Betrayal of Privacy


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It was a muggy night for baseball. The humidity and high temperature had hung around for almost a week and even as the sun went down there was heaviness in the air. The stands were already filling up when Charlie and his mom made their way across the park to the lighted field where the teams were warming up. She did a quick scan of the stands to see what others were wearing and halter tops and cut offs were the order of the day. She had worn her white shorts with a loose fitting blouse that let some air circulate close to her skin.

Two summers ago, when she bought the shorts, they weren't quite as tight. Now she wasn't entirely at ease with the way they hugged her bottom particularly when she was out in public. When she saw the way Charlie's team mates stopped and watched her walk across the field she was feeling quite conspicuous. As they got closer to the bleachers she was aware that people there were watching them approach too. Some of the men had that sappy look that guys get when they are mentally undressing someone and a few of the women wore the judgmental mask of disapproval they reserved for attractive women they thought were competition.

The only place in the wooden stands not occupied was near the top row. She could feel the thin cotton shorts pull very tight and her loose shirt gape away from her body as she clambered up through the tiers. She worried that those in the lower seats could see the outline of her panties and the bottom of her brassiere. By the time she sat down she was scarlet from the heat, the effort of the climb and the embarrassment of being ogled. Thirty feet away in the dugout several of her son's team mates stood with Bobby and enjoyed the view.

Charlie saw his former friend cover his mouth with his hand and say something to the others that made them all laugh. Whatever it was, Charlie knew the remark was at his mother's expense. He stared hard at Bobby trying to disabuse himself of the thought that his friend might have showed them the pictures. He wanted to dismiss the idea as ridiculous but since that very first email, Bobby had not been the friend he once thought he was. Still, he wanted to think that there'd be no way he'd ever put him at risk that way.

It was 10:30 before the game was over. Charlie had sucked big time badly misjudging a fly ball and then throwing wildly to the wrong base to let the go-ahead run score. The coach had been pissed and told him to "get his fucking head in the game" and Charlie had sulked through the last inning and a half. In the ninth, Bobby had snatched the win back by stealing second and scoring behind a walk-off single to right.

On any other night Charlie would have been celebrating with him but tonight he could hardly be civil. His mood worsened when he made eye contact with Melanie and she mimed the word "panties?" and gave him that patronizing smirk. Turning his back to ignore her he scanned the disbursing crowd for his mother. His heart skipped a beat when he saw Bobby talking to her, smiling confidently at her. His mom seemed upset. While they were talking, his mother reached behind her back and removed Bobby's hand from around her waist.

"What the fuck is he doing?" thundered through Charlie's mind as his mother took a step back. She continued her animated conversation before abruptly turning on her heel and stomping off toward the car. Praying that their conversation had nothing to do with the pictures, Charlie started to follow pausing only when he felt Melanie's hand on his arm and saw her outstretched hand. She laughed triumphantly when he pressed the flimsy nylon and lace underwear into her palm. "EEEwww!! Dirty, dirty!" She mocked. "Peeled right off Momma's hot booty!"

Charlie was livid. He turned and strode away but not quick enough to miss her parting shot: "get the ones she has on now and bring them tomorrow...."

The ride home was silent. Charlie sat slouched in the corner while his mother drove distractedly through the traffic. "I don't know what's got into your friend," she blurted out just as they pulled into the driveway.

Startled back to reality, Charlie said nothing, waiting for her to continue. To his relief, she didn't. She just stomped out of the car and left him to lock it up. She made tea for herself and sat alone at the kitchen table while Charlie surfed distractedly through the channels on TV. At 11:30 she said a brusque goodnight and retired to her bedroom. Charlie waited a few minutes to let her get settled into bed before he slipped upstairs and fired up his computer.

Bobby was on msn and as soon as Charlie logged on he messaged him. "Hey bro' Wazzup? Pick up your cell. Let's talk."

"What were you saying to my mother tonight? She looked pissed," Charlie growled into the phone.

Bobby gave a cocky laugh and added "Chill out bro'. I told her she had nice legs and she got snotty about it. So what?"

"Jeez! What the fuck are you doing? That's just fucking stupid!"

"She had those fucking tight shorts on! Don't fuckin' tell me she doesn't want guys to look.

"That's my mother shit head. You don't say shit like that to her!"

"I didn't tell her she's got a nice cunt," Bobby snickered, "but I could have..."

"My Dad's away. I just hope she doesn't tell him you were fucking rude to her."

"' its okay Dude I'm coming over tomorrow to apologize."

"No fuckin' way. Stay the fuck away from her till she calms down."

It was hot again the next day and the radio was advising people with respiratory problems to stay indoors. Charlie laid on his bed and surfed for a while then pulled up facebook to see what was happening. He saw two messages and clicked on the icon. The screen flickered to life with a picture of his mom climbing up the bleachers in her tight white shorts. A second photo taken from the front had been photoshopped with a circle around the crotch labeled "Camel Toe!!" in large bold type.

