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Wife seeks revenge for her husband's betrayal.
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I want to thank my editor Linda and my friend Janelle for helping me with this story.


Jen walked in to the Cotton Club, happy to see her best friend Ann. She had just gotten back from one of her many vacations. Despite being best friends since they were kids, Jen and Ann were very different. Jen was 5'8" with a tight, toned body and perky B cups. She had long dark hair and a natural tan complexion. Ann, on the other hand, was 5' 5" with platinum blonde hair and a very voluptuous body. Jen was shy, while Ann was the life of the party. Jen has been happily married to Jeff for four years. Jen and Jeff had met in college and he was one of the few guys who pursued Jen and didn't seem to notice Ann. Ann had just gotten out of her second marriage since graduating college.

Jen had dressed up for lunch; she wore a nice sundress, as the Cotton Club was a more upscale place than where they usually went for their lunch dates. Ann got up, and greeted her with a hug and a little peck on the cheek before sitting down. Ann had also taken the liberty to order drinks which Jen thought was a bit unusual. Jen wasn't much of a drinker but figured she would be polite and have just one. For the first part of lunch, Jen sat and enjoyed the stories Ann was sharing; she mostly talked about the great spa and the two guys she'd hooked up with on her vacation. Ann was a great storyteller as she was always very animated as she spoke, which only made her stories more enjoyable.

As the wait staff took away their used dishes, Ann ordered another round of drinks, despite Jen's protests. "Jen, honey, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but Jeff is cheating on you," Ann said, her voice switching to a very serious tone. Jen looked at her completely shocked. How could she even say that? "Here, look at my phone. There's a picture I took last night." Ann hands her phone to Jen. Jen stared at the phone and it was Jeff... dancing with a very young, pretty woman. "Do you know where he was last night?" she asked Jen.

In a shocked voice, Jen mumbled, "He... he said he was working late." She continued to stare at the picture as none of it made any sense. How could this be Jeff? He hates dancing... he never even dances with me. To Jen, dancing was her passion. Jen had been dancing since she was a kid with big dreams of being a ballerina. In college, Jen held on to her dream by being a part of the dance team. As she glanced at the photo again, it hit Jen that the girl's name was Lisa, Jeff's new secretary.

As Jen sat there in shock, Ann laid it on heavy. "I told you he was no good! He is nothing but a cheating bastard!" After a breath, she continued, "He was never good enough for you any way!" Ann's word rang true as Jen's world started to fall apart.

Finally, Jen looks up with tears in her eyes asking, "What do I do? Leave him?"

Ann doesn't even hesitate, "Fuck yes! But...not before you get even."

"Get even? What do you mean?" Jen asked, confused.

"I'll tell you what I mean. You have an affair as well. You've been stuck with that little shit for far too long! You need to learn what it feels like to be with a real man." Ann laid out the plan that Jen would sleep with a guy of her own and Ann knew just the person. Jen just sat there listening to Ann speaking so passionately again; it seemed like what she needed to do. The two additional drinks didn't hurt either, as Jen was numbing the pain with the alcohol. Ann pulled out her phone and started texting someone before telling Jen they were going back to her place.

Jen quietly sat in the passenger seat of Ann's car wondering how all this could have happened. How could Jeff do this to her? She thought their marriage was perfect. She took a part time job so she could work on their Fixer Upper house they'd bought with the hope that they would start a family soon. Ann kept tearing down Jeff, all the while trying to restore Jen's confidence. When they got to Ann's place, Ann poured some wine. As she handed the glass of wine to Jen, there was a knock on the door. Ann returned to the living room with two very young and attractive men. She introduced them as Kevin and Jason. The four of them sat there talking as Kevin began to openly flirt with Jen. Even in her drunken state, it didn't take Jen long to figure out that this was the guy that Ann talked about at the restaurant. Ann must've told him something; because Kevin didn't hide the fact that he wanted Jen.

Jen stood up on shaky legs and excused herself, dragging Ann with her to the kitchen. "Ann, I don't think I can do this. Maybe I should just talk to Jeff," she slurred. Despite Ann's protests, Jen was ready to leave when her phone beeped. She just got a text from Jeff. "Sorry honey, need to work late again. See you about 9pm." Jen looked at it for a minute, and the rage began to grow as she thought about Jeff dancing with Lisa, about Jeff fucking Lisa. She put the phone down, and she walked right up to Kevin and leaned down to kissed him deeply. Jen pulled back and whispered something in his ear as she took his hand and led Kevin to Ann's guest room.

