Bell Hop Hooker?

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Making the college money.
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{More memories here. "Loving wives", other people's, not mine.

Right after my first marriage went down the tubes, I decided to get the hell out of Dodge so to speak. I grew up as a farm boy, got married way too young, did my bit in a war and managed to get a hole in me. My sexy wife turned out to enjoy sex too much and I found out she was spreading it around while I was gone.

Shit happens, oh well. But that was too much for me.


And I decided to go to college.}


College takes money, unless you do like I did. Military helped of course, not like they do today, but quite a bit.

I moved to Vallejo, California, to live with my Grandmother. They had a junior college there, a community thing and the price was.. well.. free!

Now that I could afford. Save the GI bill for later at some good school.

But, I also needed a job, and they appeared to be in short supply. I was early for school, something about there being a residency requirement so I was at my Grandma's place way early.

No money, no job prospects, what to do?

I had an Uncle, he worked in Reno and they had a spare bedroom. He was a bell captain at a major hotel, the surprise to some might be that the money was great!

Now, living in Reno would not exactly meet the residency requirements for free college in California.

Easy answer, just don't tell them, I was living with Grandma and only visiting my Uncle Mel if anyone asked.

Nobody ever did.


The hotel even supplied the uniform, the pay from them was not exactly all that high but taking a guest's bag up to the room was nearly always worth a bill or two. At least from regular people, I had one famous actor give me a quarter once, he had seven bags with him.

"Thank you sir, I will add this to my college fund." I told him, I concede with a trace of sarcasm.

He didn't even change expression.

Plus, there was no need for much training, let's face it, shove the cart into the elevator, ride up, take it to the room and unload, smile sweetly, get a tip.

Not rocket science there, except I really was not used to being around people much, even in the military it took me a long time to adjust. But I figured I could do it.


One thing, I was young, cute, well built from years working on a big ranch as a boy, plus the military toughened me up even more.

In places like hotels in Reno, it can sometimes be a bit like Vegas that has the reputation of being sin city. Not quite as nutty, mind you, but things happen.

For a small percentage of the guests, a young and cute bell boy can become a bit of a target. My Uncle Mel even took me aside and warned me about some of what could happen, big grin on his face when he did that.

The first week I was expecting to see some of what he mentioned, like the lady would answer the door in a robe, or just a towel, or very rarely, naked.

Nothing happened, nothing at all. So, I more or less forgot about that part, and did my best to please people, get those tips. That was pretty good, too, I was averaging around $30-50 per day. Not bad considering I was on the midnight to 8 AM shift, there were less checkins and more carrying booze or meals up to the rooms.

One lady asked for a sewing kit, I about fell over when they handed me one to take up to her. I found this very pretty young woman in a robe, a gown on the table, the zipper pulled loose. Then she asked me if I knew how to sew it up.

So, I did it for her (farm boy, don't ask, yes, I know how. I had to be able to fix clothes, we couldn't afford new ones.)

She handed me a $10 bill, my biggest single tip at that point.

I told the guys at the bell station about that, no one believed me, they accused me of getting laid since I was gone so long.


My shift boss was a woman, her name was Clara, she was in her 40's and about 200 pounds. Big smile all of the time, and easy to work for. The room runs all had to be relayed by order forms, there was no such thing as cell phones or anything like that back then.

So, I always tried to hurry, beat the other bell guys to her area, she would grin and hand me the good runs. I think she liked me, to be honest, she called me "sweetie."

"Got a bottle of Jack and some coke, to room 4112." Clara grinned at me as I came trotting back from delivering some food up to the Penthouse suite. All high rollers up there, usually just a buck or less for a tip. Why rich people are so cheap I don't know, maybe that is why they are rich? But at least food orders had a service charge, and that got shared with all of us and the kitchen. 10% of maybe a $20 order, split five ways? Hey, it counted up.

Room 4112 was one of the big rooms on the end, it had double doors and they were huge. Usually rich people in those, too, since they were $300 a night. But rich people mostly gamble, so they get the rooms for free, comped they called that. I never did get that part.