The second message was text from Melanie: "I want those panties!"

Charlie felt sick. He wondered how he could end the torment. If Bobby and Melanie kept dicking him around his parents were sure to find out what he'd done.

He went down to the kitchen when his mother called him for dinner but the air was still frosty between them. He had to pretend that he didn't know what happened, not letting on that he'd spoken to Bobby. He could feel her looking at him, studying him but he kept his eyes averted.

After a long silence his mother put her fork down and said "I want you to stay away from Bobby Calvert for a while."

Charlie looked surprised and asked the predictable "Why?"

"He's just... he's forgotten his manners," she blurted.

Charlie looked dumbfounded as if waiting for an explanation.

"He's started calling me 'Julie' and he actually put his arm around me after the game when we were talking!"

Charlie stared stoically ahead. He'd seen her pull Bobby's hand from around her waist but the bit about calling her by her first name didn't ring true. "I'll tell him to call you Mrs. Benson," he offered.

"'s not...oh lord! Just tell the little pig to stay away for a while!" she snapped angrily. With that she jumped up and hurried out of the kitchen. A few minutes later she reappeared in her running shorts and a T-shirt and announced she was going to her Pilates class.

Charlie cleaned up the table and worried about how fucked up things were getting. He was upstairs going through her laundry hamper when the doorbell rang. To his disgust, Bobby, Melanie and Billy Norse stood grinning on the doorstep. Charlie didn't want them to come in but he figured he could get rid of them before his mother got back and that was better than having a scene on the doorstep.

"Got any soda?" Billy asked opening the fridge and making himself at home.

"Just some diet" Charlie answered.

"Whose is this?" Billy asked holding up an opened bottle of Gatorade.

"My mom's," Charlie snapped. "She'll have it when she gets back from her Pilates class so don't take it."

Billy grinned and bent down to rummage deeper in the fridge. It took just a few seconds before he carefully moved the Gatorade to where it was and made sure the cap was back on tight.

"So what have you got for us?" Melanie winked.

Charlie drew a wrinkled ball of nylon from his pocket and held it out to her.

"Hold them up for me," Melanie demanded. "Show us your momma's sexy little panties."

Angrily Charlie shook them out and held them up once again betraying his mother's privacy.

The fridge door slammed and Billy asked "What time does she get home?"

"About 7:30", Charlie muttered. "You guys better go. She doesn't like it when I have people in when she's not here."

"I gotta use the can before we leave," Billie announced.

Exasperated Charlie watched him sprint up the stairs to the bathroom. He wanted them out of the house but they didn't seem all that interested in leaving. Melanie was texting someone and Bobby was reading the SI magazine that had just arrived that morning. The minutes crept by and Charlie went to the bottom of the stairs to see what was keeping Billie just in time to see him appear on the landing stuffing something in his pocket.

Julie Benson arrived home at 8:20 tired and hot from her Pilates class. She loved the workout but regretted that there was no place there to shower. Her son was up in his room, probably on the computer, when she grabbed her Gatorade from the fridge and headed up the stairs to clean up. The drink was cold and tasty as she swigged it back, taking a long pull to quench her thirst.

Stripping off her T-shirt and sports bra she reveled in the cool air from the AC as it wafted over her bare breasts. The tight latex shorts clung to her sweaty body as she rolled them off taking her bikini underpants down with them. For a few minutes she ran the shower letting it warm up while she sat on the bed and finished the last of the Gatorade.

She felt a bit weak and woozy stepping into the pelting spray of the shower. She giggled as she stumbled and bounced against the tile wall. The water felt nice, soothing and refreshing all at the same time. She closed her eyes to let the needle spray bounce off of her face and for long moments she held on to the safety bar anchored to the wall. Her legs were wobbly and her focus was off. She tried to clear her head but her vision doubled and her voice sounded far off when she called out for her husband and son.

Her knees buckled and her arms took her weight as she slowly collapsed into a heap on the shower floor. A kind of euphoria swept over her numbing her limbs and confusing her thoughts. She wanted to lie down but her legs were folded under and she could only slump against the frosted shower door. She felt no discomfort under the warm pelting spray that splashed over her like summer rain. She wasn't sure when the rain stopped.

Raised voices prattled above while hands lifted her from the floor and walked her around on unsteady feet. Questions without answers from faces without names bombarded her while spikes of laughter penetrated the fog to calm her anxiety. She was aware of being naked but, in her blissful state, it didn't seem to matter. The faces were familiar but she couldn't place them. She thought her son Charlie's voice came from somewhere but when she called out to him she couldn't hear the sound of her own voice.