Once they got to Ann's spare bedroom, Kevin kissed Jen and slid the sundress off her shoulders, letting it fall to the floor. As Kevin removed Jen's bra, Jen wasted no time wiggling out of her panties, fully exposing herself to Kevin. Jen eagerly began to strip Kevin; ripping off his shirt and tugging at his pants and boxers. Despite wanting this, she was still taken aback by the sight of Kevin's hard cock when it sprung free. It's not that he was really big as he was only slightly bigger and thicker than Jeff, it was more about what she was about to do and what her anger was going to allow her to do. She knew that if she hesitated she would back out so she just gave in to her emotions and started to suck his cock. She let her mind go and she stopped thinking about anything but sucking that cock. Kevin had to stop her after a few minutes as he felt himself lose control. He pushed her back onto the bed and began to kiss and tease her body. Kevin had some experience with the ladies and he was going to use every ounce of that knowledge to please Jen. Kevin's hands firmly held and caressed Jen, while his lips and mouth tenderly kissed her. The combination of firmness yet almost loving touch was just what Jen needed, for her mind to move from the pain of the affair to the pleasure her body was feeling. Soon, Jen was lost in the physical feelings. That was when Kevin kissed her deeply, working his unprotected cock into her soaked pussy. The feeling of a strange cock inside her was amazing and she came more times than she thought she could. Over the next two hours, Kevin took her three times finishing inside her each time.

Jen lay there with Kevin, her body a sweaty and sticky mess from the sex. Jen's mind began to sober up and the realization of what she did was upon her. She couldn't and didn't want to talk to Kevin; she just wanted to get away. She grabbed her clothes and hurried from the room to the bathroom where she washed her face and the tears away. In one day, her world had completely fallen apart. As Ann drove Jen back to her car, she comforted her and told her that she did the right thing. Jen got home and took a long shower while thinking about what she did. Being too upset to see Jeff that night, she took some old sleeping pills and just slept the night away.

By the time she got moving in the morning, Jeff was dressed and ready to leave for work. Not wanting a big fight before work, she just let him go. After another long shower and dressing, she went down to the kitchen to find coffee and breakfast ready for her. Next to her breakfast was a note, "Sorry, I have to work late again tonight but I promise to make it up to you next weekend when your parents are here." Crap! Jen had forgotten her parents where coming. Fine, she thought, she would have it out with Jeff next week. Plus, it would give her some time to get her thoughts together.

Jen pushed through the rest of the week, trying to survive and to prepare herself for her parents. She didn't want her parents to know anything about Jeff's affair as they loved him and would never believe her. So, she decided that it was better to wait. Jen started to doubt the affair even when Jeff continued to work late every night. That was until Friday. She was just getting ready to head home when she got a text message from Ann. It was another picture of Jeff dancing again. Sitting in her car, she stared at the picture when she noticed that Jeff was in yesterday's clothes. Jen was broken from her trance by Ann's follow-up text, "Come on over. Kevin and Jason are here. Kevin can't stop asking about you."

Sitting there for a minute wiping the tears away the rage again grew in Jen so she texted back. "Good I need a good fuck." With that, Jen put her phone away and drove to Ann's house. As Jen drove to the house, she focused on her rage. No longer did she think Jeff's affair was just in her head. It was real and she was going to start her new life right now. She wasn't going to wait for the divorce papers or the fight. 'Hell no!' she thought. In her head, she was already single. Jen marched right in to Ann's house, found Kevin, and kissed him passionately while dragging him off to the spare room. She freely gave herself to Kevin that afternoon and for each afternoon that following week.

For Jen, the sex was fun, erotic, and a substitute for her anger at Jeff. After each session with Kevin, she would head home feeling empowered and free. She hated confrontation, and fucking Kevin seemed like a good substitute to having the fight with Jeff she knew she would have eventually. However, when that day comes, she would be prepared. She thought she would already have gotten over the heartbreak and ready to move on. Jen even went and hired a private detective to get the dirt on Jeff.

The weekend with Jen's parents went well. Jen was able to hide the hatred she felt for Jeff and even acted like the loving wife she used to be. The acting was in some ways easy as it was only a few weeks ago she was the loving wife. Jeff also helped by being incredibly affectionate towards her. As part of the act, she even had sex with Jeff that weekend. During the sex, all she could do was compare him to Kevin and how she won't miss this unfulfilling sex life.

It was early that Monday morning, when Jeff called Jen to tell her he had to go on an emergency trip to help a troubled client and that he would have to leave that afternoon. Jen hung up the phone and was relieved that she didn't have to see him. After work, Jen headed over to Ann's as if it was the new normal.

Jen walked in, ready to have fun with Kevin. In fact, she even thought that she missed him. Jen was a little disappointed and shocked when she walked into the living room to see two strange guys. "Oh hey Jen," Ann said, as she got up and went to hug her.

