cock, fully extended now, tapped at Rusty's head.

Without speaking, Rusty rose up on his knees and put one leg over Moose's cock and crotch, but didn't straddle his ass over the straining pole. Instead, he lowered his own meat, now quite large, to rub against Moose's. His body was still smaller than Moose's, and always would be; but he was larger, thicker, and certainly hairier than he had ever been in his life. He was pleased with his new bear body, in both its human and bear shapes. His weight settled on Moose, who growled with pleasure. Rusty began to hunch Moose's gut.

"Oh, I fuckin' love it when you fuck my belly, man!" Moose growled again, and hugged his lover tight to increase the friction he was feeling against his own cock and tummy. Rusty continued his fucking motions, the precum from both of them slicking Moose's belly fur so Rusty's cut cock slid more and more easily through the thicket.

"You, too, fucker," Rusty growled, his voice surprisingly deep. Moose began to hump in time with Rusty.

Suddenly, Rusty began to change. His strawberry blond body hair thickened and covered the few bare areas of his skin, his arms and legs grew heavier. The fur was nearly white, but tinged with a orange hue. His ears shifted on his head and his face began to transform itself, creating the bear muzzle. His eyes turned a deep brown. His cock flattened somewhat, and the baculum formed within. With some effort, he arrested the change so that he was in half form, still able to talk and stroke his lover's beard with paws that still retained most of their human dexterity.

Moose eagerly changed as well. His earlier problems with changing had been overcome, and he managed it now with more smoothness, if not the speed of more experienced bears. Still, he was beginning to enjoy the change for the pleasure of it, not just the end result. He, too, halted the process before completion. His now nearly full ursine head turned slightly so he could focus his own chocolate brown eyes on Rusty.