Being the Bear


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"Gawd, I love being this way with you," his basso voice rumbled. "Wish we could stay like this all the time!" His claws raked down Rusty's back, leaving red furrows in his fur that rapidly healed. Rusty threw back his head and did his best to smile with his bear face. His eyes closed in pleasure, as he continued to hunch Moose's belly, their cocks straining against each other, slipping next to, then on top of, each other.

Rusty picked up the speed, his eyes lit with lust and love. "Fuck me, Norman." Rusty started to move up so Moose could drive his cock into his ass.

"Aww, too late!!" Moose grinned, then groaned and thrust up and forward hard against Rusty's balls, crotch and cock. He gripped Rusty's back tight and shuddered as he pumped out shot after shot of scalding hot seed, filling what slim space there was between their two forms. The slick cum coated their bellies.

"Feed me," Moose rasped; and Rusty raised up and moved forward, offering his slimed cock, the tip flared and extended from his bear sheath, to Moose. He was right on the edge, and when Moose's elongated bear tongue touched the underside of his shaft, Rusty quivered and began a volley of heavy spurts. Moose drew Rusty's meat into his muzzle, using his tongue to wrap around the tip and shaft, its moist warmth stimulating the pole so that Rusty bucked and shuddered. Moose made the suckling bear noise as he milked Rusty's cock.

The spurts reduced in volume and intensity, and finally Rusty pulled out and sank back down on top of Moose, his belly cemented to his lover's, his beard meshed with Moose's, face to face. His legs were on either side of Moose's hips. He kissed Moose, long and deep. "Let's sleep like this."

"You mean stuck together?"

"No, doofus! Like this, in half form. I get off waking up next to a bear."

"You got it," Moose rumbled. They peeled themselves apart, and Moose and cuddled Rusty close to his chest.

Mitch and Walt were spooned, dozing. Mitch slowly surfaced as he felt Walt's hefty meat thickening and poking him in between his ass cheeks. Mitch smiled to himself and raised his leg, while hugging Walt's hairy forearm across his chest. Walt stirred and pushed forward, his cock searching for its home. Mitch let go of Walt's arm and reached back to help. He gently guided the solid tube of hot desire to its target. Feeling the wrinkled surface texture of his lover's pucker, Walt slowly pressed forward. He grunted heavily as his tip cleared Mitch's muscle ring.

"Gods, I've missed this. I'm so glad you can take me easily now," he whispered in Mitch's ear. He strained forward so his cock was nearly buried in Mitch's ass.

"Mmmmmmm... damn, you feel good, woofer," Mitch sighed. He hugged Walt's arm tight. "Slow and easy, OK?"

Walt nodded, and kept to an easy pace, using mostly his tip to stimulate Mitch's chute. He whispered in Mitch's ear all the while. "My cub. My hairy stud bear. My thick, horny bear of a man. My fucker. You feel so good to me. I love doing this with you. I love making love to you. You're my life. I fucking love giving you my seed. Oh, Mitch...," and his cum flowed into his lover, filling him as he hugged Mitch tight and pressed himself against his back and butt as tight as he could manage.

Mitch and Walt held each other and slowly drifted back into sleep. Walt's cock shrank and slipped out, but about half of him remained wedged between Mitch's cheeks. Their breathing kept time while the night sounds rose and fell outside Boris's house.

Later that night, Rick awoke. Beside him, Boris and Robert's soft snores and warm bulks reminded him where he was. He realized he hadn't been troubled by the anxious dreams. He had no desire to get up and move elsewhere. For the first time in a very long time, almost longer than he could remember, Rick had a feeling of genuine belonging. He turned on his side and was pleased that Robert did the same, so that all three of them were now spooned. Robert quietly draped an arm over Rick's middle and pulled him slightly closer. The rhythm of his snores resumed. Rick tentatively put his arm similarly over Boris's bulk. Boris grunted and sighed, and then hugged Rick's arm to his chest. Rick opened and closed his hand a couple of times, running his fingers through Boris' thick chest hair and sighed. In his half dreaming state he mused; he'd never known any man as kindly as either of the two that slept beside him. He put his nose to Boris' back and drew his warm scent in deeply, drifting off to sleep again.