Speaking softly, "Where is Kevin? Who are these guys?"

Ann just smiled, "Kevin is yesterday's news, Baby. I met these guys this weekend. They'll treat you really nice. Trust me." With that, Ann turned to the guys and introduced them. The guy's names were Marcus and Jamal. They were completely different from Kevin. They were both over six feet tall, very well built black men. As they talked, Jen learned that Ann had met them that weekend at a dance club where Jamal worked as a DJ and Marcus worked as a bouncer. Soon, Ann was cozying up to Jamal and they disappeared to the bedroom.

Jen never viewed herself as a racist but she was very uncomfortable with Marcus. His presence was just intimidating. Part of that feeling came from how he talked about knocking guys out at the club and selling pot and ecstasy. He'd said he was on a football scholarship for half a year before being kicked off the team and out of school for as they called it "violation of team rules and conduct." But in a strange way, that same intimidating presence was intoxicating. The whole thug slash bad boy image was irresistible and before long, Jen was under his spell and in the spare room with him.

Jen thought the sex with Kevin was amazing but the sex with Marcus was absolutely mind blowing. Marcus was so powerful in how he handled her body. His big strong hands on her body made her feel helpless, like his fuck toy. She loved how his cock was so much bigger than anything she ever had before and how it filled her. She loved how he fucked her like a wild animal, making her cum again and again. But most of all, she loved the sight of her pale white body entwined with his dark black body.

With Jeff out of town for the next two weeks for another urgent business issue, Jen was able to meet up with Marcus every day. The time she spent with Marcus was erotic and the most sexually fulfilling time of her life. Her time with Marcus also gave her the confidence she needed to finally confront Jeff.

Jeff had sent Jen his schedule, like he always does when he travels, as it gave Jen a way to get in touch with him if she needed to. This time, she was going to use it to set her plan into action. That Friday, Jeff was on the early flight back but he was going to go back to work, so she felt she still had the afternoon to get things in place. Jen had told Ann that it was time to confront Jeff and she wanted her to arrange to meet the guys that night. Ann was more than happy to make the arrangements. She reserved a good table for four at the Cotton Club for 7pm that night. Jen also had a bag packed in her car as she was going to stay with Ann until things were final. Jen went and got a new dress. It was red and very form fitting with just enough cleavage showing to make a guy look twice. It was definitely sexier than what she normally would wear. It was something she knew Marcus would love and would leave Jeff speechless as she walked away. Jen also got her hair and nails done just to make things complete.

It was a little before 6pm when she heard Jeff's car pull into the garage. This was her cue and with a final quick look in the mirror, it was on. She waited for him in the living room with her phone in her hand that had the photos of Jeff and Lisa dancing along with a few of her and Marcus. Jen was going to make it clear that two could play his game and she was going to play it better. Jeff came in the door a bit tired but all smiles at the thought of seeing Jen and to finally being able to spend time with his wife. He set his bag and jacket on the kitchen table before calling out of Jen. "Honey, I'm home! And, I have a few surprised for you."

"Oh, I'm in the living room and I have a few for you too," she answered back, mocking him.

Jeff eagerly entered the living room and stopped dead in his tracks when he saw her. "Wow, Jen, look amazing."

She just smiled a wicked little smile before answering in a slightly snarky tone. "Oh, thanks honey. What is your big news?"

"Well, first, here are some flowers. I know I've been really busy lately, but I want to make it up to you tonight. I got a promotion! All those extra hours and those last two trips sealed it. We will be able to finish the house and start our family sooner than later."

"Oh, that's nice," she answered, not overly excited but thrilled that her alimony check might be bigger.

"And to celebrate the 8th anniversary of our beginning, maybe even a bigger surprise for you. I learned to dance." Jen didn't even realize the date was the eighth anniversary of their first date. It was something Jeff always celebrated with her. In that moment, Jeff stepped toward her, pulled her in, and waltzed with her a few steps. While they danced, he said, "I have been taking lessons twice a week. I know I am no Fred Astaire, but I wanted to do this for you. I even have reservations for us."

Jen moved with Jeff, her eyes wide and in shock as her mind started to spin. She dropped her phone and Jeff picked it up, putting it on the table. Jen just stood there. All she could think was 'this can't be. There is no way it was just dancing. He was cheating on me. He had to be cheating on me.' Jen had tears streaming down her face as she thought of what she had done the last few weeks.

"Honey, we will be late if we don't get going. I know it's a big surprise but we have all night to dance the night away." Jeff grabbed Jen's purse from the table and walked her to the car. Jen was in shock as she climbed into the car. As Jeff backed them out of the driveway, all Jen could ask is, "How?"