I mean, they give rich people free stuff and make average people pay?

Oh well, off I went to the bar, grabbed the order and up I went.

A bald guy that looked to be fifty opened the door, gave me a big grin. He had on boxers and a sleeveless T-shirt which did nothing to hide his somewhat rotund belly.

"Yeah, come on in, put the stuff on the bar, I will get you some money." I walked in, there lay a woman in the bed, covers pulled up to her waist, tits bare!

I know I blushed, I know I did. I managed to make it across the room, set down the bottle and the soft drinks. The guy was rummaging around in a suitcase, he found his wallet and pulled out a bill. I was trying to not look at the woman who just lay there, making no move to cover up.

"Pay no attention to the wife there, she ain't bashful." The guy laughed like that was a joke or something. Then he handed me the bill, I glanced down, it was a five dollar bill, normal was a buck.

Just then the woman slid off the bed and got up. She stretched, smiled at me, then walked across the room, poured herself a drink. She was stark naked, her rather hairy dark bush made that obvious.

I think I just stood there, sort of frozen in spot. She turned towards me, leaned back against the bar and took a sip of her drink, still smiling. I looked, of course I looked. She was about 40 or so, rather pretty, clearly in very nice shape.

The moment became awkward, I was staring, the guy stood there looking at me, the woman stood here smiling at me and I realized I was starting to get a boner. I thanked them, then managed to escape.

Back down on the main floor, I checked in with Clara. There were no runs, so all I could do was wait.

"Hey, Danny! How did it go with the Johnsons?" Clara asked me. I must have gotten a puzzled look on my face.

"4112?" She added.

"Oh. Man, the woman had no clothes on and the guy acted like he didn't care." I told her.

"Yeah, they come in about every 2-3 weeks, stay for a few days. They have lots of money, and he seems to like showing her off. I thought you would get a kick out of that!" She laughed, it was almost a cackle.

"Hey, Danny! Do you know how to do massages?" Clara asked me a few minutes later.

"What? No, not really. I mean, just with.. you know..?"

"Girl friends?"

"Yeah." I was blushing again.

"Wanna do one? Usually when the Johnsons are here, they want someone. The hotel doesn't have anybody on staff so I send up one of you guys." Clara was really grinning now.

"I don't know, I never..."

"It's easy. Plus, he pays fifty bucks, more if he likes you."

"Fifty bucks?"


"OK, I guess." What the hell, I could do that and getting another peek I wouldn't mind, either.

I half expected the call to come that night, it didn't. It didn't come the next night, either, so I forgot about it. Then, on one of my deliveries, I was headed back down when the elevator stopped on the 4th floor, and the Johnsons got on.

"Hi, how ya doing?" The guy stuck out his hand so I shook it.

"You on all night tonight?" He asked.

"Yes, until 8 in he morning."

"Great. See ya around." They headed off towards the casino section. I went back to work.


"Danny!" Clara called me at about 4 M. I had just dropped off some Orange juice, a whole pitcher to 3 young girls on the 21st floor that flirted with me with no mercy. It was fun, and I liked the blonde one, but nothing I could do about that.

"Got a job for you, 4112. They want a rubdown for Mrs. Johnson, and they asked for the cute kid. That's you." Clara was certainly having fun with the situation.

"Hey, I don't know about that..." I said.

"Danny, the Johnsons are high rollers, they spend a huge amount of money here. We need you to go up there and make them happy, got it?" Clara suddenly was not smiling.

"OK." I said.


I knocked on the door to room 4112 a few minutes later. I had no real idea at all of what I was in for, in fact, I didn't even have an idea of what I was even supposed to do.

I was thinking I would just wing it, play it by ear.

The fat guy answered the door, I swear he had on exactly the same boxers and sleeveless T-shirt he wore the first time I saw him.

"Hi, I am Danny. The office said you requested a rubdown for your wife?" I was trying to look and sound professional.