The next morning, everyone rose at different times, so breakfast was a do-it-yourself task. By the time Rusty and Moose wandered into the kitchen, Walt, Vic and Rick had pushed the two bikes to the garage and we deep into an overhaul of both while Mitch watched and enjoyed the conversation. Larry and Snake were out exploring Boris's property, and Rene was still asleep. Moose and Rusty had stayed in half form all night and were still. Boris was in his kitchen, grinding beans for another pot of coffee. He looked up and saw the two pelted bears and growled in appreciation. "Nice! If you are hungry, help yourselves," he said, gesturing toward the pantry. Both bears padded over to the shelves and began collecting the makings of a bear sized breakfast. Still somewhat clumsy in their bearish forms, Moose and Rusty slowly changed back to human form.

"You're handling your changes well. Vic tells me that you have not had many opportunities to practice." Boris poured the water into the tank and set the machine brewing and the two began preparing their breakfast. Soon Moose and Rusty had heaped their plates high. Boris occupied himself with some clean up while the pair ate. When they were at last finished and more or less full, Boris sat at the table with them.

"If you don't mind, I should like to have a talk with you both."

"Uh-oh... sounds serious. We do something bad, Coach?" Moose sounded like an errant high school football player who's missed another practice, but there was a twinkle in his eye.

Boris caught that, and chuckled. "No, my friends, do not be upset. But I did want to chat for a bit." He looked at the two weres sitting across from him. "I wanted to say that I find you both much more than meets the eye." He looked first at Moose. "You have been thrust into unusual and threatening circumstances, yet you have remained calm and sensible. You have a steadiness about you. And in spite of your size, you move much more quickly than I would have expected. Back at the mine, you acted quickly to save your mate, pushing him away from danger. Well, I would have expected that. But you also have a large heart to go with your large frame."

Here, Moose blushed. He was used to his size being commented upon, but not to being praised for his heart.

"Once you were sure your mate was safe, you moved faster than I ever would have thought possible and put yourself in grave danger to save me. If it had not been for your body sheltering mine, I would almost certainly have been crushed. You saved my life, at the risk of your own. I thank you with all my heart." Boris looked straight into Moose's eyes. "If ever you need help, no matter what, you have only to ask."

Moose mumbled an embarrassed thanks.

Boris turned to Rusty. "You, my friend, are unusual; and I don't just mean your coloring. You have an ability I have never seen before in a were. Our senses are very acute, one might say preternaturally so. But when you knew the rogues were close to us, back in that town... You weren't sensing them with sight or sound or smell, were you?" Rusty shook his head. "I thought not."

"It was something...," Rusty started to reply, but Boris interrupted him.

"It was something else. Yes, I thought it was," Boris nodded

"But it's more. When I sense any of you, or Norman, it's.... clean. Fresh, I mean; not tainted. When I sensed those others, it was, well, not exactly dirty, but more unclean, somehow," Rusty said, anxious that Boris understand what was still puzzling to himself.

"Well, this is very interesting. It will need closer investigation, but that can wait for another time. I wonder, though ..."

"Wonder what?" Rusty asked.

"I wonder only if it might be in some way connected with your being a kermode." Boris looked thoughtful, and then laughed. "But, as I said, another time. I trust you both slept well, or at least got some sleep last night." Boris's eyes twinkled. "I get the impression, I cannot think how, that many of my guests last night slept rather less than usual!" He grinned wolfishly. Moose and Rusty looked at each other and smiled.

"What was your first clue?" Moose asked with a big grin.

"Well, the fact that you are covered in each other's cum might have something to do with it." All three roared with laughter.

"Now, you both know you are welcome to stay here as long as you..." Boris stopped as Rusty started to say something.

"Thanks, Boris, but we..."

Boris held up a paw. "No, I know. I was about to say that you are both anxious to get back to your home. I know you have plans and arrangements to make. But if you will allow me to make two small suggestions?" He looked at the pair.

"Shoot," Moose said.

"Well, I do not know if Vic has discussed this with you yet, but there will come times when you will feel an overwhelming urge to run free as a bear, to roam the woods and experience your full ursine nature. Do not try to suppress that urge. Honor it whenever and wherever you can. Such urges happen to all weres, and they are an essential part of our being. What I mean is, when you consider where to move when that become necessary, seriously consider a small rural town. Not just for the anonymity, but for the proximity to wild places. There are many bears who live in Canada for that reason, and a good number in your northwest as well. If you really think an urban setting is more to your needs or desires, at least consider someplace in this general area, Vancouver, or Seattle perhaps. Someplace within a short drive to wilderness."