"Well, it wasn't easy. About two months ago, I was talking with Lisa, you know that new secretary, and I was saying how I wanted to do something big like learn to dance. She said she grew up dancing, and she offered to teach me. So, for a week during lunch, we would work on a few basics in my office. Then, we progressed to going out dancing every Tuesday and Thursday. I invited her and her fiancé to join us. I thought I owed them a nice night out after how helpful they have been. I guess I am surprised Ann didn't tell you. She can't even keep a secret."

Hearing Ann's name was enough to snap Jen out of her trance as Jen looked through her purse. "What do you mean about Ann?"

"Oh, she saw Lisa and me out dancing. I didn't want her to get the wrong idea so I told her my entire plan."

Jen's mind started to race. Oh shit! She was supposed to be meeting Ann and the guys. "Where are we going?"

"Oh, the Cotton Club for dinner and a night of dancing. As much as you want, I promise."

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6King6Kingabout 2 months ago

Someone please FTDS!

EastCoaster1EastCoaster1about 2 months ago

There does need to be a second part...

...not so much for what happens between Jen and Jeff, but what happens/happened to Ann, and why she sabotaged the marriage.

Four stars.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago


KiwihunterKiwihunterabout 1 year ago

Brilliant. The ending was perfect. It may not be for those who lack imagination but for those who are intelligent enough to be able to think it was marvellous. Well done. 5 stars 🌟

hobie1010hobie1010almost 2 years ago
Someone needs to finish the story to BTB

And her friend

BH54BH54about 2 years ago

It was her so-called friend who betrayed her. Something needs to happen to the friend.

ZBSKRNZBSKRNalmost 4 years ago

Linda needs an ending

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Unfinished drivel

She wants to be a slut? That's her choice. But I think her husband makes his choice and divorces her.

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago

Great story but you need to finish it. A part 2 at the cotton club.

jtwheelsjtwheelsover 4 years ago
Friend who needs enemies

Stop and ask

Deserves what she gets

Content no scenario overworked

3 stars for writing at least put in effort

Jhbrown27Jhbrown27over 4 years ago
1, at best 2 stars

Sees her hubby dancing and lets her friend turn her into a BBC slut. Kevin will be so lucky to get rid of the dumb slut. Wouldn't want to keep some one that stupid around.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
Great story

Too bad all the readers are just too damn stupid to appreciate it. I guess they never heard of irony and double blind endings.

26thNC26thNCabout 5 years ago
Who needs an ending

To this trashy crap. LW women always jump to conclusions, and we already know what the revenge I'll be.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Author can't be bothered to finish the story then I can't be bothered to vote.

stillaonewomanmstillaonewomanmover 6 years ago
how about chapter 2

With a btb ending. Oh and Ann deserves her own place in hell. Whatca coniving bitch.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
The End!

They run into Marcus at the Cotton Club and the shit hits the fan! Jeff just looks at her and leaves her there. She is served 3 days as her parents post her bail for assaulting Ann.She later and finds out she's pregnant with Marcus Jr. What a dumb twat!

GoodhueGoodhueabout 8 years ago
A Trusted Friend?

I certainly see revenge coming,but not Jeff getting it,he'll just divorce the dumb twat.

Jen will be looking to burn Ann's ass for purposely ending her marriage!

And to really rub it in,she had to be set up with,you guessed it,a BIG-dicked jig-a-boo!

How many stories have we read where a single,slutty best friend leads a dumb friend to cheat on her husband?! Any husband who reads these stories is going to be prohibiting his wife from "Girls' Nights Out",drinks after work with her friends,going clubbing/dancing with girl friends,etc.

Do YOU know you wife's friends well? I mean,REALLY?

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
As others mentioned

The story is incomplete. Does he find out? How does he find out? What does he do? How about her parents? What happens to Ann, who obviously knew the real story? There needs to be a scorched earth policy dealing with her. Another story about a stupid cunt who doesn't get the entire story before she plans revenge. Very incomplete story.

sinsational83sinsational83about 9 years ago
what ??

There is going to be more to this story right? if not then why even write something just to leave it without any kind of decent ending. Your just like all these other wanna-be authors who start a story and have no idea or the talent to finish it properly. If and when you decide to finish this one maybe then it will deserve a rating, right now your no better than all the other suppose to be authors who have no idea how to write a really good story. And this would have been a good story in fact it was on its way to being a five star story.

Dramalover357Dramalover357over 9 years ago

I want more. Please continue.

Chief3BlanketChief3Blanketover 9 years ago

I gave this a three due to the ending being incomplete and the reader left hanging wondering what happened.

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