Best Laid Plans of Dragons and Men


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Mason relaxed as the door swung shut behind Izagor, ensuring that no passing guests or hotel staff would notice there was a dragon in the room. "I feel like I'm starving. Thanks." He trotted over as Izagor put the plate down on the table. "Did you bring a fork and spoon?"

Izagor tilted her head. "A what and what?"

"Fork and spoon. Metal utensils you use to eat the food so that your hands don't get dirty," Mason explained, gesturing with his paws.

"Or so that's what those were for. Why not just use your paws to eat?" Izagor stuck out her tongue and licked her fingers. "Do humans not do this? Maybe that was why everyone in the food room was staring at me. Whoops. They also stared at me when I took all this food upstairs, but they didn't say anything."

Mason could easily visualize Izagor openly flouting social conventions inside the restaurant, much to the horror or amusement of the other guests and the wait staff—it was surprising she had even passed the dress code. He sat down beside the table and began eating. There were various kinds of meat and vegetables, and lots of bread and pastries. "Mm. This is madness—I'm a dragon who's snuck into a hotel, except you're the dragon who snuck into a hotel."

Izagor snatched a morsel from Mason's plate. "You see what happens when you mess around with sorcery? If you hadn't tried to make a deal with that demon, we would both be in our normal bodies right now. I would still have my wings, and you would still have your...hands or whatever it is you like about your human body."

Mason took a bite from a baked potato. "I thought you said you were an adventure-seeking traveller? Surely this counts as an adventure."

"I'm not complaining. If you hadn't been messing around with sorcery, we would never have met. And just look at this..." Izagor stopped licking her fingers and wriggled them instead. "I have fingers. Hahaha. They're so manipulative! I can poke things. It's actually kind of fun to be human. You all just go around eating buffets and riding trains and doing silly human things." She walked over to the room's sole bed and sprawled out on the large mattress. "This is so soft!"

"I'm glad you see the benefits of being human. And I have to admit that being a dragon has a certain...liberty to it, what with the flying. It's fun." Even as he ate the food, Mason was feeling contemplative. "Honestly, that might be why I even bothered with this whole smuggling nonsense in the first place. Because I don't... I'm not trying to brag, but sorcerers make good gold—it wasn't a shortage of cash which drove me to try all this...this transforming myself to fly across the border. I just wanted to do something more exciting with my life. You know what I mean?" Mason glanced over to the bed, and what he saw made him cough and sputter.

"Don't eat so fast that you're choking yourself!" Izagor said. She didn't seem to realize the source of Mason's sudden distress, which was the fact that she was unbuttoning her shirt.

After a few more coughs, Mason managed to recover. "Izagor, what are you doing?"

"You can call my Izzy." Izagor raised her head off the bed to stare at him. "I'm just taking off all these clothes. They are very restrictive." She shrugged off her shirt and tossed it over the side of the bed, leaving her upper body completely exposed.

Mason was almost completely speechless. He was trying not to stare, and failing. "But..."

"You said humans need to wear clothes in public, but this room isn't a public space. So I'm taking them off." After kicking off her boots and socks, Izagor pulled off her pants and tossed all the clothing onto the floor. "This feels so much better." After so many hours, it felt like a delightful relief to have her skin no longer constricted by the garments. She rolled around on the bed, enjoying the sensation of air and soft clean fabric against her nude body.

Mason dropped his gaze so he was staring at the plate, and he busied himself with finishing off the food. Whatever he had been saying before had now completely slipped his mind. "Uh... Anyway, it should just be a short flight tomorrow. My house isn't directly at Klosk Harbour; it's a short distance away from the town."

At the moment, Izagor was distracted by the bedside table. There was a control knob embedded in the furniture, and rotating this knob changed the brightness of the pair of oil lamps hung in the ceiling, apparently by controlling the amount of oil being sent from a central pipeline. She was finding it tremendous fun to mess around with the lights and make them flicker—even at the lowest setting the lamps still had small flames and didn't go completely out. Dragons didn't have much interest in architecture, but the few structures they did construct would have been lit by magical crystals instead of oil lamps. "Look at this! That is so fun. Hehe. What were you saying? Oh right. Is your sorcerer's tower on the beachfront?"