"Yeah, great! Come on in. Her back and butt is sore from sitting and playing them machines." He said.

I half expected the woman to be naked again, she wasn't. She was sitting at the bar, sipping a drink, fully dressed in a blouse and slacks. We looked at each other, for a moment I think I knew what a Mouse might feel like when the Cat comes around the corner.

"Uhhh? Where would you like to do this?" I asked.

"Has to be the bed, I guess. Go ahead and stretch out, honey." The guy said. She got up, drained her drink, then went over and stretched out on her back, fully dressed.

"You can go ahead and undress her, I get a kick out of that part. " The guy said, just as I was thinking this might be OK after all.

I sighed, sat down on the edge of the bed. She had on a blouse that buttoned up the front, actually a bit rare for back then, as most women's clothing buttoned up the back. I began to trip the buttons. By the 3rd one it was clear there was nothing underneath the blouse. I glanced over at the guy, he was now sitting in a chair, watching.

The woman lifted to help me tug the blouse off her shoulders, her breasts now bared. She really was nicely formed for an older lady, her nipples were dark, and an oval shape. There were some faint stretch marks, so I was thinking she must have children.

"She has nice tits, don't she?" I heard the man say, I glanced over and he was leaning forward because my back was in the way. It registered that he wanted to watch, so I shifted sideways to give him a better view.

"Yes.. uhh.. beautiful!" I managed. I was rubbing her tummy now, not sure if I should go further or not.

"You can go ahead and take her pants off, she ain't bashful." The man said. I reached down and tripped the catch, tugged the zipper down. Soft blue panties appeared, I was actually expecting nothing. I got her slacks off, then hesitated.

"These, too?" I asked. She opened her eyes, smiled and nodded.

Then began the very first massage I ever gave anyone, except for some partial rubbing and playing with girl friends and my now former wife, Sharon. I touched and teased, stroked her, did everything I could think of to make it good. With her husband watching the entire time. I had her roll over, so I could rub out her back, by the time I got to her very nice behind I had lost all of my shyness. Her legs began to part, I reached up in there and touched her causing her hips to come right up off the bed.

The next stroke up her legs, I let two fingers slide right inside. That was when I realized, the man had stood up and was looking right over my shoulder. Certain now that there were no limits, I fingered her for a very long time, and I am reasonably sure she had several orgasms.

Now, it was fun!

It was 20 minutes to seven when I got back to my station. I had spent over two solid hours basically playing with Mrs. Johnson's naked body while her husband looked on.

Clara looked up at me, grinned.

"Make any money?" She asked.

"Yeah, he gave me $200.00."

"Wow! You are kidding?"

"Nope." I held up the two one hundred dollar bills.

"Man. You must be good. Hey, maybe you could do me sometime?" Clara laughed.

"Can I have the rest of the shift off?" I asked. I was close to exhausted.

"Sure, no problem. Bill can handle it, things are always slow in the mornings." I left, went home and straight to bed. Already I was having some second thoughts about a new possible career.


I saw the Johnsons twice more in the time I worked at that hotel, then Fall came and it was back to my Grandmother's and college.

Both times, I spent close to two hours working her over, with her husband watching intently. He never took his clothes off, never masturbated. His wife never tried to touch me, although I expected it.

I had maybe two or three passes made at me by other guests, but I managed to escape. Watching the internet of today, one would think all sort of things happen in hotels with deliveries, and yes, some actually do. My experience was, it was rare. I saw titties a couple of times, got invited to join in a couple of times, served drinks to four naked people in a hot tub once.. and I did Mrs. Johnson.

I even mentioned Mrs. Johnson to my Uncle Mel once, he just laughed and said he did her once, also, bragged that he got paid $100!! I didn't mention that they paid me $200.

"Great fuck, isn't she?" He said. I didn't say anything, and I sure wasn't going to say anything to my Aunt Dorothy. Nope, I didn't fuck her, maybe that is why they always asked for me?

I just don't know.

More memories here, another one I have to say I am not real proud of. That was my almost 3 months as a.. prostitute.