"We have been talking about a possible move, but we haven't gotten all that far in our plans. I can go anywhere, and my Norman would really like to open his own practice. And he still has family, even with the divorce, so he feels a bit tied. It's all still up in the air."

"Well, give it serious thought." Boris sipped coffee contentedly. He wasn't worried about these two. They had shown a great deal of steadiness during the stress of the past days, in spite of their newness to everything. Boris had watched them carefully, and the bond between them was a strong one, likely to withstand the test of time.

"You mentioned two things?" Moose asked.

"Yes. Well, there is time for this, of course, but you will also need to be thinking about finances. You will live a long time. You, my friend," nodding at Rusty, "will outlive your pension. Of course, you can work at another profession, but some savings will come in handy, and I mean money you can put your hands on some time in the future, decades or even centuries from now."

"You mean a kind of trust?" Rusty asked.

"Oh, my no. Trusts are too closely watched and regulated for our purposes. Besides, we have to think long term. But there are ways. When you have had time to sort things out and make some plans, come to me and we'll talk further. I help many bears in this way, this is sort of my specialty." He rose. " And now, I think we should help Mitch with the cleaning of those vehicles."

The other two rose, and Boris swept them into a massive bear hug. "Welcome, brothers."

Chapter 13

The remainder of the morning and the afternoon was taken up with various chores and projects. Mitch left the motorcycle mechanics to wash the filthy vehicles with Boris and Moose. Rusty helped by cleaning the interiors. That job turned out to be far more time consuming than any of them had anticipated. So did the motorcycle maintenance. The bikes, Snake's in particular, had been through a lot without much attention being given to their care.

The next morning they were all up earlier and worked hard towards finishing the general cleanup. "That bike of mine has never sounded happier... thanks, man!" Snake hugged Larry.

"If you two can stop making out for a minute, help us carry these tents in here, will ya?" Mitch shouted. Laughing, Snake and Larry went out and each grabbed a tent and carried it back into the garage. Mitch and the others followed with other equipment that had been washed and dried out in the sun. Boris directed the stowing of the camping equipment they had used as 'camouflage' on the recent road trip. It was past one when hunger drove them all indoors.

"I have a suggestion." Boris said while stroking his luxurious beard, "There is a pond not far from here, just a half hour's walk. We can all grab food and drinks and make a picnic of it for the afternoon. I say enough of labors... time for fun!" Boris looked expectantly at the others.

His suggestion was greeted with cheers and whoops. He and Robert handed baskets and coolers around and the bears began filling them with the necessities of a bear's picnic. In no time, they were on the trail leading to Boris's pond.

The pond sat in a small valley, little more than a depression, but surrounded by stands of tall pines and a rocky outcropping to one side. The pond itself had a sand beach in a crescent around about half its diameter and was fed by a natural spring which kept it clear, fresh and cool. A stream ran from it further on into the woods. A fire pit that looked natural but in fact had been made by Boris and some friends the year before was placed between the end of the path and the rocks and in the middle of the widest part of the beach. A sturdy picnic table sat close to the rocks. The portable grill was set up and the charcoal fire started for the grilling; other goodies laid out on the table.

"Vic and I will watch the grill, you bears rinse off in the pond. I think you will find the water agreeable." The others shed clothes and ran for the water, while Boris and Vic worked on making spiced meat patties from the ground beef while the grill warmed.

Vic popped a bit of the raw hamburger in his mouth. "Mmmmm... yours or Robert's? I can't quite identify..." Vic shrugged. "I give."

"Ah, those are mine. It's just onion, some garlic salt, Worcestershire and a bit of coriander. Oh, and a dash of soy sauce. Robert makes a killer egg salad and a potato salad for which I've never found an equal. I think he put big tubs of both in one of the coolers."

Vic search for the salad and found it, along with the beers. He opened one and handed it to Boris, then took one for himself. He tipped the bottle of Moosehead up and let the cool liquid quench his thirst. He gazed at the others, frolicking in the pond.

"It's good to see them all playing so well together."

"Yes, we all seem compatible. I trust that we'll all play as well after lunch," Boris grinned.

"Spoken like a horny bear!" Vic hugged Boris from behind. "They're all naked, why aren't we?"