Having just about finished his food, Mason went to go wash his paws in the bathroom sink. "I don't have a tower. Not counting the Royal Academy of Magic where there's one big shared tower, only the richest sorcerers can afford their own towers. I just live in a house, but it is within a short distance of the coast, yes."

"Lovely. Maybe I'll go for a swim after I've gotten my normal body back. Not that I resent being a human. You seem like a pretty decent person, and all our conversation as we were flying was very interesting." Izagor stopped playing with the lights and lay back on the bed. "It's been a long and...unusual day. We should get some rest."

"Agreed." Mason sat down on all fours, lying on the carpeted floor. "I'll sleep here. You can take the bed."

"What? Why don't we both take the bed? It's a big bed." Izagor shifted to the side and patted the mattress beside her. "I can't take up all this space even if I wanted to. There's no reason to let all this nice softness go to waste. Since you're paying for this bed, you might as well use it." She reached down and tugged Mason's tail.

Because she wasn't human, Mason assumed that Izagor didn't know that two humans of opposite genders usually wouldn't share a bed unless they were married—this was a simple matter of modesty and protecting honour, but explaining these complex social concepts seemed like it would take a lot of effort. And although Izagor resembled a naked woman, she was actually a dragon, so Mason mentally shrugged and climbed onto the bed beside her. "Alright, fine. It is a big bed..."

Back in his human body Mason's habit was to sleep on his back, so he flipped over into the more comfortable position he was used to. He had to partially unfurl his wings so he wasn't crushing them. "Good night Izagor."

"Good night Mason." Izagor dimmed the room's lights. She snuggled up beside Mason and used one of his wings as a blanket, enjoying the somewhat familiar feeling of warm scales rubbing against her exposed skin. It felt good—when was the last time she'd met another dragon, let alone gotten the chance to touch them at such close range? It had been more than a year since she had enjoyed physical intimacy with other.

Izagor could remember that last experience clearly—she had fantasized back to it many times, as she relieved her pent-up tension with her own tongue or paws during her time spent alone roaming the world. Her last partner had been a drake with scales of muted copper, and she'd met him as they both flew over a mountain range just within the outskirts of her clan's territory. The copper drake had been young, eager, and proud; not so different from her. As they flew past each other and exchanged names, he had roared a challenge—first to fly to the peak of the range's highest mountain would win. The winner would get...well they hadn't bothered to clarify that part, but Izagor had gladly accepted the challenge. They'd sprinted up the mountain side, riding thermals and furiously beating their wings to gain altitude—it was a joy to climb so high and so fast, racing to reach the top of the world.

Since this was her home territory, Izagor knew the winds and where the updrafts would form; she had taken the lead, but at the last moment she'd slowed down just enough so that the drake could pull ahead of her and be the first to land. It was only polite to allow him the illusion he had bested her, and his thrill and excitement had been contagious. Before either of them realized what was happening, they were tussling and playing like hatchlings on the snowy mountain top. Then suddenly Izagor had gotten the bold idea to lick the copper drake's neck crest, and he'd licked hers in retaliation, and then the licking had become something else. It had been delightfully sensual as their bodies slid and rubbed against each other as they shared pleasure at the very top of the world. Her wings had kicked up snow as she beat them against the ground, lost in the trawls of ecstasy as she roared out in sweet orgasmic release...

Izagor suddenly snapped back to reality where she was not currently a dragon, but her arousal was undeniable. All her recollecting had left her feeling warm and restless. She gently pushed aside Mason's wing, and cool air swept against her skin. The space between her legs had gone all sensitive, as had the lumps of fat on her chest, but pressing her body against Mason's side helped sooth this itch ever so slightly. It was conflicting to think that she was actually cuddling up beside a human and feeling this way, but her body cared little for this fact—it felt like she was resting against a young healthy drake, and in every way except his mind, Mason was a young healthy drake. She found his body attractive, and in all their hours spent talking together, Izagor had come to like Mason—human or not, he was intelligent and meticulous, yet also curious and complex. All this flying across human territory had forged a certain comradery between the two of them, and it had simply been fun talking with him. They could just chat so easily; it was like they had somehow connected and understood each other on a deeper level.

