Big Enough to be One


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When he was undressed Bette pushed him back down to his cushion. He sat in the lotus again, but reached for Bette. She knelt next to him and tapped on his boot. He moved out of lotus and removed his boots. He kept his eyes closed. He heard her removing her boots. When his were off and set aside he resumed the lotus and felt Bette straddle him. She was standing facing him with one foot on either side of his hips. He could smell the heady mustiness of her sex. It was only a few inches from his face. He leaned forward those few inches and kissed the outer area of her vulva. She stood very still, allowing, no, requesting by her stillness that he continue. He put his tongue out and ran it lightly up and down her slit. Two slow, gentle trips of his tongue along her slit and she moved, squatting down and sitting in his open lap. As she sat she grabbed his penis and inserted it into her waiting vagina. When she was completely sitting she was also fully filled with Miles. She moved her feet so that she could use her legs to gently rock back and forth using the place where they joined as the pivot.

Miles put his hands on her hips and then moved them to hold her hips at the back, just above her butt. The sexual union was full, and the energy coming to these two was powerful. From some distance away Susan could see their energy flowing out to the center of the clearing. She knew they were joining. She turned her head back to center and noticed two other sources of energy blooming. She turned her body to John and saw that he was pulsing with energy, and that he was trying to shield her from feeling it. She reached into his energy and touched him at the heart chakra, sending all her love to him. His reaction was powerful and immediate. He stood and very quickly they were both nude and joining. His energy grew as though it had been saved for many years for this moment. At his every thrust Susan met him, welcoming him, feeling him, and becoming him as he became her.

The energy of the eight people joining in this little grove gathered together in the center of the clearing and radiated out in every direction. It bathed each of them in a stronger, combined and added-to energy, that continued to increase in power.

John felt the orgasm in both of them approaching. He quickly passed the point of no return, leaned back and released a bellow as he orgasmed. Susan held his shoulders and also leaned back, screaming in her release. They didn't notice that Miles and Bette reached orgasm at that same moment, or that Josh and Rita did too. Marilynn was beneath Arnold and the power of their orgasm moved her off her cushion. No one noticed the sounds that they each made, but each was aware that they had not come silently. For long minutes they sat and lay in quiet, the only sound from them being their breath. They kept their eyes closed.

The breeze moving through the clearing finally found Arnold, who felt the breeze and started to laugh.

It began quietly, but as soon as it began it became infectious and Marilynn started to laugh next. Within less than a second the entire group was laughing. The more they laughed the louder and harder they laughed. They opened their eyes and fully realized that they had all made love, and that there was only love present. The laughter was simply a manifestation of the love they felt. Marilynn looked out, away from the clearing and saw deer, raccoons, rabbits and birds sitting in the grove watching them.

"Look", she said.

Arnold turned his head and saw the animals too. The laughter stopped as each of the people saw the animals watching them. "Wow." Arnold said, softly.

Later, after they watched the animals move back into the grove they turned to face each other. They dressed, wondering why as they did, but they did. Then Josh said, to the group, "I don't know about the rest of you but I'm hungry."

Susan laughed. "Every time we make love this man wants to eat." Then she realized the double meaning of what she said and they all laughed.

Later, as they finished setting up the lunch in the center of the clearing they began talking about what had happened. John began. He was barefoot and wearing his shirt and jeans, sitting at one corner of the blanket where lunch was spread out before them. He looked across the banquet at Susan and spoke, softly.

"There are moments in life that are bigger than even imagination could anticipate. This morning has been one of those moments. Perhaps I have so little experience with great sex that I have little ability to evaluate what has happened here, but I feel like something beyond normal experience has happened here. All I can really say is, thank you."

Susan had tears running down her face too as she responded, "Oh John, I think your experience with sex is like all of ours, sadly lacking in the area of spiritual sex, connected sex, truly loving sex."

"I think Susan is right." Miles said. "Something very weird has happened here. I used to be a very jealous man. I used to blame Marilynn whenever some man paid attention to her. Before we got married we broke up twice over incidents where men hit on her at parties. Now we are here with all of you and well, I, I'm not jealous. I know Marilynn loves me, and I know she loves each of you too. And I love each of you too."

"My experience with meditation has always been subtle. I have often wondered after a meditation if I really meditated." Marilynn said, looking from person to person around the circle. "Yet when we left the van and started walking into this grove I knew this would be different. When we walked I felt like we were becoming a part of the forest. I don't know what that means but it is what I felt. When we saw the deer and the raccoons and the butterflies I knew that it was because we were so centered. When we sat down and started meditating I went so deep that I heard things from spirit I've never heard before. Not words. I knew that spirit wanted us to do what we did. I knew that it was important that we did it, and that we felt what we felt."

