All Comments on 'Beth's Bathtime'

by bittykitty869

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AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Daddy's bathtime

The big black man pulls Daddy's skin over his scrotum tightly, and runs a razor over Daddy's skin. He gets too rough and nips Daddy's scrotum skin with the razor. "Now get your old, wrinkled white ass into the bed and get ready for me."

Daddy then gets an ass pounding. Afterwards, Daddy thinks to himself, "I should stop molesting and raping my daughter."

bittykitty869bittykitty869over 9 years agoAuthor

I don't really mind anon hate (figure it means i'm doing something right), but I'm really confused why people who feel like this are reading stories from the Incest/Taboo section.....

ThornQueenThornQueenover 9 years ago

I loved your story. Just ignore the Anon troll! Can't wait for more!

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Theyre complaining about the Non-Con aspect, not the Incest aspect, duh.

When people come to Incest, they generally don't want rape

StarFieldStarFieldabout 6 years ago
Mutliple Fetishes

Well there should be a smorgasbord section then. There's some really freaky people out there. I've written several stories with multiple fetishes and they're all still awaiting audiences. Such mixed arrangements ncluding bondage discipline, Domination submission, sadism masochism, bw-wm/interracial, menage-a-trois, non-consent/reluctance, incest-taboo, and now I'm even trying my hand at adding in the sci-fy/non-human aspect. I love stories with witches/love spells, werewolves/knotting, ghosts/hauntings, vampires/bloodsucking, paired with other fetish stories. It's erotica, (spelled p-o-r-n), it's not Sunday School class. If people don't like a story, they shouldn't criticise it; they should move onto something they will enjoy more. HINT: learn how to use the "tags portal." I literally NEVER waste my time on here reading stories I'm not interested in.

Marklynda2Marklynda29 months ago

The phrase 'cleanliness is next to godliness' doesn't seem to apply here but it sure sounds like a fun time. Another well thought out and written chapter. I look forward to reading the next. I appreciate your and your Muse's imagination and abilities to bring it to your story. Thank you for sharing your vision and talents.

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