The quilt felt soft against the back of her legs but a thousand hands kept her from falling into the downy comfort of her bed. A hand on her breast was there and then gone before her own, slow to react, could push it away. Then another appeared pinching her nipple urging it to hardness while others eased her legs apart. A woman's voice was cajoling, coaxing, calling her slut, brushing her hair back and turning her face for the bright flash of a camera. Her thighs were pinned wide by insistent hands while fingers penetrated her unprotected slit teasing her clit from its hood until it stood rampant like a tiny cock posing for the incessant clicks of the shutter.

She heard laughter as fingers soaked with her excitement anointed her tongue pushing deep into her mouth until she gagged. With her nose pinched her mouth opened wide to draw breath into her lungs and a meaty uncircumcised cock slipped past her lips. Reflexively, he throat closed to halt its invasion and she recoiled to dislodge the thick shaft from her airway. A soothing feminine voice admonished her to "open wide and take it all," while long slender fingers with painted nails stroked her throat and told her to relax.

There was loud talk and laughter followed by movement as she was eased from the bed to kneeling on the floor. Hands gripped the sides of her head and a youthful cock painted her lips with precum. "Lick it off Mrs. Benson. Lick it all off. You love come don't you?" the mysterious girl enticed from somewhere nearby. "Stick your tongue way out. That's good! Reach for it..."

Julie Benson's attempts to speak were garbled by the pummeling cock. It pressed down on her struggling tongue and churned out the liquid sounds of saliva and precum that drooled from her mouth. She gagged and gurgled as each thrust found the back of her throat burying her nose in a nest of coarse pubic hair. Like a rag doll she lurched between the hands holding her under the arms and those imprisoning her bobbing head, while she gagged and moaned against the onslaught. A feminine thumb pressed hard on the point of her chin forcing her mouth to open wider for the fleshy column. The watchers clustered in close and began to chant "Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!" to the owner of the pistoning hips. The cock in her mouth vibrated with short strokes before easing back until only the crown was inside holding the dazed woman's tongue down. Slender fingers with the painted nails lifted Julie's hand and wrapped it around the pulsing cock adjusting the grip so her wedding rings would clearly display.

Charlie's mom choked on the first stream that bathed her tonsils, moaning in dismay and wincing as her mouth filled with unfamiliar cum. She gagged and grimaced as the youthful balls unleashed their slimy load coating her teeth and tongue while the onlookers chortled their approval. Melanie's soft hand solicitously stroked Mrs. Benson's throat and her mocking voice crooned in the woman's ear telling her to "swallow that nasty stuff now ... there's much more to come."

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
LeslieMcBrideLeslieMcBrideover 11 years ago
It happens a Lot

I'm sure that curious teens often find their parents naughty pictures and end up showing them to their friends.

A very erotic story. Many of us can picture ourselves in Mrs. Benson's predicament trying to contain the situation anf getting in deeper.

alisonffalisonffabout 12 years ago
Oh I'm loving this

....imagining myself as Charlie's me all hot and wet, thanks for a super fantasy x x

AnonymousAnonymousabout 12 years ago

Very good storyline. You're a good writer also. Please continue.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
begs for more

great story. the involvement of a girl to help with her entrapment was excellent and added another level of sexyness. i cant wait to read what they do with the new pictures.

patrickmorganpatrickmorganover 12 years ago
"Mikey Likes It"

and so does Mrs. Benson! Great story with just the right amount of evil to make the story fly. I like your stuff. Write more often

patrickmorganpatrickmorganover 12 years ago
Another Winner

I look for your tales every day and finding one is like finding a diamond in my soup.

This is one of your hottest tales but I think I've said that before. The women always seem real and their surrender is like we were right their watching adding to their guilt.

Keep writing.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Excellent story that begs for a sequel

I got a strong boner through all of it. Was just a little disappointed at the end. I was expecting a lower pace and more blackmail instead of the drugging and sex twist. But it is a really top story. Looking forward for a sequel.

photoflash100photoflash100over 12 years ago
I have read every one of your stories. and cannot wait for the next one.

I couldn't put this one down until I'd finished it and then I had to wake my husband up. My heart was pounding. I always feel an erotic kinship to the women you portray and I thank you for the realism you breathe into them.

urban_legend555urban_legend555over 12 years agoAuthor

Thank you for your support and taking the time to write. I truly appreciate it.

Literotica is such an odd site sometimes. It seems that comments most often come from people who don't enjoy the genre they're reading so I'm pleased that you've found something that strikes a chord with you.

I've noticed lately that readers tend to use my email address rather than posting something in the comments section (which is just fine with me). Also there is a preponderance of women who are in my email these days. I don't object to that either. It's just that, given that my stories often contain coercion and non-consensual themes, I find it interesting. I suppose it correlates to the comments I received from black ladies after The Breeding Shed was published.

Charlie has opened the door pretty wide on Mrs. Benson. Although the boys are having a lark with her, I don't think anyone is enjoying her humiliation more than Melanie. She is the character the ladies seem to identify with most. We all know that women like to hear dirty, embarrassing stories about one another, perhaps it's even more enjoyable when they engineer it.

Thanks again for your kind words.



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