But what I did do, was move to Portland, and register in massage therapy school.

Maybe I will write about that, we shall see.

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jimjam69jimjam69over 3 years ago

Sounds like good work.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago
And I Thought

I made a poor decision not to make my career with the phone company. Signed: BTW

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago

Eh, blah.

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago
Not my favorite

But a good story about an interesting job.

chytownchytownover 5 years ago
Good Read***

You had some fun. Thanks for sharing.

tazz317tazz317over 6 years ago

all live and exist by a different set of rules. TK U MLJ LV NV

prinnaveaprinnaveaover 6 years ago
Kinda of interesting felt real

Yes this sounded real life to me.

@ Anonymous AH's, cheap and and skanky REALLY??? There IS sexual interplay during massages occurring dumb ass, not explicit but subliminal in the skin to skin and though clothing touch. Why do think people sigh,moan,whimper at just a back rub? Because of the sensual feelings occurring,and the release of the tensions. Truth be known and if I am correct, 2-3 pressure points and a quick stroke on a limb or finger/toe can create orgasmic release with in the meridians.

@MGM ask your mate about meridians if you don't know. ;)

Oh, and tattoo artists are no longer in the back alleys. They're know has Body artists, the good ones anyway.

bruce22bruce22over 6 years ago
As always MGM entertains.

Interesting idea, that with would be lower priced than without..... MGM always educates me. I wish that I was not older than he......

gxnngxnnover 6 years ago
I believe it is a real experience

A Chinese reader, sitting before a computer in China, that is me.

The story is nice and real in my eyes, because in real life nobody would get whoever you are (a dirty dressed plumbman for example)for some bodily fun as we see in some adult films. The time of your story is an age of conservatism, I believe. Women's bush still existed in reality, unlike now all are shaved, which was something that keeps some mystery in store. Well, I like to read more of you. Keep going.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
Kind of interesting, and felt real.

But you make the art/craft of massage sound kind of cheap, or skanky. Like some sort of almost sexual interplay, but let's act like that's not the real focus, when it is. Maybe a few rungs higher than being a tattoo applicator/artist. I'm probably not being fair to those who take the job and skills more seriously. I mean, there really are women who Just escort men to social functions and act as hostesses at parties. But most are paid for the sexual aspect of their services, similar to masturbating a massage client.

But four marriages, and you're not a widow? What number and type of tattoos do you have?

magmamanmagmamanover 6 years agoAuthor

I my long life I have had my hands on at least 500 naked or partially naked women, actually, likely FAR more, at this stage of my life, I have no clue as to how many. Working even part time as a masseur is why.

Some of that is memorable, some of it is lost to the fog of time. Some involved sexuality, some simply did not.

Sexuality in one form or another is the one thing ALL of us have in common.

4 marriages. 2 of those were less than good. 2 of them.. excellent.

Just completely different.

Lots of ammunition for short memories, here on the internet I have hundreds of tales posted, not all here on this site.

I am 74 now, yes, I manage typos.

To those who enjoy my poor efforts at posting memories, thanks.

To those who hurl insults, I will gladly give a full refund.


AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
some readers just love to throw rocks

Hey it is Just a Story. I guess some think presentations here should be ready for big reward for posting. Read the story and move on with your life.. Golly Gee

Impo_64Impo_64over 6 years ago
Memories from a life...

Memories from a life...I liked it...No bulshit about it...4*

enderlocke77enderlocke77over 6 years ago
yeah what he said

second one that was bad coming from u, i liked ur earlier works. and some typos i can deal with but that, "Danny!" Clara called me at about 4 M. is a big one since am and pm both have m at the end lol. and mornings in hotels are the busiest time for a hotel, unless u meant the early am hours?

Xzy89c1Xzy89c1over 6 years ago
Someone hacked this account

Used to be pretty good, now, not so much.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
And then you decided to bore our asses off with your drooling.

Just quit. That's all. Stop. You're embarrassing yourself. You used to be half way decent.

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