If he had been a dragon like her there would have been no issue, but now Izagor felt conflicted and nervous. What did Mason think of her? Did he enjoy their time together as she did, or would he rather be rid of her as quickly as possible? What would happen after tomorrow, once they had changed back to their usual forms? Even if he did enjoy her company, was the fact they were of different species simply an insurmountable barrier? Did he feel that desire which she did?

Izagor wanted to ask, but now she found herself lost for words. The room was dark and dim with just enough light that she could make out Mason's form. His eyes were closed and it was impossible to know whether he was awake or fully asleep. Ever so gently, Izagor moved her hand and let it rest lightly against his chest. The scale plates felt smooth and regular as she slowly slid her hand, moving lower, and lower, and lower. All the while she watched to see if he would react, but Mason's eyes remained closed and his face expressionless.

Her hand moved until finally it bumped against something warm and rigid. Izagor turned her head to stare at Mason's underbelly, where his phallus had sprung out of his genital slit and was proudly jutting upwards. It looked exactly like how a drake's penis should look like—a long tapered rod of smooth scale-less flesh with a series of soft ridges, narrowing to a point, but with a small flaring ridge a short distance behind the head. The tip was wet with a tiny bead of natural lubricant, as were some of the ridges near the base where it protruded from the slit which normally kept it contained.

Not quite daring to think about what she was doing, Izagor let her grip slide onto this sensitive reproductive organ. It felt warm and slightly squishy under her touch, with a layer of soft skin and flesh running over a rigid core of blood-engorged tissue. Was Mason reacting to her touch and her close presence, or was this just an involuntary reflex caused by some dream state? Izagor glanced back up to Mason.

His eyes were wide open and he was staring at her. Not a dream state, then.

Izagor swallowed nervously. "Oh! You're awake..."

Mason nodded slowly. "I am. What...what are you doing?" His tail was twitching and his neck crest was raised, but it was unclear which emotion this was from—confusion, amusement, arousal, shock, or some combination of the above.

"I was know, that's actually an excellent question." Izagor bit her lip, but she didn't let go of the phallus she was holding. "You remember what I said earlier about us having to teach each other how to use our bodies? Are you open to a little...uh...exploration?"

Mason said nothing for a while, and the silence dragged on for a moment as he considered her offer. Perhaps he was going through the same thought process which Izagor had worked through—wondering about whether it was improper to be attracted to a someone who was not actually a member of your own species, even if they were in the body of one. Eventually he broke out into a grin, and he moved a forepaw to touch her side. "Sure, why not? If...if that's what you want, I mean..."

That was all that needed to be said. Izagor leaned into the contact, enjoying the sensation as Mason gently caressed her skin. She began to stroke his length up and down, using the newfound dexterity of her hands to spread the natural lubricant the gently dripped from his tip and his slit. She worked her fingers around all his ridges, quickly coating them with slick fluid and making him thrill as she focused on the most sensitive parts of his anatomy. "Yes, right there..." he moaned.

Then when she felt they were both ready, Izagor pushed herself upwards and straddled Mason's body, resting her knees on the bed just below his wings. She placed her hands on his chest to maintain her balance, then she began to slide back and forth, rubbing her genitals against his. Mason wasn't actually penetrating her yet, but she could feel pleasure beginning to well up in her body as she humped his rigid length. She moved her hands from his chest to his wings, holding the leading edge like a handle to help her move her body.

Mason reached up with his paws, but instead of grabbing her hips in a tight mating hold, he began to massage and touch her chest. Did humans consider their mammary glands an erogenous zone? Izagor didn't know what Mason was doing, but the contact sent to spark her arousal even further. She knew that drakes were very sensitive right on their penile ridges, and Mason was definitely beginning to buck and squirm under her continued motions. Each ridge set off a small pulse of pleasure as they rubbed against her vulva.

Eventually the desire became too much to deny—Izagor halted her humping and moved upwards, pulling her hips away from Mason's underbelly and his phallus. He let out a soft grunt of disappointment which changed into a pleasured moan as she sat back down and his tip entered her. "Aww...oh! Yes..."