"Because grease splatters hurt, but that is no reason to deny me the pleasure of seeing your naked body," Boris said, smiling fondly at his cooking companion. Vic did a slow striptease for Boris, and was startled with the hoots and hollers of approval from the other bears.

"Go, Daddy! Go, Daddy!" Mitch and Walt chanted together from the edge of the pond. Vic threw a couple of hamburger buns at them.

Boris, laughing at the antics, tended the burgers. Vic went back to setting out the condiments and buns. Moose and Rusty, dripping wet from the pond and both sporting impressive erections, moved in to help.

"You two look like you were having fun," Vic said, handing Moose a package of extra large plates.

"Damn me, but that Snake's got a talented tongue. He shoulda been in the Navy, the way he snorkles." Rusty laughed. "He still looks half-starved, but I bet he'll bulk up nicely. Are those burger ready yet, Boris?" he said, peering hungrily at the grill.

"In a moment, my friend. Go call the others, would you?"

Rusty trotted off to let the other know that lunch was nearly ready. The stocky bear's fur glowed a reddish gold in the sun's rays and Moose looked after him, lust and love shining in his eyes. Rusty found René on his knees, sucking Robert. Larry was semi-reclined, sucking René. Snake was demonstrating his talents again to Mitch; Walt and Rick were cuddled leaning against the rocks, talking motorcycles, and occasionally fondling each other.

"Come on, guys. Protein shakes will spoil your appetite. Food's on!"

"C'est impossible! The appetite of ze ours is never spoiled!" René said but in short order they had all broken their couplings and crowded around the grill and table. Plates were filled, and the bears distributed themselves around the table, with the overflow sitting on blankets. Beers were passed around.

"These are great!" Rick said, nodding between mouthfuls at Boris, who accepted the compliment with a smile.

Snake devoured everything on his plate, but waited until others began reloading their plates before getting up to take seconds. Vic leaned over and nudged Boris and said quietly, "It looks like Snake is doing justice to a bear's appetite; did you bring extra?"

"Silly bear, of course I did. It wouldn't be a bear's picnic without 'extra'." He looked at Snake. "We need to get some meat and much more fat on him. I know it's weeks until he will change for the first time, but he needs to make up for lost time... or in this case, lost meals. I wouldn't be surprised if he has thirds or fourths and I'm not about to discourage him if he does. If he and Larry would stay with us, I could be sure he would be beefed up in time. But I am not sure that will happen."

"Oh?" Vic asked, raising his eyebrows. "You know something we don't?"

"Well, Snake and Rick are rather like, how do you say... 'oil and water'? They don't mix that well, and I rather think that Rick will be staying with us for a while." Boris smiled.

"You dawg! That's why you been pushing Larry and Snake together!" Vic play punched Boris on the shoulder.

"Only in part, only in part. Regardless, I think that Snake will be a handful. Even though he seems to have accepted his new circumstances, I sense he's troubled about it too. I think it's why he avoids Rick. I think part of him blames Rick for being changed, even though he didn't have anything directly to do with it. Anger, especially unfocused unreasoning anger, doesn't have to be logical. I also think he will do better with someone who's background is similar to his own. Larry fits that bill far better than either I or Robert would. Besides, have you seen the way that cantankerous ol' bear looks at him? That man is in love!"

Vic smiled, "Yeah, I think I noticed that only about a dozen times or more since breakfast. Now Rick, well, the world hasn't been very kind to Rick. He's had a lot of fucked up situations in his life so far. He opened up some on the way back here, and it's amazing he's not a total sociopath after all he's been through. He could do with a couple of good papa bears to show him that love he missed out on growing up, give him role models... standards to live up to." Vic looked at Boris. "I don't think he could do better than you and Robert."

Boris laid a paw on Vic's thigh. "Thank you. Both Robert and I have grown quite fond of him in a very short time. He's a genuinely good soul with an eagerness to please. I think with proper guidance he will overcome his unfortunate beginnings as a bear. I think he will do us all proud."

"Believe it or not, I've seen worse cases turn themselves around in circumstances not nearly as fortunate. I have a lot of faith that Rick will do just that. He's got an inner strength he's just starting to discover. All he needs is someone to treat him with love and respect and I know he will get that with you guys." Vic reached over and gave Boris a kiss. "You'll be great mentors."