"Can you tell us what you felt when you were making love?" Josh asked.

"I can try." Marilynn answered. "I felt the energy of the grove as soon as we entered it, and the deeper we walked into the grove the more welcomed I felt. It was as though I were becoming the grove, as though I was no longer an observer of nature, but really a part of nature. When we sat and closed our eyes I could feel that Arnold and I had known each other for many lifetimes, had already loved each other for a long time, and that we had been not telling ourselves the truth about that love. I felt his energy flowing into me through my hand and it was like some warm liquid that seemed to fill and warm me as it flowed throughout my body. The last place it touched was my genitals. As soon as it reached me there I was instantly wet, instantly ready for sex. I'm not normally like that, it normally takes some time for me to warm to the idea of sex. As soon as that energy filled me I stood up and pulled Arnold to his feet. I undressed him and then we undressed me. I hadn't opened my eyes, but I could see us perfectly. I knew that Arnold has a scar on his right hip, and I knew that even if I opened my eyes the scar wasn't where I could see it, we were facing each other and it was behind him. Every touch was electric. It was like the energy we were giving each other was so strong that it created sparks. When Arnold entered me I felt like I was disappearing, melting into a single being that was not me and was not Arnold, but was a more complete part of the One. As we approached orgasm I began to feel not only what was happening in my body, but in his as well. I never even thought about what sex would feel like from the penis side. It is wonderful! When I came I cried out! I've never done that before. Never! The feeling of being the grove, being Arnold and me, being the breeze that made us laugh, the sunshine, is a feeling I can't find words to tell you about." She sat still for a few moments, then leaned over to Arnold, they held each other and kissed.

"I think that about covers it." Bette said. "I felt all that, and could not describe the feelings any better than Marilynn did. I've never felt love any stronger than I have today. I've never felt more loved, more loving than I feel right now. I don't want this feeling to end. I don't want to leave this grove, or this clearing ever." She paused, took a long, slow, deep breath and continued. "I know we have to leave the grove, go back home and back to our regular lives, but I don't know how to do that. I don't know how to go back to work on Monday and deal with all those people who don't know what this feels like."

"Five years ago I was at the end of a terrible marriage. The man I was married to was becoming more and more abusive and I had been thinking about leaving him for almost a year. He was the first man I had ever had sex with, and he never had made love to me. We had sex, not love. No. He had sex and I got used. When I left him I swore off men and sex for a long time. Last year when I discovered the church and started attending regularly I started meditating and feeling like I should have a man in my life. I dated a few men from the church, and a couple that asked me out who weren't from the church. I took two of them home at different times and finally someone made love to me. I was so happy, felt so good that I almost didn't want to go out in public. I thought everyone would be able to tell how happy I was, and think I was a slut." Rita was looking around the circle and holding Josh's hand as she spoke. "When I got into the class that Joshua was leading on deepening the experience of love through meditation, I didn't know how much better the feeling of love could get. The weekend after we started the class my boyfriend broke up with me, and moved out of town. I was crushed. But I knep meditating, kept believing in love, and choosing love. When I was asked to come on this outing I had no idea what a difference being in a grove would make to my meditation!"

Everyone laughed. Miles had been about to take a drink when Rita said this and he almost spit it all over the clearing. Fortunately, he contained it.

"When Susan sat in the back of the van with John I thought that my chance for any romance on this outing was shot. I had looked at the pairings and it seemed that John and I were the only unspoken for ones on this outing. When we got out of the van I thought I'd make my move to walk with John, but that didn't work either. Then Josh kissed me and I stopped fretting about who was with whom."

Josh smiled, and so did John.

"As we entered the grove I felt something really strange. An energy like I've never felt before. When the deer and then the other creatures visited us on the trail I felt the same feeling, only stronger. I wanted to ask if any of y'all were feeling it too, but I was afraid if I asked the feeling would go away. When we sat down here in this clearing, I almost couldn't breathe, the feeling was so strong. When Josh undressed me, I cried. He was so gentle, so careful, so slow! I have always wanted a man to go slowly, take his time about getting to the intercourse, until today! The instant he touched my shirt I wanted to tear off our clothes and get his cock inside me! So he takes his time! It was the most wonderful agony I have ever felt. I wanted to go faster and never hurry again in my life. Oh God. And when he finally entered me, I thought I would pass out. I know that I had the first real orgasm of my life right then. I could feel the muscles inside me quivering, shuddering, pulsing with energy. I felt warmth spreading everywhere in my body, starting from where we were joined. Then he moved, sliding in and out of me so slowly I wanted to scream! I thrust towards him as soon as he would start in, slamming myself against him. When he was close to cumming I knew it. I could feel the cum swelling up in his, our, balls and the tingling sensation of being out of control, cumming. Then I felt something so powerful, so overwhelming that I almost passed out! I think I screamed. I think that every cell in my body came. It lasted forever and was over too soon."