That was it—they had done the deed. He was inside her, and they were mating.

"Izzy, this feels extremely pleasant," Mason murmured, his gaze half-glazed over.

"My thoughts exactly," Izagor agreed. She continued to lower herself slowly, gradually taking more and more of Mason's erection into her. His phallus felt warm and wonderful inside her, filling her up in a delightfully satisfying way as each ridge slipped in and sent tingles running through her body. Izagor kept going until Mason had fully hilted himself inside her, then she resumed her humping motions from before, rocking forwards and backwards to stimulate them both.

The pleasure was undeniable, and the sensations coming from her groin felt largely similar to those Izagor had enjoyed whilst being a dragon, despite being in a human body. It was the periphery which was different—she had no wings to spread, but her skin was all sensitive and Mason was touching her chest and rear in a distinctly sexual way. Normally Izagor would have entwined her tail with her mating partner's but now she had no tail and Mason's tail curled around her leg. There was a certain amount of exoticness that came with savouring sex through a body that was so different from her usual.

Mason suddenly blinked and swallowed nervously, as if he had only just realized what was happening. "What...what are we doing? I'm a human and you're a dragon, except that now I'm a dragon and you're a human... And we're..."

"Shut up and worry about it later." Izagor leaned forwards, bringing her head closer to Mason's. She had been meaning to lick his crest, but Mason surprised her by touching his muzzle against her mouth in a kiss—such a gesture was not unheard of amongst dragons, and she opened her lips and let her tongue dart against his. A human tongue was so much shorter than a dragon's, so his tongue seemed to fill up her mouth as she tasted him and he tasted her. "Mason!" she gasped. The pleasure was building steadily inside her, rising like a gradual tide which she knew was coming. Her release was imminent unless they slowed or stopped, but neither of them wanted to do any such thing.

Izagor used a hand to rub and caress Mason's crest, patting his head and stroking his neck. A dragon's crest was made of the same sensitive membrane which made up the flight surfaces of their wings, and it was highly sensitive to the touch, to the point of being an erogenous zone. Mason's eyes rolled back in his head and his tongue dangled out the side of his mouth as Izagor rubbed his crest, even as she kept moving her hips in rhythmic motions over his phallus. "I think...I'm going to..." Mason muttered, sounding almost surprised.

On her part, Izagor was in no position to reply. She was lost in the warmth and pressure and the slick smooth friction of their coupling. Finally a tidal wave of sensation hit and swept over her whole body, exploding out from her core in repeated bursts of overwhelming satisfaction. "Ah..." She gasped softly and collapsed against Mason, her hips dropping flat against his underbelly and forcing him as deep as possible, while she bowed over and her hands clenched down on his wing and his neck. Her muscles clenched up repeatedly, squeezing down on Mason's phallus with shuddering, squeezing patterns. Again and again her orgasm kept going.

Even as pleasure blew away all conscious thought, she could hear Mason repeating her name over and over. "Izagor, Iza... Izzy...Izzy...! Izzy!" His hips jerked upwards, driving him just the tiniest bit deeper than before as he obeyed simple biological imperative, and she could feel his ridges all trying to flare out as he too enjoyed the end result of their coupling. Mason let out a groan as he poured himself into her depths, his body emptying out glands and vesicles to fill her with his seed.

It was a brief eternity of pleasure for them both. Izagor felt her orgasm wind down first, and soon after Mason relaxed under her and dropped his head back against the bed. She pulled herself off his slowly deflating phallus which was retreating back into his genital slit now that its job had been thoroughly accomplished. The air was rich with the smell of sex and sweat. A mixture of their bodily fluids stained both their groins, especially Mason's, but both dragon and human collapsed against each other and held the other close. Neither of them moved to clean themselves up or do anything other than snuggle. The mind-numbing intensity of what had just happened had left them both too drained.

No words were passed. Responsibility and being rational could just...wait till tomorrow. Soon enough, they fell asleep in each other's arms.


The next morning brought with it unpleasant stickiness and awkward thoughts. Mason awoke before the sun rose; he rarely slept too deeply, and waking up early was his usual daily routine. What with him being a dragon, it was probably best if they washed up and prepared to leave before the sun rose.