Rita picked up a half sandwich from the paper plate in front of her and took a bite. Suddenly she stopped eating and through the sandwich in her mouth she said, "And I want more!"

The food was eaten, the water disappeared as well and the day packs loaded with the scraps and papers to be carried out. Rita went back to the cushion she had been using during the meditation, removed her clothes and sat down. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. John watched her, then went to the cushion beside her, removed his clothes and sat down.

Bette walked over to her husband Arnold and kissed him. It was a passionate, wonderful kiss full of love and promise. When the kiss ended she took him by the hand and over to where Susan and John had been earlier. They undressed and sat down. Josh took Marilynn to the place where Bette and Miles had been, kissed her standing by the cushions and began undressing her, kissing each area of skin he uncovered. Miles and Susan met at the remaining cushions and undressed themselves. Susan reclined on the cushions and Miles was welcomed on top of her. He was already hard, and entered her easily.

Joshua took a very long time standing with Marilynn in his arms. He removed her shirt and bent to nibble on her nipples. She responded by shuddering and then allowing a low moan to come out. Her nipples tightened quickly and Joshua held her breasts in his hands as he allowed his kisses to migrate towards her pussy. Before he arrived there Marilynn had to lie down, as her knees were getting weak. As soon as she was on her back Joshua was between her legs and licking her. Marilynn had always loved having her pussy licked, and Josh was doing it just the way she liked it.

Bette felt like she was discovering Arnold for the first time. She knew every scar, every hair and every contour of his body, but was discovering that this man was new, this Arnold had new energy, was more sensitive to her and was more atuned to her wants and needs. He kissed strongly when she needed strong, and softly when that was what would push her higher. When he lay down and pulled her on top of him it was the first time ever. She felt his firm erection penetrating her, and she pressed her clit against him, hard.

Rita pulled John into her, reaching for the unity, the Oneness she had felt before. The Oneness was there and all of them felt it. The circle experienced the One as never before. The first time was surpassed.

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nightdragon1nightdragon1over 2 years ago

Made no sense to me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 12 years ago
Like mind

As someone who has taught about sacred sexuality for years (nearly two decades), who has attended and even led rituals where nudity and/or sexuality were a played a major role in worship all I can say is that this story covered the tip of the iceberg quite well. There is this and there is so much more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 13 years ago


PikkuKallePikkuKalleover 14 years ago
Another direct hit!

Although your stories vary a great deal in time, place and character, they all have in common concern for people's happiness and satisfaction, and the essential role of love. That is love both as physical--i.e. sexual--and spritual elements in people's lives. You show that it is important to be close, even intimate, with others, that that intimacy includes both physical and emotional aspects. Your characters' lives show that healthy emotional attachments are essential to successful living. In fact, I would estimate that the last thirty years of emphasis on the achievement of the individual--and that achievement measured predominantly by material aspects--have driven you crazy.

But I do have a bone to pick: please learn to pay attention to personal pronouns. How can one possibly write "He had let Josh drive he and his wife to the airport"? Think for a minute: if the protaganist had been alone, would you write "He had let Josh drive he to the airport."? I hope not.

But my main point is that you write great stories about characters you care about, and that care is passed on to the reader.

hongluobohongluoboover 17 years ago
Feeling the Love

I have been reading many of your stories over the past 3 days and they have all be filled with Love. They have not been erotically stimulating really (no hard on), but beautiful and sensuous, life affirming and very sensuous. Maybe its my age (52) and experience (am no stranger to esoteric knowledge, chakras and auras), so I didn't find the premise at all far out or unlikely. I was just enveloped in a warm sort of fog, a dreamy state that many of your stories leave me in. So again, I say thank you.

PEATBOGPEATBOGover 17 years ago
A super sensuous story!!!

What a fantastic idea - sex on a truly spiritual level! A little far fetched but that's what I like in erotic fiction! A super sensuous story with super spiritual sex - a nice change from most of the other work on this site. To me it had more value and a deeper meaning than sex for the sake of sex, and that says it all. Pete.

northbaybearnorthbaybearover 17 years ago
Reads like...

...some woo-woo New Age story. I've heard of this energy, connections. Sounds like Tantra. Different story from you, Scorpio44. Where did it come from? Sex on the spiritual level. Yet, that's like how the sex is in many of your stories, though not so obviously spiritual. Thanks.

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago

Just crap!!!

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